Variety (July 1923)

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'Y^- r ■ mm Thursday^ July 26, 192J \K' •^ VARIETY* ,"■ ■'.•-•wr"-"..-'r- > ■ ■>>.; .-T-T7,'^-»-•"•■-■ ' >»-■--»,. »S^ 85 BILLS NEXt WEEK (JULY 30) Dl TAUDBTILLa THXATRKI ■ •»Mi tot t^ VMk wltH UmU9 aMtls^*. «%•• mi ■a I! I" I ^TM Mlli Mmt m« grovpAd tt «lTlflleB« Moerdtac u MeUnc sOcm MppltM o( aaCa aor Ui«lr ptocram poaittoaai ««M Bot ««aot« t^ ialatl%« ^-' 9 aa(«i« ftiw aaa«t«a aat la Aolag a«w tant. ar taaaaaartaa &ft«» »i 1^ ?rada»n»«rar appaarla. I» alty wh«ra llat«« far ST Kt Si^T^ * KEITH CIRCUIT ■^ V, Ik 'v TOBK onrr •Leala Mann Co Borland Dl»on Co SftlBty Mart* Otca Cook PfFor Boya yarm'^''' ^m SmUh (TWO to flU) Kattk'a BiveroMa Wm Seabury Co lUy Raymond Co Rom« * Dun" Tb« Sterlinga ]}ddl« Robs Bsdcffua A Reye» (Otbers to AM) KoHh** tlst St. ' Dooley & Morton Adelaide Bell Co l»t half (t«-l) Mack * MarloB Dotsoa TAB Heal«y (Othera to fill) td balf <l-l) 8baw * \Jf Bonia A Bacprta (Othera to fill) rvactar'a tM St. Id half (>«•») Bawtborno A Cook Harmon A Sand Stone A Hallo Biffht Maacota Uualcal Rolleya (One to flll) lat half (30-1) Pinto A Boyle Lytell A Fant • 4 Locust Sla CBCBI'B HLABBl D'ANDREA and WAL Featured Dancers AI.WAY8 -Mary;" -The Merry WUUm." -Op ikTcioadfl" "Spice of 19tt," Iko *^'»'»<*?/,.i^£'»8Alf SHIS IS* ;♦ Tip Taphankera Ifercedea (Two to All) Moaa* Braadway Burst A Vogt Baker A Rogcra Hurat A Vogt (Others to All) Moaa' Collaenm Jean Granese Co Josef Fejer Orch Aaron A Kelly Dallas Walker (Two to All) 2d half Blller A Mack Rev Cupld'a Closeupa (Othera to All) Kelth'a Fordham Cupid's Closeupa M'lr'y M'Neece A R Chung Hwa Trio The Faynea (Two to AH) Sd half (2-5) M'C'rmack A R«Kay The Parkers Kramer A Orlffln Alynn Wann Co (Two to All) rroctor'a 6th Ave. Sd half (26-29) Van A Vernon Tip Taphankera Rtdlculoua RIcco Tierney A Donnelly (Othera to All) 1st half (30-1) Morton A Glass Moody A Duncan Parisian Trio (Others to All) 2d half (2-5) Carroll A Fisher n IT- CHESTER FREDERICKS The Featarad Javenilc Dancer and Clever Mimle Third SeaaoB with Gaa Bdwarda Revae \ •I h if- Furman A Bvana Carnival of Venice (One to All) 2d half Jean Granese Co Rita Gould Son Dodger Jutgleland i ■ Dallas Walker (One to All) Moaa' Franklin Miller A Mack Rev Mel Klea Tierney A Donnelly (Others to All) 2d half Carnival of Venice King A Beatty (Othera to All) Keith'a HannJIton Oretta Ardlne Co Xing A Beatty Juggleland (Othera to flll) TAB Healey Geo Lyona (Others to All) CONBT IST.AND Ifew Brighton V I^pea A Orch Santos A Hayes Wells Va A West Crafta A Haley Freda A Anthonjr Booth A Nina Dance Creations '23 (One to All) FAB BOCKAWAT Colambla 2d half 60 Mllea fm B'way Morton A Glass Tan Arakia FIO Lewia Fenton A Flelda Runaway Four OBNTI8T Prloaa within raaaos to the profaasloa. Dr. M. Q. GARY N. W. Cor. State and Randolph 8ta Second Aoor over Drug Store Bntranca • W. Randolph St.. CHICAGO r 2d half D D MT Tierney A Donnelly (Othera to All) Keith'a JefTerson Patrlcola Gordon A Kenny Harrison A Dakin George Lyona (Othera to All) 2d half Oretta Ardlne Co Harry Braden (Othera to flll) Moaa* Begent Runaway Four Harry Braden (Others to flll) 2d half Aaron A Kelly Chung Hwa Trio Mlr'y M'Neece A R (Others to All) Prortor'a 125th St, 2d half (26-29) BBOOKLTN Keith'a Baahwlck SInger'a MIdgeta Gilbert Wells Burns A Lynn Bellls Et^o D Richmond Co ' Margaret McKee S Ballentlne A U (One to All) Keith'a Orphevm Harry Fox Co Bill Robinson Sewell »ls Willie Rolls Murray A Oakland Tom Burke Crescent Five (Two to All) Keith'a Oreenpoint 2d half (2C-29) D D H7 Little Driftwood Rose A Thorno Rcss A Edwards ALBAMT Fractar'a Manlcipal Four Ideal (Three ta flll) Xd half O A I. Mitchell Van Boven Ctoalar A Latfby Natbano Broa Lew Wllaon Howard A Lynn Jean Mlddletoa Oflalal Oaatlat f tha R. ▼. A. DR. JUUAN SIEGEL a4»a B'wy < F»fai«a Bl«s.> R. 1. Indoor Sports Idea: (Two to flll) ATLANTIC CWT Globe Herbert A Dare Dave Roth H J Conley Co Murray A Allen McKay A Ardine Belle Baker R Robert A Q Dorfs Tonng'a Camclla's Birds. Holdcn A Harron Cbas Ahearn Co Alleen Stanley Malla Bart BALTIMORE Maryland Moore A Hager I..evlathan Band Hasel Moran Cbalfonte Sla Moran A Mack Brnle A Ernie Sallle Becra *Le8son for Wives BOSTON B. F. Keith'a ■Oscar Martin Co R'ym'd A Schramm Bert Levy Hamilton A Barnes Williams A V'n BssI Lydla Barry *Mei8ter Singers Olcott A Mary Ann Elrey Sisters CINCINNATI Falace LAB Dreyer Young A Wheeler *Morria A Flynn Tower A Darrell Jean Southern Clifford Wayne a CLEVELAND 105th Street Knapif A Cornelia MT. VEKNON, N.f. Proctor^ Id half (2(-2t) Flo Lewis Co Miller A Mack Rev Wilton Sla (Othera to flll) lat half (SO-I) Venita A Gould Inglls A Winchester Caltea Broa (Others to flll) 2d half (2-6) Jack I^VIer (Others to flll) NEWABK, N. J. Proctor's Al Tucker & Band Alice Morlcy Lou Tcllegen Co Jack Wllaon Co M'C'rt'ne A M'rrone Hawthorne A Cook OCEAN CITY, N. Y. Hippodrome Bob Dob A Bobby Margaret Ford Wilkens A Wilkens Jos Darcy Lime Trio 2d half Ferry Corwey Rhodes A Watson .Walsh & Bills Toung Wang Co (One to All) PATER80N. N. J. Mnjestie 2d half (26-29) Smythe Co Deland A Blair Judson Cole 4 Dancing Demons Morlen A Doran (One to All) 1st half (30-1) Shaw A Lee Sonia A Escorts (Others to All) 2d half (2-6) Bessye Clifford Mack A Marion ■waauay A Walters • Maaoota madleton A ■ , ' VQI4EDO B. F. Ketthli Trovato Perrona A Oliver Frank Wilcox Oo Pert Kelton •Snow Col'mb'a m D Sd halt Amaroa A Obey Bllda Morria Lee A Cranston Phenomenal Pl'yers Tom Kelly Werner Amaroa S WASHINGTON B. F. Katth'a Barto A Melvin Miller A Faara Lea Paradi'a Band Stan Stanley Ck> Bmma ^arua Cartmeil A Harria White SIstera Jnat out Knlckera WIUDWOOD, H. J. NIxaa Ferry Corwey Rhodea A Wataon Xellam A p'O^ara Walah A Bllla Taanff Wang Oa td half Boh Bob A Bobby Margaret Ford Wilkens A WUkena Joa Darcy LLme Trio TONKKB8, N. T. Fractar'a Id half (2S-S9) Renard A West Cabaret Argentina M'Crnxack A Regay Will Morris (Othera to All) lat half (SO-1) *Max Gegna'a Orch •Anklea Fox A Miller (Othera to flll) Sd half (2-5) D'nce Rev fm Dixie Caltea Broa Moody A Duncaa (Othera to All) au.aoa.P/lbua Ico POU CIECtJIT BBIDGKPOBT PoD'a Eunice Miller 8 Mildred Parker^. lat half Palerraoa Doga Fid Gordon The Diamonds I CLASSY REFINED CtSTLETON&MllCK Dorothy Taylor Co Anklea The Sheik Edwards A Bcaslcy Dorothy Byt'ns Rev Hippodrome Amy Dean Co Al RIpon Dawson Sis Inneas Broa Blosaom Heath Ent DATTON B. F. Keith'a Amaroa A Obey Elida Morris Lee A Cranston Phenomenal Pl'yers Tom Kelly Werner Amaroa S 2d halt Trovato Perrono A Oliver Frank Wilcox Co Pert Kelton Snow CoI'mbua A D DETROIT Temple The Stanleys (Others to All) PHILADELPHIA B. F. Keith'a Lorner Girla Co Russell A Marconi jarvia A Harrison Ahearn A Peterson Ctaaar Rlvoll Co Sd half Walter Gilbert Smith A Strong Golden Bird Brltt A Clifford « Amer Whirlwinds Palace DeVrles Troupe Saxon A Grlflln Melody A Steps Marino A Martin (One to flll) 2d balf Lew Nelson Montana Blondes Trapa Brennan A Rogera Bansee A Baii'd B Hughea Co SPB'GFO), MASS. Palaca Plaia Bros Gllmore A Lester Grace Edier Co Allman A Harvey B C Hklllam Co 2d half Bernt A Partner Burns A Allen Fred Grey Co Jans A Wbalen Sunbonncts WATERBURT Palace Bam Bamms Wm A Kennedy Butler A Parker Jana A Whalen VARDON and PERRY Addreaa: Variety. New Torh m^' as :ps: Plerca A Ryan Stafford A l<ou>se (Two to All) . 2d half McNally A Ashton Holland Romance Ai.Wohlmai) (One to flll) CAMBRIDGE Central Sqpara Follls Girls Darling A Wllaon A Holland Romance (Two to flll) •Ttessler A Morgan liiliy Buard " Bohemian Life. 2d half Herman A Shirley Cavanaugh A Cper •Darling A WHaon •8 8 Maieatlo Orch NEW BEDFOKD . Olympla McNally A Aahton Cavanaugh A Cper Al Wohlman Herman A Shirley WALTER ETHEl WARD and DOOLEY 2d halt Bennington A Scott Billy Beard (Three to flll) HOLTOKE, MAS8. Mountain Farh Leona A Willlama Billy D0 Liala./ KelHO Itros Jimmy Save Co 6 Amer Whirlwinds (One to flll) 2d half Summers Duo (Others to All) LYNN. MASS. Olympla Blair A Pennington (One to All) Sd half Leona Williams •Keasler A Morgan Stafford A Louise Kelso Broa Billy De Llale NEWPOBT. B. I. Colonial Roae A Dell Bennington A Scott Kelao Broa Billy De Llala , 2d half Blair A Pennington Chaa Irwin •Mayo Leslie Co (One to All) CHICAGO KEITH CIBCUTT DETROIT LaSalle Garden Bogg A English G«orge Yoeman Hickey Hart Rev Clark A Boots Georgalls 3 Sd Halt Hollywood Follies Wade Booth (Three to All) FINDLAY. O. MaJeaila 2d Half W Doraflcld B A W Kelly Oeorgalla S TEK. HAUTE, IND. Liberty Reeder A Armst'ng Tony A George (One to flll) ORPHEUM ciRcmr CBICAOO Palaca Ethel Barrymore Bob AJbrlght Co Senator Murphy O'Nell A Plunkett Creole F'hlon Plat^ 3 Lordons Stota Lake ~ Orphenm (Sanday opening) Margie Coates Ten Byck A Welley Bspe A Dutton H Stoddard A Band Morris % Campbell I^mbcrt A Fish P Regay A Shee'n Victoria A Dupree Jack Oaterman Thee Roberta MILWAUKEE Palaca (Sunday opening) Sarafan Milt Colllna Martha Pryor J Rosamond Joh'an Wm Bd|non<ls Co GlllettI A Kokin Hal A Franela Renard A Waat Adroit Broa 2d Half Laura Bennett Ca F A M Dale •Merrlgan A H'ard •Variety Pioneera Gatea A Finltiy Morgan A Orey Sid Hall Co Billy Hughea Ca PalaaS) '' -''' ' Rhoda A Broohelle Muniford A Stanley Graxer A Lawlor Harry Aager Co •Huge A Roae ?d Half Victoria •MerrlnMn A ITtalt JACK POWELL SEXTEnE RBADUNINQ FANTAGKS CIBCmT Dancing Demona Yietari* Hector Ruaaell A Plaroa Hdgh Bmmatt Co Bernard A Leona Lynn A Thompaon Sd half Sehneter A Smith Gordon A Delmar Kelly A WlM Thorntotf A Kins Bena'n A MoUno Co Lincoln S^ Bmma Raymofld Co Harrington Slatara M Montgomery Ca Al Raymond Benaon A MoIIno Co 2d Half John Blondy A Bro Betty WaahlBgton Jaa Kennedy Co McGralh A Deeda Lynn A Thompaon Grealey Sq John Blondy A Bro Irene Trevette . •Merrlgan A H'ard Arthur Aahlcy Co Bryant A Stewart Dancing Demona Sd Half Gold A Bdwarda Peggy Brooka Ward A Oliver Sharon Stavena Oo Bann A Mallaa Romaa Troupe Deianeey St F A M Dale Carey Bannon A M Sharon Stavena Co Poater Girl Harrlaon Moaa Kanasawa Japa ATLANTA Ormmi% ,-i.., Loula Leo Froat A Morrlaon Jahn A Agnew Mack A Lana Varna Hawortk Ci» 2d Half S Mackt Bert Coleman Bell A Belgrara Jimmy Dann t Marlett'a Manikin* BALTmOKB 4 Tllerona A'at'g A Gilbert Hayea A Lloyd Luckey A Harria H«tt Reflow Co BIBMINGBAM BUaa ..^ Willlama A Bunca Baldwin A Klnv Dave Raphael 0» Bob MJIIkln Dance Fantaalea 2d Half Loala Lao Froat A Morrlaon Jahn A Agnew Mack A Lana Varna Hawarth Oa BOSTON OrpheVBi Raymond PIka Cooper A Lacar S««aatlaMkl Head-Balanehiv BqaiUbrlal* THB OBIGINAL ■ ■•.'*•! FOUR PHILLIPS Thla ('■«J^^««-«J). *•«• CaUaaww Ma—gamanti lilA3k miLLIF BERT— —MINA WAINWRIGHT in "THE RIGHT WEIGHTS'' By PAUL GERARD SMITH rrr Garden A Pryor T J Ryan Co Curl Irs A Rose Bett's Seals DES MOINES Orphenm (Sunday opening) HARRY BURNS The First ItaHan Comedian to Register • Hit in a Broadway Production (Aaaiated by Charlea Senna and Carllna Diamond) THERE IS NO TRUTH IN STATEMENT THAT I GAVE IN MY NOTICB I HAYB A RUN-OF-THE-PLAT CONTRACT WITH BARL CABBOLL'S BIO SUCCESS. *'YANITIE8 OF IMS" Personal Representative, CLAUDE B08T0CK Lowell Sherman Co Fortunello A C Artie Mehllnger Davla A Darnell Harvard W A B Grace Hayes EDDIE BORDEN AGNES— —CHAS. FINLAY and HILL with ENRICO CARUSO SBORDI in "Vodvil a la Mode" Court of O K Cole Bison City Four Fid Gordon Sally HiB A R Abala A Adrlenne Weston A Elaine Int half (30-1) Karl CavnnauKh Vordi A Glenn Al Shayne Co -JU>nn Mann Co The Parkers Turn.-r M'wsmn A V 2d half (2-D) Furman & Kvann i^yt'll At Fant I'lnto A Boyle Tho Paynes • Two to flll) Proctor's 58th 8t, iid half (26-29) H'yiTj'd *j Schramm Murray A Maddox Ankles '>(clodi€s A Ht»'r» ■I'-nnier Bros H'ldic & Grace (Two to flll) 1st half <30-11 D'nco Rfv fin Dixie Jack LaVoro Gardner A Aubrey (Others to flll) 2d half (2-5) Fox * Mlllrr (Others to flll) —Melth's I'roMpcct 2d half <2C-29) SinK«r's Midf^t'ts Aliro Morlf'y HaktT fc Uopors (Othors to Mil) 1st half (30-1) Flo l^'Wi.T Co AndorKon & Burt Will Morris (Oth*-rj. to nil) 2d half (2-5) •Max lioRna'R On h In^n fi Winf he«l«r (Othors to fill) •Zarto Robert Rellly Co •Lane A Freeman Newhoff A Phelps Joe Rolley Co Snell A Vernon (One ^o flll) INDIANAPOIJS Paluee T^dy Tsen Mel Stanley A BIrncs Arabian Knights (Two to flll) 2d half •Austin Ac Btrgere Tarzan •IliKKin« * BloMOiii (Two to flll) LOMSVILI Nntlonnl •Austin A H.rttere Tar7J\n •Iliggins & BlosHom Two to nil) 2<1 half PORTLAND, ME. B. F. Keith'a George Moore Co Malloy A Connery Anttta Rae E Ball A Bro Prltchard A Rock Dwyer A Orma RICHMOND Lyric (Norfolk split) Ist half •Zeno Muller A Co Lew S«'ynr>i>ur Co .ludson Cole Co <*r(sr|fnt 4 DiMrfi & Belmont R 8C.'IIKNK<'TAI>Y Proetor'w O A L Mitchell Indoor Kports Court of King Cole (Two to nil) HABTFOBD Capitol Lew Nelson C3o Gene Morgan Blondes Mardo A Rome Shadows 3d half Bam Bamma Wm A Kennedy JarviR A Harrlnon Allman A Harvey B C Hllllam Co NEW HAYEN Sh'ting Thru W'mn Montana < Macart A Bradford Brltt A Clifford Mystic Clayton Jim Haney'H ReT 3d half DeVries Troupe Ahearn A Peteraon Shadows Marino A Martin Ceasar Rlvoll Co W'K'S-BARRE, PA. Poll'a (Scranton apllt) 1st half liaretta BAH Carlton tElsa Ryan Co Bison City 4 Courtn'y Keyes A P WORCESTER Poll's Bernt A Partner BOB MURPHY "and" auggesta for your aummer vacation HiiigliRm Be.-irh. South Koynlton. \'t. T.ady Tsen Mel Stanl'-y ti Birnrs Arabi.-tn Knights (Two to Ml) MONTRKAL imp«-rial (Sjnilay Opening) 2d half Munlrtpal Four (Oth»ri) to fill) HYRACIKK B. r. Keith'a H< rt Foxnorth A Fruii..i»> ARTHUR SILBER BOOKING EXCLUSIVELY WITH PANTAGES CIRCUIT «0« FITZGERALD BIJ)G.. NEW YORK Fhonoe ilKYANT 7»7«—«S29 2d half Plaza Bros Gene Morgan Butlrr A Parker Mardo A Borne Mystlr. Clayton SCRANTON, PA. Foil's (W'k'K-Barr.' split) Frank X HUk Fred Gray A Co Burns A Allen aunbonnets 2d half Grace Edier Co Mildred I'ark«:r Marart Ac Kradfnrd Ollmore A l^nt'T Jiri) lian'y's K> vuc L A H Zlegler Walmsley A Keat'g Cabin A Romalne Juliet Mills A Duncan Bi Ba Bo MINNEAPOLIS Hennepin (Sunday opening) The Reutera Boreo Avon Comedy 4 Mary Haynea Nonnette Maui^ce Diamond Friend In Need OAKLAND, CAL. Orphenm Ben Bernle Harry Rose Cortes SIstera Beeman A Grace Carlisle A La Mar Armand A Peres SAN FKANCISCO Ooldea GaU (Sunday opening) Four Camerona De Marcoa A Band Flandera A Butler Sargent A Marvin Paul Decker Chong A Moey TOMMV— — *'\K* VAN and VERNON KANSAS CITY Main Street Aunt Jemima Co VIsser Co Harry Delf Co Black A ODonnell Roy Maye A B •Fred Lewla LOS ANGELES Hill Street Wdllngton Cross Anderson A Yvel Jewells Manikins Regan A Curtis Le Mairo A Hayes Alexandria Or|»lie«im Anatol Frledland Ornbenaa (Sunday opening) Billy Sharp Co Rube Clifford Gus Fowler Frank De Voe Brown SIstera Sophie Tucker Flfer Broa Geo La Mair ST. PAUL Palace Galletti'a Monkeya 3 White Kuhna I^ulse lively <riayton A I^nnie Hylvia Clark 8 Blue Demons Lew Hawklaa Sd HftK Page A Orean S Walnwrlght Glrla Geo P Wllaon P A O Hall Sllvartone 4 Harry Abrama Ca NatloMU Gold A Bdwarda Wyeth A LaRue P A O Hall Nell McKlnley Laura Dennett Co 3d Half Girl from Toyland Harrington SIstera Hugh Emmett Co Bryant A Stewart Moran A Welser Orphenm •KIrkwood Trio Mills A Kimball Bob Ferns Co Rule A O'Brien Romaa Troupe 3d Half Hector Wyeth A La Rua Three Chuma Dave Tharaby T P Jaokaon Oa Berrard A Towaas W Maatley Ca BUFFALO atau Llant That Ion Ca Ford A OoodrIcA Stara Record Lewla A Rogtra I Anrima ^ CHICAGO ( Bicko A Keyo ^ Ix>ula London Wilson A B Boya JAB Page LONDON, CAF. lioew Wyoming Duo Ubert Carlton Matthewa A Ayrac 3d Half L&Mont'a BIrda Wilson A Jerome MAO Duat Twins 'i*. 'SIR" JAMES DWYER Bernard A Leona Fred Bowera Ca Boalevard Girl from Toyland Gordon A Delmar Primroae S'mon Co McGrath A Deeds Moran A Welser 3d Half Casson Broa A M Milla A Kimball •Bott Schaeffer • Carey Bannoa A M Jack Hanley Avanaa B Victoria •Merrlman A M'tell Poater Girl Harriaon Moaa Kanazawa Japa 3d Halt Roge A Rose Rhoda A Droehelle •KIrkwood Trio Earl A Winette •Hughes A Merritt BROOKLYN Metropolitan Zemeter A Smith MEMPHIS Stata Lea Perettoa Dave Manley Hart A Hnblnl Raymond HItche'k J Elliott A Glrla 3d half Wllliama A Bernlea Bob Mlllikin Baldwin A King Raymond HItche'k Dance Fantasies MILWAUKEE Miller Lucy Gllette C3b Herbert Denton Cm Stuta A Bingham Kee Tom 4 MONTREAL Forls A West Delbrldge A O Josle Heather Ca Quinna' A Smith Ethel Davia Co Beatrice Morrell • E. HEMMENDINGER, Inc. JEW BLBBl 33 Weai 4gth Straa* New Tavfc Telephana Bryant 1541 -BOSTON KEITH CIRCUIT BOSTON Boston Tcw»r Af VVtirh IIhe«-I llarrington •lluKh«'«-Burke Co Harry llnlbrook II .S.ldi n At Bro Gordon's Olympla (Scolly 8<i ) The i'earsona Elsie ilubtr Wkllmmx A Rrtproo C Ij La>*ior i.'o !•• ifrli A Jones N« rritt At Mann ,Sh«riiian Ar Uofo (•ordon's Olympla < WashlriKton i^<i ) •J«)© All* I. Iiorothy Itii-i.Mfll Co Maxfleld At UolNon VaUla Co (<ni< t<j (liM DKOCRTON Mmnd •■>!»><J L< slM < tj LOEW CIRCUIT NEW YORK CITY I Busseli A Pierce State I M Montgontery Co Chandon 3 I Orth A Cody HUGH HERBERT 22.1 I.RFFRRTS AVENUE, KKW GARDENS. I* I. Phone Rlrhmnnd Hill 9«KS re»rKy Brooks Mont*' A l.yor s Vtorgan Ac Cray Orth A Cody Lomas Troupe 2d Half P'-MoM Itros Frank Johnrun '■<» Jlrn Francis Revu«) Amerlean Jack Kanley a Wainwrik'ht Clrli' Johunotk Bros Ar J Hutrh'M M'iriti Co •\\<.sf K. Wywe Betty Washington Kelly A Wise Bann A Mallon Billy Hughes Co 2d Half Adroit Bros Lynn Cantor Bob Ferns Co Monte tt Lyons GAM I<*K< Gatea ^ — KniRht A Knave I.ynii Cantor •H.itt Kthacffcr Co KraitKT A Boyle (1 A M LeKevre 2d Half Kinina Raymond Co 1,» w Hawklr.s •ll^rry Anger Ca Rule A< O'ltrien NEWARK, N. J. Stata T,nmont Trio (.'orlnne Arbuckte Fisher A Bertram Conn A Hart Hummer Revue NEW ORLEANS Blllle Cllftnn ftobb A Whitman •Tom Toner Co Layden A Burke Arch OnrI A Dolly 2d halt Lea Perettoa Hart A Rubinf McCorinack A W Dave Mankin J Elliott A Uirta (Continued ori page |7)