Variety (July 1923)

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t CABLE ADDRESS. VARIETY, LONDON HEAT WAVE AND DOCK STRIKE PARALYZING LONDON THEATRES VARIETY'S LONDON OFFICE pARf P^ ^ ^ Martin** Place, Trafalgar Squmr^ 2096 Recent Thursday, July 14, 1928 Heat Continuing Will Close Dramatic Houses— Gulliver's $7,000 Bill at Palladium This Week Has Ten Acts, Including Morgan Dancers IfOndon, July 11. The first real beat wave of the aunimer, which seems without end, combined with the strike of 60,000 dockers, has demoraiized the show businesa If the hot spell continues all dramatic attractions will close. leaving only the musical shows. Charles Gulliver, managiner di- rector of- the London Houses of Variety, Ltd^ probably is the big- gest flufferer, through booking a sensational program with ten star acta at the Palladium this week. The bill includes the Marion Mor- gan Dancers, Etbel Levey, Carl Hy- Mii with Peggy Harris and Mid- night FoIIiea Band, Tom Douglas in a sketch. Wee Qeorgie "Wood, Rastelll, Ducalion. The estimated salary list is 17,000. » PARIS RECEIPTS Receipts for Night—Average Busi- ness Decreases Paris, July 4. Notwithstanding the appropriate weather, there is every sign the sea- uon is ending, with a corresponding fall in the theatre takings. The receipts last Wednesday evening, an average performance of the week, were (in francs): — Amblgu ("Lyons Mail"*), 1.751; Arts ("Tcrre Inhumalnc," by Curel). 941; AmbassadcurH (revue), 14,956; Athcnee ("Sonnctte d'Alarme"), 6.426; Antoine ("Lc Couche de la Mariee"*), 2.360; Bouftes (La- Haute"), 7,007; Ba-Ta-Clan ("Ta Bouche"*), 6.024; Comedie Fran- calse (''La Robe Rouge"*), 8,970; Theatre des Champs Elysees (clas- sical concert), 46.355; Comedie des Champs-Elysces ("Liliom"), 1.8T1; Cluny ("Walt8 Dream"*), 2.450; (^asino de Paris (revue), 11,792; Cigale (revue), 3.614; Daunou ("Petit Choc"), 4,064; Deux Masques (mixed), 909; Deux Anes (cabaret revue), 1.560; Eldorado ("Chasseur de Chez Maxim's"*), 1,468; Edouard VII ("L'Amour Masque"), 4.376; Femina (Balieff's Russian Chauve Kouris troupe), 10,565; Folies Ber- gere (revue), 23,481; Folies Dra- matique ("Theodore et Cie"»), 1,722; (!rand Gulgol (Nevrose, etc), 3,143; Ciymnase ("Vlgnes du Seigneur"), 11.616; Oaite ("Les Saktim- banques"*), 6,750; Marigny (revue). »M0', Mayol (revue), 2,383; Nou- veautes ("Les Linottes"*), 3,000; Opera ("Flute Enchantee"*), 30,260; Opera Comique ("Louise"*), 14,995; Odeon ("Le Petit Cafe"*), 8.093; Palais Royal ("Cent Millions qui tembent"), 6,439; Theatre de Paris (L'Homme qui Assasnlna"*), 6,860; I'orte Saint-Martin ("La Vie de Bo- heme"*), 2,847; Potlnlere (revue), r>38; Renaissance ("Monsieur le Kcouhadec saisl par la Dcbauche"*), 2,532; Sarah Bernhardt T'Dame aux c'amelias"*), 3.155; Scala ("Dede"). 3,070; VIcux Colombler (Paquebot Tenacity,* etc.), 4,015; Vandeville (revue), 6,318; Varielea (Ciboul^tte), 16,943. •Revivals. AMEEICAN IN DON JUAN Baden-Badon, July 11. The Mozart festival is the centre of attraction of the Kuin.ial opera house at Baden-Baden (CJermuny) at present, an International cast having been secured, with Joseph .Stransky, of New York, conducting Mozart's "Don Juan." Mmc. Selna Lewisohn, known to New York so- ciety, sang the role of Zerlina. Mme. Sophie BaptiHtc, after opera Hinging in Italy for the past two years, is now in Paris on her way o (he United States in AugUH PROPERTY MAN FLIRTATIONS PaiiH, July 3. Jacques Chrlsfophc, properly mas- t»i of the AmbaissadcurH mu»ic hall, where the Dolly Sisters arc htar- nng. was shot by s wife last week because he had left home and run off with Paulo Delacour, dancer at (lie Folies Bergerc. Chrlsloph • in in the hospital. A byKtander who tried to wrt't tlio revolver from the iaand-y of the wile in also there. DUSE COMING OVER UNDER GEST'S DIREQION With Company, to Play 20 Per- formances In New York— But Two Shows Weekly "• . • • Paris, July 11, Morris Gest has booked Eleonora Duse with a comparty to play a min- imum of 20 performances in New York clVy, with only two perform- ances weekly, commencing in Oc- tober. The booking was made through Howell A Baud. Duse will tour Switzerland before beginning her American engage- ment, opening at Geneva next week. She has just registered a triumphant success in London. Dave Chasen, Dave Chasen, Dave Chaaen. Dave Chasen, Dave Chasen. Dave Chasen, Jean Middleton. FRANK VAN HOVEN Direction EDW. 8. KELLER FAMOUS PLAYERS' SFTE IN LONDON SECURED AMERICAN ACTS OPEN Some at Coliseum This Week, Others at Palladium London, July 11. Four American turns opentsd this week at two London halls. At the Coliseum the American Quartet, composed of two tenors, baritone and bass, gave fine satis- faction. Handers and Milliss on the same bill, registered a score. Sara Allgood of the Traveling Theatre Company appeared In "The Counter Charm," a mildly amusing sketch. At the P. lladium Tom. Douglas, with hisTAmerican sketch badly re- hearsed with an Indifferent cast, barely passed. It was only Douglas' personality that saved it. The same idea as the sketch contains was used In * Chariot's recent revue. Douglas starred over here in "Mer- ton of the Movies" and when that comedy stopped started In vaude- ville. The Marion Morgan Dancers at the Palladium Monday did very well. GUIGNOL PLAYERS ANNUALLY Paris, July 11. The Selwyns, through Julia Chandler, are reported to be ar- ranging for the Grand Gulgnol play- ers to visit New York annually for ten weeks during 'he next five years, probably beginning at the Dresden, New Amsterdam theatre building, next winter. The company with the Gulgnol mixed plays comprises 16 French performers. DRAMA SEASON BETTER Paris, July 11. The annual drama season of the Conservatoire Musique, Just con- cluded, showed better results than last year, although the tragedies wero poorer. The work of the daughter of the late Mounet-Sullys gave great promise. • The comedies were fair. No first prizes were awarded. CHEVALIER-BROOKE DIE Ix)ndon, July 11. Albert Chevalier, aged 81, died yesterday, Sullivan Brooke died suddenly July 7, following a stroke of apo- plexy, lie was musical director at the Lyceum for 14 yciirs. BUTT-DEAN DEAL London, July 11. Sir Alfred Butl has consummated a deal with Basil Dtan to produce a series of plays at the. Queens next season with P\iy Compton in a re- vival of '*The Little Minister" as tli^ opening attiaction. DANCING IN SPAIN Paris, July 11. Jack Gavin nii«i June Day ,hav<' pone to San Scbustien, Spain, wliejc they will dance at the Grand Casino until the end of the season. American Picture Concern Holding Property on Jermyn Street and Piccadiiiy Circus London, July 11., The Famous Players has a site in London for a theatre. It is on Jermyn street and Piccadilly Circus. There will be a delay in com- mencing construclipn, according to the story through F. P., requiring more ground with an adjoining piece that could be utilized being held at a prohibitive fit'ure in that expensive section. Meanwhile it Is said the pros- pective F. P, theatre is preventing Adolph Zukor from leasing or pur- chasing any other West IJnd house. The concern is most de«irous of having a London theatre for its film output. The Jermyn street site is said to have been purchased by Zukor from Joseph Wyckoff, a New Yorker, who bought in it in association with a Mr. Hicks (nol Seymour Hicks), a Londoner. Wyckoff and Hicke dis- agreed over the usage for the site with Wyckoff, dispying of his in- terest to Zukor. T\^ether Hicks is holding on to his share or also has sold to the Famou« Players la not disclosed. ALBERT CHEVALIER DIES IN LONDON Noted Comedian Had Been III Six Months—Made Six Tours of U. S. London, July 11. Albert Chevalier, noted delineator of coster characters, died here today after on Illness of six months. He was 62 years of age. For many years hg was one of the foremost favorites of the English variety stage and his professional career covered a period of more than 40 years. Chevalier was best known for his cockney characterizations and par- ticularly for his rendition of "My Old Dutch," which he made inter- nationally famous. He made six tours of the United States. In 1896 he appeared in New York with Yvette Guilbert under the manage- ment of Charles Frohman at Car- negie Hall. The comedian was born in Eng- land of French and English parent- age, Inheriting from his English mother and French father the curi- ous blend of taksls through which he achieved for himself a place unique in the history of the theatre in Entland and America. NEW PARIS HOUSES Paris, July 11. ParlV win have two new legiti- mate theatres next season: The- atre de.v Voulevards on Kue de Surcsnes (Andre Bnile) and The- atre de L'lOtoilc (A. Franrk) on Chamj>v Ely^•ees. The ElC'ilc music hall is being re- built, but will not be in readiness to diicn, thi.s year. Closed a couple of years, the lift It Theatre Imperial will reopen. ■ * EMPIRE PROPERTY AT AUOION WITHDRAWN AhlR LARGE BID •^ib.r ,»<.-,Vr. .-.!>■ Auctioneei; Announced After Sale Private Negotuu lions Will Be Enlertainedr—Property^ in Threit Lots With No Bid for Vacant Land (<•-• » JOLSON SAYS HE WILL START FHI^IN AUGUST Comedian Declares in London He Notified Griffith When Sailing London, July 11. AI Jolson, now In London, says he i^ill start making the Griffith film as originally planned in Augusts The blackface comedian claims D. W. Griffith was advised hr hhn to that effect before leaving New Yotk. Jolson asserts he has signed no new contract with the Shuberts, and thai his present one with them does not expire Until the end of next sea- son. He had to leave New York to avoid a nervous breakdown, added Jolson, and claims he should not work been rushed into the picture work with only one day's vacation, after closing his long tour a«i the star of "Bombo." Jolson will reopen In "Bombo" in the fall. He may sail from here Saturday for New York, jn company with J. J. Shubert. CUBIST SHOW FIGHT Disturbers Arrested for Wrangling Over "Incoherence" * Paris, July 11- "Incoherence," a play presented at the Theatre Michel, July 7, by the Dadaist group, caused a fight dur- ing the performance. Part of the audience protested, declaring the play stupid, while others supported It. ; Several disturbers were arrested. The police closed the theatre. The fracas probably sounds tie death knell of other similar and in- comprehensible cubist shows. HOVELLO IN "KIKI" London, July 11. Ivor Novello is rehearsing to play the male lead In "Kiki" opposite Gladys Cooper. Miss Cooper has had her hair bobbed specially for the role. Leads for "Beaucaire" Revival London, July 11. Charles McDonough and Gerald Lawrence are reviving "Monsieur Beaucaire" next season with Gerald Lawrence and Madge Campton playing the leads. Madge Campton 1« ] saving the Pavlllion show to be replaced by Gwendoline Brogden. American Linguist's Play Accepted Paris, July 11. May de "Witt Hopkins, a young American linguist-authoress, has a play, "Clytemnestra," accepted for the Theatre Albert L She Is re- ported to have written a play also in Turkish. Pauline Frederick Not 8et London, July 11. Pauline Frederick Is not set as yet concerning her proposed picture making over here. Unsatisfactory dealings with American negotiators are the rea- son. "Partners Again** in London London, July 11. While crossing on the Aquitania, Barney Bernard informed fellow passengers he will appear over here in "Partners Again." London, July 11. The auction of the Empire the«^ tre property yesterday resulted In no sale upon the withdrawal, fol- lowing a top bid of £325.000, for the entire parcel. jo.'t In offering the lot, pieced vf^ f^ top bid of £216.000 was ref^»qd for the Empire, another of £80,0 similarly declined for the adjolill] Queens hotel, and no bid at all made for the adjacent vacant laa^ The bidding for the entire iljf started at £ 200.000. . ,. An announcement, made by ih% auctioneer, was to the effect thi^l negotiations privately proffered Ut the sale of the- property will be •%« tertained. j, . Before the sale commenced It wi# rumored Rathschild wanted the ^U for a theatre and hotel while tJM Woolworth people were report«4;j having considered It for a store, i 1 The Garrick House, which Is ttw (Continued on page 46) 'J BIG ENGLJSH MANAGER AHMED FORBANKRUPTQT Expected Before Week's End —Internationally Known—* Liabilities of $1,000,000 * London, July 11. It is expected before this ^eelt ends an English theatrical managed of International reputation will )>• forced by his creditors into baak^ ruptcy. The crash will involve |1.000,(KMII« INTERNATIONAL COMBINE ; London, July 11. I The story of an international coiB[4 bine of legitimate theatrical lnt«r« ests as given out by A. H. Woods in New York is all news to Andr* Chariot. That announcement contained tbt Prince of Wales theatre as among; the English possessions. Chariot states it could not be obtained wltt^ out his consent, while he has not as yet even been consulted. SAILINGS ' Grossmith Rejoins "Cabaret Girl" London, July 11. George Grossmith rejoins "The Cabaret Girr' at the Winter Carder. today. He has Just returned from youi side. Ainley in Leading Role London, July 11 Henry AInlcy will play the title role In "llass." the spectacular pro- diirfion which Gro^^nmith Ar IVlalonc will present at liis Majosty'e Jn September. ^^ July 21 (New York to liOndonX Karyl Norman (Olympic). July 18 (New York for I^ondon); Lee Kids and Mrs. Ireno IiSt (Paris). July 18 (New York to London); Leopold Spachner. July 17 (Paris to New Tork)« Mabel Ford (Leviathan). July 14 (New York to Londoa)) Clarence J. Sheftrn, Maro K1»H (Majestic). July 14 (New York to London)^ Willie Solar (Maje8tic>. July 10 (New York to IiondOil)'< Harry Lyons (President Pillmore)^ July 7 (New York to London)! Eugene A. Noble (Homeric). July 7 (New York to London)! Bertha Kalich (Adriatic). July 7 (New York to LtverpOOl)i Emma Dunn Stokes. July 4 (London to New York); George M. Cohan (Majestic). July 4 (New York to Paris) Raoul Querze, Lydla Lindgren, Mrs. Emtf Rapee (France). July 4 (New York to Londoil| Fortune Gallo, Hirajn Abram»i Strangler Lewis, Anna Fitziu, F^an* cLsca Peralta, Edward Ziegler, Howard Chandler Christy (Lvrift' than). June 7 (New York to London) Edgar Selvvyn (Homeric). WILKTTK KERSHAW ^^^^^GUAP.ANTY TRUST CO. ^^ THE TILLER SCHOOLS OF DANCING 143 Charing Cross Road LONDON Director, JOHN TILLER i t