Variety (July 1923)

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Wednesday, JuJy 4, 1»28 VARIETY 39 1- THE BEST PLACES TO STOP AT X^eonard i-Iiclcs,^ Operating Hotels GRANT Special Rates to the Profeanon AND CHICAGO LORRAINE 417^19 S. Wabash Avenue i'l^ 350 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IRVINGTON HALL 866 West 61 St Street 6(40 Circle HENRI COURT 312 West 48th Street 3830 Longacre HILDONA COURT 841-347 West 45th Street 8560 Longacre. 1-2-3-4-room apartments. Each apartment with private bath, Dhone, kitchen, kitchenette. $18.00 UP WEEKLY—$70.00 UP MONTHLY The largest maintainer of housekeeping furnished apartments directly under the eupervlsion of the owner. I.K>€ated In the center of the theatrical district. All fireproof buildings. ^ "t f- Address all communications to CHARLES TENENBAUM Principal olTice. Hitdona Court, 341 West 45th St., New York Apartmeitta can te teen evenings. Office in each huilding. •;V .. Pioneers of Housekeeping Furnished Apartments (of the better kind—within means of economical folks) THE DUPLEX , 330 West 43d Si#eet \ ■.■■:;:r^'yy-\-^^ Longacre 7132 - ••='^^' ..:"r ../.■^■':- Three and four rooms with hath Modern in every paVticular. Accommodate three or more adults , i $12.00 UP WEEKLY YANDIS COURT - - 241-247 West 43d Street v : ■ Bryant 7912 ' ■■' "<-■ M..-' ■'':," ■ One, three and four room apartments with kitchenettes^ private bath and telephone. Directly west^ of Times \ Square. Room arrangement creates utmost privacy. ^ RATES: $17.00 UP WEEKLY Refet communications to M. CLAMAN, 241 West 43d St. THE ADELAIDE 754756 EIGHTH AVENUE Between 46tb and 47tta Street* One Block West of Broadway TlifAtt Pod* ^^^^ 'M^^^^wt^^^m^^ wm%^,%^ oi^a. 8trl«tl.T PrnreMafonal. Three, Four and -Flve-Room Hlfh-CUuM Famished ApMrtmente r>i«w«>«t Bryant tt»<W-l tffa PALACE HOTEL : 132-134 West 46th Street, New York City Centrally located, one-half block from Broadway Redecorated and Refurnished—Unusual Home Comforts VNDER SAME MANAGEMENT • Ws Welcoms Ntw and Former Patrons Phons Bryant 0816 A. B. GLABK, Manager ti ! A I %. HOTEL HUDSON ALL NEWLY DECORATED 9 8 and Up Single $12 and Up Double Hot and Cold Water and Telepbone tn Bacb Roon. 102 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY PtiOMi BRYANT 72t8-29 HOTEL FULTON I On the Heart of New York) 8 and Up Sinqte M4 and Up Doubts ■hower Baths. Hot and Cold Water and Telephone. Klectrle fan in eaeh room. 264-268 WEST 4€th STREET NEW YORK CITY Phone: Bryant SSSS-OSSt Oppoalte N. V. A. Phone: Lonsarre 9444—«8«5 THE BERTHA COMPLETE FOR HGCSEKEEPINQ. 323-325 West 43rd Street !jr-i .■•'^r Geo. P. flekaelder. Prop. FURNISHED APARTMENTS ored peopls barred sines It opened, has Changed its policy and will ad« , mlt the colored patrons to the upper balcony. A box-ofUce for the sale of these seats has been Installed on the east side of the theatre, half a block from the regular box-offlce. The «tory coming from New York that the ^rpheum's next season policy 'voul^J^ be six acts of vaude- ville am! a re.tiure picture iooked at «ret like a direct slap at the big Newman. This house has for a number of months been featuring several high class vaudeville and concert feature, weekly In connec- tion with its first run films, and has built up a most enviable clientele, which the Orpheum officiate have not been slow to observe. An analy- sis of the situation, however, would tend to show that the newly an- nounced policy of the Orpheum Is more of a defensive move or p«r- haps antagonistic action toward the- Pantages. which has been inclined to feature Its pictures over Its vaudeville showing. An illustration of this was demonstrated a couple of we<>k8 ago when the latter house plunged heavily with the Jackie Coogan picture, ^'Daddy," and busi- ness Just about doubled over the preceding weea. CLEAN AND AIBT NEW YORK CITY Privato Bath. 3-4 Rooma. Catertas to the eosafert ead eoBTenlenes •! the profcoalon. . , profcoalon. STEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC UGBT . • • ^ 91B.oe UP THE WELDON Broadway and 124th St. Recentlj Converted Into 1, 2, 3 ROOMS—BATH Kitchen' and kitchenette, newly and attractively furnlnhed throughout, Bpectal low rate* to the ProfenBlon. Up-to-date restaurant In building. Phonr Mornlnstlde S706 bought out by Famous Players. Evidently the manager refuses to discuss the matter. displaying keen versatility and the finesse of a real artist. Jenks and Allen, mixed couple of rural char- acters, with material and comedy suitable for pop-priced audiences, scored heavily, the man's- monolog getting howls in spots. Josephs. Blossom Seeley and Bennle Fields were honored guests at the Planta- tion Cafe last Sunday night, and Miss tieeley awarded a trophy (a silver cup) to winners of the dancing contest held The first daylight lodge of Masons In the State has been formed here and the names of a number of those engaged in the amusement line are enrolled as charter memhers. The new organisation will be known sm Ceclle Daylight Lodge, and will meet at 10 o'clock in the morning on the flrst and third Wednesdays of each month. The new lodge starts with some SS charter mem- bers, and has an orchestra under the direction of Harry O. Wheeler, who has written special music for the three Blue Lodge degrees. LOS ANGELES By ED KRIEQ The Orpheum has Julian Eltlngc headlining this week, with Frisco a late booking and Sylvia Clark switched from the Hillstreet. All are repeating within a short period. The current bill went over sraash- Ingly, despite the familiarity. El- tlnge, with his usual grace and gor- geous wardrobe, portraying feminine tjrpes, repeated his recent succesn. Frisco, with Loretta McDcrmott and Eddie Cox, Justified his return bookinpr. No little credit is due to his assistants, especially Cox, with his fast stepping and ability to put over numbers. Frisco added some new local wise cracks. Miss Clark'* hoarseness didn't deter the little comedienne, playing her third week within a couple .of months, from grabbing a big hit next to closing. Lemalre and Hayes got big laughs with their blackface comedy routine, certain sections getting howls. Fradkin, very much at ease, won heavy appreciation with his violin, with Alfred Parr at the piano. I'aul Decker and Co. in a comedy sketch. With good lines and a lecture for Decker admirably handlcfl, roKis- lered good laughs. Joseph R.jg.'in jhuI Alb( rla Curkss ■CW 6prnlng ppor, whrrr Rngan's flne lyric tenor succeeded in slopping the show. Miss CurlcHS .issisted at tiie piano for a couple of numbers. "When R'lpan ntinned for a sp(<ch f^omo ono in the ;iudi' pee suKV?f>ted that he Insist on a better poHition. Josephs. ARISTO HOTEL 101 West 44th St., New York In the heart of the Agente' district FOR THEATRICAL FOLKS nunnlng water, telephone and electric fan In every room Batoe: Single 910.50 np; «12 op with bath Telephone H07-I108 Bryant ing appearance in a gold gown and elaborate headgear, and removes his wig after his first song, which sur- prises many. His Impressions of stars included Julian Eltlnge's vam- pire, and brought to view some flne gown creations. His success was emphatic. Valesta Maslova and Co. gave closing position much class. Miss Maslova's sOlo dances, as well as the specialties by supporting members, won nice appreciation. Early and Lalght Trio were out, Noodles Fagln. dividing his single, appearing second, also next to dos- ing. He proved popular in both places, besides facilitating stage conditions. Klass and Brilliant got off to good laughs and finished a hit for their Instrumental work. But- terfly Kiddies, 10 Juveniles, mostly girls, with the usual kid specialties, always well received here, did very well. Martlnettl pantomimed with magic novelties and Juggled in opcn = Ing position very successfully. His one-finger stand on a bottle brought applause. Josephs. W. H. Clune shortly will '^rect a skyscraper on his Broadw.iy and Ninth property. Clune recently re- tired from active managemert of his local theatre. T. L. Tally spent a week at his Glenn Ranch In the San Perdoo mountains. The Ambassador announced that Its Cocoanut Grove will not be opened until after the summer sea- son. * ■■■•--■ \P.W. • A , ■ Harry Lewis Wood, actor with Universal, was made the defendant In a suit by his wife, Mrs. Helenc Wood. Mrs. Wood claimed no sup- port. According to the wife, he earns |100 per week, but she was forced to live on the charity of friends. The couple have three children and have been married since 1911. She asks $500 attorney fees and |200 a month for separate maintenance. , The trial of Gaston Glass and Louis Gasnicr. motion picture celeb- rities, has been postponed until July 10. The cause of the delay was Attorney Ray L. Chesbro, who claimed It would be impossible for him to appear because of a recent appointment with another client. The star and director were recently arrested charged with vagrancy and disorderly conduct. If the present policy of the thea- tre managers and the Kansas City Bill-Posting Co. is continued there will be no thl^atrlcal posting here next season. The union bill-posters have been on strike here for a num- ber of months, having been called out by the Building Trades union offlclalw, who claimed the Kansas City Pill-Posting Co. was using non-union carpenters and electri- cians on erections. When the strike The report Miss Seeley was called the theatres Immediately and Fannie Brice had a misunder- withdrew all pontlng, fearing, it is standing regarding billing during »tated, the stage crews, musicians their recent Orpheum engagement is | *^"*1 picture machine operators claimed to be erroneous. KANSAS CITY By WILL R. HUQHE8 MAINSTREET—Vaudeville. GLOBE—Vaudeville. ELECTRIC PARK — "Follies of 1923." NEWMAN—"The Woman with Four Faces" (film). ROYAL—"Enemies Of Women" (fllm), second week. LIBERTY—"Slander the Woman" (fllm). Outdoor and inside amusement places got a weather break last week. The flrst three days, with the mercury around 100, gave the parks a real run for the business, and they as well as the swimming pools could hardly accommodate the cash customers. Then the tempera- ture slid down to the 70s and the theatres and picture houses came In for their share. As it was, the managers should be pretty well Francis Howard Gaye. fllm actor, gatlsficd with the 50-50 arrange recently Indicted under the Mann I Qj^nt the weather man banded out. act, was forced to forfeit his $2.6001 ,-- j bond on account of his attorney not I ^ being able to appear at the trial. I In order to accommodate num- The lawyer, when interviewed, I erous organizations which desire to claimed that he had to be the prin-Uive theatre parties. Manager Jack cipal man at a wedding. Gaye was'QuInlan, of the Mainstreet, Is re- forced to put up another bond, this serving certain sections of the house time $3 000. Two weeks ago the upon request. There have been sev- actor was dellnquest In his appear- I era! large parties there this week. would walk out If the theatrical paper was posted by non-union men. As it was nearing the end of the local season when this occurred the a'oeence of the paper on the boards seemingly did n^..t make very much difference, but the strike is still in force and the officials of the posting company state they will refuse to recognize the union; that they are operating 100 per cent, with all boards .fulU and that as far as they are concerried there is no strike. ance. Gaye was charged bringing Fanchon Duncan Montreal to New York. with from The Pantages, after having col- Notkina Iteiter on It'way Ned Waybum't Deml-TsMe RenM Freaantad ¥y the atager 1 tite MiECFELD FOLUBa TWICE NIGHTLY AT yijo ltd iii|e NEVER DAViS* WHiTB HOUSB BAND •HOBS DIKinSR. ftje A U Oarie lIodte«to Priceo HOTEL SHELBURNE Oooaa Plrmiy^Ilrlglitoa B es eh , Kow York. Phon€ Oon^v Island 0800 Billy De Beck, creator of "Barney Google," is giving the studios the once over. Remodelling of Grauman's Rialto will be started next week. The first Pacific Coast OrganistR* convention was held here week. The California Chapter of the Amer- ican Guild of Organists sponsored it. Francis Renault topping and Va- I*^Hta Maslova nn<l <'o. witli a pre- ientiouH danciriK oftering lift>'d the ' iirrent bill at Pan»af€!^ ^^y fi]>ove the average. Renault W.i'll^j.A t|d^^|pf(:Ct Thoma.s Wilkes came d'-wn last week and reported rehcarsa! for the new Duncan Sinters' musical show proKressing satisfactorily. Julian Kltinpe. who is playing uu op«n w«< k at the Orpheum txr'', will lay off for several weeks. This is HitinK« "s home, and h^ pkins in fu- ture tp spend several niofitliH of each year with his family. The LoH An^rlos papers haven't printed as niuth as a hint n j.ardinu Sill Grauman's with<liawai froju the owneifthlp of liie theatres bcar- in>,' hiH name h( r«-. Variety pul»- tl.( Percv Dunn of the Melkeljohn & Dunn Agency left for New York last week, from which point he will sail for Ix)ndon on the "Mauretanla." Mr. Dunn will remain about three months. Carl Walker, resident manager of Pantages, left last wejik to spend a vacation in Chicago and New York. According to figures compiled last week more than 25.000 persons now pass Broadway and Seventh street (luring rush hour. Tx>cw'8 State Is located on this corner. - Velma Connor of the Connor Twins has joined Reginald Denny's company at Univer.sal. Her nister Thelma is also entering pictures. Ahxander Pantages made a trip tq, Sacramento ar.'l S»«>fkf"n ).'i,<«t w.Mk, and it i^* i<i'.it((l thr.e two cities will be anrtCxed to ins circuit. OEL'S One Moment West • of Broadway at 41tt Street The RendeKvooe of the l^eadlos IJahta of IJteratore and the Stare. The Ueat Ifood and Kntertalnment In Mew York. Maale aad Danelnc. $1 Our Special: A Sirloin Steak and FoUtoei (Any Style) $1 In the GRILL with SPECIAL RESERVATIONS for LADIES The HillRtrcet had plenty of com- edy sandwirhfil in h«twe«n »I;in<lng on both ends. Know, Columhu.s and Hector made an artistic flnl5>h. while ChonK and Hosie Moey oprnrj in pNasing an<l dainty htyl<'. W. C Fidd.--- and ("->., featured, regi.<.tere<l t<tron>/ l.'^u^rh^•. Kmil 15<'ioo. af;».rIr.K .'• ."•infc'> tn«'it lithtd a mU)\ y two wt t ks m^v to , . • .» that Grauman had bfccn ' is d-ffcrcni. made a Di.c anpic^^sio^i. ne Chateau Laurter ' City Island, N, Y, NOW OPEN FOR SEASON OF ;-; 1923 ;-; Dcautifulh Decorated. Dint^ Mooter IVonJerfutOrchestra Excellent Shore Dinner at $3.00 and exquisite a la Carte service . N ' I ■._ ^,,. « :' - • .,.. •■ * ' ' Management L Julius Keller V f } i-^ IViliiam Werner t rti«'ii*^«i^'»»>k«i.»^/-.. jviscCi. Lie ***«* •,!*"■< s.»*»» f-'^ • ♦*'•<»« f