Variety (July 1923)

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Thursday, July 19, 1923 **■•■' y AftiBTir \ lb ^e=^ -•iK v I I n I o 'a O \ t - I- I I o T I 8 •? A L I II I ANNOUNCING BROOKS COSTUME RENTAL CO^BROOKS COSTUME RENTAL CO—BROOKS COSTU R O O i . '■,: C ;■' ..,>'■ O ■ ■ . B I M ■■• B H ;^ E r- .:.,.;-■ N T .■-;•■"; A - •,. ■; w -■ ■ L € ■^ . '^k■■}':■■■,: RENTAL CO/—BROOKS COSTUME RENTAL CO—BROOKS COSTUME RENTAL CO. 4 \ ■'% -<\« I ■\ty .:>'. NEW YORK: . -v-^' entering the rental field with the world's most beautiful collection of costumes covering every period and character. > -'li.'-.i • ■,•» '>■ 7-. Telephone 5580 Pennsylvania AVareaouse, 260 West 41 »t St. ,♦ .■(.,'« The entire wardrobe of the Charles' Frohman Estate forms the nucleus of ourinvesturc. There are approximately 11,000 costumes^ including wigs used in the 184 renowned Frohman productions, the original cost of which was over $1,250,000.00 , • * ' ' ' ; Brooks-Mahieu Costume Co. and the Brooks Uniform Company, our associated organiza- . ' . . • • • . "^ tions, are furnishing us daily additional costumes of the same high quality with which they have always been identified. • . * v' • . . ■•■ .,,.-■ * '.•■•- ■■'■■■■■■'• ' « ,"';'..'■■ ' ' The personnel of our company includes fonricr executives of prominent rental establish- ments in this and other cities, thus assuring expert co-operation and service in. the handling of costumes for hire. a • - ' In instances where our wardrobe does not contain the particular costumes required, we will ^-^ make these costumes, furnishing them on a rental basis. Our unparalleled manufacturing facili- ■ ;^ ties guarantee a service superior to that obtainable elsewhere. " . ^ ^- vUc Whether for an individual requiring a single masquerade or amateur play costume, or for a moving picture or a pageant requiring thousands of costumes, our wardrobe will be found to contain the best selection obtainable. ~^^ ^ / ;' ■ ' " ■ ;.-- . ■.■"'■ '-y '''■"' ^ Importations of foreign costumes, armor, accessories and fabrics are shortly to clear the • ; customs, their purchase having been arranged for by our Mr. E. Stroock, who is in Europe for the express.purpose of buying genuine English, French, German and Spanish'merchandise. An invitation to visit our showrooms is extended to all interested at any time in costumes V' for hire. If you cannot come in personally, send us a list of costumes required and we will submit a rental proposal, v ;-.;;.:^ .:■',• i.,'';;^ ':"':■ ■-■■:•■":''j-^: .''■'■: ': ■.•>•-'■■*;, ■■■„':■•■;■:■.■.;' ■■:■-/'■ , . ■'■ . Francis X, Hope Sales Director ^. A A Professional and amateur coaches and directors kindly reg- istcr\(Hir nan^e and address with our service department. R O o K O % i A L R O O K C o T U M K i T A L 0 o I R O o K S • T U M -B I. e o I o o K O o • T U M B R e N T A L 0 O R O O K C O 8 T U M B R B N T C O o o K c o T T.' A , ■.- ,1. ■:,:. c istcrvour nan^e ann aaarcss wiui our service uepanniem:. t O' ■, . ' ^ ^ . , • -.-A' , ,.. . ... ., , . ,- ,. - . . . ,, .., ... ., , . ^ BROOKS COSTUME RENTAL C0.-BR00K8 COSTUME RENTAL CO^DROOKS COSTUME RENTAL CO^BROOKS COSTUME RENTAL CO^BROOKS COSTUMB RCNTAL CO. I