Variety (July 1923)

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T-Tijitrjpirciriv^wsv -armf-wt: <Hi(»i(i>smremc,-.^yj^ r-?T>i?^-yr''y™*'*Y' vfpB* ^''^■W' Thursday, July 12. 1923 VARIETY 41 ,it,^j><>^>4^<X>*^HM^ .■^.ffl, 4^' }P I •>■■: %■ .'T - A, _ ./»»^ . *. I' c I have always contended that a vaudeville paper run strictly on independent lines without fear or favor, bringing out the shortcomings of those in vaudeville without consideration as toi their connection or positioft, commending the right- eous and condemning the hypocrite; playing fair with the artists and managers; a real paper with the news of vaudeville devoid of sensationalism without foun- dation—such a paper should have the support of the entire vaudeville profes- sion. But when it deviates from these standards, it should be condemned in the same measure that the paper condemns the manager and the artist under similar circumstances, v ' , ;; Working under these precepts, I wish it well and will lend niy assistance toward such a paper's success. :;■/>; E. F. ALBEE t' *. V ■; ^' KS The above is the published ^nswer of E. F. Albee to Variety's letter, w^hich follows (and was first printed in Variety of June 28). Both were written through the v^^^v^^^^^^ ' v^^^ Regular Vaudeville Number a Variety will publish during next month (August). " .■4" 4'' h •:.-■■ ■'■■ While Mr. Albee's reply plecCsingly and plainly »peakt for itself» it still says, without saying it in so many words, that the big men of Vaudeville appreciate the need of a truth-telling trade paper thi^t will go to all of the trade and spread that truth. It is contrary from that standpoint to the usual impression held by theat- ricals of big managers—that they prefer suppression and flirected publicity. m A - ^S^r V * Nothing could be farther away froni the Albee letter above—an outlined policy any trade paper could bave builded upon lis Variety has done. . ,f. .■•'.. \ , in-- '. • » -»!■■ * ■"'■..;'■.»■',...■!•■•'■.■■'• •• ;"••■, -Vv.'* ■■■»■'- ■> ,■ r Variety's letter to Mr. Albee and the other managers in Regular Vaudeville was: New York City, June ?9. Pear Mr. Albee:— Your co-operation Is invited and It la wanted in a special issue Variety purposes to publish during August In the promotion and ex- ploitation of Regular Vaudeville. Regular Vaudeville as Variety sees it is the Vaudeville that has made the playing of Vaudeville a business; that has brought Vaude- ville to its present commanding standing; that has made it a field ^f life-time work for the artists who take up Vaudeville for a pro- fessional career. Variety's Regular Vaudeville Number will be published prima- rily for the full information of the artist, for knowledge and benefit. It will bring out in detail what Regular Vaudeville has developed into, how it is composed; what it means to an artist: how Regular Vaudeville is a life's work to those who seriously take and in- tend to ntick to it. Variety's observation of Vaude- y ville has been of years' duration. You played Vaudeville in your theatres before there was a Variety. In all of the intervening years noth- ing ever has been published in detail to bring out what an immense busi- ness Vaudeville has grown to be. Variety sees Regular Vaudeville as represented by the membership of Vaudeville Managers' Protec- tive Association, including Loew, Keltji, Orpheum, Pantages. Asso- ciation, A. & H. Sun, Fox, Poll and circuits of similar* calibre. That organization has brought about the amazing play or pay contract, looked upon as good as gold over here now, whereas but a few years ago the British variety contract was said to be the only negotiable actor's contract in the WQrld. The V. M. P. A. play or pay contract rivals it today. You are one of the leading Vaudeville manaRcrs of this country who have so greatly contributed in developing Regular Vaudeville into '(he most substantial and well- founded branch of all theatricals. We think you should be agreeable in making the present status of Regular Vaudeville known to the American.nrofessional wurld and to the professional world at large. "Wo hope you will agree with us in that. Variety wants to . inform the artists of Vaudeville so thoroughly In its special Regular Number that no doubt will ever rem&ln with the artists where their best interest lies. Variety doesn't want the American Vaudeville artists deceived by every speculator who gambles he *can "hold up somebody" in Regular Vaudeville if annouiveiog a Vaude- ville circuit. We want to make this Regular Vaudeville Number complete, an encyclopedia for all Vaudeville, to educate Vaudeville nrtlHts through It that tl\^ Regular Vaudeville they may hat^e hnlpcd to establish is the biggest, widest, and wuiltlti- est part of American theatricals and is the Regular Vaudeville worth remaining with, against all of the false promises, phoney con- tracts and rainbow assurance of the spetulator; to believe that Regular Vaudeville Is a caXerT within itself, not to gamble with, but to br satis- fied with, and how to avoid tho pit- falls laid for the artists of Uogulnr Vaudeville by those who would lure ,. -■.■'■:■;•.•■•■• ■■■.' '' • ■ ' - /■ ■: ■ '/••; ■■\.-v;. ^.•^^ ■' : '. •'. •- .. ■ ... • -•■■'•' ■" them awi^ from It for their own selfish purposes. We /are writing thft letter to every manager-member of the V. M, P. A., to every circuit and pro- prietor Variety believes to be on the level, to those who treat artists fairly and Justly, and to those in Vaudeville who Intend to remain in Vaudeville. • Variety urges your participation In this symposium on Vaudeville of Regular Vaudeville as will be pub- liHhed in Variety's Regular Vaude- ville Number; It asks you to be represented In It by announcement and by your views; It.ii0licits your fnrth«r support In every direction: such support having been pledged by most of the Regular Vaudeville circuits, and it trusts that the Regu- lar Vaudeville Number will so en- lighten the American and European Vaudeville artists that no variety actor from either side of the ocean irlll ever thereafter have an excuse for leaving Regular Vaudeville, if he doen. Will yon kindly advise um in rr-ply and oblige, ♦ .Very truly. VARIETY. .f^ *•.• , ' .■♦••■ ' - Everyone associated with or inteVested in Regular Vaudeville, besides those who would like to be in Reeular Vaudeville, should be represented in Variety's Special Issue. ' , :: C i . VJ The Regular Vaudeville Number will carry announcementt from artist a and managers at Variety's usval advertising rates. Spaces may be reserved or copy forwarded to any Variety office at • NEW YORK CHICAGO LONDON I ,,,■■■.' .i **■ 1. ■ "