Variety (August 1923)

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J»-.rx" VARIETY ■ ■-i»r?,'^JK»'-wie''jrwK?v^ Thursday. August ^» IMS MAUNDA: DADE K>i:-i..-\ **ROYAL ENTERTAINERS" ThU Week (AUG. 20) .y-^'::^^-ii'' BR KEITH'S PALACE, NEW YORK ii?= BRYANT S568 Doris Reid CREATOR OF SMART GOWNS 106 W. 44th St., New York Opp. Belasco '^Theatre The following I refer to you personally: Thea ROUTE TO FOLLOW Aug. 27—Jefferson and Sth Ave, New York Sept, S^Syracuse ^ Sept 10—Watertown and Utica Sept. 17—Auburn and Binghamten Sept. 24—Troy and Albany Oct. 1—Philadedphia Oet. B—Globe, Philadelphia Oct. IS—Keystone, Philadelphia Oet. 22—Easton and Allentown ^ Oct. 29—Shenandoah and Hazsiton Nov. fr—Carbondale A Nanticoke Nov. 12—Reading and Lancaster Nov. 19—PitUburgh Nov. 26—McKoesport and Gresnsburg Dec 3—Canton Dec. 10—Toledo Dee. 17—Detroit Dec. 24—Akron Dec. 31—Erie , •■ - Jan. 7—Open Jan. 14—Buffalo Jan. 21—Boston Jan. 28—Providence Feb. 4—New London and Norwich Feb. 11—Pawtucket and Pittslield Feb. 18—Orpheum, Brooklyn Feb. 25—Royal, New York March 3—Colonial, New York March 10—Bushwick, Brooklyn March 17—Broadway, New York March 24—Rivera and Hamilton, Wew York March 31—81st Street, New York PAT CASEY AGENCY LESTER WALTERS, Personal Representative J^Uf^ DOBOTHTJOISM ' VIOLA. DANA '* IIBLSN MENKEN GLORIA FOT MARION COAKt.KT ML.L,IAN LOBRAINE AI.MA RUBBNS Jl)NB CAPRICB BONA WALLACE HOPPER PAULINE OARON MRS. HAROLD HELEN rOKD DOROTtor McKAT WANDA LTONS . EDNA HIBBBRT SeTBLLB WINWOOD . /' WANDA HOFP SHANNON DAT ADBLH ASTAIR LILLIAN WHITE NAN HALPERIN LLOTD are ftU money, the same as the grownups. The appeal to the youthful mind is also reflected in the opening act. Dezso Retter, who, working alone, holds the opening spot beautifully for a single. Doing some straight clownijng ahd tumbling for an open ine. he shifts from this to burlesque Ing for the material, followed th» -^^....i- !_.. -..»« .^Ia..1«» mt^tr^ta Pllaur^n VL'hn wnrKH AlOnSP *: ATLANTA By ERNIE ROGERS FORSYTH—"Johnny Get Your Oun," stock. HOWARD — "Homeward Bound," film. METROPOLITAN — "Wandering Daughters," film. SLANG SKETCH COMEDY WITH A TOUCH OF MYSTERY and a GREAT FINISH. ' Can be played in one and a half or two. FOR SALE OR ROYALTY. . Woman and two men. Address JOHNNY O'CONNOR Variety, New York RIALTO — "Human Wreckage," film. LOEWS GRAND—Pop vaudeville and "Cordelia the MagnlHcent." ALAMO NO. 2—"Bast la West," ttUn. Fred Raymond. Jr., injured last week In an auto smash, has re- covered sufllciently to resume as leading man with the Forsyth Play- ers. While Raymond was out, Bill Boyd, hubby to Clara Joel, le.ding lady, pinched-hit as "Jerry" in "Peg O' My Heart." House records at the ..tialto went flnhle last week when Lambdin Kay. announcer for WSB, . nd Ernest Rogers, both Iccal. put on their singing skit in which they have ap- peared In practically all the Atlanta houses. It la a two singing act. ADELAIDE & HUGHES Studio of Dance 4S West S7th Street, New York Phone Plaia 7635 Propaganda In favor of Sunday amusements is being broadcast here. Neatly every Sunday some local house puts on a card show and afterwards the managers express regret that they can't have 'em every Sunday. A lot of tradj and lay talk was created this past week when Wil lard Patterson took over the teaser campaign run in local papers by Howard Price Kingsmore, manager of the Howard. Klngsmore's ads teased 'em with "Bigger Movie Soa*on" one-inchcrs all through the Atlanta papers without any theatre or photoplay tag. Then Mr. Pat- terson came out with a six-inch ad announcing that the "Bigger Movie Season" would be Inaugurated at the Metropolitan with "WandorinR Daughters." Klngy Is still fuming. Read Joe Cooks* 'Doing Your^Stuff in Vaudeville* in the September Hearst^a International Magazine. Now on the newsstands on some esthetic posing acts, closing with a number where he wrestles with himself and takes some most realistic flops. He was In right with the kids and the older ones in the audience from the start, and work- ing easily crashed over. The tone is in t^e second act. with Fritz and Lucy Bruch with their violin and 'cello duets and solos. Miss Bruch. with her "BIrdsong." was in excellent form ftnd held the house throughout. The pair could have taken encores easily and there was a real demand for them from the house, despite the fact that it was rnther heavy material for such sultry weather. Evelyna Lynn and Clyde Dilson, with L>itlian Lee Anderaon. In a sketch which combines comedy with musical work, is in next posRion. Built along rather farcical lines, the act requires little, though enter- taining, with the singing of Miss Lynn more than making up for some of the weak places in the comedy material. Chester Spencer and Lola Wil- liams in 'Putting It Over" have one of those acts that always gets by with the wise element in the local vaudeville houses. Spencer does the bulk of the work with the girl acting as a wonderful foil for his comedy cracks and coming to bat at Just the News has Just been given out on the inside that the Forsyth and liVric are to change policy. The Korsyth, now playing stock, Is goins to take over the Keith pop while the Ijyrtc wil! be made the home of the Forsyth Players. Man.ager Tom J^mes, of Loew's Grand, is dres.'fing up Wa theatre for the fall. He is putting in a $35,000 organ, is recarpetlng the place and Is importing new drops, .scenery, et al. All for the change of policy. It is said. Unusually good Week at all houses. busino.i.i last BOSTON By LEN LIBBEY Singer's Midget.", with the rou- tine Icugthoned so that the act runs for 45 minute.=i and with a much more pretentious display than they have had on their previous show- ings in this city, headlining at local Keith vaudeville house this week. Sure tire In Boston, and when It played the same house last season In what wag good theatrical weather the draw was folt. but not to such an extent as it ii^this week. It takes something prelty good to draw the kids into .a theatre and away from the shore .and country resorts in this section, and a glance at the housf downstairs whowod that It had been .accomplishnl. Not since the Christ- mas week lia.s there been such a sprinkling of youngsters, and they CROPPER'S FINE LUGGAGE SOLE AGEKT FOR BAL THEATRICAL TRUNK HUTICL NORMANUIU ULUU.. * a. ear. 3Stb * U'war. N- V. V. PHONKt iriTSHUt SH4H right time with some of the 8an«l stuff herself. The act woyked a comparatively short time, about long enough for the stage to be stnicit,; for the midgets who followed mi didn't hav? a loose place in It. Billy Glason, with Neal O'Hara. a' local humorist getting feature bill midgets. Glason, who works aloof' the song-plugging lines, with tiM stuff by O'Hara putting the co.-nedjr Into the higher standard class, al- ways finds things quite easy for him here and this week is no exception. He is working faster than was hia custom before ond shooting hla cracks right through the house with- out introductions. Frldkln. Jr., and Rhoda. novelty dancers, who have a dancing act that would be higher up on the blU under ordinary conditions, close tha show, their act serving to Just bal- ance things nicely and making It well rounded out vaudeville. The Cuardieat of a Good Complexion TheSta^e, ''lx>r The Boudoir^ STEINS MAKE UP I 0^^ 3ooidctlJlpon/te^fuest/ ^i ^^^^.sreiNcosMEncco ^■^' 430 BfNXHW Sty Holds the Centre of thm Stage Read . Bland Johaneson*s review, Joe Cook, J*Comedian Extraordinary^* in September's Theatre Magazine Now on the newsstands RIVERSIDE, NEW YORK, THIS WEEK (AUG. 20) ./ GENE MORGAN "THE BOY FROM DIXIE" Keith's, Boston, Ne.vt Week (Aug. 27) Direction BERNARD BURKE .^•v.