Variety (July 1923)

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» VARIETY Thursday, July 1». 1023 '^ JUST TO PUT EVERYBODY WISE We Ars the Lucky Publishers of "The CHAM-PEA-NUT SONG I I I THE SENSATIONAL WHISTLING "GANG" NUMBER A SURE-FIRE ACT SONG THAT WILL GET THE AUDIENCE WHIS'^LING GET YOUR "PEANUTS'' WHILE THEY'RE HOT. "SHUCK'' FULL OF LAUGHS EDDIE CANTOR'S Sensational Comedy Hit of the ZIEGFELD FOLLIES—'TDDIE STEADY" will be ♦ released soon. LOITS BREAl 145 West 45th Street, New York CHARLES TOBIAS KEITH'S GETS HIP (Continued from page 1) Ilclt7. Hl« familiarity with the Hip- ixxlrome and his belief that the lioua« waa adapted to pictures and ▼aad«Tlll» is said to have first In- *ter00tod the Keith peopU In the Pip. SlDirer'a Mldgeta will be featured •B the Hippodrome'* opening bill ■Oder Keith's direction. Annette Kellerm&n la reported to b« on« of the opening Keith fea- tures at the Hippodrome Lrfibor Day. Hiss Kellerman will do her diving specialty in the Immense Hippo- AJStfOjgw^ Ftuhionahlm Summer Fura at a Big Re* duction. Saving of Ovmr S0% drome tank. It Is also said that swimming and diving acts, pfobabfly recruited from some of the male and female divers, will be weekly fea- tures at the Hip. A policy simll&r to the State Lake policy In Chicago is to be Installed, according to re- port. This would mean that the ^Ippodrome would gire four per- formances dally, the acts working three show's, one act remaining out of each show and appearing In the fourth, together with the feature pictures. Ths seating capacity of the Hip- podrome will be Increased to 5,624 seats from the old capacity of &,274. This will be done by removing the present apr9n and the front and footlights to a straight line similar to the Palace, Cleveland. The Hipp first opened April 17, 1905, under ths management of Thompson & Dundy. In 1910 It was taken over by Shubert and Ander- son. In 1915 it came under the di- rection of Charles Dillingham and for tbe seven seasons following, dur- ing which R. H. Bumslde produced "Hip Hip Hooray,- "Everything;* "The Big Shyr," "Cheer Up,-' "G*t Together," "Happy Days- and "Bet- ter Times." The Hippodrome has an area of 50.000 square feet The houss will be entirely remodeled before re- opening. The main floor will have a series of dressing rooms and rest rooms, also tea and smoking rooms for ladles. Similar, rooms for men will be on the mezzanine and first balcony floors, also a biffCet for soft drinks and a smoking room. The entire basement will be re- constructed in white efiamel marble and nickel-plate metal. Box stalls, baths and every provision for ani- mals will be installed and the place thrown open to children. Babbage ft Sanders represented the Hippodrome and Maurice Good- man the Keith Circuit in the legal end of the deaL PILGRIM'S PROGRESS FUM (Continued from page 1) A, relative to distribution through the exhibitor organization channels of a screen version of the tremen- dously circulated religious work that has been passed down through centuries. John Bunyan was born In E3ast- low, England, and It was in 1678 that hia "Pilgrim's Progress" was first published. Immediately caus- ing widespread comment The women have not disclosed their n\anner of financing the pfo- po8e(L production nor -^hom they have In mind to direct the picture. Tha work of picturizing "Pil- grim's Progress" will be a tremen- dous task and the picture would cost very close to |1,000,000 to pro- duce in the event that those behind the project Intend turning out a screen version worthy of the alle- gorical tale Itself. It is a subject worthy of the tal« ent of Oriinth or some director ap- proaching his capabilities in trans- ferring tremendous spectacles to the scrsen. ' N^ Fire Commissioner Thomas J. Drennan, of New York city, has Is- sued a warning to motion picture exchanges and. exhibitors agrainst carrying films in subway trains. They may be carried In street cars and elevtfted railroads only when encased in fireproof metal contain- ers. Fourteen violators were fined, thirteen $25 and one |250. ^,$pecid DiMoont to I . the Vtoftasion^ I Purf n^re4 and ^ ^modeled'' mt Thm World's largoMt manufacturera of tho- atrieal footwear. We fit entire companies, also individual order; NEW lOBK—IBM B'way at 4«tta 8t. GHICAOO—SUte and Monroe Bts. ) EDDIE MACK TALKS: No. 143 Bert Fitzgibbon and his brother Lew have climbed tha ladder of fame until they are now recoflnized as • standard vaudsvliis offering. Each season tha boys work steady, as they are sure-fire laugh-getters* and laughs are essential' to vaudevilla. This wsak they ara living up to sl^sctations at Keith's Orph- eum, Brooklyn. Mack's clothes hava played an im- portant part in the progress of Bert and his brother. Tha latest in styles, made of the finest maUrial, with tha famous Mack workmanship, supplies tha ap- paaranca that demanda attention. MACK'S CLOTHES SHOP MACK BUILDING Just a at^p Bast of Broadwajr on 4<th Street 166 WEST 46th STREET, NEW YORK PRESS AGENTS DICTATE (Continued ftom paga 1) additional $15 they would not be considered members In good stand- ing and therefore not permitted a voice in tha meeting Friday. It Is understood the association has formulated something that ap- pears to be a demand on the man- agers which embodies tha follow- ing: Press agents and managers are to receive a minimum salary of $150 weekly. A reasonable exponas account shall b« allowed. Two weeks' notica of discharge shall be given. There shall be no layoffs when a company to which they are at- tached shall play Chicago, Boston or Philadelphia and tha work for the company placed in tha hands of the local representative of the management. There shall be a manager and an agent for each company. No one man shall handle tha work for both ends of any company. No man shall handle tha work of more than one show at a time while on tour. At tha meeting Friday Wells Hawks was elected president; Charles Emerson Cook, vice-presi- dent; Claude Orenekar, treasurer, and Francis Reid, corresponding secretary. MARK w^ xranD Broadway and 47th StroM ••A NATIONAL. INSTITUTIOIT* Directioa Joseph Plaidiett THE BRASS BOTTLE" WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST 8TBAND 8TMPHOMT OBCHK8TBA CARL. EDOUARDB Conductor NEW YORK THEATRES MUSIC BOX THEATRE IVeat 46th St. Bts. 8tlB. Mate. Wed.-8at. SAB a BAHRIS PfVMOto IRVINO BERLIN'S lUSIC BOX REM ^ Btagad kt HAiWARn BDO&T. WITB A OBKAT CAST I PHDT THBATRB. W. 41th BL Bra 1:11 UUnl Mate. Wed. and Bat. at t:l». MERTON OF THE MOVIES f»lih Glenn Hunter—Florci ce Nash llarry Lieon Wlleon'e etory dramatised by Oaa. S. Kanfmaa and Mare Ooaaelly QXTTmnir theatre. W. 4M8L K?B.tM. OXtLtYl XH M»Uneei Wed. and B*t. at S:M. RTJFITR T/«MAIRB and OEOROK JE8SET. T>r«eMit HELEN of TROY, NEW YORK "THB PEBFKCT MUSICAI. COMKDT." —Herald. Made and Lyrlca hy Bert Kalmer and Harry Rabf Na WEST £w Amsterdam *«*«• BTvatoga •:!«. POPCUtm BAT. WKDNBSDAT. BXODI<AR MATINKB BATURDAT. NEW SUMMER EDITION ZIEGFELD FOLLIES VdllilCi Ulll Mate. Wedoetdaj and Baturlay. OBOROB M. COHAN Presents AMERICAN 8WBBTHEART PiiAT "TWO FELLOWS and A GIRL'' TIMES SQ. ''^***^ ^- *^ "^ ^^**- '^ CYRIL MAUDE "Aren't We AUr ^ FBBDBBICK LONSDALB THE GAIETY THEATRE Is ssiUa hoadqanrtere for Uoshter. M UUMAni luta. Wed. and Bat at l:M. flDRIEHNE THE SPEED SONG SHOW. EVERYTHING NEW EVERYTHING ORIGINAL VINCENTLOPEZ and His HOTEL PENNSYLVANL\ ORCHESTRA WUM, NEW Y(M JNDEHNITELY ^ - - 1 ■3 '■■^ ^ ilatt. Ttaurada* and Satvuday. ¥hB BELWTNS Preient v CHANNING rOIXOCK'i THE OOI-. TN "Play That BeeaeeeaS ta SeRe et tha OaMI. —T " ncDTTm ir* <2<i St.. w. of Bwar. IVCtrUDLilV^ EVENINOS at l:l». Matlneea Wedneadar and 8aturdar« t:%%. ANNE NICHOLS' Nsw Comedy ^'ABIE'S IRISH ROSE' «*THE PLAY THAT PUTS *U' IN HUMOR" r*f nni? thbatbb, brtant ssm. \JuUViOC* Broadwajr and 46th Street Pop. Mats. rSS. Best Seats $2 FIFTH ANNUAL PBODCCTION GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDAU DB LUXE EDITION ■V J' :i Direction WALTER MEYERS, HARRY WEBER Office