Variety (August 1923)

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"rr7»--."^-:Tnws3^TSF7HT3!« ■■ ■ tw.pjjj^i' y-^'yrFKnMyftKVf :r^. VARIETY <'"*if"':fcr i Thii^^7, August SO, IMt VINCENT RpSES Sensational Tunc Lyric by Bcnl^an Getting Bi^^er Evei-y Minute SAN mANCIHCO fkntacM Tlicatra llulldtnc BOSTON Ml Tmnont dl. DKTROIT 144 WMt I^rnrd B(. CINCINNATI irni-t Lrri* ThmUe lUdic.. TOBONTO—in Vmc« at. LEO FE.IST. Inc. 711 Seventh Avenue, New York LONDON. W. C. (. KNOLANI>—ISS Clwrific CrM* Bd. AUBTBAUA, KKUlOimMK—316 C«IUii< at. OniOAGO 1*7 No. Clark Hi. MlNNF.ArOMH 2S5 liO^b ArrNc1« PHii.AnKi.riiiA Ut» Markitt M. KANSAS CITY Onyoly Tlientrp Qulldtniv IX>8 ANURI.KH 417 Wnt nfth ^trrat 4 i 3 k ■i