Variety (July 1923)

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«:. ->," '••■'•^''••r*; >», " ' V vr '-^'^- •;r>' .- •},: > ■ I ■ VARIETY Thwrtday, J11I7 14» IMS ^ "R^IladSifs^CritJefAfs titled tA^ ^, 3^red3^ish^lnc 224 m$t46'StJttew2IM:nMtem^(n'C^ s Red Cap Band m th« birff#Kt <ea- turea and witb WeUfl, Virginia and West and Senator Murpby tl^e blgr Applause hlta. • "^v":' The acta Jiave mostlr be«n seen recently at tne Palace, but from ibe •tandpoinf of tbe tbeatre-^per it is an exceptionally fine program. The Wilso'n-Aubrey Trio bpen«d the first show Suitday morning and irave it a ftnt start. Basil lAmbertl, one of th^ best of the xylophonists, was secoiid. George Yeoman held third position and gave the show 'impetus. Olga Cook, fourth, did well. "Yarmarkf provided body to the bill, and th« dancing of Theodore IStepanoflC won big applause. 8«n> ator Murphy was the applause hit of this particular show. £«opez'is Red Cap Band closed the bill satis- factorily. Wells. Virginia and West and "Th« Shiek," a horse, were not •een at thii performance^ " Matt Meeker, whd' U' tixking a chiropractor course at Davenport, la., ran into Chicago last week to ■ee his wife. Annie Kent, playing at the Majestio.' " Mich., for a return, date of a week at the Capitol, theatre, after which it played it week at the Majestic at Jaoksbn, Mich. The Billy Main Show, which Is under th^ ma^gement of Col. Leslie Davis, may play a few tab dates early the coming season, but plans to tut^ into it one-night stand or- ganization before the coming season is very old. Harvey D; Orr's "Million Dollar Dolls" opohed at the Capitol, Clin- ton, Ind.. after three weeks at the Palace at Danville, 111., and moves ^0 RlObmond* Ind., next week. / » ■»• \. J Aahton Stevens is the only Chi- cago newspaper critic who is taking a prolonged summer rest. Only one new play threatens to be missed by Stevens, however, and that's already been "covered" by Tom Bashaw, the vaudeville critic for the "Herald- Examiner." Reports have It thai Amy Lieslie will be back on her job for "The News" this fall, following her long rest in California. Only three theatres in the loop were holding people out at 8 o'clock Saturday night—State Liake. Roose- velt and the Majestic. Graves Brothers' "Honey Bunch," with Curly Bums featured come- dian, opened an engagement at the Ramona Park theatre. Grand Rap- ids. Sunday. The company was placed at Idora Park, Toungstown, for the summer, but did not catch on there, so it Jumped to Lansing, George Wharton, who quit the managerial post at the Olympic with the switch of that house to bur- lesque, will likely be placed at one of the outlying houses (Bnglewood) for the new year. Rod Waggoner, who has been han- dling the "advance" for "Steve," fln- lahed this week, leaving for Cali- fornia. tions for the remodeling yet to be done before the new theatre can open. The name of James J. Brady has loomed up m <k prospective manager for the new house. James Kerr, here since the close of "The Bat" in various managerial capaci- ties, is also mentioned !!• the new manageil'. -, ■', • * The iian Dtego Four entertained on the fifth floor of the State-Lake Theatre building, where the book- ing headquarters are, on"*theIr re- turn from Cleveland, where they attended a coavontion of realtors. The quartet is composed of old- timers of shpwdom. including Frank Morrell; Will Palmer, owner of Pantages theatre in San Diego; Esco nes. now a real estate dealer, and Fred Varin, formsrly in min- strelsy. The Ellta Ballet and "^ells and Winthrop will close with tUe Mari- gold Garden show in Chicago Sun- day, July 15, and some new chorus girls go in at that time, including Ruth EUery and Sophie Williams. MONTREAL By JOHN GARDINER Ho- rn Money Wardrobe Worry Buy a TAYLOR XX Wardrobe Think «t $75 TAYLOR'S M X. BMidolph St.. CHICAGO >!• W. 44ih St., NEW YORK "Battling Butler" may not, after all, be the opening attraction at the new Adelphi (A. H. Woods). This foreign play Is being used in the tentative announcement for the title of the first play at the new Woods house, but the deal is not as yet closed. Woods was here over the Fourth directing the final prepara- PLAYS wanted' Authoni who dealr* profoMlonaJ Mervicea of ta unyaual character In the marketins of their work will b« intereated In knowins how w« can help them. NO RRADINO OR OTDKB ADVANCE FEE8 Write: Pr««cott Play CorporatloB (incorporated under tbe lawa of the .state of New York), 1»B Bnmiw^y <8Blt« SOS). New Yoric City. "The Dancing Girl," at the Colo- nial, posted a notice to close last week, but when business picked up late in the week an arrangement was perfected by which the show holds on from week to week with the notice standing. Leary and Will Green have given their notice to close Saturday. A chorus girl, said to have a good voice, will re- place Miss Leary if the show stays after her departure. HIS MAJESTY'S—Cl9li«d. opens about Aug. 16. PRINCESS—Closed. Iteopeha August. GATETTY—Closed for good, as far as burlesque is concerned. Reopens in Augrust as tabloid musical com- edy and picture house. Still tmder Columbia management. ORPHEUM—"Abie's Irish Rose," fourth week, and still going strong. Orphcum Stock flopped after two weeks. IMPERIALr—Vaudeville. ' - 'A LOEWS—Vaudeville. DOMINION PARK.—Outdoor at- tractions. Weather against attend- ance. ST. DENIS — Dempsey - Brennan fight pictures. PICTURES—Capitol. "Enemies of Women"; Allen. "Scars of Jeal- ousky"; Papineau, "The Famous Mrs. Fair"; System. "The |5 Baby"; Laurier. "Trimmed in Scarlet"; Rex, "Jaxsmanla"; Plaza, "The Nth Com- mandment"; Belmont. "You Can't Fool Your Wife"; Mount Royal. FOR RENT < During July, August and September Beautifully Decorated Studio (20x100) Near Broadway on 46th Strsst Perfectlr eqalpped for rehearaala; stage SOxSO; piano and vlctrola. COMMUNICATE: L. V^ Box 428, Sea Cliff, L. I. "'Madame X"; Strand. *'The Princa and the Pauper"; Regent. "Rustle of Silk": Crystal FaUce^ "Souls for Sale." *t '^ Thelma Edwards, dancer, better known as Tommie Edwards, of Buf- falo, is at the Venetian, Montreal's leading cabaret OFFICES LOFTS New Building — Elevator Service In the Heart of the Theatrical Section 148-150 West 46th St., New York Near Broadway Opportunity for Theatrical BusinesMet Renting Agent on Premises, or LAZARUS 741 LEXINGTON AVE. Plaza 1621 An "All-Chevrolet" bill appeared at the Apollo Theatre at Janesville, Wis., Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 21)-30-July 1. The three acts all travelled in Chevrolet cars, Blanchon opened the show. Miners and Balcom were second, and Wright and Gayman third. Frank Prlestland, nwinager of His Majesty's, is at present handling the Royal Alexandra in Toronto. Prank expects to return to Montreal short- ly and again guide the destinies of His Majesty's theatre in this city. Lura Bennett, last appearing In vaudeville with a femala boxing and physical culture turn, is promoting a gymnastic and beauty proposition in an exclusive Park avenue locality^ Trap Drummer'^ A. - clever trick trap-drammer. from the West, with plenty of flash and atlck lursllnr. wants to get la with a fast raudevllU act. Has had lota of show ezperienc*. Also la the moviea. HaS- peraonality and a good appearance. WRITE TO - BILLLEWIN Boosa 407, 4t TrMBoat M.. Boetoa, Maai* Myrtle Hebard is back in Chicago after a year or so on the Coast, where she appeared in Fox come- dies. . Channing Pollock will come to Chicago and will spend a month or more lecturing in and around Chi- cago, possibly with a view of in- creat<ing the Interest in "The Fool." which opens at the Selwyn Labor Day. Minnie Allen, formerly of the Alien Sisters and later of Mont- gomery and Allen, is now associated with Annie Kent in a turn, owing to Miss Allen's husband, Billie Montgoniery, being in a sanitarium. Fred Bachman left Chicago for Atlantic City to Join Roscoe ("Fatty") Arbuckle at the Palais Royal in a business capacity. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Siegfried, of vaudeville, left Chicago for Denver to open with a dramatic stock company. O. H. Johnstone, of the American Theatrical Agency in Chicago, who provides people for many midwest stock companies, is taking a vaca- tion In an auto in northern Wis- consin. James Hargls Connelly, photog- rapher with studios In the Fine Arts Building, is incorporating. Ho will hold 51 shares of stock and dispose of 49 shares. The plan is to retain and enlarge the Chicago studio, and also open studios In New York and at Atlantic City. This will facili- tate orders received from people playing East and will put the entire concern on a strong financial bai^. ■■■*1«M W saE A Reliable Store 1,578 Broadway Runaiaff Tkm to 710-720 Sarvatk Ava., at 47^ 8t« J For Bathing silk, Worsted mni Lisle u OPERA HOSE ^ M., 36 Inchas Long MMt oomfortable, more serriceable, more conrea* lent thaa ttghts. At ^^ the Price. $1.B0 for UsU, $2.50 for Worsted, f 2.9S for Sfflc TIm Jantam BatUag Sail for Wonan Assortad Colors, $6.50 # Silk SulU to Or«Ur, $22.50 Memorize! YOU PAY LBB8 FOR THE BEST %, 1 ■1, ■ ir- : v:;.^ * ^i f 7 RETURN TO V AUDHiy Il^E Direction GUS EDWARDS * T I /.tuw.)! I-: P'^