Variety (July 1923)

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VARIETY Thunday» July 19, 1829 Live in the Country All Summer Take a pretty little cottage in the country or at the seashore. Make your home where it is cool and quiet, rnUee from the railroad station. With your Chevrolet you catch the morning city train In a few minutes. ^ When you step off the train in the evening your wife or daugh- ter is waiting in the Chevrolet to drive you to your vacation home. ■-;./„..,,;•*-:..•;>.:,■■. ^ 7(HtVR0LET UtiUty Coupe *680 t o. b. Flint, Mich. Is ideal for the small family on vacation, or for use as an extra car. The hi^-grade body gives full weather protection, all the Sir. Double-adjustable wind- eld and extra wide doors and » wide windows controlled by Tern- Stedt regulators provide ease of access, broad angle of view, and ample ventilation. Mammoth rear compartment is excellent for carrying camp equipment, picnic lunches, bathing suits, golf bags; personal luggage^ and general supplies. AT LIBERTY FREDHANN And HIS ORCHESTRA ,J /asf Completed Eighteen Months Engage^ ■ meni at the vr'- <; MARIGOU) GARDENS, CHICAGO Available After July 22iidl -J- I Address Care VARIETY, State-Lake Bldg., .. Chicago, III. ' JI_JI._J|^I_JCD. Two-Fms. IUMid«fir .' '. ISlf Tourflni . . 63S TWO.PMS. UdUtr Coup* ftM Pour-PaM. Scdan«tc« . 95% F1t».Pms. Sedan • . . 8M LUhtI>«UT«nr. ... lit _ ComnMrdal G1um«I« . . 439 — Utility liprMs Tradk CteMb 87f FHc0jt. p, fr. FUnti Mich, agrer of the City opera house, Water- town, and later restaurant pro- prietor there, who went west a few weeks ago to seek a movie berth, has been engaged for the cast of Fairbanks "Thief of Bagdad," ac- cording to advices received by friends. He will have a comedy role. .■ -:■"■ Dealers and Service Stations Everywhere Chevrolet Motor Company Division of General Motors Corporation Detroit, Michigan Illon has a new theatrical corpor- ation as the result of the formation of Ilion Theatres, Inc. The cortcern is controlled by Willlanri and R, V. Erk, of Illon, and Clair Scott, of Horseheads. SYRACUSE, N. Y. By CHESTER B. BAHN KBITH'S—Vaudeville. STRAND—"Isle of I,ost Ships"; last part, "A Clouded Name." ROBBINS-ECKKL, — "Man from Glengarry;" last half. "The Shock." EMPIRE—"Man Next Door." CRESCENT—First part. "Driven." There will be no new Bastable M INERS MAKE UP EsL Henry C. Miner, Inc. theatre in Syracuse. Stephen Bas- table ha.s announced that instead an office buildingr will rise on the site of the old playhouse, wiped out four monthg aiero by a Are that took a toll of three lives and destroyed $1,500,- 000 in properly. It will be the first time in three generations that the site has not held a theatre. Failure of the Bastablcs to In- clude a theatre In their building plans •comes as « disappointment. Syracuse needs a new legit play- house. That much Is conceded on nil sides. A new house would go a long way toward restoring patron- age here. The Wletlng is anti- Furnished Cottages For Rent Kelly's Woods, on salt water near Routh- arnpton, I^ I. Owner, Hurry Kelly, 78 VVhlliioy Ave., KlmhurHt. N. Y. PERFORMERS WHO SOLD STOCK IN DURANT AND STAR ENTER- PRISES ARE INVITED TO CALL OR WRITE TOMMY-XA.N, SUITE 612A CANDLER BUILDING, 220 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK. quated. The Emprise the other house suitable for legit, has been devoted to the movies since Its owner attempted to boost up the lease fee. Bastable was not cold to a new theatre proposition, but couldn't find anyone apparently willing to come in on his terms. He desired to lease part of the site to theatrical interests, with the latter to erect the theatre part of the combined office and theatre building. Request.s that Supreme Court or- ders be entered directing the sale of the BasUable site have been made in three mctlons brought against Mrs. Hannah Bastable, who holds title. The suit.s are brought to liens held by three work- men who were engiiRed to dynamite the walls after the fire. The first movie feature to be en- tirely made in Syracuse and vicinity gets a local presentation at the Strand here, starting Wednesday. It is "A Clouded Name" and was produced by Eugene Logan, of this city. The screen is being r^eased nationally by Pathe. The cast is topped by Logan's little daughter, Yvonne, best known locally as "the feminine Jackie Coogan." Mrs. Martha Langford and L. Marion Bradley, both of this city, are among the principals, while the ex- tras Include a daughter or former Governor Nathan I* Miller and other society folk. The Calthrop estate forms the background for the greater part of the story, although scenes show the New York state fair horse show and Syracuse's fast-fad- ing salt industry. Christie MacDonald, since her marriage Mrs. H. L. Gillespie, of New York, with her husband and daughter, have Joined the summer colony at Alexandria Bay. They will be the guests of Mr. Gillespie's parents, Commodore and Mrs. T. A. Gillespie, on Basswood Island. route to the ooaat to take up hU new post. The Binghamton theatre has r*« sumed vaudeville and pictures. Myron Bloom, lony Interested la the theatrical field in Central New York, is planning to give Oneida » new theatre. The group he heads has secured an option on the Mad- ison house property in Oneida and projects a $150,000 playhouse to seat 1,500. :5!^ ——^— ' —I' '- 8heik Hadji Tahar, Injured la«t week at the Lynforook, I*. I. car- nival, run for a local charity, was approached by a delegation of bis fellow townspeople (Hadji has a home in Lynbrook), and Mr. ojoA Mrs. A. Kraus, who were operating the "Whip" riding device which in- jured Tahar. They asked Hadji to forego legal proceedings against ths carnival company, as those wh© . might bo sued were In no financial condition to satisfy a Judgment Tahar at once signed a quit claim relieving all concerned of responsi- bility, as the carnival was for a local charity. Pete, the blue-blooded, golden- throated $200 canary of Manager John J. Burnes of Keith's is no more. An alley cat, climbing a fire escape and crawling through the grated window, put the bird hors de com- bat during the night. Only a few feathers remained when Burnes opened his oflUce in the morning. George Coogan, late of "Liittle Nelly Kelly," henceforth will serve as secretary to his brother, John H. Coogan, Jr., father of Jackie, the Syracuse kid star. George has been stopping off here for a few days en GIRLS New York's snappiest dancing school requires the services of young ladles who know something about dancing, to act as dancing partners. Such young ladies can earn $30-$40 weekly. Apply evenings Joyland Dancing. CO K. 14th St., near B'way, New York City. A 13-year-old prima donna and violinists, Grace Johnson, has beea engaged on the coast by Gus Bd« wards for on* of his eastern pro* ductions. HOLDEN AND GRAHAM Featuring Original Patsntod COLORED SHADOWGRAPHS and Color Scenic Effects Amidst Other Novelties SHADOWS APPEAR IN COLORS Proceeding* wilt b« taken agralnit aay Infringement. Patent No. 4942*41. Acknowledged to b« the greatest of all ^ Shadowgraph Act» This Week (July 16) Rialto, Chicaga Charlotte Lansinff (Snyder), Syr- acuse vocalist, touring in Keith vaudeville, will be a summer bride. Her enFra«ement la announced to Frederick lliintinglon, of Hamilton, son of Dr. Ellery Huntinj?ton. the noted Colgate football authority. W. Scott Mattraw, former man- i..3«0ii.':^nis»iS!5>iBSiw^<5f«iirt:«i«:^*'sii«sji:^iiasii,s<ij .:rw MEHfHINEOlMmEHT i \ FOR CLEARING THE HEAD AND • BR/NG/NG our THE l^O/CE \ SFND ror^ SAMPLE CASMINE CO.,6n2TM5T,NfiwYoRK \ ARE YOU fiOIW TO EUROPE? Stenmship •ccommodn'Vlona arranaed on all l.fnea. at Main Offlea Prices. Bonta are Koins very ffalli arranae early Foreian Money bonirbt and sold Liberty Ronde booRbt and aold. PAUL TAU.SIG A SON. I04 Rnal 14th St.. New Voric. Phone> Starveaant ni30«ni37. Established fKE ER/V 1837 Title srrnKMR rnnFFssioNAL oroan of orrat Britain AdvorM«*ment rate. 8« per Inch: £38 per page. Clansined arlvertlsenr'nt*: Com- panies, thoatrrs, artirits, tnueiciana and mlnroIlRnPouio. wanted and wants, etac three llnea. la 6d.. ench acMilional line 9d. - displayed lines la. Annual aubHcripHofi. post prepaid, U. 8. A. $5 00. KdMnrial. Advertii^lnR and rnhlUhlng Offlces: 3.% ^Velllnirtxn Strrrt. Rtrand. London. W.C.«. IMinoe Regent 4546-47. Cnbles: "Vlie Kra. 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