Variety (September 1923)

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VARIETY Thtmday, September 6, 1928 ■'mm<^mMmMmmm<-^mi^'^mm^y:-- DAVE HARRIS THE ONE MAN BAND laalMHntely Produced Assisted by MSS HELEN JOYCE THOMAS QIM \ The Man Who Guides Me HARRY WEBER mmmmmmmmmm%mmmim%mm^. liiSl. BRYANT 8fi«8 • ■ I ■. .i K - Doris Reid - CREATOR OF^ SMART, GOWNS "^ )08 W. 44th St., New York 0pp. Belasco Theatre ij^,,;. The following 1 r«fer to you peilBOwiUx ikidMcilK*, SOKOTHT GI8II TIOLA DANA nmhMM ummoM «IA>RIA VOT MARION COAKL«T UUJAN LORRAINN AIJIA RUBBNS JWNB CAPRICa ■DNA WALXJICI BOPPMR PAUUNM GARON HBUBN rO'RT> DOttOTHV McKAT -WANDA I.TONB BONA HIBBBRT WBTWaJLja WINWOOD WANDA HOFF SHANNON DAT ADBl.a ASTAIR UUJAN WHITB NAN HALFBRIN MR& HAROU) UJOITt DAVE EVE LI EN In TRICKS AND BITS Playing W. V. M. A. and Junior Orpheum Circui .« SIDNEY WILMER WALTER VINCENT ■ i 1451 Brbadway NEW YORK There Are 1.000,000 NOVELTY ACTS But You Will Fidd Only 1 NOVELTY ACT WITH SINGING DUCKS VISSER iiND CO. In Their Novelty Offering An Unusual Surprise, including THE ORIGINAL FAMOUS SINGING DUCKS MANAGHaiS, NOTE—This iB the only act of its kind and will mako good on any bill. West Rep. SIMON AGENCY East Rep. E. PAUL OURAND "A Studio That Is Different" KEITH VAUDEVILLE PICTURES GEORGE IL AND HONEY 249 West 48th St., NEW YORK B<t BrMdwai ■•< ttk An. Piioiit. Bry»t tyes SEORGE COLE, OlrMtiir. TWKNTV VBAR8 AN ACBORATIO lN8«<UVTOR BpMlalMac la Acmbatte InMructios tor mac* DanclDK, Rpitt KIcka. Cart WhMln, Bach Bandl, wUh • clanlcal ballet Anlih, vrvinr grace and elegance. Btreichlns Bar and Pad Biereiaea PLAYING B. F. KETni VAUDEVniE DIRECTION . ROSE & CURTIS HARRY AL. B. KRANZ AND WHITE < <, Just a Tribute to REGULAR VAUDEVILLE