Variety (July 1923)

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Iftursday, July 19. 1923 VARIETY -■^•rt*- '-W^^i^-^.^r- r.'^>, 89 THE ACCOMPlilSHED PIANIST AND CONDUCTOR DELL LAMPE f ■ '::''-::-:. ^^ ' :^'' ^ANDHBV ■- ' "■^i^^r;y-m ORCHESTRA After a triumphant season as Headliner at the KEITH Theatres in the principal cities of the East as conductor of VINCENT LOPEZ'S ORCHESTRA (No. 2), DELL LAMPE Will now head his own organization under the iexclusive personal direction of J. BODEWALT LAMPE ; ^ Renowned Bandmaster and Qrchestrator : V 1 Originator and producer of orchestrar novelties. • ' .■:r':'v-•■•;■•■•■'" •■ ■-■■■■-■-' ■ ., ■■-■.■■■ t-.,- , Two features at the Palace Theatre. New York, this week (July 16) : V^ **Pinaforc" and "Rubetown Frolics,** played by Vincent Lopez and his Orchestra. Note also fnaW off '■"■■.' ■ ♦' "' ■ - I, ,. ■ • - * , .' Bekefi's Theatre Grote«k. music by Lampe. "^ "'' DELL. LAMPE and his ORCHESTRA is^booked solid for two years. First engagement beginning Sept. 2nd at the TRIANON BALL ROOM, CHICAGO. (The finest ball rooip in the world.) -: 'en. for supplenientary engagement from August 4 to Aughst 30 inclusive . ADDRESS: J. B. LAMPE, 219 WEST 46th STREET, NEW YORK Phone: 3642 Bryant \ LEGAL MATTERS Nathan Burkan'a adjudication, mm arbitrator, of a dispute by the Na- tional Film Corp. of America against the Walgreene Film Co. has been flled In the New York Supreme Court. The picture, "Hearts and Masks," was involved. National produced It and agreed to have Walter K, Greene, of the Walgrecne Corp., handle it for distribution on a 60-50 basis after Greene bad ad- vanced the cost of the negative to the National^ Money Wardrobe Worry Buy a TAYLOR XX Wardrobe Trunk at $75 TAYLOR'S M B. B«adolph St., CHIOAOO tia W. 44th St.. NEW YORK Greene arranged with the Fed- erated Film Exchange to act as dis- tributing agent in the United States and Canada, Federated paying |22,- 500 outright for the rights. Greene allowed himself a $2,259 "commis- sion for the sale of the picture," to which the National company ob- jected. Burkan, as arbitrator, sus- taihcd the objection. The Fox Film Corp., after carry- ing its case up (o the United States Supreme Court for final review, 1ms emerged successful In its copyright Infringement suit Involving "Over the Hills" against fYederick M. Knowles, William O. McWatters, HaAy Meyers and Joseph S. Klein. The defendants were sued for In- fringement of the "Over the Hills" picture. Knowles countered that Fox did not rightfully control any copyright and exclusive privilege for filming Will Carleton's famous poems. ADEUIDE & HUGHES Studio of Dance 46 West 67th Street, New York Phona Piaxa 7635 lU ' Langdon MeCormick has just completed at his Boonton studios a model of the "Toonerville Trolley" used in a vaudeville act by that name pre.sented by Charles Withers. I Max Ford has shelved his vaude- ville act and will hereafter confine his activities to producing. , " Clarence Colay (Coley and Jaxon) (Fay. 2 Coley a and Fay) has been appointed manager of the new State, Raleigh, N. C, expected to open around Oct 1. Coley is now superintendent of the Elks' Club at Raleigh. OKLAHOMA CITY By WILLIAM NOBLE Goy Clyde, of San Antonio, has purchased the Kyle Theatre at Beaumont, Texas. W. Box will open a new movie theatre at Corsicana, Texas, in near future. KANSAS CITY By WILL R. HUGHES MAINSTREBT—-Vaudevilla. OLrOBEJ—Vaudeville. ELECTRIC PARK—"192i Pol- lles." • :- The TrianoiT Ensemble, a five- piece orchestra, at the Hotel Muehlebach for six years, appear as an act at the Malnstreet. It will be a tryout for the orchestra. This city's popular paatlme, or' Indoor sport, robbing theatre treas- urers, was varied a llttla when a lone bandit held up Sam Bramson, treasurer of the Malnstreet, as he and a guard were starting for the bank. Accompanied by Taylor Meyers, building superintenrlcnt, Bramson had Just entered an auto in front of the theatre, when the robber, revolver In hand, stepped on the side step. He picked up a gtjji that was laying on the seat and commanded the car be driven away from the theatre. With the drop on them there was nothing to do but obey and the car was driven several blocks befora the fellow or- dered It stopped close to an alley entrance, where the theatre em- ployees were forced to get out. and the bandit drove away with the car and the money bag containing 12,600. The ear was found later a few blocks away. This is the sec- ond time Bramson has been held up this spring. The first time wan April 9, when a robber bound and Kagged him In the theatre office during a performance and got a\(<'iy with about |«,000. Enid. Oklahoma, will not close picture shows and pool halls on Sunday until further legal action is taken. Petitions ere now being circulated for. the closing of all amusements In Enid on Sunday. Stewart A Megehee, of Little Rock, Ark., submitted the lowest bid for erecting the new Saengcr Theatre building at Second avenue and Pine streets. Pine Bluff. Ark. Their bid was |162,000. The toUl KENNARD'5 SUPPORTERS tM w. satii St.. N. t. Ph4MM Pits R«y 0344 ■•nd for CstNlnvn* cost of the new theatre bulldlnff !■ estimated at |1.000.«00. The Olive theatrt at Hoxle. Arlu opened June 29. True Thompson haa reaignad Mi manager of toa Capitol tbaatra mt l>allas, Taxaa. turning tbi' tbaatra over to Leon Cohlman. the ownar. James Euell. Al Llchtman rapra- eentative. was married to Mlaa Margaret E. Harkina, at Dallaa^ Texas. June !•. The Swan Theatre Corporation are erecting the new Swan theatra at Walnut Ridge. Ark.' g COVERS FOR ORCHESTRATIONS ART BOOKBINDING CO. 119 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK CITV Famous SHIRT HOSPITAL SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR AND PAJAMAS MADE TO ORDER EXPERT REFITTING AND REPAIRING ""''*" SPECIAL RATES TO PROFESSION 142 Mason Street, SAN FRANCISCO > V- .1 "hat^ ♦7.75 Black. I White. Pink Av Pat Satin, Patent or Vici Kid. Rtlilltf R«fl«Ur lit Short MkfpfHOis For STAGE and STREET 22S W. 4ed Stn New Yark (DLOGS A JINGLE SHOES MhVIIm«Iw UHsn^ THEATRICAI 0UTFITTEE8 1580 Broadway ' New York City CREO STUDIO 'For Sensational Stage Dancing 'The only one of its kind 170 WEST 48th STREET Juat Off Seventh Avenue, New York City PHONE BRYANT SIM