Variety (July 1923)

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'm^'. '^fimr :m.^' -V "• '- Thursday, July 12, 1W3 NEW ACTS THIS WEEK ;''7''"^-"^*:' 9AHN •nd FALLEN aM Talk 11 llin«i ♦^ »•» !• • •^ ,. , v.. , jllto iMt partM^r was a stvalcht man f ptBMd Huyler. At that ttaa« Bana '■/jgi4 a sort •< lui £ltlBV« female. ^'jun« -0 Bert Savoy waa struck Aca4 '^y UchtniAff at Uonfl Beach. - '' Thifl' week Baws^ with a imw 'gti-ai^kt man. Bava lAallan. 4oktm ithe rankest sorb of a copy of the 8&voy and Brennan aet tB constmc- tiOD, manaerlaaMk otc. Bann has ■ lifted most of SaVoy'a trado-marked I caiek lines and talka about. "Jfars^e" ^ aU tkrousk ttafS tiam. A ftnish scats. Tatt Must Corns Orer to Marcie's" 't wUl S^vs aoy ons who fs famlHar 9<^tk Ibe Savoy and Brennan mate- rial A sHght idea ^ the krassn ^> s Jkotttery of this iatp r tso aator who ^ has honrlod to try aiMI capltaUso the ^' valortiinato desith of tha sriciMitor. The Loew Ckreuit must hare ii- booked this act on tho jftU»d. for the I writer distinctly rsiaewbers "an* 'i other Savoy an4 Brennan copy act r* stopped by the Loew people when P> the piracy was called to their atten- I'tisa throush^a rcriew In Variety. f- *nM Baaa^a»d liallcn turn ooa- ^B^x of kNMT J p sr *** s of "MrnxMi^ ;' croflsflre. broken up by m- solo ct [ii MaHen's while Bann changes to a bteck gown for more crossflre and ; the cloalnc sons. Bann makes a f stunninK lookinir blonde, and with ;^ oritfiBal ideas eind materia) would get spoifwhere. ]V(allcn is a capable , straight The act went fsh-ly well Ko. 4 at ^the State and may have a chance in the pop houses where Savoy and «>^Br€nnan haven't been seen. That Is. it the independent and smalt- e'tlme circuits wttt aUnd for th« de- lihenkte theft of the Savoy and •;> Brennan ideas and n>aterial. But that mustn't be allowed. Don't : let it hi said that^vaudevilte of any ''*^ade will promo'te this kind of stealinr. It mustn't be, oat of re- spect for the dead; out of regard ^for the living. ■_^' Let no on% believe that vaude- . ViUe will ever stand for voltures in ';■ Vahdeville. "* f There's not a hooking man in this ^country who west be shocked when, * he rets the full import of this "copy '^act'*; it's tsorse than that, and bo ,one who knows Jake Lubin hwt will '^Wlieve Mr. Lubin was deceived.Into r booking it. r. Jay Breflinan, suMoaly tfnd'^ sadly r-hn^t of his partncp aad pal aad |who will of a acceasity in tho cavrse t^ of pcoTldlBg hia meww e< lirolthood ^vProciurr another partner ta contfnu* in the act poor' Bert and himaelf - made famouis, must perforce read this to know tliat a conpla oi people 'who call themselves artists^ prob- ?.«bly (if tftey have the nervo to call .^themselves anything excepting what ^ you would call them), come forth aA .the ghouls of the graveyard to live 'On the remembrance of the dead. It's sacrilegiodi. it's terrible, it's a disgrace to the ascmory of a great . artist and a great fellow that every- one in Inside vaudevlilo had the •'greatest regard for as an artist; it would b« a calamity to permit it as a precedent, and Bann and Mallen, to prevent their names from being written forever on the black sheets of the profession, should be only too - glad to escape' this lightly, if they have that much sense.. C«n. FLEURCTTC JOEFFRIE (J) 13 Mtns.; Ono ■'"'>^ Patac* A blonde young woman with a roasantie appsaranee. ^t perhapo by a group of curls worn over the left shoulder. Miss Joeffris is said to hail firom the weat. Recently she appeared in tho Poli houses, from whottca ^ttite favorable reports cm> anated. Miss Jeeffrie'ia billed as \h* mtn. iatvra prinsa donna. The meaning was not clear, hut she appeared a bit over the average feminine height. Her rootlBO ia alang the llnea af a recital progransme. For openli« there waa *n9e Seran Rose,'* further identlfled as the Melba Rose. Then eaBko tho bell |p^ trom *'Lskme.'* Both numbers ended in hi^ register notes, and tho rather coM tones c»f I Urn first cSort aaaaeffrhat dlsap- peare4 with the second. **Coastng Through the Rye** was prettily done, ICisa JoefCrie then exiting with her female accompanist. She encored with the echo SOBC which she an- aooncei was first done here by Jenny Llnd, and it was the best aelection. Vaudeville has frequently used re- cruits from the concert field and dotthtless this newconko- will hold her own. Miss Joeffris was as s i g ne d the opening intermissios spot and, as other offerings of the kind, ap- pealed mostly to the polite section of the audience. iter. tl f . *PIFFEPMENT REVUE* (m Comedy. Sfaving tm4 Dumtmg 9t Minirt Fun Stags (•pscial Drapoa> 2Sd St. : ■' >■■•• .^:. ; - ■ , rPERT KELTON an^ CO. (I> InaftmasanteC Singing and Dancing. IS Mina.t Introduced by atralgkt man ta tuxedo as ex-««nrlc« entertalnern. Six presentable Ben mail up as cbortis girfai start thn act with a Uvely aong and dance, which la fol- lowed by some dialog with the coraedlaa as a sailor,: The coniedy la wealc oahr cerving to slow up thn act^n. In this aeena tho roui^ vaAfeaa a< the men are used to ressova any idea the hoya aro efteasinats. There follows a haSet dance by one who ia a aatnral n w d er s lii di f for the Liriag Skeleton. WhDe tho dance Is for coaaedy pnrpaaes only, he docs a bit of Aanhla distacatkiu that brought htas 1^ anantmons applause. The "leading kMiy" has a makewp that wonM fool the regular^ He pata over a nuBBkha* with ponying conaedy ttnea in a which atanda him hfcnd and shovl- ders above . the ethers as an impersonator. A dancing flnlsh has the choroe iboy-girle in a dress which com- pletely envelops them, hend and §IL When discarded it dlaeleses th« six is rt^guhttios LK S. naval HBiferm. AH get in for a singing and .dancing ftnish. It'ft a surefire Oashy featturs far the sasall time and with that in Ita present fhape the act mnet be tatisfted. f w^r% Xelton was ta an instm* ■i«n«al sister act with a giH hOMl •m Sue KettoR. The "Coaspnny* nt priSMt ta a atatsly. affwer-haired woouuu introduced by Miss Kelton as her mother. The daughter ia an elongated, hnt pretty ni^ graceful girl, with a world of versatiUty and talent* an4 apparently very yenng. She ei^ns wrlth n Jaaa song and daaee^ the only thing In the tarn that B| omitted. Her voice ia the dnnce. though it ia fhr freai be- ing poorly done, could he repfneed by something mere dlstlnc^lTSL T^ " ahs ihu " KIs In n dresafisg chnnffo wait with a weH-pleyed comet se- lectiem t Then Ftrt. aptly nasacd^ execntee a cerhfiag eccentric dance^ display- ing a fine sense of the rldicnfsne- [ without too much exnggeratlon. Jk ■e. 'HiRABLER REVUE" (4) Singtni mnd DeAcing ,^ 17 Mens.; FwU etage (8pe«i|st^- Drapes)'\;' .C_ CJV ■:■%■'■' ;- :■-• ^'.^-v- . ' %, « . ■ • -* Man and woman slug a duet ac- companied by another man at the piano, and do a few bars of dancing for an exit. Pianist sings comedy BOffg, following which the ftrst ^tan, with another wonnan (there ttr* two men and two women in the act) put. over an excellent acrobatic dnn-rr, the flrst woman then sandwiches a song (in good voice) between the foregoing dance and another dance by ttte same* couple, also well done. Another song followed SAM and JACK GOULD Sengs and Pisne 14 Mins.; 0ns ' Americsn Roof A two-man piano and Kong act somewhat different. The pianist performs capably and sings with a fair baritone voice and consider- able assurance, which. In his oase. is decidedly an asset. The other Man seUs a pop bailad ,ln a tenor. .sdmirably suited to vaiadeville, not too studied or classical in tcne. but with enough warmth i^ melody to please any variety atmlence. The radical change for the step- «P from the three-a-day must ««sie with the selection of better naaterial. The opening song, with a suppoeedly comic chorus repeated twice, "cannot hel^ but flop sny- wliere, as it is irksome anc' laugh- less. The rest is little better and even tike piano specialty nUght be re- placed by soBsething more unique and productive. There is al."o -l«me .unfunny talk, but the men are sensible enough to limit this to a very minute proportion. They wear white flannel trousers with regulatlOB tuxedo coats and vests. Although this is not Judged ^e be strictly incorrect la the sum- »er. they should stick to straight tuxes to be on fashion's safe side iind to get away from the rather MBiatcurish appearance caused by 'he mixture ©f sport and evening wear. DAVIS and SAN FORD Comedy Skit WMfo S td Mine.; FnH Staps (Spssiai Set) ^CSNlSt. ^ llan mad^ up as colored siiammy ajsd woman iA hoopskirts ia frpnt of a colonial set cottage, and the atmosphere prepares one far the rather old style soothem act which the team present. Maarany is make-up, burlesquing the last dance. Not so good. The singer agahs hobs up with another aOng, fefiowing which a very weak finals is staged, tf ia another case of had stage management. The settings are O.- XL; the man and woasan dancnrs are very clever in that line; the woobbb singer has a good roice and n nice appearance. The pianlat ta unnecessary for the dance tempos; put him In the orchcatm pit to lead the numbers. Give the' singer a little action and let her sing between dances if nec- essarr to allow for costume changes. iftr singing and the dancing will never fall down, and the elimina- tion of tiie poor attempts at eopaedy, which only result in making the act draggy. wHi alkrw of speed... If the act Is laid out property. And by all means ftnish with the double dan- cing, with the singer humming the melody tised. or singing an obligato to it. A good stage manager can make a regular act out of this. 4*hariie Chaplfn nsuggiag imitation with ent]^ the cruahed derby and mustache need is nearly perf^t. plays mead Jaaa while'^Misa Kelten exhiUts an kimis ef trfcks with a complete set of drums and trapa. One of the iTtntrufnents used ia a wnBhb<Mra. TTi«n the coriKt bt duettcd with a mesica: saw and flnnlly with a laughing trombone. The musical work, both standard ^■d popttlar is of exceptional nserit. In a middle spot at the Jefferson this act atopped the shew., it ia good for a spot anywhere. ..*.;;' sweeping the lawi|,at the rise when the 'dau£:hter of the house arrives home -from a visit to another state. She tells Msjnmy of bariag fallen in love with & young fellow white away. On this slender thread is strnag a CaraUnn aal* by in a daar tei ennnclaliant a dnat <with gnltar t by the woman. by the pianis*,. naadeupaaa female, [who phiys the I ns t tm ne a t well) and and the man dant:er la a. Hank Mnnnf^ comedy Kegro song^ ftMde by the pair. The 23rd St. axidience gave the act practical eigne ei apgsnval, and it can travel ever the Proctor Cir- cikit in thijs posMien (1). but mean- tkne a aser# k^^laat pint should b« found for the^atwdeal naflsbers, at preseat the beet portioB of the act. PLAZA BJIOTHERS Three •■V- / asiH St. .* . The Plaza Brother* affect Span- ish, cost nming and are heralded by fandaago music, which serves as their acconitMinying score through- out. Tho co^tuihing consists of the eonventioaal Slmnlsh Jacket and fmmCT trousers, inctudiag a brilliant red tb^ue. The latter are warn threiwlMMt. the jachets being s|isd after entrancf. The routine is a fhmiUar cycle off hnnd-te-haad Ufts^ Ihe lobby httk- ing reada *SB|tanish athletics'*; ath- letea prehahly Intended aince the athletics are n^ eC erthodan Cas- ^inCan origination. The a ratheik stiaa and wiry claeea a hvnch of iwise i se in a cal- clnm display that wwnMf cxedlt a mere impoeiag male Tbey caaclnds with a lift ever the back ef a ehair en the order ef the* kiagpfas etvnt Identified with Pranklyn-Chnriss Ce^ ratcrestiag openers. dket MAYO. LESLIE and Col (S) Comedy Skit IS Mma; IVed Mnyn wna of Fox and Maye before writing fhr m time; Mwray Lestle hne hsen with several girl acts. Two gtrla assist in thin present which ia Utled "HetelelagyJ is the fly hotel derk.. the gkria couple ef guests heUhop nnewcrteg In tha tien week at the dealsra • wMch in JMrittMrts to try e«»t their. Mayo clleka with m exoeptihg for aected wkh'*X)SI QeaSt Okl OaQyl" whkk incWantaBy ia akie heteg «asd by Caatar In the "Fettlen.'* A fBaay Wt l» s warhnl aaC-tn between the wsii% with the risrk ringing the call haB te denote Ifte cmiclusion ef reonda. They ce«- clade CBsensble vecaBy. The act haa haea working far sereral asenym entalds the Us. Thie is their ftrpt local ai ance. It's a good buy for the thre*- a-day. , AMI N»i>iii*<>*iW#MM»' MOSS and miNMV VIIILL 4 VLLERONS , Bslsncmg and Juggiing 7'Mins.; Full Stage Stole • Two men and two women in a routine of balancing affd Juggling performed mostly while balancing atop large tread balls. One girl al- ternates with one of the men a-3 un- derstander in some two high body balancing atop the nftoving ball. A well routined series of tricks is tupped off by a flashy and danger- ous looVing perch balance, the perch held aloft by the girl understander while she balances herself • on the ball. Good small time either pnder. EMMA RAYMOND and Co. (2). Wire Act. 12 Mins.; Full Stage. Rrighton. The wire act offered by Eii&nut Raymond gets into the novelty class through the wire being held between the teeth of two men. one on either side of the stage, instead of the wire being held up by the regula- tion apparatus. Miss Raymond is a good wire per- former, additionally, which gives the art added merit. U.9usl walking, etP., with Miss Raymond doing a scries of revolutions on a rope also held by 4he men in iron jaw fash- ion for a flnish. Act ssakes novelty opener or cloeer for best. BttL WALLACE GARVIN tt Mins. Onn- Bedford, Sreekiyn Mr. Crarvia is jui un'ctio'ua worker, Adierken Reef and were it not for a faithful be lief In one's watch it hardly seemed he consunaed all of the 19 minutes clocked for his sedsioB. However, he perfoma his palming and card stuff smisathly and inter- estingly and exacts cont>iderabIe with a Juvenile plant in tho egg trick. What' psycfaokwr makes a mob noar each tln^ a hen's fruit" falls to the floor Is- unexplalnatrfe. but Garvin milked the possibility dry. The kiH is a corking shill and was no small factor in the bit's scoring. , Business of mystifying with the magic Chinese >«ilhgs topped off. Garvin, unlike other magiciaR^, doesn't cue the audience for re- turns, many minutes passing oft- times with just being content in keeping the house Interested. He did all of that Nn. 2. Abel WELLM. MAXWELL BANK .J WAL- t4 Mina.; One end Two (SgefidI Set) Majestic, Chkaga Ckiai«e^ Jnlp M. * Base and Bnnny Brill .vesk to: ';c«M*^ with thd excsp H sn off a ^w- nxiRutes in s e e din g their Inat nnBio^ b4r. Ih which they ars shown ia n dressing reoaa .laklng chnagea oC^ dress for a aeng and dnnra,' fbr; which they* oae cake-walkkig eoa-$ Thek> 9mmkm§ "is a sl ahl s fbr geedP material and Itar the eeasedy ot Mian Rosa. .J- V;"',:-^"-^.- ^/ ■ ' ^ Starting off wltli "TenBcaase.*; they follersr it with h daace ki wmmt sinter tnan style. is "LoTsaick BhBMi."' ma^ hy Bunay wdth ;inaa Reae WMiktag nSK sorts off e sMsfly Uking parte af the At ane point thn mnkea a. pkyskal eaamlnallen aC her slater, harlsasnlgg fi Sssl Mw which Is n —^rt eMMHhvtten t» vandsvitle. Mlsi^ lleae fWlowa thlsr wtth n^enan amk» whkrh ta -weV done. Miss Bnnny then conMs ev ia bride coetttasOk hut her atngl^ soon developa Sato a dsnhit—*T4I Rather Be the BriftsMald Ttea lk% Bride"—and once awre the 11 ; Three male vocalists prfasntlng a slight thread of a story in Aut early section of their routlnf. Two ars dressed as laborers with the re- maining ane in a cutaway as a union delegate. After som^ Incidental thlk regarding a «strike the singing Is tilrought into play. Each is given an opportunity with a solo, the three numbers toeing of the old re- liable class. Group singing fellows, including more recent pep nunUMra Turns of this nature are sure flre on three-a-day bills. These K>en can sing and should have,the proper appeal with their Irish numbers. E€rt. confidence ef the The closing nnathsr le song and daaeg with fast atepfrJEkg. The gfrle make a nt<fs appear- ance, are decidedly iaisntedk knve- a splendid routine, and tlMre ia sofne genuine comedy. The dresefng room bit gives a tqucJt aX novelty,. ALICE LAW LOR ri*.% •"KLOWN REVUE" (S) Clown, Seng, Dnnce, Acrobatic 14 Mins.; Two and Three; 23d Street Two men and a woman, the for- | mer introducing in page boy fashion with a long trumpet, displaying a shapely flguro in tights. The clowns follow, 000*0 dandy get-up proving to be a breakaway com<»dy affair. A hoke ballet number by the c!owns was pleasing travesty. The woman faked a song-dsnce to piug the interim, one of the clowns returning for a burlesque chanteuse numk>er, sporting enlarged prop feet tied with fancy ribbons. The balance of the routine is dancing on hands across ntlnlature hurdle Jumps; concerted upside- down dancing by the trio, the woman sgain filling in with some legitimate diving backwards off a graduated high pedestal. There's considerable novelty in their routine and has the ingredi- ents for a vaudeville novelty. It is not properly sold ss it stands, al- though for the thrce-a-day If cli'ktd here ia the third hole. WARNEP^ and MACK Pisne snd Sengs "\-^--^ 12 Mins.; One Stats Two youni; chaps in neat whits trousers and blue coats ia n vouilae of popular double sengs, sane staying at the piano throughout. Beth have pleasing voices, getting the harmony across nicely. The non-musical q^ember inter- polates a Jazz slide danci in one of the numbers faking tte 'Swings," but getting the dance over. They went strongly 4d the number two spot and c»n repeat in any of the pop house bills. f'sf. KNIGHT and KNAVE .^^ Strong Act 11 Mins.; Full Stage Anferrcsn' A strong man with a small com- edy assistant in an offering styled somewhat after that of the late Paul Con>kas, tho work ef the comedian suggesting the Conchas turn strong- ly. The strength test% Include can- non ball. large shell and general Juggling. The strong man works systematically snd performs his feats la a ahowy manner. The comedian is alwsys good for luugbs as a comedy assiatant. For a cloalng spot this combina- tion will produce comedy and M»m^ genuine strength teas. -^^ H9it. 11 Mins.; One : American Woof Alics Lawlor was recently with a ' Shubert nnit and, before thdt ia burlesque. The latter has IMI Ma stamp oa her. She needa to taae down to hit the high spots ef vaudeville. At the AnMri«an Iter ; Jaaay singing waa nicety rece&eedl ! hat repreaonUdve sndiencee are ; apt to deaaaad lose noiW snd more t class. Mies Lawlor looks well in a bs- coaaing green gown with a traas- parent skirt .diecloeing, shapely limbs in liiiiiiTniijn aUic tighto 9A::_ the same color. SIm might some coiffure that shows to advantage Ijer head of fiery hair. She sings five popular numbers of the blue type in a con- tralto, that, while not bad for this sort of song, needs restraint and an effort at more melody strsaeiag. A fast, burleaguey dance at the flnish is good in its way and should >hclp to bring results in the later- mediate housca CAMPBELL snd CARP Violinists 14 Mins.; One •■.'."■-. -f- c**y ,•. ■:'-.[ :-.:\^.: Two yoiing feTtows tn kton |nc'kets who have an explanatory rc^ieltatiTe In rhyme running throughout their art, respectively champion classic nnd Jazz music, and play samptea of #arb. They have confidence In them- selves, which Is not a cardinal fault In newcomers, but the boya ^Md much work and experience (aad te- rtdentally lots of practice) Wfws thry .an hope to graduate frem the small Jime. >