Variety (July 1923)

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\V ■•^Kt-i.. ■.«■■■*■■,,.; it VARIETY Thun^ay, July 12, 192S .yfr' YES, WE PUBUSH , THE SEASON'S SENSATIONiSL BAUAD HIT b^S^ ■*.t ft' ■■■'7 'V1 CAN TAKE YOU FROM SOMEBODY ELSE, SOMEBODY COULD TAKE YOU FROM ME" •;•:■•-■■ : By JACK MAHONEYv.v ..^.r :,::,■■.:.■ . ;■- >?v' Featured by CHARLES FORSYTHE with JACK WILSON, PINTO and BOYLE and many others "V f-- ■■ ■% QET THIS NOW, , v ORCHESTRATIONS READY IN ALL KEYS B. A. FRED W. TAYL<», Professional Manager -■ . ' PUBLISHING CO.: 145 West 45th StZ New York •>> ^ LOS ANGELES By ED KRIEQ Iren« Frankl^n« she of the ex> preofllve foreflnger. aa sweet as of yor«, headlines a bill replete with good comedy at the Orpheum. With J^rry Jarnagin at the piano. Miss IVankfln showed she has lost none of her popularity and charm and wa« forced to encore several times. offering her old stand-bys. which registered ac strongly as ^ver. Backed by Harry Rose. "Welling- ton Cross and Co. and with Lew Brice as an added starter. Miss Franklin tops a |)rogram full of laughs. Brice's sister. Fant\y, re- cently fliled a month's engagement here; therefore the booking of Lew prored most timely. In Afth posi- tion the lanky comedian and dancer tied things up, his burlesque "Spring Song" and dance impres- sion of Miss Brice being a riot, while his clever tap dancing won applause that Anally compelled him to make a speech. After that reception, Harry Rose, working a couple of notchea lower, li&d to go some, but soon won the house with his Ane personality ani flashes of versatility that enabled him to put over a modern, semi-nut routi-ne of the better class. Brice and Cross came In for the concluding bit. brightening things up cohsiderably and landing a laughing hit. In the third spot, with a playlet. "Wives," a neat vehicle, somewhat similar in theme to Billy Gaxton's "Kisses," CroM was very well received, and is admirably fitted for this piece. Coming fourth. Claire Forbes Crane won neat appreciation with operatic selections on the ifiano. Miss Forbes' pleasing personality and the screen introduction relieve the seriousness. Leo Flanders and Geneve Butler, second, went over great with piano and songs, their conception of "Swanee" and the "Flanders' piano number, combined with Miss Butler's high C at the flnlsh, bringing.heavy returns. Opening, Beeman and Graoc, add- ing talk, delightfully handled, to their skating and musical offering, did well. Beeman's one-foot whirl on rollers while playing the har- monica got nuir.erou.4 curtains. Jewells Manikins closed In enter- taining fashion. An attractive circus top setting helped a lot dogs, put a comic period to things audible. "The Merry Go Round, Universals big feature, went nicely at the close. S MARK TR-AN Broadway and 47th 8treet ••A NATIONAL. INSTITUTION" D IMreetlon JmitdH Plankett HBCOND WKBK OV RUPERT of HENTZAU ATX-STAR CAST STRAND 8TMPHONT ORCHBSTRA CARL BDOUARDB Conductor The Pantages bill wasnt much on class, but was well 'supplied -with comedy and novelty. The Gallerini Sisters, appearing fourth, with ac- cordions and ability to play various instruments, grabbed chief honors. The Juggling McBanns opened to a slim house Monday evening and were accorded only slight returns for their good juggling and bat manipulations. Connelly and Frances, resembling the colored team here a couple of weeks ago with an identical dance routine, were second. The audience was rocked with mirth by "Tli Telephone Tangle booth conversa- tion. Warren and OBrlen, with nut comedy and knockabout stunts in- jected to good purpose, and also exhibiting a good routine of Jancing and acrobatics, scored nicely next to closing. Gautlere Toy Shop, well trained ponies and a number of All the elements of tip-top vaude- ville are contained on the Hill Street theatre bill. Blossom Seeley with Bennie Fields, assisted by Charles Thorpe and Warner Gault, the headliner, was a whanging suc- ce^ss. Then came Deiro With his ac- cordion and stopped th«" show. That wasn't enough, so he had to come back for another encore. Clayton and Edwards,* next to closing, were a big hit. Nick Basil and Bert Allen, the recruiting ofllcer and iite wop. deserve all the laughs they got. Fox and Sarno opened, offering graceful hand-to-hand lifts, neatly executed. The Le Grohs, capable of holding down a spot on the best bills, closed to a resound- ing hit. Theh: comedy contortion- istic and acrobatic stuff registered well. "Slippy McGee." the feature pic- ture, held the audience nicely at.the second tfhow Monday night. Marjorie Bennett, BlsUSt of Enid Bennett (Mrs. Fred Niblo), has been added to "Getting Gertie's Garter" at Egan'a. Lucille Cayanaugh'* husband (Oakland man) is doing great in the real eetaate business here. He Is a sub-divider on a big scale and Is laying np a fortune, it is said. ^OJ»»XI»»:8:8»»»»»»»»»»»»»» NEW YORK THEATRES MUSIC BOX THfcATRE I Went 48th St. Krm. ttlS. Mat*. Wed.-Sa(. \baM H. HARRIS PraMOU IRVINO BERLIN'S rmusic BOX revuf ■Uc«d bf HASSARD SBORT. WITB A GREAT CAST I PHDT THBATRB. W. 41th St. Eva. I:l( UUm Mata Wed. and Sat. at S:l%. MERTON OP THE MOVIES lifllh Glenn Hunter—Rorei ce Nash ITarTj L«on Wiliton'a story dramatized by Oe*. B. Kaafqiao and Uaro Connelly RVJWrVTI THHATRE. W. «dSt, Em. 8 30. DXiliW in Mallnrei Wed. and Hat. tt 1:30. RUFt'8 I-fMAIRK and GEOItOK JES.SE1. prrfcnt HELEN of TROY, NEW YORK •Tine PERFECT MUSICAL COMFDY." — llorald. Mualc and Lyric* bf Dert Kalmer and H.irry llaby T1M P Q Q n Thtatr*. W. 4Sd 8t Evea. § :S0. I llfIkO OU. MaU. Thur»da> and SatunUy. THE SELWYNS Present CHANNING POLLOCK'S THE OOL. Tkc Play That Suececded in Splta tl th« Otvll. WKWT 2fi HT. INew Amsterdam * Siftnlnca •:!». POPUI.AR MAT. WKPIVIiSDAT RROUTiAR MATINKB SATimnAT. NEW SUMMER EDITION ZIEGFELD FOLUES RPPI TRI ir* *^'^ Bt • ^- o' Bway. IVILr V^DLiIV^ EVENINGS at «:30. Matlnopg Wednesday and Saturday, 1:30. . ANNE NICHOLS' New Comedy '^ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" "THE PLAY THAT PUTS •U' IN HUMOR" fit ORE* TIIEATKE, BRYANT 8880. VALiV/AJi:* Uroadway and 46tli Street. POP. MATS.\""8J?.BEST SEATS $2 FIFTH ANNUAL PRODUCTION GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS DE LUXE EDITION CYRIL MAUDE "AREN'T WE ALL?" By FREDKRUK LONSDALE THE GAIETY THEATRE la ajraio hendoaarlera for lauKl>t(>r. Jaek Dempsey rejoined the Rialto crowd . following the Shefby fight. He is to be found in the usual haunts with the theatrical l>oy« looking on a» usual. Mason dark for two weeks. The Theatre Owners' Association of Southern California will hold its annual field day and picnic at Liong Beach July 26. Herb We Id or ft, known band leader, has the contract for public concerts in the city parks. Weidorft has been conducting at thft Cin- derella roof for two years. Liouise Qlaum is back from New York. She is considering a stage contract. Morgan Wallace, one time director and actor at Morosco's Buil^ank ahd Morosco'a theatres here, Js back in town after an absence in the east of two years. He may remain. James Cruze, director of "The Covered Wagon." was arrested in Humboldt county, in the north, for speeding. Carmel Myers at last has been Kivcn her freedom. A local divorce judge granted her a decree from Isadore B. Kornblum, attorney and lyric writer, after several unsuc- cessful attempts. . demonstrated the art of making-up from a store window on the* main thoroughfare and also paraded the streets attired as a girl each day from his hotel to the theatre. The latter event was heavily advertised, which resulted in big crowds fol- lowing him on his trip to the theatre. Alberta Hartman is a member of Kosloff's balhet at the Motion Pic- ture Exposition. Julian Eltinge and the Six Brown Itrothers, saxophoniats, who are playing engagements here, are figuring on a barn-storming tour in a now style minstrel show. Jack Pierre. Eltinge'-s manager for many .seasons., is hero to frame the com- bination. If the thing falls through, Eltinge will take a vacation here and Pierre will go into real estate. Jimmy Blyler (Blyler and Green) is reported to be ill and confined in a beach hospital near here. Ground was broken this week for the new Mu.slc Box theatre in Hol- lywood, to be devoted to musical comedy. Alice Morris is recuperating here after having been ill with pneu- monia for several weeks. "CUPPER" CHANGING POLICY (Continued from page 1) pretensions to covering, outdoor amusements is "The Billboard." a Cincinnati publication. Of late years "The Billboard" has been di- viding its attention between indoor NOLLiE mum \ SIDNEY: HOTEL 65th 8tre«t and <^lumbu« Av*. New York City Oar* of HARBT WILLIABU Phone Colamboa Wt% and outdoor entertainment. It has had a wavering policy, often changed- and not always agreeable in toto to the trade represented. "The Billboard" attemRted to follow Variety in tTie latter's cam- paign against unclean carnivals. Its indecision in outlining a decisive policy and its methodic to hold the outdoor- element in line through a fixed opinion of "The Billboard" that it "ownedf' the outdorr show business was reported then and since to have alienated its former ai|d most influential supporters. As a theatrical trade paper title there is none to approach the "Clipper" name in the minds of the layman. The oldest Inhabitant re- calls the "Clipper," remembefing It as a boy. Its name is .'issoclated with theatricals. The directors of Variety preferred to say nothing of the change in policy of the "Clipper" through their acquisition of it. "We are go- ing to put the 'Clipper* into the outdoor field," said one. "Iiet the 'Clipper' and the rest of it talk for themselves after that." • HOLDEN AND • GRAHAM FMituring Original Patented COLORED SHADOWGRAPHS and Color Scenic Effects Amidst Other Novelties , SHADOWS APPEAR IN COLORS Procaedinv* will bo takan asalnat any InCrlDsement. Patent No. 494241 This Week (July 9)—Miller, Milwaukee Next Week (July 16)—Rialto, ^ Chicago 1 There Is a report that the lease on the Dalton theatre, the former Pantages house, now playing pop mii.sical comedy stock, will revert to Alexander Pantages and that Pan will Install high-priced shows. Fr.incls Renault. Impersonator, on fhe Pantages circuit, gathered con- siderable publicity during the Frisco week by novel stunts. Renault IRVING^ —MARY DUNNE and DAYE I ^'FRECKLES and BESSIE'' PLAYING B, F^ KEITH CIRCUIT, Direction I. KAUFMAN FRANK LISCHERON Versatile Dancing fi»t Completed Fifteen SucceMful WeekA-atU-«^__ RAINBO GARDENS, Chicago At Present Playing Balaban & Katz's Wonder Theatres 'CHICAGO—TIVOLI—RIVIERA Will Consider Offers for Productions Addreis Frank Lischeron, 57 Ea»t Van Buren St., Chicago SCENERY BY FLAGG STUDIOS EXPERTS + FACIIJTIES -RESULTS i i 'i