Variety (July 1923)

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u \ -m^irr- «:,,.«, :^^ ■ ^i^l^Tf^' ■ '^ji-\:'^,yfl^ ^^LT w^- '•yif^^T^^^yf^TK^^:''' • T ^.-ii; -.>.•«....„tjj,,ljl VARIETY iviciflrwpiw .y " f^' • W %T*ft>^v«J>«^i^. V&'nM'T 1 ■3\^«—. Thursday, July 12, 1923 BOUS NEXT WEEK (JULY 16) <AU IN ▼AUOaVCL.Ui THSATRBS tor th* w—k with M*a4*y ■mUim. TM Mll« to«Uw art vr»ap«4 la 4lTUri«Mk aocordlat U M»klac IT la whlea th of aata aor fb m»9lU4 U tha lalanva bill* ara »rtata« «aaa aai «< •Ir p^ecraai poaUlaa* •kafora aama Aaaataa a«l la 4alac aaw tarn, ar raappaartac aftat ai vaadavllla. ar appaarla* la oltr wiMra llata« far tka tral tl KEITH COtCUIT Haaaka Ji Trapa Ma Ikaeh'a mW YORK CRT Kaltli'a ralaca •l«airaU 8h«rm'a Co V bo pas * Oroh WhIU Bla raatoB ft FUlda' Thaatr* Qrottak ■ttiabatk Briof Oraat Leon BoK Huxbea KaiUi'a BlvofaMa ■mma Carua Tom Burko Bailor ft Parkor Ford ft Prioo Floronce Bradr 8 Ballentlao ft H Warao ft Warraa (Twa to nil) KoUh'a 81a* M. | Adolaida ft Ua«hi (Others to All) Praetor's Mh Aw. 2d hilt (1S1»> good ft Auatia Wilton 818 HennlBffs ft Akera Jack LaVier Qleaa Andera Ca (Others to (III) 1st half (U-ll) McKar ft Ardloa Harrr Puck Inflis ft Wlnchest'r lloodr ft DunrsB Gordon ft Kenoe/ (Others to All) >d half (i»-ta) Fr'nkMa Charles Co 8tan Stanley Ca Zelda Santlejr (Others to flU) BAIiTOfOmB CKCELC HABRT D'ANDREA and WALTERS Featured Dancers ALWAYft ••Mary." -Tba Merry WJdaar," "Op ka •'ruTiAT Bum 19" Boh Albrifhl Harry Tsuda > '"< Cosmopolitan t (Twa to All) Mass' Rraadwar Wilton 818 Hawthorne ft Cook Carnival of Tenico Tlerney ft Donnelly Jufcleland (Others to flll) Maas* CaUaavaa 8ln«er's MldgeU Qlenn Anders Ca Shone ft Squires MellQda ft Dada (Two to flit) 2d half Slnfvr's Midgets Flo Rlns Bender ft Knapp Hamjlton ft Barnea (Two to nil) KaHh's FardluMa H Stoddard ft Band Hamilton ft Barnes Harry Holbrook Ca Cart men ft Harria (Two to flll) Xd halt Olenn Anders Ca Da For Boira •Pert Kelton (Others to nil) Maas' Franklla Oeo Moore ft Oirls Harry Hotman Co Johnny Regay Ca Burke ft Durkia Carmen Brcelle Chappelle ft C'lton 2d lialf H Stoddard ft Band M'Ir'y M'Neeca ft R Baker ft Rogers Cupid's Closeup (Two to nil) Keith's llamlHaa Al Shayne Cu^ll's Closeup ^ Howard ft Llod BelUs I>»^ - Francis Arms Lttstsr Brothers Williams ft V'nKasl Hugh Herbert Co (Twa to flll) • BOSTOir B. F. Kellk's Mils Iry •J ft J Maor Wllksna ft WllkaM (Twa ta flll) Wilbur A NadaoM Dorothy Koalas (Others ta flll) 14 half Boa Boyor Block ft Dunlop Billia Shaw's Hot VARDON and PERRY ThU Waok (July S). Paathooa, Chleafa. C Naxarro ft Band < Miranada ft Band SM St. td half (II-IS) Mayo Leslie Co Baker ft Rogers •D ft Belmont Play Amy Dean Co John Dunamere 1st half (16-11) Arthur Ashley Co ■ddio ft Grace Bert Sloan Walters ft Stern Driftwood (One to flJl) Xd half (If-Xt) Lew Cooper •Court Old K Cole i (Othera to nil) FAB BOCKAWAT Cohiaibia Xd halt Harry Hoi man Co 4 Diamonds Deagon ft Mack T Arabian Knights (Two ta nin BBOOKLTN ■altk's BMhwIck Ulllaa Shaw Blaney Playara Jim McWllllafM Rttla ft O'Brlea Millar ft Fraara Al Stryker Marino ft Martia Tip Taphankara (Ona to flll) Kalth's Orphevas Ted Lewis ft Band H J Coaley Co Rome ft Dunn Bert FItsglbboa Polly Moran Laura Ormsbee Co Fopita Granados Klrke ft' Collier (Ona to flll) Kalth's Graenpoint Xd half (12-1&) Ths.Stanleys O'Neill ft Plunkett Helen Ware Co Artie Mehiinger Juliet Powers ft Wallace Russell ft Marconi BUFFA|X> Bhea's Hardy Bros Laughlia ft West Billy Shaws Itovue Claudia Coleman (Others to flll) MONTBKAL Imperial (Sunday Oi»ealnf) I>reama Inea Hanley ' ' Olsen ft Johnson Babh Carroll ft B Walsh ft Bcntley Billy Miller Co MT. VKBNOIC. H.T. Fi a s t ar's Xd halt (12-11) A NEW ACT ARCH STANLEY Oiifmrmnt from Anything in VaudeviUm Bowara W*ltani A O Parroaa ft OUror Harry KaIum Dual ft Rahl^ Chaa WltlMrs Oa Oakaa ft Oslavr Nod KarwartH Ca POBTI^ND. Moada Hadagwa ft Rayaa Mlaeahaa Vara Cala Dara Fargasoa Oa R'ymaad ft M'Kays miOBMOMB (Narfalk apUt) 1st half Kats ft Wtloy Lloyd ft Chrfatla Harrlsea-Dakla Ca Stella Mayhaw Pour Madoapa 8CHBNBCTADT Aaron ft Kal»r Flaley ft Hill Tha llh*ik Far A B M kalff OUCar« Wajraa f ■vaaaor A Waltars Darathy Byt'na Rav JaAsMA A Bakar (Tw* to flll) CNqr A Paart Ui^'f Irrlaff Flatter Ovllfayla ft Laac H Diaaa ft Olrla Olaatt A Mary Abb Harosaa A Bhirlsy jr A L( Braeh > Kaosar Ramalna WELDWOOBp K. t. Htaa* Barrett A Faraarn Combo A NoTlaa (Others to flll) Xd halt Berk ft Sawa HolOB Moral tt CahlU'ft Romaiaa Halmes ft La Vera Haward ft Lewla TONKKB8, N. T. ' t« half (ix-iS) POTTER and GAMBLE ':B. r. KXITH OlBCUn rmcpATKicB Dlraatlaat TBOfl. «. Touag Waag Oa (Two to flll) 2d half Adams ft Lilllaa Kelso Bros Co Billy DeLlalo €• (Two to flll) STBACCm B. F. KalftA'a Gertrude Baraaa Ben Welch Amy Dean C* (Others to flll) / TOLKDO B. F. Kalih'a L ft B Drayor Oraca Bdler Oo Capitol Revue Brady ft Mahoney Bob l)(all La Flour ft Portia (CKhers to nil) 1st half (lilt) Al Tucker ft Band Hank Brown Co Oaprga Lyona ^imo Trto (Others to Ml) Xd half (1»-2X> DDK? Hilton ft Daly ^ •Mlll'r A Mack Rev Gordon ft Kenney (Others to nil) ■^'■. -^?^. Allaaaa ft Hanrar Suakaanets (Cm ta Oil) •d Half Haaal Cos MaelE A Caataa Trio (Ona to flll) Hasal Cox Mardo A Raosa CaatOB Trio . Van Dyk^ A VlacO Tha Slaros Xd Half Roaa A Dell Margarat XoKoa Horhart Gilftoa Allasaa A Harray Nara Jaaa A Carl Roaa. A DaU Chaa Irwla 1 W Maathoy Oa (Om ta iU) \ td Half O K Lagal JAM DoTO Marda A Roma Holland Romaaca (Oaa to flll) JACK POWELL SEXTETTE HKADUKIKO PA|!UAOB8 CIBCUIT CHICAGO KEITH CIBCUIT OUMTOBT. IND. (14-U) Potter ft OainWa Adams ft Th'pa'Bs* (IT-lt) •Oiga Kane Oa (Oas to nil) (lt-21) Bernard ft Scarth DBTBOIT LaSAle OardoBS S LoUnda (Othei^ to flll) FllTDLAT MaJsaUa Mack ft Salle (Othera to flll) TEKBE HAUTB Libarty •Da«a VanField Bernard ft Scarth Xd halt POmi CIBCUIT DIRECTION ALF T. WILTON FRED B. MACK A«80CIATB SEE AL. W. BROWN For Special Material and Songs. Its West tSth St., Now Torkj Bryaat SSM Helena Marsh (Two to flll) Xd half Cartmell ft Harris Adeia-ido Bell Oo Claudia Colemaa ' Runaway Four Bernard ft Garry (One to flll) Keith's JefTersaa Brrett ft Clyt'n Oo fiburrie Along 4 M'Ir'y M'Neoce ft R Miller ft Mack Rev Adelaide Bell Co (Others to nil) 2d halt Tom Smith (Others to nil) Moss' Regent Baker ft Rogers Du For noys Davis ft Telle (Others to nil) 2d half Geo Moore ft Girls Harry Holbrook Co Al Shayne Chappelle ft CIton (Two^ flll) Lot Public Decide Albright ft Hart Bob ft Tip Hank Browa Co (One to nil) 1st half (l«-ll) The Diamonds Bob Hall Hilton ft Daly (Others to nil) 2d half (19-22) Al Tucker ft Band Brady ft Mahoney Moody ft Duncaa (Othera to nil) Keith's Proapaet Xd half (IX-ll) D D HT Arnaut Broa •Turner M ft Band Little Driftwood (Two to nil) 1st half (IC-lt) l*na Clayton Bradalla ft Natalie Runaway Four (Othera to nil) 2d half (19-XX) William Kent Co George Lyons Parlor Bedr'm ft B F ft T Sabine Wado Booth CINCINNATI Pala«a Hardy Broa Al Rlpoa Anderson ft Gravea Parnell ft Florence Newhofr ft Phelps Clark ft Roots Arthur Miller Co CLKVKLAND lUppodroma Lowe ft Stella Knapp ft Cornelia Jo Jo Dooley t Blue Demons Gibson Sis ft Brady 109th Street Beegee ft Qupeo Jean La Cross Rainbows End Joe Rolley Co RubenvUle DATTON B. F. Keith's Clifford Wayne S Sweeney ft Waltera Dorothy Byt'na Rev Johnaon ft Baker Xd half Will J Ward Runaway Four Gordon ft Kenney Morton ft Glass M'C'rt'n ft Marroae (Others to nil) 1st half (It-il) Ruth Budd Stan Stanley Ca (Others to nil) 2d half (1»-Xt) Bob Hall Brndalia ft Natalie Moiiie Fuller Co Lime Trio (Others to flll) NKWABK.N. J. Practor'a Harry Foi Klo Lewis Co Pinto ft Boylo Ona Munson Ca Hector X Longflelda (Two to nil) OCKAN CITY, NJ. Hippodrome Berk ft Sawn Helen Moratti Holmea ft LeVero Cahill ft Romalne Howard ft Lewis BBIDOKPOBT PaU'a Bunlca Kealar Raven ft Kelly MUlay ft Connsry Jans ft Whalea Miranda ft Band Xd half Palmer ft Hustoa Burns ft Allea (Others to flll) Palaca Grace Bdler Co « Gilmore ft Lester Rose ft MooB Moran ft Mack Doree's Operaloguo Xd half The Gauthlers Harris ft Holloy Royal Venetlaa • Bison City 4 Stepping Fool HABTFOBD Capital Bennington ft Soott Green ft Parker Ferry Corwey 1st half W ft O Ahearn Lesson for Wives Dials Four Herras ft Wills SFR'GF'LD. MASS. Palaca Palermo's Dogs Bthel Theodore Love Steps •Mac ft Jess Courtn'y Keyes ft P Xd half Joha Le Clair Aheam ft Peterson Rose ft Moon Grace Hayes Caesar RivoH WATKRBUBT Pnlare Loretta Palmer ft Hustoa Doyle ft Christie Bison City 4 Stepping P'ool Xd half Bennington ft Scott IlEW N. GOLDfERGl OF CHICAGO INOW IN NEW YORK SECURING ROUTES FOR ACTS Booking WitK Keith (West- ern), W. Y. M. A. and jOrpheum Circuits Now York Address: c|o LEW COLDER Palace Theatre Blc(g. M luilf Kaaaaawa Baya Jaaaa ft Harrlcaa SUrartoaa 4 •Baaaaa MoIUm Ca Harrr Ansar Oa Neaatta Dlas ft Powora Harrlactoft Sia Daalar ft Manrlll •Baaaaa Maliaa Oa Bala ft O'Briaa Carlaaa Arhucklo Thoa F Jaakaoa Ca Mamtord ft StaaiiT iim Fraaels Rov OaAa ft Hart Wrrit'U M*tgMa«. Klrk#aa4 Tria (Oaa ta flll) ' -^ ■vala'a AaU Sam B Mana a: LOO •Batt Saluiaflrar t Tboratoa ft Klac *Aroaty Broa ^ Xd halC^ Nadja White ft Barry Ruasell ft Pieroa IjOW Hawkias Jimmy Savo Co (Three no flll) Vlctaria Lillian Zlegler Co Cobb ft Hart Fisher ft Bertram AI Raymond Flaahes of Songl'd Xd half llieVaaaa ''^ Mrrtil M'tgomarr Ma«mi ft Morris Caasler ft Boaalay | >« iMlt Fayaea Batty Washlngtaa Taylor Howard ft v Farrell Taylor I Jacic Haaley Northlane ft Wsrd Barnes ft Kennedy X Danolse Sis (One to nil) Xd half Zelda Bros BBBT~ wainwright"'"* In •THE RIGHT WEIGHTS* Bit paol okbard smith BOB MURPHY "and" suggasta for your sutnmar vacation Binshaas Beaeh. Sooth Royaltoa. Vt. Log Cabin For Sale I^ke Hopatcong; S rooms completely furnished: open Are place. Plot 200x100. Theatrical colony. Sacriflco. Particulars write R. Maxon« 111 West 41th St., N. T. E. HEMMENDINGER, Inc. JB WBLBBS M Wast tflth 8tra«>t ^Naw Tarh Telephane Bryant 1541 rroeior*s lesth St. 2d half (It-IK) Bi Ba Bo Payton & Ward Shone ft Squires easier & neasley 2 Hector ft Pais Cosmhpolitan I 1st half (IC-lt) •Court Old K Cole Lew Cooper Cliff Green (Othets to flll) Xd half (19-X2) T<ew Prioo (Others to flll) rractar'a 58th St. Xd half (12-lS) Alex'ndcr ft Bllnore *KoBMOver ft IVnard M'Ir'y M'Neece ft R A ft M Havel •• Mascot Girls 1st half (It-lt) I^a Pleur ft Portia Blona ft Sierra (Others to fill) td half (It-XX) Oeao Morgaa rartslan Trio (Others to flll) ALBAKT Piraetar's Adams ft Ltllllaa Kelso Bros Co Billy DeLisIa (Two to flll) Xd half Aaron ft Kelly Finley ft Hill Young Wang Oa (Two to flll) ATLANTIC CITf Globe H Winifred ft B Portunello ft C Crafts A Haley Bthel Darrym'rs Co Aileen Stanley Walters ft Walters Burns ft Lyna TavBir*s Weigand Troupa Rankin Gretta Ardlne C* Seed ft Austia •Fanlino Sis Co Ij ft B Dreyer. Toung ft Whieler Inness Brothers The Sheik Jean Southern Blkins Fay ft B DRTBOIT Temple Nestor ft Vincent T<ibonatl Plloer ft Douglas Aall ft Shapiro 4 Mortons Wells V ft West t liordens DTDIANAPOIJS Palaoa Bea Beyer Block ft Dunlop Blllls Shaw Rot (Others to flll) Xd half Barrett ft Farnum Combo ft Nevina (Ottaars to flll) PATBBSON, N. J. Majeatle Xd half (12-11) AJ Tucker ft Band Putnam ft Slater Cooper ft Lacey •M Hart ft Girls J ft F Bogard (One to flll) 1st half (IC-II) Gens Morgaa Massart Sis G ft L Mitchell ' Parisian Trio (Two to nil) Xd halt (1»-XX) Will J Ward Icaaatlaoal Hsad-Balaarlag B«alllbr1ats THK ORIGINAL FOUR PHILLIPS Palaee, New Havea, Naw (Jaly K-15) Management t MAX FtflLLIF Walsh ft Rill t Amrr Whirlwinds Xd half Jx>relta Grace Rdler Oa Love Steps •Frank X Silk Miranda ft Band NEW HAVBH * Palaoa The Ganthlera Harris ft Hoilay Goslar ft Lusby Frank X. Silk Ideal Xd halt Runlce Keeler Gtlmors ft Tester Doyle ft Chrlatla Moran ft Maok Ideal BCBANTON. FA. PoU's (Wk's-Barro spIK) Green ft Parker Goslar ft Lusby Walsh ft Ellis • Amer Whirlwinds W'K'S-DARRk, PA. Poll's (Scranton split) 1st half Ruby Trio Wood ft White Gold ft Sunshlns Moore ft Frsed (Ona to flll) WORCBHTBB Poll's John Le Clair .Ahearn ft ivtersor Royal Venetian S Grace Hayes Cesar Rivoll Ca td half Palermo's Dogs Bthai Theodore Ferry Corwey Maok ft Jess Cdjortn'y Keyes ft P Savoy ft Williams , Olga Kane Co Davis ft Rich . I ( Lelands McCarthy ft Stern'd ■ (One to flll) ORFHEUM CntCUIT CHICAGO Palaea Fanny Brica Carroll ft F:aher J Rosamond J'ns'n Mary Haynes Ten Eyck ft Wiley Fifer Bros ft Sla (Two to flll) 8teto-Laka (Sunday orening) Avon Com«<t) 4 Dave Harris Robert Reilly Curtis Animals •Tent Orchestra •Blida Morris Green ft Burnett '(Two to flll) DBS MOINBS Orphenas (Sunday opening) S White Kuhna Galettl's Monka Sarah <Padden Co Sylvia Clark Snow C'l'mbus ft H MILWAVKKB Palace (Sunday opening) Aunt Jemima Co Friend in Need Carlton ft Berlew Tom Kelly Bdwards ft Beasley (One to flll) mNNKAPOUS Hennepla Martha Pryor Co Mlllership ft Ger'rd Harry Breea Liopcs's Red Caps Em Edmonds Paul Klrkland Co OAKLAND, CAI» Orpheaaa Lambert ft Fish Chong ft Moey Anderson ft Tvol Paul Decker Co •Ruth Roland •Regan ft Curlias Millk ft Kimball Bob Ferns Co Fraser ft Bunco Moraa ft Weiaer XJneala Square Nadje Geo P Wilson Taylor Howard ft T Jimmy Savo Co Siivertone Four 2d halt Synco Irene Tr^ette Primrose Seam'n Co T.asar ft Dale Lamont Trio Oraeley Bqnara Synco Patrice ft Sullivan Lew Hawkins Frimrose Seam'n Co Frazcr ft Dunce ICirkwood Trio Xd half Harrington Sis Geo P Wilson Hugh Emmett Co McCirath ft De^ds 3 Wheeler Boys Deianeey St. LeVeaux White ft Grey Russell ft Pierce -Melrose ft Brooks Jean Granese Co Oracer ft Lawlor Xd half Oeo W Moore Patrice ft Sullivan Thornton ft King Poster Girl Monte ft Lyona Trella Co MatloBal Cooper ft Lacay Gordon ft Delmar Farrell Taylor X Fox ft Buraa Trella Co :i i Chadwlck ft Taylor (Three to flll) ATr.ANTA Grand Kafka ft Stanley •Ardell Cleavea Eddie Clark Co Wilson ft Kelly R'ymond Ilitchcock 2d lialf •HasB'rd ft Sp'Um'a Rohh ft Whitmaa Homer Miles Co Layden ft Burke R'ymond Hitchcock B.\LTIMOBB IlippodrsMo I<ouis Leo •Frost ft Morrlsoa Mack ft Lane ' f (Two to flll) BIBMINCIHAM BUOB Royal Danes Artie Nolan Brown ft Blaino Kennedy Bros Saebacks 2d half Kafka ft Stanloy •Ardell Cleaves Eddie Clark Co Wllaon ft Kelly Love Stepa BOSTON i Orphaam J Moan ft M'nning 81* Helen Kennedy Luokey ft Harria Haitsoa ft Burtoaif Nell McKinley Blake'a Males BCTFFALO State Dias Monkeys Wyatk ft XiaRua HUGH HERBERT ttt rBFVBBTS ATBMUB. KBW OABDBNB. L. 1. rtioae Blehmaad RIR MM Xd half Bramlnoa White ft Gray Thoa P Jacksoa Co Harry Hlnea Oraiar ft Lawlor WALTER ETHEL WARD and DOOLEY MAX HOFFMANN, Jr. AND NORMA TERRIS .-r ■ ■" AT ""'- FOX'S CITY, NEW YORK, NEXT WEEK (JULY 16-18) BOSTON KEITH dRCUIT Xd half Wilbur ft Adama Dorothy Kenton (Others to flll) , LANCASTBR. PA. Coloalal Jean Southera Mma Du Barry Co (Twa ta flUI Xd haV As To Sow r.4Fleur ft Portia Maiinda ft Dado (Two to flll) PBILADRIJ>HIA B. F. Kolth'a Saweil Sis I<ytell ft Faat Ring Tangle BOSTOM Boat— Walter Gllbort Kesslsr ft Morgaa Bohemian Ufa Billy Beard (One to flll) Gordan'a OlyBsple (Scollay Sq.) Margie Burton Kramer ft Grlflla FoUls Girls Municipal Four Francis ft Frank (Five to flll) Gordoa's Olympla (Washington 8L) Shadows Sully ft Thomaa Foar Phillips Johnny Harrlgaa (One to All) BBOCKTON, Strand. Arthur Finn Co Herbert Clifton Mack ft MarioB 2d Half Ward ft Bohlmaa Flo Rudolph Co r^lgh ft Jones CAMBRIDGB Central Hq.. Flo Rudolph Co J ft M Dove O K Legal (Two to flll) 2d Half Van Dyke ft Vinci •The Slaros (Three to flll) I.TNN. MASS Olymala Margaret McKea Margie Coateii KANSAS CITT Mala Street Boreo Sarafan Trianon Orchestra Chief Canpollcan (Two to flll) IX>S ANOBLBS HIU Straat Mrs R Valentino Bernevici Bros Du Val ft Symonds Tempest ft Dick'son Llttlejohns Bailey ft. Cawaa Orpheaas I^oa Brroll Co Frank De Voe Co SAN FBANCISCO Ooldea Gate (Sunday openlngV Marlon Murray Frederic Fradkin Emerson ft B'dwin Whiting ft Burt McCormack ft W Trixle Frigansa Orphevna (Sunday openihg) Ben Bernie Margaret Padula Van ft Schenck Anatol Frledl'd Co John Sheehan Co Armand ft Peres W j^ H Brown ST. PAUL Palaee flnell ft Vernon Smith ft Uarher JACK CMFF THOMAS and HAYMAN ECCRNTUir DANCKRS Hnve ••e»"^«l tnr K>w Vork nrmlnclloa CHAMBKRLAIN HKOWN Offlre Irene Franklin Ifarry Rone Richard Keane I<o Grohs Cahill * Romalne Milt Collins nilly Shsrp'e Rey O'Connor His LOEW CIBCUIT NBW TOBK OITT StaU r.smont Trto Mtlla A Kimball Lazar ft Dale Nonetts Bryant ft Stewart Moraa ft Wolaer X Wheeler Boys Betty Washington Hnvh Bmmott C^ Monta ft Lyona (Ona to flll) Xd half Cooper ft Laoay D»ra Thursby Melrose ft Brooka Bana ft MalloB Caasler Beasley X Bonlerard Bramlnos White ft Barry Menitt ft Coughlln Harry Hines Romas Troupe Xd half Lillian Zlegler Oa Northlane ft Ward Connors ft Boyno AI Raymond Flashes of Songl'd Avenue B Chadwlck ft Taylor Fos ft Kelly Carey Baanoa ft M •Harry Abrams 0* CHICAGO Blalta HoldoB ft GrahaM Chaa Martin Fay Rash t Wilson ft Jeroasa Mammy ft O D • Bdwin August Oa I^MDON. CAN* I^aaw Raymond Pika Qulnas* ft Smith Barnard ft Leoaft Xd halt Forls ft West Delbrldge ft O Bthel Davis Om MBMPBnS Stata Lacy Gllette Os Hlddea Voices Herbert Dentoa Hi Stuta ft Bingham Kaa Tom Four td halt Royal Daaea Artie Nolan LI ARTHUR SILBER ^ BOOKINQ BXCLUSIVBLT WITH PANTAGES CIRCUIT M6 FTTZOBBALO BLDO.. NBW TOBS PhoMS BBTANT Ttid—dSM 4 Yllerons (Three to flll) 2d half Jack Hanley Dreon Sisters liarnea ft Kennedy > Danoise Sis (One to flll) IIROOKLTN MetmpolitMn^ Kannzawa Boys Irene Trovctle Kelly ft Wise Kramer ft Boyle Hughes & Mrrritt 2d half Francis ft Wilnon flam B Mann •Bott SrhaefTer t Fox & Hums (One to flll) Fulton Francis ft Wilson Drown ft Blalaa Kennedy Bros Seebacks MILWAIiKKB Miller Orville Stamra 1. ft O Harvey Ifarry While Hollywood Kroli (One to fll!> ^ MONTRKAL liaew Pollyana I'\ird & Goodrich Jim ft Jack Stars Record liewis ft Rocora Lieut Thetlon Co lURWARK. N. i. St Bio Knight ft Knave ^