Variety (July 1923)

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4« V A ii I E T Y §■# • 0 •»'-.r« Thursday. July 18. 1923 IRENE s. SCORES ON BROADWAY ■ .V ; ■ fK'X "VANITIES OF 1923 f9 EARL CARROLL, NEW YORK Among many favorable presM comments: ''E veiling Telegram": "There are niaiiv new features in the comedy. MfSS IRENE RICARDO, for instance. IS A REAL FIND. She has the MAGNETIC QUALITY of Miss Fannv Brice and flings herself into her scenes with a gusto that DELIGHTS HER AUDIENCE." 1 which deals with the troubles of a mounted cop ettc and her trick horse, ; Miss Ricardo creates what little humor there is in the "Vanities." "Kvenlng Journal": "Another event is IRENE RICARDO, racily . comic in a wav that suggests J'annv Rrice. She sings "Whoa Pagliaca," # . > ? , Direction CLAUDE BOSTOCK * ".^un and Globe": "The dialect comedy and facial stretching of IRENE RICARDO, another ix)st graduate of the school of Keith Kultur, and one , of (hose rare creatures, A GENUINELY FUNNY FEMALE." . KB KANSAS CITY By WILL R. HUGHES MAIN ST.—Vaudeville. GLOBE—Vaudeville. NEWMAN — "Grand Opeta vs Jazz." revue, and "The Mun Next Door," nim. UBERTV ' Way Down East." •'The Three Musketeers' and 'Throufirh the Back Door." niin«<. ROYAL- "J>auj(?hter8 of the Rich." film. TWELFTH ST.—"The .lysterlouH Witness." flhn. ELECTRIC PARK«-M d-Summer I'idltlon of the Follies. The surprise of last week was the enonnous business done by the Main Street; the baby' Orpheum, which was right at a house record. The Sunday attendance was over eight thouaaiid, for a gross of some $4,000 and they kept coming during th« week. Seven new theatres have been Added to the houses owned and operated by the Capitol Enterprises Co.. of this city, of which Samrel Hardinif is president. The new Iiouses are The Ellsworth, of this city; the Gem. Palace and Eldorado, •f Eldorado, Kansas, and the Crane, Dt'lphos ami Show-to-uU, Carthage, Mo. The acciui.siiion oi tliese places makes a string of ttfteen under tjie Capitol banner. Mr. Harding is also interested in the Liberty theatre, of IC;»nsas City, and houses i^^ Omaha, Council BhifT.-^, Wichita and Okla- lioma City. An order made b.v the rount.v court, that all advertising signs should be removed from county highways, is costing the owners and advertising con^panies a bit of money. The owners have romoved some of the most expensive, and this week a large number of others have been torn down and destroyetl by workmen from the county''en- gineers department. Those torn down by the county were given to close by farmers for kindling, and the metal ones hauled ^way ami destroyed. The county court is determined that its order must be obeyed and no signs or bill 'oards of any kind will be |>ermltted along the county highways. prise. Th*» costumi»»s of the choru.s was in line wlUi the title sind setting; half of the girl.s :ij»'.>earing as chauffeurs and the others as their flapper steadies. Tlie ?n:i.nber was a good one and the advertising tie up with the Yellow c:«»> c<jnM»:»ny caused talk and interest. > The evening of the Fourth, throo and a half Ijouts, after the 'nish of the championship automobile races here, the scenes and finish of the event were being shown on the screen at the Newman theatre. The Main Street is fealtn-ing the Avon Comedy Four v/ith Smith and Dale for the current week. 78 w«i:34Strwc Fathionable Summer Furs at a Big R^ dfiction, Saving of Over 50% ySptda DUcoiintlo V %modeled Doroth.v Dudac. of Andre and Durac added feature at the Electric Park Follies, this week, sprained a ligament in her left leg, during her first appearance Sunday evening. The Injury wa<» extremely painful, but she showed her gameness by appearing nightly although a limp was noticeable on her exits. I'pon investigating why a picture at the Victory theatre was not run- ning properly, the manager dis- covered W. C. Kre.-<s, the operator, unconscious in the booth. It was found he was suffering from ptomaiiu' poit<oning. ".lump Into a Yellow, and go out and tiee Stel'.a at I-^lectric I'ark" was the attractive signs carried by all Yellow cabs this week. The answer was the new* production humber closing the Electric Park Follies. Director Mack used a life sized Yellow ^ab, for the affair, whlclt when first run onto the stage showed only the two principals, but when they stepped from the car, the chorus appeared and entranced through the same auto. The affair was a novolty and caused s^me sur- M INERS MAKE UP E»t Henry C. Miner, Inc. WANTED Smart^Iuokin[j girl pianist, a!'>u two yoiuig pretty chorus girls to work in my big time vaudeville act. next "reason, booked by ALF. T. WILTON. Mv new material written by BYRON FOY, BILLY K. WELLS and FRANK FOGERTY. Peimnncnt address: AT. KIU'.N'ES, I ♦'• State Street, Brooklyn. N. Y, FS. — Ilaz'C Irascd trt\ .\hozv to Harney (irrarii for next season. Attorneys for the creditors of Dallas Pa k Amur.enr.cnt company, which was fore d into involuntary bankruptcy several months ago. have advised their clients to accept 25 cents on the dolUar in settlement of their claims. The lawyers an- nounced after a thorougU investiga- tion they found the company's assets to consist of a twenty year lease on the amusement par'c. with the rental in arrears. .loseph R. Donegan, formerly manager of the Century theatre, was one of the promoters of the Dallas Park Amusemoht Co.. but on account of illness waa unable to give it per- sonal attention and the venture was a flop. B'or the purpose of providing a 13.000,000 foundation plan for the Kanaaa City Symphony Ovvhegtra. it is proposed to secure subscrip- tigns in the form of 20-year endow- ment insurance policies, the policies to be made paj'able to the orchestra association. The scheme, which has been worked out by Slegmund Har«- feld, president, and Cliff C. Jones, vice-president, bids fair to success, and aa an indication of the attrac- tiveness of the plan applications have $150,000 in policies applied for. According to the plans, the associa- tion will have received by the end of twenty years the,entire $3,000,000 subscribed. In the meanwhile the annual dividends will be paid to the association, and although nothitig will be received from this source the first year it will amount to something like $18,000 annually thereafter. Policiea will be written upon the condition that no change can be made in the beneficiary without con- sent of the as.sociation and that in case an applicant fails to pass the necessary medical examination or does not care to take out a policy on his own life the policy may be- written on the Ufc of any person he may direct, the subscriber guar- anteeing the payment of the pre- miums. This foundation plan is in addi- tion to the present yearly guarantee sy.stem by which • Hubscriptiim.s amounting to approximately $40,000 annually were made for three years. The ofllcers ^mr\A mombers of the association ar<» enthu.Hiastio over the propo.<»ed plan and think there will be no dimeulty in securing the necessary subs-criptinrKs in the way of policiefl. - Edward Dubinsky. lessee and manager of the flegent theatre, was fined $100 in police court last Sat- urday and lTij» 'heatrp ordered closed following his rt'fusal to remove some soft drink and pop corn stands in front of tho theat/e. Mr. Dubinsky was notified days ago by the fire warden that the luf.-ttioM of iho stands wa.'^ in violation of ih»> Vwv ordinances relative to tJie (tostruc- tlon of entrances to a public build- ing, but he decided to test the mat- ter in the courts, as he said the en- trances to his houie were all the law required, and more than several of ti>« other houses in his Immediate vicirity. An appeal was taken from the eourt order and the house ih still open. A similar complaint was made against th.' Victory theatre, next door to the Regent, but A. .To- sephson, manager, promised the court the stands woljld be removed. I'rom those on the Inside it looks as if there might be a different angle to the affair tluin Just the de- sire of the fire warden's department to enforce the ordinance under which the complaint was hr«)Ught. The Regent theatre is the most pre- tentious house in the Tweitth .street district, and for the past few weeks has been enjoying a nice run of bus- ines.s at a ten-cent admi.ssion. The Victory is next door and shooting for twenty cents; the Wonderland, across the alley and owned by Al- derman Flynn, is clrirging twenty, while the Gayoso, just around the corner and owned by City Clerk Hari>er, is giving a picture and tab show for a dime, as is the Idle Hour, across the street. ^ : • ., The Regent theatre is a fireproof building. In addition to the modern construction there are exits on three sides. Although this and other theatres liave been allowing refreshment stands of various kinds to operate in front of their houses for oyer a year, this Is the first occasion where a Diunager has been arrested and his house ordered closed on account of them. John Roth, proprietor of the Old- ham hotel, -Kansas City, father-in- law of Eugene Zukor. son of Adolph Zukor, New York picture magnate, was severely burned last week by the explosion of a fire bomb which was sent him through the mail. The package was delivered to Mr. Roth at the hotel by a pa^el post carrier. ^Vhen he removed the wrapper a cardboard box wag found and Inside a small wooden cylinder with a screw cap. When the top was 'turned a deafening explosion occurred. Mr. Roth's clothing caught fire and lie suffered painfnl burns, alMtut the face and hands. Detec- tives reassembled the shattered pieces of the i> and the label bore the name "J. W. Paxson Co., lOi't North Delaware avenue, Phila- delphia." Mr. Roth said he could not account for the bomb. Chief Walston of the detective bureau classified the bomb as one intended to start a fire. i ■ .-c Some $80,000 in royaltie.<< on "Hlos- , som Time' became owing the for* eign authors and publishers of th*' music from the Shirberts and the ] Karczag Publishing Co.. inc., before^' a settlement was effected last week. ' Because of the war the (lerman music people were halted through,-; the intetTiatlonal situation. •^ They brought suit recently in th* 7" name of the Foreign Author's and Artistj*^ Service, Inc., and secured a., settlement. ' /i The defendants are the Karczag | Co.. Williel Karczag. and and -• J. J. *Shubert. The Shuberts' con- tract was with the Karczag cor- poration, really controlled by Felix .* and Hugo Meyer. WUhel Karczag, j a nominal defendant. Is the Berlin i publisher suing through the foreign * Authors* Service. * .| Claude L. Gonnet, of Moos & Gon« .1 net, counsel for the plaintiff, statea '^ he is at work on several similar pro-*j ceedirtgs and has already tied up ' some accounts in Washington. v Thk Guardian of a Good Complexion The For asKK ^h,^-|l>».-lh.^-l»>W NEimEQIMmEMT fO/? CLEARING THE HEAD AND • BRING/NG OUT THE \^OICE SEND FOR SAMPLE CASMINE CCe z.w^ si.Nt w York T/ror TheBoud6ir STEINS MAKE UP m\Bookfeeipoff ^uest/ A ^^^V. STBIM COSMETIC tlO./^' Hold* the Centre of the ■ : Stage no HEADLINE STYLES Original, striking creations that are favored because they are so charmingly different. The model Illustrated is In Brown Suede or White Kid. Winkelman. Sfi/lc in Quality rootwear 21 West 42ncl St. (12.50 Values Philadelphia New York LOUIS DANNENBERG ARC'RNT 8K.\S0NS dnii>alit('4 • »li»n(?y.lew"' —Original Co.. Tlontuii anJ N,»v T»r« < "•< v. D. W Or!'^»h IMciiluftlon. H.'iwyn'i "KiLMt-f^ • I'ntt ''•■ VKliJr H«*rb'*rt'« "riliKess I**'." F I'»' T'.rii-- S' -w Ytt !. I'll. , ; ; ,<f nil's SI.%M»N ami V;iud«*yill« I'l iilu^floiii, V roru ('it If. and Tour. >ll, M ^■.•■*>\4. At»l»RI<;>.s i'jntfti'nn Il(jir-t. Clii. *g... liliituitf, un;»i .lu'y 2 l'I«iia«r-i no(»>|. Ni»vr York C'i(v. afi*r .lulv it.