Variety (July 1923)

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Thursday. July 26, 1923 VAUDEVILLE WEEKLY DIGESTS VARIETY AND "CUPPER" la eatsh lasue of Variety will appear a weekly diffest of the leadinir articles published In the same week's Issue of "Clipper," while "Clip- per" the same week wlU carry a similarly written digest from Variety. As Variety is a general theatrical weekly and "Clipper" an out- door amusement publication, the digest In each will give both papers a thorough resume of the entire show field, in connection with their own matter. Henry Ford intends spreading subtle propaganda through sending emissaries into county and state fairs, also interviewing farmers, osten- sible on the Fordson tractor subject, while In reality to obtain a line OB bis president lad chances. The farmers of the United States are gen- Mraili' regarded as comprising 60 per cent, of the voting population. **^Another angle to the attempted carnival freeze-out is that local gamblerH jja cahoots with politicians conspire to hold all of the money in town for •t'.their own purposes, rather than see carnivals dry up the town's sports jk month or so after one week's visit. "* (Jolf club promotion, for new courses Is being legitimately conducted "mlib realty speculation in view. YOUNG ATTACHES FATTY TO COLLECT CONWSSION Agent Bringing Arbuckle Out of Hollywood Must Resort to Law for Money Due Him ~ fl'The first carnival appearing under the auspices ^ '^pfganization happened last week in Indiana. No sec tUe K. K. K. affiliation. or a Ku Klux Klan recy was attempted in I , iJepartmental cemmi-ssioners of New York City are to confer this week if Vf* regulate visiting carnivals In the Kreater city. Commli'sioner Bird S. Coler is advocating a united carnival under auspices of all charitable societies. ^, .. . f. ^vt* A Clipper staff man relates some more of his observations and expcri- |^.'€hces while traveling for a week as a guest of the RinglinK Bros.-Barnum- ^^'Ballsy circus. The .show business 25 years ago. as gleaned from the files of the Clipper |;'of this same week In 189S. £/ .Whippet or dog races are due to make their appearan( e in the metropo- %' lis next fall. i^^A poem entitled 'Think of Nell Revell." takes in all tranches of theat- %- lical?, in ii^ pointed advice to be well content with your lot. ■W'M ' •.':•, ■:■■<.■%.' --. ■.>■■,,■■•■.- fe Bathing house proprietors at Coney Island are objecting to callers there Jtf In machines using their cars as dressing rooms. a; :-•■•• ■ ■• ' • ■•■••..-■,. ^ The demand for outdoor acts this season appears to be overlapping the ^available supply. ^* Thirty thousand acrobats assembled in Pari.s for a convention ending ^nday. All were amateurs. A resolution by the American representative that the finish of all contests be taken in moving pictures was adopted. 'A Norwegian broke tho world's pole vaulting record ' iChristiania by going over the bar at 13 feet, 9% Inches. Monday at Jess WHlard's second In his last fight, Jack Skelly, accuses Willard of laying down with Firpo in an article in a Yonkera (N. Y.) paper. Atlantic City. July %6. The receipts of the Palais Royalc were attached Saturday night by Frederick Bachman. representing Ernie Young, the Chicago agent, for commiMion alleged due from Roacoe (Fatty) Arbuckle for the cabaret engagement, aecured by Young. The Arbuckle engagement was from July 9 to Aug. 6 with the film comedian to receive &0 per cent, of the box office receipts (coveur) with a guarantee of |1,#0# should his share run below that amount. Young holds an agreement for 10 per cent .on all moneys paid Ar- buckle, signed by Perry Kelly, the comedian's manager. The first week's receipts for the Atlantic City engagement amounted to IS,244 with Arbuckle securing I1.C22 as his share. When Bachman went to the res- taurant to secure the commission for Young, it is alleged Kelly "stalled" him and said B. D. Berg. who is the stage manager for the cabaret, had deducted half of the commission due Young for himself (Borg). - ^: ^- The attachment made by Dachman was for commi8sion due until July 18 with the Chicago agfnt's repre- sentative claiming Kelly had paid him but (70 during that time. The sergeant-at-arms of the local court, who served the attachment, walked into the cashier's booth at the cabaret and counted out |162, which had been taken in that night from which he deducted $81 as Ar- buckle's share to be held to satisfy Young's claim. Young brought Ar- buckle from tlje coast, back to the foot and limelights at Marigold Gar- dens, Chicago, where Arbuckle re- ceived $18,000 during his four weeks there. OUR SARANAC tHORUSPONDENT IS KEEPING RIGHT ON THE JOB Walter C PerciTal Tipping the World on Doin's in ''Gloryous Aderondaks"—8-S Betting on Bill Halligan't Board Bill X 'A band of 60 Western amateurs. Middle West to considerable success. dressed as Gypsies, is touring the ■it:' '■ SUMMONS FOR CANTOR OVER SHOW'S PROPS Second-hand Furniture Dealer Wants His Property—$75 Weekly Rental Charged Xjtw Cantor, vaudeville agent, Who produced the muelcal offering, "Sunshowers," at the Aator theatre last spring, was in tho West Side Police Court Wednesday In answer to a summons which charged him With withholding furniture (used as prope) that he had rented from William Birns, a second-hand furni- ture dealer'of 101 West 37th street. Cantor originally appeared on the charge July 10. at which Ume the hearing was postponed until Wednesday. According to Birns, Cantor had rented the furniture for 175 a week, and at the time he pro- cured It paid $160 for two weeks In •dvance. After falling to make payments for six weeks, Birns said that he sent to the Astor theatre for his furniture and found that the show had closed. Birns said he then called upon Cantor at his office •nd that the latter gave him an order upon the Globe Transfer storage house to deliver the prop- erty to him. At the storehouse Birns was told that they knew of no such property, and therefore could not honor the order. When this occurred, Birns went to the West Side Court and ob- tained a summons for Cantor. At the time the case came up. on July 10, Cantor Informed the court that he did not have the furniture in his PossesRlon. as Hurtlg & Seamon had taken the show over in Its entirety. He requested that an adjournm«>nt ^e grunted him so that the matter could be straightened out. Following the court proceedingw. Birns says that Ilurtig & Seamon returned a»>out one-half of the fur- niture to him and claimed that was all they had in their possession, Upon the calling of the case Wednesday. Rims toll Magi.<itrate Levine that half of the property had been returned. Cantor then In- formed the court that he wae trying to get in touch with Jules Hurtig so that the matter could be straightened out and that Birns would get all of his property. Upon this request the case was postponed until Aug. 8. Blms states that Cantor 1« in- debted to him for 20 weeks' rent on the property, amounting to $1,500, and that he will bring a civil action to recover this amount. AGENTS WORK SUNDAYS Agents booking on the Loew floor must be represented on Sunday as well as week days, according to an order issued to the sgeijts last week. Failure to have a representative on hand on Sundays between noon and 5 p. m. will call for a penalty. The Sunday representation is necessary through the fact of acts falling out of bills or any emergency that may arise. Jack Osterman Resuming Los Angeles, July 25. Jack Osterman resumes his vaude- ville tour here at the Orpheum next week. He retired from the San Francisco bill two weeks ago at the time of the death of his father, J. J. Rosenthal. Osterman has had several olTers for the screen and is now believed to be negotiating a contract. Camp "Next-T-Closing" in the Aderondaks ■ ^■■'■■, i- Saranac Lake, N. Y., July It. Editor Variety: -• v> . ^. Lots of water has ran under the bridge and many a flsh has (Otten off my hook sinse you scene At to improve your sheet by hirrin me to detail the news apertalnin to the members of our ProflP. who are here in Gods Country durring tho time of year when aktenrwiah they had llssened to the Mrs. advise and saved 2,00$ a day goln to the hotels that scene At to catter to our Proff. Then they could have came to these Cloryous Aderondaks instead of runnin a bill up on Polly Pickens at the Princeton durln the M>*nta £;olflln season. And wer they wise they could be Agurln in the news of my wkly. letter in your sheet apartalnin to the members of our Proff. who are with means enough to cskape the heat of the rorrlng 40tles as well as eskape the humileation of takin the «2.i0| which is ofered one to play a engage- ment at the houses which advertls in the lobbie of the theater—that it is 20 dee-gree« coaler insid than it is on the st. and could eskape the com- panyonKhip of essochiating with Mnddam Groobers Bears and trained monkies when it is 100 in the shade and the dressin rooma are all in the bassment. The Mrs. sed I shud take advantege of your seeing the light by going out for a better class of Proff. feeders throu ingagin me at a space r^|p to rite for your sheet by using part of the space to point a morel (the Mrs. is a bear on moreles) to our reeders—hense the morel fnclnaated in my oppen paragraff is (Akter^ shud save ther money durin the seaaon) Now the news Is-To-Wit: I drov my lizzie over to Camp Intermission which Is the name over the entreuce of the William Morris place In these gloryoiui aderondaks. 1 notised on^thc way in to the camp propper what to tho nakid rye seamed to be a jipsle tent on wheels—1 suspected news—as i am fullie aware of Bill Morrlsex ave- sliion to liavln his show place barber euything that wold have a tendencie to marr his view. I approched this tent on whells as only a news hound can and i (pund it harbcred Lee Shuberts privet sect. Jack Morris. It is evident to the reeders of amcricas repr. theatrical wkly. why the aforesaid gent must lug his home and board thrue the gloryous aderondaks. it is due to his haveing been conected with a certain vaudevll slrkit of Oppor* tunitie on which the akters had to use the meddium of our sheets won- derfull advertlsin by taking a ad in which they confesed the errer of ther ways and hense wer allowed to agin ply ther Proff. (tho Mrs. points out the morel of the above) It Is-to-WIt: "All is not gold tljat can be hock«d." Camp "Ncxt'T-ClosIng" has entertained durln the past wk. the Exiled Bill Halligan who has been the guest of Friar Paul Stevens at the Stevens House ut Lake Placid, (ho left last nite to play this wk- at the Palace In N. Y. to get the money to pay this wks. outtin) He is to Join the better element at the Stevens House for the entir mo. of Aug. the bettin Is 8 to 5 that he pays his hotel bill in laughs. Just cause i mcntoned Ralph Famum In my openen letter to you he motored back here yesterday and brout Harry Delmar of Hackett and Delmar one of Kddie Kellers surefires. Delmar is the first akter that haa been ccen In this country of the glorjous aderondaks in long pants, they leve for Montreiil In the moriiin and if I get my work dun and I can think of a lie that the Mrs. will belove i am envited to go. so if yo do not here from me next wk. It means 1 pot away with It with the Mrs. and om in a stait of Jollctie among the cannucks. A. J. Levy and Leo Franke spent part of this wk. here on ther Way to the flnhin grds. of Maine. Maybe one of them can get a Ash to roplsre that mangey fish that Playrite Eugene Walters advertises his name with, at the Friars Club. ; •..-.. . . ^ Robt, Hilliard is at the Stevens House with a privat nurse" gettln over a case of a alUck of tempermant (hes havin trouble gettin fresh Aowers for his dayly buttenere) Friar Stevens also Informos your cho- ruspondent that he Is host to Percy Pollock who took Frank B.icon < -place as Lightnin In the play of that tytle. He Is akompanled by his sl.ster of the vaudeville team of Kelley and Pollock. A gal. and a half of gas away from here at the Loone Lake Houfe Archie Selwyn of the Selwyns Is thinking up a now angle to pull on A I. H. Woods to hook him on a few of his firms euroi>eajis flops, this same Mtn. retreet is shelterln Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, he and his Mrs.' nre restln from his busy seasons communication with the spirits of the de • parted, i am going over ther to interview him and prevale on him to intreat his spirit control to give your chonispondent the low-down on the outcome of the Akters Equity and the closed shop. (I may be abel in this way to skore a news beat for our sheet?) * Hoppin that Con, and Ring Lardner are not forced throu the %iy\t> and make-up of my wkly. news letter to cease from writtin this tipe of *>tuff and that I have shoen you 1 have all the earmarks of a real news rilter—I will again sighn miself, ' Tour Aderondak Rltter T^V^^" WALTER O PERVIVAn ■ •.- ••;.• Of :,•.' Noel and Perclval ' P.S. youl notis I use terms such as sheet -news beat—etc. etc. n.B. no one but a reel rltter wood be up on terms like these and I can go back to the Friars and talk to Runyon, Mercer, 'Bugs" Bear an.l Lalt and rest of those newshounds as an equal. ((5( this does not indutie Paulasky the man of "The Iron Mask" W.CP P.S.again: Frank Stevens the sect, of The ITlars Club played Fridiiy to the ExllT Halllgans roblnson Crusoe and tiss rumered be has Bill on the cuff for the expence of last wks. viset and for collateral Bill has sighned away a 2-S Int In the royaltle rites to "Anastasia Rellly." ■-■.■''■ ■.'■'. ':■■■■■:. ..:':...> W.O.P. NEWS BY SAME RITTER Judge Moe Crossman, of thj well known Arm of Grossman. Vorhanw and Grossman was a visiter at the Adirondack Estate of William Morri.-^ "Camp Intermission" for the week end. He cross questioned Severn! Brook Trout, and tried to shake the testimony of a ten pound Pickerel nn to Its legal right to Inhabit the Lower Saranac Tjike waters, yet both witnesses refused to be Intlmlnated by the eminent ADFLYN HELEN JASON and HARRIGAN AN INTERLUDE OF HARMONY ' Next week rAu*r 6) Imperial. Montreal. Still playing for Keith under the direction of PETE MACK of the CASEY OFFICE Sing? Sweetly. HarmoniouH? Always. Entertaining? Immensely. Attired? Fa.shlonnbIy. Appearance* Gor?^o<.us. Which leaves nothing to be desired. ROMM & WALTERS CniCTTIT The newly formed Independent circuit 'f Romm A Walters began operating this week with six ron- Kccutive weeks now open, an<l 20 more weeks to bo In operation b.v the second week In August. The houHe.«» this week with hIiowh booked by Romm & Walteia include tho Eowdoin Squ.ire, Boston: How^ .ird. Boston: Nipmuck Park, Mil-* ford: Casino, Rocky Point, R. 1.; Lincoln Park. Worcester (full week^; Htrunil, PoHton, and Strand, Maiden. .M|»Ilt week. HTrry Romm returned to N'ew Yolk from Boston last week, and U now going after hotise^i lu New York and viciniiy, ^