Variety (July 1923)

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iursday, July 86, 193S *-;■:'■ .-*;ft. VARIETY "•'af^^*?v; S7 A-^^-. .^■•■r'^i ■ ■,¥.'-. u ; • ^ »i ■ > (a- - • ■ ^- THE Ca^EATEST COMEDY SONG WRITTEN IN YEARS A ■'•' <■ •■ * M* >C -^^'V >«•■>,■ S A BAG • • t-^ j., ^y * >.\ ■ .■*' ■ * • , • > -r* -■ 'iLtt ::: », A Score of Comedy Catch Lines That Will Be a Riot in Your Act—Writ< Wire,or C^ and Be Among the First to Use the Funniest Comedy Song on ihe Market—Every Line a Howl RICHMOND-ROBBINS, Inc.^- 1688 BROADWAY ? ^ *NEW YORK ■'■/. PUBLISHERS OF SOUTH SEA EYES MARCH OF THE MANNDONS BONNIE All m«tt«r In CORRESPONDENCE ' r«f«rt to surreni wMk unl««« otherwise ^ indicated. VARIETY'S CHICAGO OFFICE State- Lake Theatre Bidg. I* TAe Palace bill this week is badly off from the standard established and maintained almost without ex- ception during trfe last year. The retaining of Fannie Brlce for a third week and having her do a travesty on "Camllle" with the assistance of Harry Delf and Cliff Edwards was not in Itself such a blunder, but when Miss Brice Is forced to carry the show for a third week without having more important assistance than Delf provides, with a bill of acts merely acceptable In their spots up until the headllner appears, and weak from then on, it is plausible to conclude that the booker of the house is on a vacation. .The crowd Sunday was not large for the open- ing matinee. Clayton and Edwards In a com- edy skit were next to closing. They do a good act, but It is not stronp enough for the position. Oakes and De Lour closed the show with what Is billed as "a cycle of cyclonic dances. The act is very good, but it is ridiculous booking to expect it to follow Nelson Snow, Charles fcolumbuB and Dorothy Dilley. There were just 146 people left downstairs when the act closed; it was the greatest exodus ever seen at the Palace. Harry Delf stated' that he was a little nervous, as it was his first performance since "Sun Showers." He did not show it Opening with an introductory song and dance, he followed it with his "family album" a ring act. It opens with the woman seated on a bench and a golfer ap- proaching her. She exits and the man gets to work. The golf idea is further carried out when the rings are made into a trapese by use of a golf stick. /The heel catch of Mr. Leray won applause. The lady made a card announcement that he Francis X. Hennessy IRISH PIPER—eCOTCH PIPER VIoItnItt (Muslrlan), Irlib Step and Scotch Ulgtaland Dancer. PUy B«TU. Vniide»11Ie. Woul.J Join Mudctl Act, Bur- *«iu», Irish comedian, or Lady Singer. Partner. AGENTS. Keep My AddreM. VArlety. New York. CORRESPONDENCE The citiss under Correspondence In this Issue ef Variety are as foliowt. and on pagesi ATLANTA 47 BALTIMORE 42 BOSTON 40 BUFFALO 47 CHICAGO 37 CtEVELAND 42 DALLAS 40 INDIANAPOLIS 38 KANSAS CITY 4« LOS ANGELES ^. 41 LOUISVILLE 44 ROCHESTER 46 ST. LOUIS 46 SYRACUSE 46 VANCOUVER ....X. /... 46 WASHINGTON 46 number, and then did a burlesque on Grecian dancing, with much ex- planatory (?) talk. The framing of Delf's act greatly resembles Fan- nie Brlce's act, which detracts from the success of the show. Both have an introductory number along same lines and both do a burhesque Gre- cian dance. Delf's album number is a gem and his "types" won big 'applause. The Lerays opened the show with ARE YOU GOINC TO EUROPE? t<enmiitalp mecommodatlons nrrniiffed on ml Line*. «t M«l» omc» Prices. Doeta are voln« wry fwlll itrrmiae early Foreign Money l^onsht nad •ol«. Liberty Fond* bonstat and •old. PAUL TAUSIO A SON. 104 i5a«« 141b St.. New York. Pbouei 8tnyve«ant ei3«-0l»». Established THE ERA 1837 Tire SUPREME PROFESSIONAI. ORGAN OF GRF.AT BRITAIN A(1vertla«m«nt rat«, in. per inch;. £11 rer paire. CtaMJOfd •dvcrtJuomml*: Com ranlca, theatre*, artists. mn-lrlnAii and miM«;ollaiiPou«. wanl««l anti want«. •tc. thl.^« llneH. la ed., each additional lino »d. displayed linea la. Annual aubscrlpllon. P»*t prepaid. U. 8. A. 16 00. „. . KdKorlai. AdverlMlnR and Fahllnhlnit Offlces: 83 WcJIImrlon Htrcet. PInind. London. W.CJS. Phone Kes«ut 4646-17. tablets "llJa kjri^ London. is th^ only one doing It, which Is interesting to vaudeville - goers, whether trua or not Bub Carleton an^, Julie Bellew of- fered songs with trimmings in the way of piano playltjg by Mr. Carle- ton and dancing by Miss Bellew, with a finish in which both dance off stage. Miss Bellew is endowed with a winning way and capltallxes a droll twinge In her voice. She makns a striking appearance and ts particularly cUte in the number in which she takes position first on a settee and then atop the piano. Mr. Carleton Is a song writer, so he t.ikos occasion to say, and sings one of his compositions to prove it. For a flniah both sing "Now Or- leans," which is hardly new enough for a song writer's act. "A I«Ylend In Need," a one-act comedy, played by Nicholas Joy. Mann Hollner, Linda Carlon and I«:i.'iino Tomplo, Is smart entertain- ment nicely presented. The players handle their parts satisfactorily, and. the skit Itself compels Interest. ICairy Delf came fourth. Nelson Snow and Charles Columbus now have the assistance of Dorothy Dll- ky Instead of Harriet Proctor, who was tho girl of the trio when last at tho Palace. The Individual stunts of the young lady brought bif? ap- plause, and the duel dance of the two bien Htood out most in tbchr mlngtntf. and danclAf eoBtrlbutiona. Th« act if elaborata In ertry raapact Thera ar« elsvan man, eonntlB^ Miss' Bricc's laader, and aavan women in th« show, and no jaas band! Loop. There is entertainmant aplanty at tho MajasUc this weak, although a couple of the acta on the bUf do not measure up to good vaudeville. Am an opener. Washington's Ani- mals gave the bill a good start. Second were Sterling and Oold. man and girl. He singe a few songs, while the girl fills in at "the piano as accompanist and sings one song alone which would have regis- tered better if she had talked it. Five Lc'lands, one girl and four men, one a midget, furnish the comedy during their acrobatic of- fering, , worked hard and got re- sults. The Majestic patrons liked CHal- Ugan and Levy, who clowned all over the stage iVith mil comedy songs. Levy's mugging came in for a lot of laughs. Pining In Sunday only, were two girls, Jane and Agnew. One ball a pleasant contralto, while the other rendered'a solo on the harp as well as accompanied at the piano. Their program consisted of old time songs which were not relished by the audience who did not give them enougn applause for an ^core. The high spot held Dave and Tressie, nuin and girl, colored. ) Attention SCENIC ARTISTS Will Rent or Exchange for Work Moderp Scenery Paint Frame H*>n MiMacer Gltrkmao'a Pa tare Thoatrc nine iHland Aur., at RoonevHt Road riliC'AGO ^ STAGr SHOES EVERYTHING (mmcdiata D«lU«r7. Slnslo Pair ee Pi'oductloe Ordtra. BRND rOR CATALOO. AI^TONS, Inc. 17 Wo fiikU Ht. Chlrayo "^tr^t'nm WOg •tepplnc to tli» tWMB of a oolOMd ■jrncopated orchestra of Mren plecea Dare aad Trwiio war* for- with 'TIantatton JHy-" Thay now ^11.,^'^ routine of dano«i, especiany the man's Imltatlona of taps and druma which aot a big hand. The orotaeatra jasaod «p things and the act went over hig. Arthur Angel aa an old "oronlo" has a wealth of cood material which got many laugha but Angel lacka that something to put him ovar. Crandalla Ciroua clooed the ^111. A man and girl ride ^wo circua horses doing several stunts, then several boys are brought from the audience and they..4lemonstrate how youagatera are first Uught to ride a circua horse. Thla bit supplied the comedy for the kct—the audi- FDR COATS Cleaned, Glazed and Relined '.V ■ We also Remodel Fura into the Latest Style—Work called for Free Storage to the Performer Bhoieiifidd's Fiff Shop .^ 204 State-Lake Bide. CHICAGO yaiMM DsatWra ItM _^LL WORK QUARANTEEP^^ ''EU'' the Jeweler TO THE PROFESSION Special Discount to Performera ^HEN IN CHICAGO State-Lake Theatre BIdg., Ground Floor EUGENE COX SCENERY 1734 Off den Arenu* CHICAGO riMM n—uj tsai Aak:—FRANK IK KRf.HT i /•■: -^RAINEiO GARDENS^ MILLION DOLLAR OUTDOOR GARDENS CL.ARK HT..»at LAWIIENCK AVKNUE, CHICAGO FRED MANN Presents EDWARD BECK'S NEW SUMMER PRODUCTION "RAINBO DLOSSOMS'* "With an All-.Star C! and lh»? Kairibo Beauty Chorus FRANK WESTPHAL and HIS RAINDO ORCHESTRA rAMULM ui.>m<:km a la caktk »euvicb