Variety (July 1923)

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•iHur*day, July 1«, ItW VARIETY* 46 :.i";-= i- •"V- .•'..'(ft,''- 7 .«. ir; •■■r'^ CHARLES JACK >. ,v> \ i AND »V'- ' w--. '4 ''LAUGHICS OF THE DAY" V *, f^ «>.. MOVED FROM 4 TO NEXT TO CLOSING •fhr 'J-' \' ■/^'t^'f-*. .■■.:^»i-'. ^ L ■■"',<.» - < . f • AT -i ■J*'; i^:.^>V^' PALACE, NEW YORK, This Week (July 9) WHICH ONLY GOES TO PROVE THAT JACK LAIT WAS RIGHT AGAll^ WHEN HE SAID -•rf,-V, ' i T. ? " ''CRAFTS and-HALEY CAN GO ON ANY SPOT ON ANY BILL »» ■>.i ■*%»! • .4-.^''.-i - » -'•:•'■«.■ ■ 1 <• «'{ ;iii.' .'r-ilv ._^ii•v-:v•Ji«,^,.•■■• I; '■'. .'■•I,,' NEXT WEEK (July i«)—starting Two Weeks in ATLAiSTIC CITY y. t, iDiredHMi HARRY WEBER •:. »,A a—r=— 4AJ. LETTERS Wken ••■dins t»r aiall f ▼ARIBTT «««r««M Mall Cl«rk : P08T0AHDS, ADVBRT181VO M* GIRCU1.AR _LRTTBR8 IVILI^ HOT BB AIiVbRTIBBD. LBTTBB8 ADVBBTISBD fJi: ONB JBSUB ONLY. Alls Roaro* ** AII«n William Av»rs Harry Barley Gladys Barclay Jack B«ardaley Harrie Blanohard Ed Bloodgood Marg'et Braase Stella Burn* Guy Burwcll Betty Catlln Ifarsy Clooney Honey Boy (:«1« Mvii«l Conway A Culver O ' Daly Arnold SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Removed permanently from tmc*\ arnu, neck and Una bo by the only Rucreaafnl method In the worlds Poattlvo and painleaa. No ne«dlea or chemical* noed. Haa no III eflTectt on the ^In or health—and ta par*^ ttcnlarly effoctive la stubborn caKpa where other methods failed. DERMIC INSTITUTE t47 nym avk. rSnite Cl«) NEW YORK Telephone 7M7. 6045 Ahblaad Opposito Waldorf-Astoria RRND FOR FREE BOOKLET DcLeon Kdna Deneter Nldc DeMilt OerUe Derrell Rmp^t Dunn Mrs B Dtinn Oeors* Du Val B Dyson Hal • Rllfman Bessie Rotelle Babctte KTana A Wilson Paber ft McOovmn I'taher Mae Fisher Rente Foreman Madce Fort* Jo« . Frisco Joe' Gardiner Frank Gamble T Gordon Bea Gordon Roy Gordon Vera Goodman Johnny Gould Madeline Grant C Grciner Geo a'roh W . HaM Marvie Halpin Richie Harrison Eddie liarrison Jack Hcaley H Housh Jack Hughes Fred Ivoninlll Harry Junx A1 Kane Graco K a able Ray Kennedy Molly Kilbrldgw P KImberly A Arnold Kirby Thomas I^e Bobby Mildred Leftwlch Alex'ndrr I^eon Mary I>ewis Harry Lechr Ijeonard Y<ui;iir.e Lillian Lyons Nick Lynch Krank .Mainard Edylhe Ma y V ioUt Maybury Ray .M«a>onsld Chaa McFaddcn Bddle McOovcm -Matt McR»y Lillian MlnohelH Mil* Moore Tom Mower Mllllcent Murray J Randall Barl Uath Bros. Raymopd Hattio Reicay John Robinson Geo Roiriain J Roon^y Vera Ro«s Wyse A Wiser Rubin« .Ian RuTid Mlm M Russell Georgia fUmaroff A Sonia Schubert H«r h Scott G»>orRe Shaw James Rtetson L Ssllivan James KulHvan Wm Sykes Harry Taylor Cb»sl«r Vanc« Curtis Villon Sisters Weil Wm Weldanos A Whit* A % White W ^ Waters Tom Willis Gladys Wll«w»n J Wolfe Victoria Tounc Fecvy CHICAGO OFFICE ' COl'PON .BODhVlRIi' WELDON.WllLIAMSl'LICR FORT SMITH. ARK. CREO STUDIO For Sensational Stage Dancing The only one of iU kind 170 WEST 48th STREET Just Off Seventh Avenue, New York City PHONE BRYANT 5156 Albtu'.* And«rnon Lucille Alex Three Bonnftt rhas BothHrH J^ydia Turrler Carl (.'unard Grace rarllnK Hilda i'hndderton Lillian (■•atliro James L> CruKS Chas B Duffy Tames J E'ain^ Mabel F'sfin Florists Furnian Hazel Fair Folly <'.ib«<tn Hardy Guiifo>1o J & O f;i«n'o His <;orOon it. Day Hov.iard Loll IfriDns Kitty IfarviH .?«fk l(a'f>»)«l K.Ttli»-r:n'^ i<><j<.' .Mariuo Iv. f<\i\, F'ritxie .lotiii'^ori Bros ft J Krnj«ton Botb.e J\ lis; ni Kinr Sisters Kervllle George LlEctte Mills I...oon L Lane Jean Mis- Laddie Rose OarO n Lloyd Arthur Mfs Mason H B Mr» Mason Billy II Morrison A Dal'y Kslnota Eva __ Ovprlarh A O'Donnoll Connie Owens Garry Ohrman C Miss , Psttl Mule Steward Romaine Julia Ritchie .Joe Ryan H«s«»l Two minort, Bebaik and Maqk, were unabl« to appear In tbe Vin- cent Lopes act at the Palace Sun- day on account of the Children's Society's permit only issued tu cover week days when the children at^ undiT 16 yf'ars of a|?e and don't sing: or dance. The two little g\r)9 were used in a couple of the tab- loids in the Lopez musical turn. Thes^ appeared up to Saturday night. t ' ■" ' '' ■'■ ''■■ ■' ',' ' ■ Solly Violinski, dingusted with hie long iMyoff. gave his violin, to his friend Uciiry Weymao, another violinist, with the remark, "I'll never get on the HtSii^e again, but that's no reason my liddle should lay off. You take 1| and go to work." Then, as an after thought, Violinskl said: "I hope the Shubertfi start vaude- ville again next season; then I'll have another circuit to lay off on." CHAS. H. SMITH VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR 2M W»tt SMh Strrct. N«« Yaft Clrsle IM4 The NatlAfWit C«ttjulrer«' Asso- ciation, Iac. will h«14 Its Ittb an- nual convention at the association's headquarters In New York for three days, oommen«inff July 18. Follow- ini: the annual meeting and election of officers, • special show will be presented f«r th« members. A fea- ture of the tlu-oe-day convention will be an outing to several of the local twarh r^snrtm ^ »i' - The Thoatre Boys 8o« ial Club, an organtxation recruited from the col- ored employes of New York houHe!«, ar6 to stage a benefit at the Lafay- ette, New York, Tuesday. July 24. GROPPERVS FINE LUGGAGE SOLE AOBKT FOR BAL THEATRICAL TRUNK BOTKL XORftlAADI* BLOO.. I B. cor. satft Jt B'woy. N f. O. PHOiVRi rtrxnov nuA** Southern J*an Hllvort-lt^s The Sanfry Norton A Smith Oliver To Slmn>ons Jama's .Smith Howard Vardon ft Perry W'in^tlrn W H V.-trd.-- Morare C Whlt'r KrHnrrw I' I) WANTED FOR THE MOLLIE WlLUAMS SHOW A guod-lookiiig Young Womati who can sing Jazz 5k)ngs and Play Parts; also a singing and dancing Juvenile.^ Can use a few more got>«l-looking Chorus Girls (Ponies and Mediums). Highest salary paid; all costumes furnished, including shoes and stockings; sleepers paid for, and fare paid to r»pcning and closing points. I-ong season assured.' , • , : In re|)l)iijg, give full p.irticulars. HARRY WILLIAMS 59 We.t 65th Street, New York OFFICER-VOKES and-DON- PLAYINC; LONDON ACROSS THE OCEAN BECAUSE IT'S WET American Representative, E. K. NADEL, Pal Casey Agency (KKTURN VISITS)