Variety (July 1923)

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Thursday, July 1#, 1»23 PICTURES m- BiKHMAN AND BAYNE TOPPED FRISCO HOUSES personal Appearance of Stars With Feature Got Biggest :!?.. fieceipts Last Week > r*' San Francisco. July 18. Picture busine8.s took a step iip- «Ard iHSt week with mo«t of the big downtown houses registerinp re- - "gjpfg bottn- than liave been enjoyed In »ome time. V The outstanding feature was the ' aoDearance of Francis X. Bushman Ind Beverlv Bayne in 'Modern Mar- riage" at the Warfleld. Their com- In? wa.'* advertised widely, but dSn't B^*'"^ t" cause much of a ftlr. They opened to fair audiences tl^'Hrst dav and on Monday a jump ^nrt hot iced. Before tlie week was Ii4lf pone the attendance liad cHrtbed to such proportions H»at in- dlsationii ^^ tro tluit a record would |)e achieved. , * ^ The Graiutda is making a feature of Its muj-ltal and dance offerinRs. The Borir. Petroff troupe proved es- pecially appeal in «f to Granada au- diences and lielning to keen busi- nesK at better than normal,in spite of pictures of hardly more than or- dinary «pr»eal. Things Imve l»een unusually duiet in tlie picture fitld durlnp: mojt of the summer, but now appear to le ^icUing up consider- ably. . California—"The Tleart Raider'* atarrlrur Af.nes Arres. (Seals S.TOO: scale, 5r.-f>«.) A happv combln-.tlon of <i r><>'ni'ar Ptar and a m»ll-Wktd st»ry. The luctijre onene<1 io «fi»ir buaineps ai.d jnalntninvd the stride through till' week.."Got $14,000. Granada 'The S;>Ider a:ul thc; Rose." featuriii^' Alice t-.3ke. fSV'.ifs 2.J40: fuaV. r>r,.<>0."> With piture is featured B<irJs Petroff and his Chi- cAtco ballet in "Arpentine Ni^rhtK:" with special program b>- Paul Asii and his mMsicians, the Petroff asr- gregiition: drawing moreithan pic- ture. Receipts averafee $14.'00. Imperial — "Robin Hood" Last week, r Sea Is 1,400; scale, r.j-T.'.) 'Bualnes.'^ \ ery i>oor for windup of this feature. The return engage- ment at popular prices did not ma- terialize bu.«iness expected. House making big preparations for "Merry- Go-Round " Receipt.^, 46.000. Warfield — "Modern Marriage." Bushman and Bayne also appearing fn person with act taken from s:e"e In film. (Seats 2,800; scale. 55-757) One of the surprises of the week and topped all other houses. Busi- ness opened at little t)etter than hormal and Tuesday began to climb steadily. Tivoli—"Soul of the Beast." fea- turing Madge Bellamy. (Seats l.ROO: scale. 40-75.) To start off the week Madge Bellamy made a personal appearance with Oscar, the elephant player In the film. Story well liked by Tivoli patrons and an excep- tionally "grood week for this house Was recorded with $7,000. Portola—'Only 88.". (Seats 1,100; ««le 50-75.) Second rtm of picture, hich was transferred from Cali- fornia. Business fair. $3,500. Strand—"Till We Meet Again." With Mae Marsh. (Seats 1,700; scale, 50-75.) Picture playing sec- ond to bijT musical aggregation pre- sented by Fanchon and Marco and styled "Gayeties," Fanchon and ICarco not in production personally, but name featured in big way. Mus- ical offering Is getting business. Cross, $11,000. CAPITAL COOLER that Helped Last Week in Wash- ington i Washington, July 18. . A little cool weather gradually • rising toward the end of the week helped the local phsture houses last week, "The Spoilers" evidently created tbe greatest Interest, receiving that •<^rt of word-of-mouth advertising that aids evejji more than the best of notices in The dailies. Katherine MacDonald in "Money." at the Met- ropolitan, did a little better than owal this time. Rialto (seats l,9t)0; 50) — "The Spoilers" (Goldwyn). Possibly $8,- •00 on week. ^'etropolitan (seats 2,400; 35-50) —Katherine MacDonald in "Money" (First National). Finished week with little over $7,000. ^Columbia (seats 1.200; 35-.^)0) — ' Divorce." Mild interest. Possibly IS.^OO. Palace (.seats 2.500; 3.'-.'0)—"The ^Ofi" (Metro). Little off for house with about same gross as Columbia. $^,500. _ HOUSE MANAGER DISAPPEARS St. Louis. July 1«. Harry M. Smith, maiirj.;<or of a Skoura.'^ Un.thers picture h<»use, has dlsapiKarod. and $850 of the Jlrm's nioney \v;is absent about the same time The manager was bonded in $1,000. •^loyd Stuiiri has replaced liini. Smith r.une lure from Clu-:ig<» about ffMu- month.* ;i5o, working on * P*eeuiii. - J STRAND'S GROSS BEAT CAPITOL; $34,000 FOR "RUPERT OF HENTZAU" First Time in Two Years— "Rupert" Held Over— "Mcrry-Go-Round" Makes Record Feat on Broad- way for "U" Last week "Rupert of Ilentzau." at the Strand, accomplished some- thing at that house that has not been done In several years. It made it possible for. the Strand, with its soiling capacity or 2,900 ,to top the big 5.300-seating Capitol in the matter of receipts, c^•en in face of the fact that "Rupert" consumed a running llin£, pf 100 minutes in pro- jections. '..■;"*.' The Strand got almost $34,000 on the week, whlli, while not the house record, is above the avera^je of even the winter X'xrwt business at the house. Against this th^ Capitol, with "Sifceess." got $2K.700. For more than IS months the Capitol has regularly topped the other picture* houses in the matter of receipts, for tlie breaks u.>4ually were that wlien tite Qapltol got a bad picture the other houses were about ill the same box. and their receipts consequently de^plined in proportion with the Cupitcl. Some of the houses may have done ca- pacity, b'uslnes.'} aii<l had aii oyer- iloiv. but the C<»pitol, with it.«i tre- mendous seating accomtno^atlon.'. would top theni. That "Ruj>ert" pulled so big a veek at the Sti-and was responsible foi* the picture being held over for a sp<.'oiul wt'el<. In the same l>reath "The Merry-Co-Round. • at the RIvoli, In its second week, played to almost $18,000. and that assured t'nivt'rsal its nroduction could have a third week on Broadway by hav- ing the feature booked into the Rialto. This is the first time that Universal 1i;i.'^ ever been able to accompflsh a feat of this sort. Last week at the Rialto Para- mount's "Children of Jazz" just topped $14,000. even though some- thing of a special jazz program was given with It in keeping with the title of the picture, but the stage limitation here made it Impossible to put on anything like what might be termed a real J^zz Week bill. The Criterion, where "The Cov- ered Wagon" Is in Its 18th week, dropped a few hundred dollars be- hind the previous week, which had one day of performances at holiday prices, so that the gross was at about the normal again, with $10,000 registered. The Lyric, where "Human Wreck- age," the Mrs. Wallace Reid dope sp^lal, which P. B. O. are distrib- tftlng. Is being given a special run, is dropping steadily. The picture is not one that is a box office win- ner at legitimate house prices, but from various parts Qf the country where It Is being shown p-t the reg- ular scale of admission it Is re- ported as cleaning up. The figures at the Lyric were under $5,000 last week. "Enemies of Women" at the little Cameo Is about at the end of Its rope after having remained at that house for eight weeks, following its four-week special mn and three weeks at the regular big pre-release houses. Last week the receipts were down to $3,000. and a further drop is looked for on the current week, with the possibility that next week will see the announcement of a new attraction there. ^ ._:' ^ Estimates for last week: Cameo — "Enemies of Women" (Cosmopolltan-Goldwyn.) (Eighth week. Seats 549; scale 55-85.) Will nnlsh In another week; $8,000 last week. Capitol — "Success** (Garson - Metro.) (Seats 5.300; scale 65-85- $1.10.) Pulled about worst week that this big house has had In a couple of years. Production seemed, however, to be of the ivpe that should appeal to picture house au- diences, but not quite big enough for a Broadway pre-release show- ing. Got $28,700 on the week. Criterion—"The Covered Wagon" (Paramount.) (Eighteenth week. Seats 608; scale, mats. $1 top; eves. $1.50.) dot its regulation gross of a little more than $10,300 last week, which, while under previous week, was only so because of no holiday s'-nle in Inst week. Lyric—'Human Wreckage" (Ince- F. B. O.). (Third week. Seats 1.400; .scale, mats. $1 fop; eves. $l.r.O ) VVj}? efM>J»».u»-> until July 30, I'i^ did not get over with New York au- diences at h'^itinirite theatre prices. Around $4,.*?0O last week. Rialto— Childir.i r.r .l.i7.z" a»urn- nuMint.> (Sf*ats 1 fiio: iral*- 3<»-ri.'- 8;*..) Played to $14,100 last vveelc. with a j.t7/. lull In conrit"^-- f.oii with tlu- f''atiir*v .\b'»tit fair. Rivoli— - "Til" .M.'i r\ -('.'»-T:«>un'l" (I'niversal.> (S.--ond woMc. Se.nts L'.'JOO; KC.ib' nO-.'.U-S.'.i AftcV !!«•'- ting $'J3 000 \\\f flrst we.-li th • i •• PIANOS OR MOVIES? BALTIMORE RAISES IT Tto Hot in Southern City- Business Usual Through Last Week .».TI' BUFFALO FILM GROSSES NOW AT LOWEST LEVE L A. HAS DULL WEEK DUE TO EXPO'S DRAW All Downtown Box Offices Af- fected—None of Stars Drew Business They Expected Ta.> ■•...•. t,". ■ ,• ' ;. • > Baltimore, July 1$. Business was ahout the same as usual in the movie houses .of the Monumental City last week, when the heat continued, the rai»i threat- ened nightly and the critics carped with all the hptitude of trained seals. The condition is getting se- rious here—a movie operator runs the picture "out of the frame" for a while; lo and behold! the review is devoted to the demerits of the op- erator and/ not to whatever merits the picture might have. The picture, incidentally, was "Alice Adams," an4 was shown at the Hippodrome last week. Before coming to Balti- more it was rated as an' extraordi- narily fine flllum. The Century had "Children of Jazz" last week, and i\\a panning it got in the Baltimore itapers was al- most as bad as the one it got in Variety; and it deserve^it. At the Metroptilitau "The Tents of Allah" came in for some smart Aleck crit- icism and some cheap wit anent "sheiks and shelkesses," while "Mary of the Movies," which held the screen at the Wizard and Park- way, didn't get enough compliments to cause any blushes of modesty. At the N^w theatre Harold Mc- (irath'H play, "Tho Ragged Edge," also got a few bad wOrds and a few good ones thrown Its way. which was at least an even break, and many a film agent would have been tickled to have gotten that In these dog days: Kstimates for last week: Century—(Capacity, 3,600; 25-60- 75.) With "Children of Jazz' and condensed opera. "Martha." this hou9A held up to normal hot weathei buslnes.';, about $13,000. "Success" this week and "Marftana" a?? opera. Parkway—(Capacity, 1,200; 26-44.) With "Mary of the Movlen," popular uptown house got about $3,000; good enough in days when people are dying from heat and others are losing their minds. New—(Capacity, 1,800; 25-50.) "The Ragged Edge" held business to between $5,000 and $6,000, with Daniel Wolf, concert pianist, added attraction. Wolf, incidentally, drew better notice* than picture, which may or may not prove that the piano, which has been made famous by the Messrs. Flotow, Brahms, Beethoven. Mosart, Chopin, Pade- rewskl and Raohmaninoff, Is better than the movies, which have been made famous by the Messrs. Zukor, Goldwyn, Hearst and Lasky. BLANCHE SWEET WITH INCE Los Angeles, July 18. Blanche Sweet, wife of Marshall Neilan* has been placed under eon- tract by Thomas H. I nee for the title role In the screen version of the Eugene O'Neill play, "Anna Christie." Work on the production will start next week at the Culver City Ince studios. John Bowers Broke His Leg Los Angeles. July 18. John Bowers, film star. Is suffer- ing from a broken leg received while bulldoggtng a steer in a scene. Ills director wanted him to permit a double to do the scene, but the star refused. As a result of the accident It will be several months before he will be able to return to work. colpts on the second we»>k drop/>ed to $17,800. which, however, was enough to guarantee the picture a third week on Broadway, playing tlu- Rialto. The I'nlversai snem- iPKly is gelling f>ne of its very Mood bleaks with this picture, which has rt;il 1»"T otn.-'e di.'i\Mng powfr. ~ 'STranH^^-^ "Itupprt—nf H ^n tr au'* (.-;.-i7.1li<k.) (.Mr;tt3 2,900; mo^xW ;{.*.-rHt-Sr).) Jtrought record fiiinmer luisiiios^ to the Str.'Uid. going to $;M,'>i>« and giving the i>rf»du<'Uuii K«'fo!Kl wyt^k. Hu.-in''>»a hiifgest Hioiidvjy s;i\v u »^elc .'^ud topped Capitol in ^co•<s. This x\eek ♦ M'cjijji!! not 'loldit,:? as strong '\ f'tsf week. Sunday opened goo I. '.or Mond vt'r.!i^ off. although Tiie«|. il(\ siv.W"d I ornid'-rald** ?.iroiii;'ii Outdoor Business Booming— Extra Attractions Fait to Help Pictures Buffalo, July IS. Takings la«t week dropped down another peg and business at local picture houses apjiears to have reached the tower ' »vels of summer dumps. Without exception all of the picture houses are running on low speed without much effort being made to l)(d«ter their shows. The extreme heat has left the box offices high and dry, atid last week proved another topper for the beaches. Crystal Beach 141 reported to be $20,000 ahead of last summer up to the Foi^rth of July, with the ante, still mouritlhg. ■ . , ' • '« -*" Last week's estimates: Lafayette Square-^ack Connor review, "Wom^n Conquer*." and vaudeville. (Capacity. 3,400; 35-55) This house hi ahout the only one In town spendlsig f»hy real money for vaudeville and leaning heavily upon this end. With weather conditions an at present, it seems Impossible to attract public indoors even with heaviest sort of cards. Last week no exception to rvile> Estimated un« der $10,000. ..i .,. Hipp—"Children of Jasx" fh-at half; "Heart Haiders" second half. (Capacity. 2.400; 35-50.) Fair busi- ness for house. Fagan's orchestra featured. Like reet, Hipp is moving along and curLailing for summer; $9,000. Loew's State—"Broken Doll" and vaudeville. (Capacity, 8.400; SO- SO.) Card fan from anything ex- citing, with no excuse for offering picture of thin kind at this late date. Vaudeville sized up fairly well for summer program. Bill could easily have stood strengthen- ing on picture end. Between $9,000 and $10,000. ' . Los Angeles, July 18. \<'hile the Motion Picture Exposi- tion didn't poll anything like the crowds it was expected, the drag to the Exposition Park had its effect on tiie picture box olTlcea downlown, nevertheless. None of the screen headliners did the looked-for land- office business. There was no out- standing features. The estimates: California -<- "The Love Piker" (Cosmo). Gkftta. 2,000: 25-75. Aiitta 8(.,ewart starred. I/sual added at- ttt-actions, with music featured. Took fl2,000. ^ Kinema—"The TVTiIte Frontier*^ (x: jr. N.). Seat*, i.soo; ^5. Drfr- otthy Phillips driven the spot. *-HIirh Power," Jack White Mei^rtiaid Com- edy, also shown. Recefpta. $7,500. Qrauman'e—"Her Accidental Hrfa- band" (Independent), .^ats. 2,200; 2ij-55. Miriam Cooper. Mitchell Lewis, Forrest Stanley and Hlchard Tucker underlined. Polfto's l>eauty Mhttw helped hoi. Approximately $10,000: * Metropolitan—"Fogbound" (pura- moiint). Seats, S.700: 85-6G. John Steele,, tenor, last wefk; Six Brown Brothers, same^ Heller's music plc^ased. Usual flMer reels. Got $28,700. Qriuman't Rialto*-"Human Wreck- age" <Ince). SeatSi 800; 85-86. Starring Mrs. Wallace |ield. Pruir campaigns, with big publU:lty. heli>ed to draw fans. Masked fei^ale In daring number didn't drive anybody away. Around $8,000. Qi^uman's Hollywoocr-^"The Cov- • erod Wagen" (Paramount). Seato, 1,800; $1. Crowds holding up. Pic- ture now in its 14th week. Qroaa^d $19*240. Mission —"Robin Hood** (Fair- banks). Seats, too; S5-1.10. Going good flrst time downtown. Proloc a big feature. ApprozlmatOly $10,250. Loew's •taU--"The Bright Shawl ' (A. F. N.). Beau, 2,400; 85-05. Richard Bartbeltpess starred. Big favorite here. Dorothy Glsh men- tioned, also in advertislnir- Fare- well week of Orville HarroTd. Abom $i:i,400. •SPOILERS' GETTING RECORD - " SUMNER BUSINESS IN CHICAGO Balaban Sc Katz Make Special Bid for Children in Advertosing—Harris, a Legitimate House, for Films—''Sc^amouche" to Follow "Wagon'' Chicago, July IS. "The Spoilers" Is doing a record summer business at the Roosevelt, and the engagement promises to be one of the most successful ever known to the Balaban St Kats man- agement. Considering the else of the theatre, the cost of operation of the house, that no presentation is attempted and the off-business In picture houses generally, the engage- ment is the chief topic of conversa- tion. The Roosevelt is doing a more profitable business with this photo- play tiian its more pretentious rival. the Chicago theatre, a few blocks away. The only other picture thea- tres which were prominent in the running last week were Harold Lloyd In "Safety I/i.^f at Orchestra Hall and "The Covered Wagon" at the Woods. The bright spot in the summer .reason is the school vacation, when the children are released from study and available for attendance at pic- ture houses. The theatres profited from this, and the dally papers arc carrying big ads from Balaban & Katz which nr'peal especially for this trade, erophanlzing the special children's adml.'?s!on price. Thero was a Ilne-up of young ff>Ik« Satur- day morning in front of th© Chicago that was remarkable. Tho nunilM-r of picture houses In the loop will be Ineren.ied with tho opening of the regular Kf*aKon, when the Harri.s therifre will have a plC- (iiFA instead r<f ;i logltirnate stage rttt racfion. "."^fMrnmowlie" will fol- low 'Tlie ('<'\cri''[ ^V.'iK')n" at thf Woods, uliich will maintain that house, for a time at least, in Ihd list of rdu»i'i|iiriv fhr-.ifip^. Barhce'k* Loop Ail! nj»«ii Ln\K>r l>;iv With flrst-iun Orpheum. now Will open with t>i.'tijr>'<. !ind tlio flosie«l for repairs, • fTo.lywood." F>eah Maitd' /i «»|><,'e af fh^ Itiulto in cornte* lion with 1i«*f own |ii.:tur»', "Ifl I)iv»me a K.uluie*.' Tiw.'ikMied Home intere.'^t (.n the )iir of the pirttire f.ins. alfhoiigh hIm- i- nrt* well ..tioii^h known to le ri n^ril card. In connection with the vaude* ville she proved a good attra( tlon. Estimates for last week: Chicago—"I Am the Law" (Kirst National). (Seats 4,200; r>r> ) Busi- ness almost reached $40,000. McVJcker's—"Children of Jar\" (Paramount). (Seats ?,500; &i.> Around $28,000. Roosevelt—"The Spoilers" fOold- wyn-Cosmopolitan). (Heats 1,000.) Fight scene causing talk which packs house. Gross ran little in ex- cess of $21,000. Woods — "The Covered Wagon' (Paramount). (Seats 1.150; $1.65 ) Continues to draw big business, and gross for last week In neighborhood of $8,S00. Oreheetra Hall—Harold Moyd in "Safety Last" (Pathe). (S^ats l - SOO; SB.) Retains tts popularity with plcturegoers. and rolled up mar*» than $12,500. Randolph — "Quicksands" (Helct t Pictures). (Seats 688; 50.) Aroun I $4,500. BUEB*8 FOUB HEW ONES C. C. Burr 1« getting In readine<*4 to start work on four independent productions for the coming season. They are to U* of the same type of picture which he ha« been releasing In the states rights feature mirk'-t for the last couple of years. "Uestleea Wives" Is the title of the first of the four. It Is an or'si- nal by Gerald C Imffy. 'The Spee.i .*<f)Ook" is to be the svjrond offering, it appearcAw ;• Xo'oh M'~ tn. gine from tl. ,. .. : W'.lliarn Wr.- lace Cook. "The Average Woman** is the tlt!f> fo]f*rrr(\ for the third o? thf sfM;*s. "Tlie Sh iir.e Dane." f'V Willtur Daniel Steele, !< ,ip with the >►• «t s< ilers a^ a Hiimrarc novel. i All four prf»d\irf ions .ire to ht ma<ie at tho I'.urr St'i.lio at C;ieii- dale. Jj. I., under rh'< p-M ^onst 'iiperviiiion o.' (* (' Mtj:r. i