Variety (July 1923)

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'-*vM .•KJK-m^ ThitfM«y. July !«. iw« VARIETY 4S P5 ^:1 y If AtftfQVtf '4 '•• ■ , I. ' MOWING to current •sagfcraUont and muireprMenta- ^ff^ tioiMy which have created a false impression in the public mind» and in the interest of good business* the following nuutiufacturers of and dealers in band mstruments wish to announce: 1—That they will not give away their product to prominent musicians or others; 2 —That they will not loan instruments for the purpose of hav- ing them used by prominent musicians; 3—That they will not pay salaries to or in any other manner subsidize musicians to induce them to use their instruments; 4—That all sales to retail buyers, including professional musi- cians, will be made at established retail" prices and on the regular terms of the respective manufacturers; 5—That they will not accept second-hand instruments in ex- change for new, except at the "standard exchange values;, (Thli refers to a uniform (>xchanv« schedule now belnc compiled " copy ot which will b« mailed to all dealers in the near future.) 6—That each manufacturer will urge his dealers and other representatives fo be guided by these principles, and will regard any violations with disfavor. •\ ■V •■•■■r. •C. BRUNO A SON, Inc. BUEQELEI8EN A JACOBSON BUE8CHER hANO INSTRUMENT CO. C. G. CONN, Ltd. E. A. COUTURIER BAND INSTRUMENT CO. CUNDY-BETTONEY CO. W. J. DYER «. BRO. CARL FISCHER WILLIAM FRANK CO. # FRED ORETSCH MFG. CO- QRINNELL BROTHERS FRANK HOLTON «. CO. > J. W. JENKINS' SONS MUSIC CO. LEEDY MANUFACTURING CO. LUOWIG A LUDWIG ' LYON A MEALY. Inc. MARTIN BAND INSTRUMENT CO. PAN-AMERICAN BAND INSTRUMENT CASE CO. HARRY PEDLER CO.; \n^ H. A A. SELMER. Inc. THE VEGA CO. ,. H. N. WHITE CO. RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. J. W. YORK A SONS / ■ .■, I/- '< u^.'Wv ^f^- An Artist Is Judged by His Material No artist can conunaiKl Rolls Royce prestige on flivver material. Now is the time to procure a new vehicle for the coming season or have your old one lubricated, revamishcd and put in a pre- sentable condition. Distinctive models for every type act on display at our showroom, 1540 Broadway. Our ^rchicles, burning nothing but personality, will take any.vaudeville hill on high. If interested yon "anto" phone at once for an appointment. ANDY RICE W. F. DUGAN 1540 Broadway, New York, Room 1002 Phone Bryant 3993 n. ; (^ ' . -r NEWORLEANS* By O. M. SAMUEL ST. CHARLES—Saenger Players. "Scand&I " CRESCENT—Vaudeville. STRAND—"The Toll of the Sea." UBERTY—Plcturea.' Fagg*and White and McCormick and Winehill are among: the vaude- villians spending: the heated term in New Orleans. A hu)ge sign in front of the Palace states the theatre will reopen the latter part fit Augrust. Jack Bertram will manage the house again next •easoQ. . --^ r The Saengers billed Belle Bennett, FRENCH SHOES For Ob and Off Stas* •fSMrt ,m^ V»iif ^ ••M ftr CatalMiic Weit 45th St., at Ke. 154 Opp. Uieum Ttica. B«t. B'wai uid ttk Af*. who opened as the leading woman of their stoclC company at the St. Charles, like a circus, spreading banners and 24-8heets all over the town. Report has it the Orpheum will become an all-year-round theatre if the eooling system under the theatre, which is to be completed, proves a success. The Grunewald Roof has been featuring attractions recently, book- ing Burt Earle's California Girls' Orchestra after it finished at the Strand. SYRACUSE, N. Y. By CHESTER B. BAHN B. F. KEITHS—Vaudeville. STRAND — "Woman With Four Faces." ROBBINS- ECKEL — "The A bys - mal Brute." EMPIRE>—"Ragged Edge." CRESCENT—"Rustle of Silk." THEITPICAL cms THE STANDARD ENGRAVING CO Uc t 7 \ V/ s' 10 St NEW YORK H'M PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS Back to Pre-War Prices Mail Orders Filled F. O. B., N. Y. City. Send for Cataloflue. Used trunks and ahoptoorn samplet of all standard makes always on hand SAMIIL NATHANS SOLE AGENT FOR HAM TRUNKS IN THE EAST 529-531 Seventh Xve., New York City Phonet Fitz Roy 0620 Between 38th and 39th Str eU Stephen Ba.stablc. manager of the burned Baxtable the'atre, must pay 1380 to Joseph Tropea, orchestra leader, under a Municii>al Court ver- diet reported Tuesday. Tippea sued foK 11.520 on a four weeks', contract. Bastable's defense was that he was not the employer of the orchestra and that the house had been leased to Abe . Epstein, erstwhile house manager, for a llier in "Ave and ten" musical comedy. The policy proved a failure and was dropped after one week. The following week the thea- tre burned to the ground. Tropea charged that he had received no payment for the week's work. The Capitol here was threatened by a Are which originated from a short circuit in an electric piano. The audience fled to the street. Frank Mulherln, Syracuse vocalist. is the second amateur to win a week's engagement at Keith's here under the novice night plan spon- sored by the Syracuse Hearst pews- papers. Mulherin was on the novice night bill last week and made a de- cidedly favorable impression. He was with the 27th Division. A. E. P.. and was in the cast of several divisional shows in France, Further evidence that movie re- vicwinfir in this town Is more or lefts of a Joke in so far as a true appraisal of the Alms Is concerned accumu- lated this week, when Harold Mac- Grath's novel, "The Ragged Edge," saw screen preeentatlon at the Em- pire. This picture had been panned In every trado paper and every newspaprr in the larger cities, but two Ryraruse papers laud*»d the fllm to the skies. rL ' r. here for several seasons, returns In vftAideville week after next, appear- ing at Keith's. Wilcox was leading man with the old Knickerbocker Players for quite a few years. The Mayor of Watertown intro- duced the Robbins Players, at the Avon, Watertown, to the company's flrs( audience. Speaking from the stage, Mayor R. E. Cahitl welcomed the troupe and thanked Nfte Rob- bins, impresario, for giving the city summer dramatic entertainment. The I..yceum, Elmira, is on the market, but. contrary to reports, haw not been sold. Ernest A. Smith, claiming to be an actor, with a home at Fredcricton, Dance students of Myra Edgerton, a IJtica dancing teacher, are appear- ing at the Avon, Utlca, this week in a pantomime dance story, "Poet and Peasant," the offrring augmenting the regular house fllm program. ADELAIDE & HUGHES Studio of Dance 45 West 67th Street, New York Phone Plaza 7635 New Brunswick, drew a ten-day term in Broome county jail follow- ing his arr««t la Bl9gba»t4Mi on a charge of rrngmncy. The American Exposition Sbowf. are holding forth at Oouverneur. K. T., this week under the auspice* of the Amerlcaa Ijcgion. ♦ »<t •,TAGt. The World'* largett ntanufacturera of the* atricai footwear. We fit entire cotnpanie§, alao individual ordere, NKW TOBK—UM BMray at imh M. CHIOAOO~M«U WANTED—Chorus Girls FOR J Frank Wilcox, favorite stock star HURTIG & SEAMON'S Apply to MAURICE E. CAIN Strand Theatre Bldg., B'way ft 47th St.. New York, Room 309 RETURNS TO MARYLAND, BALTIMORE, FOR TWO WEEKS* ENGAGEMENT (July 16 anH 23>: B. F. KEITH'S RIVERSIDE, NEW YORK, THIS WEEK (July 9) -fe. Direction KDW. S. KELLER V t