Variety (July 1923)

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E9*;. ''%/:. T^.A'i' » .."'-^ihT;i-i^ ■.'■; 'K' .■W;' Thursday, July 12. IMS .■>t^^'^:> (,*■ ':t^-w >«.- V':.. Don't Overlook -iftii i--;;t;itf':*i:,-*i:."':,: -.JT" "VARiEtY'S" PUBLICITY ^f;,.- PLAN Let Variety work for you over the summer —taking you all over the world. .^*-i :t ^ •The Publicity Plan does it. It is being.con- tinuously inquired into by shrewd adver- tisers. ■:^ 'r-'-^-^:-':-'X'''^':P'' .;"■:' This Publicity Plan insures yoii publicity by display or pictorial in every issue of "Variety" while contract rims. It has been made adaptable for anyone, in length and cost. ^".•:■.;.■■.-.- V--;. ■:-:.V'.-..:j ..;- :, -t.-'-" ■ - "' -i /^j.. -'i' Details may be obtained from "Variety's office, at . „ . /, »» New York OP by mail. Chicago I^ondon vV PEEEPORT, L. I, MEKCHANTS (Continued from Page 1) one Of the victims In having a tradesmen who may be relied upon •tart in business In Freeport upon . the assurance he will secure and 'retain all of the patronage of the V resident show people while treating 1 them fairly on prices. If required r the sho\r people purpose to flnan- : daily back' the venture on a co- operative foundation. The plan to locate a trade mart for tha show people comprehends sbmeyilng along a' general market idea with everything the housewife might call for to be found roof. Another reprisal movement Is for ace W A N T £ D ! ! TEAMS AND SINGLES ! ! B to S WBBSK8 ROV81UI OFKN AM. 8CABON — No Talking Acta — CMwdbkn Taadevlllo Booktnir OAcmi, AlkM BMf., 12 Mayor St. MMtfcal. Caaatfa RALPH MADISON Manafor and Booker the professionals to g^'oup, with each'group's members in turn buy- ing provision/ In the New York markets'^ with Washington Market preferred by the women of the households. Other commodities arc to be similarly purchased outside of Freeport.' The local actors* store, however, seems the favored plan at Ipresent. Freeport advertises its*lf as the largest village In New York State, that taking It beyond the minimum population of an Incorporated city that requires 12,000 inhabitants. Freeport has a summer population of about 18,000, and around 14.000 In the winter time. When the show people selected as a colonization site for profession- als the village had a population of about 2,000. "The actors" ^re a4- mlttedly the cause of Freeport's ad- J ' K£NNARD'S SUPPORTERS t4ff W.tStbtt.. N. T- Plwn* Fits Roy 9944 Bond for Cmta)t>mnf Sr *• ARE YOU GOINfi TO EUROPE? ktenmahlp arcwmModalloms «rraai«e« •• all LtMea. at Mala 0«ec Prices. Boats ara volas very falli arranc* aarlT' VorelKn H9m9j bovvkt and ••!« Liberty Rvnda bo«Rli« aB« Bal4. PAUt'TAUSIO A lOIi. I04 Bast 14tli St.'. Itaw T«rlK. . Phenet Starveaaat 6186-6IS7. VARIETY 5» ,jy^» -»■ *v ex.: A. I 130' ■WHSf 4.5 PALM EEACR '- .^ ^ ^ aARATTOGAf t!! ■■;"",■.- * EARI5 CstaUished THE ERA 1897 THR St^llEMR PROFESSIONAL OROAM OP GREAT RRITAIN A«vertl.emei>t rmtt, la p«r Inch: M vr pat*, aawllled •^''•^^^'^•^}»'- Cf"J* r*nU«, tbeatrea. artlat^ muslcUn* and mlacallantoua wantad and J^"**!„•,**;• thre* linea. la. «d.. «aoli additional Una »d.: dlaplajrad llnaa la Annaal anbacrtpUon. POBt prepaid. U. 8. A.. $B.OO. ^«iii_««-.- a**^* utrmwtA London. W.C.t. Phoia Res«ot 454«.47. Cabl«^: "Th. Era. Loodoa. vance In population and slx«, the show people drawing an unusually large namber of lay residents to the town through advertising It ex- tensively as a desirable place to live. It Is said there are 2t)0 families In 200 liomes In Fueport, all of' the show business. ^The homes are permanent and with but a,few .ex- ceptions open the year round. Mem- bers of the families of professionals who must travel In season, live in thfem. The larp:e majority of the f%milles own the homes they livt* in and are recognized as substan- •tlal tax paying citizens, but throuph being "actors" are looked upon nn "marks" ^y the yokel end of the population. Among the show people are pro- fessionals of the legit, vaudeville, burlesque and picture divisions. while managers and agents are numbered In the total, with the vaudevilUans having the sr^ter representation. • \ ^* >. circuit Ha will Mill for Londoti on tha "Olymplo* iryljr si, returning to tak»swp R Keith iour next seaaOn. Karyl Norman, "The Creole Fash- Ion Wute," has been signed for a four weeks' engagement at the Pal- ladium, L«^don. by William Morris. Norman is now playing the Keith SRS m WAMTIBtf I MAO, lAtZ. MOirRLTT« tuon^ciABB smonw a»« DANCRR».-: Por Cabaret* and PW«ir« Th*«ir«« in tka City; alae diaslaal Conodjr and Tab Paopla; all llnaa. ^i. RAWTHORNR a IIBNRT. * % S4I W. 47(ll at.. New York; Bryaat ttti \ ^^^ ♦7.75 Blacky I White. Pink Satin, Patent or ei Kid. RONfli Jiojir l^Mpf/fOfs •r r»tat»4 Tm Rtfliilor $10 For 8TAQK and •TRCCT 22S W<4£d 9L, Now York CL008 4 JINQLE SHOES ealatofl V S««( FrM. H. —A.U_REV01R •7 WILLIE SOLAR International Musical Comedy Star, in Hit . * Latest Success^ ^ "THE LAST FACTORr' ' Sailing July 14, S. S. ''Majestic.'* touring London, Paris. Monte Carlo and Nice. Returning to open 5Jept. 3, B. F. Keith's. Washington [ ¥4. a- Personal Direction HARRY WEBER -. *