Variety (July 1923)

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MifmjL.'^: 'Otc-•*»■■• ' '^ -wtr '"ry T'«r«'^ y7?^'jF'«!Wf-•'*^»*»-.T*f«j^« V .■* 1 • Thursday, July It, 1W3 VARIETY 4S 1"*: '*r. <• "•■••.■^.•'"'v ■*'■'. ''' JOSEPH M. GATES and JAMES P. BEURY :->'■»'■ .*' i'->-'" ■ ••■ ,1, _,* _.. PRESENT THE Jr,,, t'" , '";■"■ *' "Tff^ ,<i.5Si -:* * • ■ srz- ,f' ■<-H i- ,•>>..■!? $*e-' ^ «"* iN '■*';■■< V/;t ! 1 r ii ,>w -v. ■r» 91 \ '■• •\.'« ».>.:."> •il*" .**,-' ^- By WILL ana TOM JOHNSTONE -v./r-' Wj t #•.'» T> ^•*V .^ ■V', SEVENTH WEEK OF PHILADELPHIA'S RECORD-BREAKING ATTRACTION AT TOE WALNUT STREET THEATRE .<' ' \ •..V. .^•■■• *,v V" •:- ' '■ ••i"- tl^EWS OF DAILIES (ContinueU from page 3S) ,irhe appeal was dismissed by.Wash- inirton immigration authorities. Miss ^Westby declared a motion picture "rproducer made improper advances ^-to her and threatened to report her ^to the immigration authorities when she spurned his attentions. _- Motion picture producers have contributed $120,000 to a fund which the Y. W. C. A. Is raieing to take better care of thousands of film- •truck girls who go to Hollywood I and become stranded. The Y. W. |.C. A. seeks to erect a $150,000 build- ^ Ing for the Hollywood Studio Club, ; formed In 1916 to care for the dis- ' appointed until they can be sent OSWALD WOODSIDE KENNELS WOODSIDE LL back home. Will Hays has indorsed the project. Roscoe ("Fatty") Arbuckle and his wife. Minta Durfee, are both appearing in Atlantic City thia week. "Fatty" la at the Palais Royal, while Miss Ihirfee is the featured player in Will Morrissey's revue, "Newcomers," at the Apollo. "Much press work has been plarfVed by both. A tennis ball thrown by a small boy caused the death of "Zeekoe," $20,000 hippopotamus at the Cin- cinnati Zoo, who swallowed the plaything. The hippo was the larg- est in captivity. Two pennies also were found in his stomach at the post mortem. . < Homer Samuela, husband of Galli-CurcJ, has been named defend- ant in a suit brought by William Thorner, singing teacher, for $^.000 for alleged defamation. Thorner claims that he is the "discoverer" of the great coloratura soprano and that he also taught Rosa Ponselle. CROPPER'S FINE LUGGAGE SOLE AGENT FOR BAL THEATRICAL. TRUNK HOTEL RORMAHDnD BLDGm i. eor. 88tB <ft B'way. N- 1. O. PHOlfBt riTEHOT 884S 9 B Our One Big 'Annual Sale Every pair taken from our fe^^r^tock of exclusive style shoes that are ofCored else w h e r e at double this price and more. Winkelmait style in QMaXity Footu;ear . • 21 Wcit 42nd St. Formerly to $12 Anna Fitslu and other great singers. He says that Samuels denied that he had taught his wife and generally insulted him as a music teacher. Lou Tellegen has filed three mo- tions in the Brooklyn Supreme Court seeking relief from the suit brought against him by Harry N. Stelnfeld, his attorney In the Farrar divorce suit. The lawyer is endeav- oring to force Tellegen to pay him $10,000 for alleged legal services. The actor wants Stelnfeld to state precisely what were the professional serflces rendered and how the flve- flgure value came to be placed upon them. Dorothy Manners, an actress liv- ing at the Hotel Brevoort. New York, kidnapped her five-year-old son July 17 from the home of Mrs. B. N. Kieman at Noroton, Conn. The actress gave the boy to Mrs. Kieman some time ago, saying that she could no longer take care of him. A few* days ago she changed her mind, but Mrs. Kieman refused to give him up. Consequently Dorothy took four male friends, drove to Connecticut and forcibly stole the child. "Falrtl Perfume," the novel by Zona Gale, has been dramatized by the authoress for production next season by Brock Pemberton. This producer also intends to present I>ord Dunsany'a "If." Anthony Mullere, president of the musicians' union, has. announced that unless wages are raised mean- while all the members of the union w^l go out on strike next Labor Day. Penhryn Stanlaws. the artist, han written a play based on the story of "Manon Lescaut," which will probably be produced next season. A new American comedy. "Chil- dren of the Moon." by Martin A. Flavin, is soon to be presented out of town, with Henrietta Crosman and Louis Calvert playing the leads. "Autumr,,*' a new play by Saxon Kling. is being tried out this weeK at Newport. The piece has been \1I7' A XT'^PT^Tl • MuNlcal comedy and VV/l.l>l ± J!ii/. spsclalty people for road ahows and vaudeville acta Muai- clan» who double for rnualcal acta. JOR IlilNKY S4ft Waat 47lh 8tre«t ^.., New York Tel. Brrant MM mentioned as a possible vehicle for Theresa Maxwell Conovcr. * David Belasco has accepted a play by Mrs. Ethellyn De Foe, widow of Louis V. De Vo; dramatic critic. n :. -v.l. vy i::i Frieda Hempel, operatic star, has been unable to get a hearing in Ber- lin because It is claimed that she was unfaithful to Oermany during the war. S.»e says that public sen- timent has refused to let her appear in concerts. Two "So This Is" plays are racing towards Broadway showing In the early fall. William A. Brady has one with 25 scenes called "So This Is New York" and George M. Cohan announces "So This Is Broadway." The presentation of "Kiki" which will open soon in London is not the America^ adaptation by David Be- lasco. in which Leonoro Ulrlc ap- peared with so much success. It is reported to have been adapted by Sidney Blow and Gladys Cooper is rehearsing the name role. Pending the outcome of her suit for separation, Mrs. Dorothy Uosa- WANTED: SHOW GIRLS To model clothes for cloak, ault and drena housea. Alao ^rls for faahlon ahowa and motloa picture aztrss. Highest salaries, paid. LILLIAN BRADLEY 1658 Broadway^ Suite 701o, New York bell* Tounff, wife of Cortland H. Young, chief owner of the C. H. Toiwg PubUshing Co., which pub- lishes "Young's Magasine." "Breesjr Stories.'* "Droll Stories" and "Yel- low Book," will receive alimony of $725 a month, with IS.SOO as counsel fees. Mrs. Toung charges cruelty. She says her husband's Income Is $160,000 a year. He told Snprems Court Justlco Lydon his income was only $40,000 annually. 8he declares he assaulted her while he was intoxi- cated. His age is 48, hers 2i. ^rm. Tho Guardian of a Good Comploxion TheSta^ 'for The Boudoir^ STEINS MAKE UP VVVV «r«a|c<KMtTlCCa.^^<' lOBROO Hold9 ihm Cmntro oi the Stagm H'M PROFESSIONAL TRIMS Back to PreWar Prices ■Vv Mail Orders Filled F. O. B., N. Y. City. tond for CataloflwOw Used tmnka and ghopworn 9ample9 of all standard fMtke§ alivayt onhan4 NATHANS •OLB AQENT FOR HAM TRUNKS IN THK EAST L 529-531 Seventh Ave., New York Phon.i Fit* Roy 0620 a.twMii Utk and 39th MraM ABE ART FiA.I-^Li and Present "HOW DOES HE DO IT?" Palace Theatre, Cleveland, 0., Last Week—This Week (July 16)—Temple, Detroit li ' < ■.•*;..-.■». AS USUAL NEXT TO CLOSING Direction LEO FlTZGERALDl J