Variety (July 1923)

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T ■ X>. •,'«■.••-•" 'jg^«r" ■ST*'".'??-; 40 VARIETY Thursday, July 19, 1923 TOWN >.*" ■4 KEITH'S PALACE, NEW YORK; u Harry Von Tilzer's Great Big Novelty Song Hit KING Sung by Two of the Cleverest Girls in Vaudeville. Sorry I Can*t Mention Th^ir Names .'1 ,1 ;^**: *.*■ .». Billy Jerome has written some great new choruses. iNow is the time to put this song oh; it will last all next seaison. ' ■'V^,;-V-;7.:\;'.-'''';^^ ■---■'-■ SOPHIE TUCKER was a riot with it in 'THE PEPPER BOX REVUE.- ,. :V-^-t:-:7^^^^ '-':''k-^0^^^^^^^^^ ""■ '■''^^l Great for dumb, musical and dancing acts. WATCH FOR MY WONDERFUL NbVELTYlbNGS FOR NEXT SEASON. «,^c 7^ Ji ,, ' I have published more novelty song hits-flikn. any three publishers combined.;;: 7•^■;i--:^y<ef|V;-^ . ; "• " a 719 SEVENT1IM liOoM 7 i'^r -v • MONTREAL By JOHN GARDINER All the legitimate and big time vaudeville houses are preparing for the .season's opening early In Au- gust. The various houses are be- ing redecorated and renovated and a general feeling of optimism pre- vails among the local managerfl. ORPHEUM—"Abie's Irish Rose." DOMINION PARK—Outdoor. PICTURE HOUSES—Plaia, "The Sign of the Rose"; Rex. "A Woman's Place"; Mount Royal, "C;imme"; Belmont, VSllver Wipgs"; Papineau, "Romance I^and"; Napoleon Palace, "The Nth Commandment"; Capitol, 'The Law of the Lawless"; System, •Sure Fire Flint"; StranA. "The Light in the Dark"; Crystal Palace. "Railroaded": Allen, "The Girl of the Golden West"; Shock"; Impeifial, Smoke." Loew's Catch "The My Tab shows will open at the Gay- ety (Columbia) Aug. 6. v The Montreal Kiwanis Club has gone on record as uimniinously in- dorsing the action of the city coun- cil not to allow the use of public parks for fairs and similar.purposes. NOW ON DISPLAY A WONDERFUL COLLECTION OF MID-SUMMER HATS Something Different. I 160 _W. 45th St., New York City I Two Doora Saat of Broadway 10% OltMMt t« N. V. A.'i frt« ■■ M. V. A. ALSO TO PROFESSIONALS Word has been received here from St. John that Miss Winnie Blair (Miss Ca^nada) was slightly injured in an automobile collision near Woodstock, New Brunswick. The car in which she and her mother were driving wr»8 badly damaged. Miss Canada had to go to the hos- pital asj a result. I During the last three moiUlis 4,833,773 persons attended theatres and other amusement places ii4 Montreal, according to statistics prepared by tlie tax and privileK*? department at the City Hall. A sum of $167,129 was collected in amuse- ment tax, of which half goes to the province under the Public Charities act, the balance remaining to the city's credit. This tax brought in $600,000 last year, representoing IS,000,000 ad- missions. ■ • BALTIMORE '■:,< '' By ROBERT F. 818K CARLIN'S ARENA—Hopper com- pany in "Robin Hood." CENTURY—"Success." NEW—"The Exciters." PARKWAY —'The Man Next Door." METROPOLITAN—"Are You a Failure?' WIZARD— Salome." • Hftion to Harry Van Hoven and the^ Gilbert and Sullivan-De Wolf Hop- per company at Carliii's. The two brothers are friendly enemies, how- ever, and Harry stiil coiUinhes with his shirt sleeve stunt about the front of the house, while the immortal Frank-Dave Clia«-eM-Jean Middleton- Van Hoven runs out to see the show after he gets thiougU ^messing uh the stij^gc at the ^arylicnd. The \'urv HoACrt opposition to Van Hoven <for. Harry lias one-third Interest in the,". Hqpj>( .• ^how. being in with John Pollock and John J. Carlln on tlie deal> has created sotifte little news- paper comment, for both the boyft^ are well known and well lilted here.-/. Don't ^"' •■♦ u:' :,• ' •>; -.'• .1 ' SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Removed permanently fron\ face, arms, neck and llmba by the only KUCcesHful method in the world. Positive and painless. No needles or chemicals uwed. Has no 111 effects on the akin or health—and Is par- ticularly errective In stubboro cases where other methods fulled. DERMIC INSTITUTE S47 PIPTII AVK. (Suite 61«) ^KW YOKK. Telephone 7S07. 60t0 Ashland Opposite Waldorf-Astoria SEND FOR FRBB BOOKLET A. H. Woods Anne Jago, contralto, has been added to the De Wolf Hopper com- pany at Carlin's, while Sol Solomon was brought here for the role of Sir Guy Gisbourne In "Robin Hood." current. At the opening night Mr. Hopper was presented with a minia- ture baseball bat, done in silver, by the Advertising Club of Baltimore. All of which led Hopper to remark that "Casey at the Bat" was the best friend he had ever had. Indications here are for an early opening of the local theatres. Palace (Columbia burlosquo) will open dur- ing August, while Ford'a and Audi- torium are expected to open Sept. 1. Most of the attractions for the legiti- mate houses have been penciled In, although no definite announcements made. presents Lowell Sherman /// "Lawful Larceny" By SAMUEL SHIPMAN for a brief tour in B. F. KEITH'S VAUDEVILLE This iVcck (Jul], 16) Keith's Palace. New York "Loyalties iias been announced by tlio DillhiKiiam ofllcea in letters to local critics for an early showing at lord's, while "The Pool" Is lined up for two weeks at Auditorium some time in October. In the stocks column of Variety lut week this writer said that Wini- fred Angiin played the Mldshipmite in the De Wolf Hopper production of "Pinafore." Miss Angiin sang the role of Hebe and Annette Hawley danced the Mldshipmite's steps at the finale of the first act. This week Frank Van Hoven and his Chunks of Ice are playing oppo- BRAINY YOUNG MAN wishes to enter theatrical baalness. any branch. Collere rraduata, tt; business and newspaper experience. Enthusiastic and ambitious—an auet fa your organization. ADDRESS: M. H., Variety, New York "VARIETY'S' PUBLICITY PLAN Let "Variety" work for you over the summer —taking you all over the world. The Publicity Plan does it. It is being con- tinuously inquired into by shrewd adver- tisers, a-'''^../,;-. •;.'■■ ;„ ■: y- This Publicity Plan insures you publicity by display or pictorial in every issue of "Variety" while contract runs. It has been made adaptable for anyone, in length and cost. ■■ .;: -:.■•,,:,,.'./; :^ :;:■,.,•■:■•■,, Details may be obtained from "yariety's" office, at ' K - "^ New York or by mall. Chicago London DAN CASLARKNirBEASLfY TWINS- in "MUSICAL MOMENTS ff >• V- ■■..'■