Variety (September 1923)

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i:'/:*>j4.^v«r v^.- i^";?' -:*^ ■•^: TK^^TP,'. :'.ijr_a» "IIj) niail Thursday, September 27, 1923 VARIETY 87 jlBADlf^i. PA. h Sfke H«rbcrU ■Ml * Arnold 5o" Bennett Band aT»« to ""^ ' Sd half porolhr R«m»' Bab Bennett Hand BsbOe A murk f^iu Barda V*l<nllno * Bell BIC'HMOMD I,yrlo iNuiroik •piit) lilt l»«if Herbert Dyer Co lAUra Ormebee Co Borlngtimo J|orrl"«<-T * Young , BOANOHK. VA. Koanoke (■WinBtn S I'm tplil) l»t half feeniler & Armnlr'g • Worth Willing A O ymt Abel X Vailif n«ncer« 2il half r>- 4 McKinley "SU Rtevrne A Brunnell TOKOMTO Shta'm Ford & Prtco Grlffln Twin* Tex McL.eod Royal Oaacoynea Kour Fayre Uiria BlDclair & Oaaper TRCNTON Capital McRae & Clegs eoaiM Merott Benaee & Bairil The Comebacka (One to All) 2d half Zelda Ijantloy Flaber A Gilmore Sd Jania Co (Two to All) TROY, N. y. Pportor'a Juggleland Lydell A Ulbson McWaters A Tyaon Bohemian Jjife (One to nil) 2d half Carr A Brey Coogun A Cumry •Corbelt A Norton Runaway Four (Ono to fill) (4 bait Joe Wilton C« >I Santrey A Band H A A Beymour (Olhera to Oil) TOBK, PA. Opera Han«« Jean A Valjean liobbe A Htark Weatbold'a Ship Sylo A Kmeraou (One to nil) 2d half The Herberts Dan c'oleinan Co N T Hippodrome 4 JiMllB Habeir Band Bloo m A Bhep Bippodroaa* Kesnler A Morgan Wood. A White Along Broadway (Two to All) id bait Toung A Wbeeler Tony Gray Co Am«r. Whirlwind* (Two to All) Still Progressing BOB MURPHY and AND'S clothe* dtuJ^nea by Claiie: BOB'S by Meyers & Sulli- van, Chicago, and BEN SCHAEF- FER'S by Fuller Conftraction Co, WHERE IS VAN HOVEN? Jln<h ft Vrlmar Kitner A Keany KOCHKSTKR Temple ' Bughrn Mueleal 2 Moian A Uack Atyn Mann Cn •Holt A I.eonnrd KinK A fleatty Rlllh »nilil (One to till) BAVANNAH BIJoa Uarkaonvllle aplit) • iKt half raRC Hack A Mack Kollm A l.eroy Dan Fitch Mine TAB Healy Syncopating Toee MOilRNRC^ADY Proctor's Martinet A Crow Miller UiHa Four Miners (kiKlor, A Day (One to filO :<1 half Howard A Rons Mullen A Francis (Other* to nil) UlEMANCOAH Strand 'Willie Smitrf Mellen A Renn (Othem to fill) 2<l half Kikins fay A B (Others to All) DO. NORWAI.K Palace Sd half Crnic A Ernia Perrone A Oliver '' Hoilrc A Lowell Kcvcn Buds Uillcr A Young .\ CtTAIklFOBD Allinmhra Blair A. I'cnningt'n Wally Jamr« DeWKt A Meyers r A f: Halls Andrictr 3 2<1 half Jean I.aC'roKso Foi A Miller Hector Mailield A MOno to nil) SYRACV^K B. F. Keith'H BusMll A Pierce Thea Alba Tracey A McBridc Helen Kelly Val A h: sianlon Wilfred Clarke Co Proctor's Wan Kennedy Bharter WcyniAn Co Wilson A Kelly Wiley A llarlinan Olforrt Pour 2d hnir Martinet A Crow ■ ia<k Ivivler Adams A (Irifnih POlI CIRCUIT BRflKilOPCgiT Poll's Harry Berry A M De Virfc A Williams 1st half . Willie Hale A Bro Albright' A Hart* Alice Kamlltofi Lloyd A Ooode OaPHETJM CIKCUIT cnicAco Palace (flUDilay opening) Rene Roberta Co Arnaut Bros Carl Emmy's Pets Moody A Duncan Kronas Klown Revo* 6 Hassans 1A>H ANOBILBS mil 8treM Ten Eyck A Wiley LeMaire A Fhiliipa Paul KIrkland IRVING RKRLIN. ■THAT OLD GANG Of MINE' JACK POWELL SEXTEHE HBADI.INIKO PAWTA0B8 CWCPIT UNION HILl,, N.J. Capitol Eunice Miller Co iStaInc A Marshall Monk Wfltj-on Murray A Maddcx rhcuemenal i'lay'ra (One tu till) Sd half Sea 10 Chaa Keating Co Sully A Thonins Tom Ktnlth Co* (tretchen RnHtinan (One to fill) UnCA, N. "Y. Colonial Tom Kelly The l*aw Breakers Mary Reilly (UtherH to All) 2d half Bd Morton Fred Lindsay Co (Others to fill) WASIIINOTON B. r. Keltll's Maggie Clifton Co Hobs A Bdwar<1s Weber A Ridnor Ned Norworth Co Bert Lytell Co Jos Fejer'e Oreh D D 117 Sylvia I^yal Co Cosmos Plierwin Kelly McFarI'd A t'aiace Hamilton A Barnes Barrys A WoitorUs (>co Armstrong Movie Masque WATBRTOWN Olympic Ed Morton Fred Lindsay Co (Two to fill) 2d half Tom Kelly Rnbevlile Muiy Ileilly (One to nil) WHBBUNG Victoria Nippon Duo C DiKitanOH Byron A Huig C Amer Whirlwinds (One to lill) 2d half Lew ITawkins Along Bioadwny (Others to till) WIIJniIXtiTON Aldine John K Mua llnnlner A Aubrey Boyle ft Bennett 7 Honey Boys Oialo Hamilton 4 Ortona 2d half Maig'lte A Alverez Franklyn A Vincent Harry L Webb Calvin A Haney Sin t'rcda A Anthony Flafhen Ftongland 7 Olasgow Maids Wallflowers Kendall Byton A F 2d half Mme Herman Co Douglas A Claire Kennedy A Petrie Laura Lee H Mack Co Poiare Kirk A Collins Mead A Wylle Irving Edwards Harry Carroll Rev (One to All) 2d half Oraaer A Lawlor Morgan A She4don Hurry Fcx Co Rainbow's Knd 9 (One to All) HARTFORD Cnpitol eraser A I^awlor Valentine Vox McCool & Riley Yorko A Lord Mme Herman Co 2d half Cortelll A Dowd Dainty Marie Dwyer A Orina Frisco Harmonists Marynn> Vadie Co MfcRIDBN I-oll Douglas A Claire Laura Roth ChiMren liOney Haskell J C Mack Co 2d half Klrb A Collier WallAower Jaa Thornton De Vine A Williams Dance Carnival NKW HAVBN Palace Dancers Clownland CortelU A Dowd Wm llailigan Co Stan Stanley Co Morgan A Sheldon 2d halt Harry Berry A M Sower A Steger Roth Children Irving Kdwards Harry Carroll Rev Mead A Wyl* 8CBANT0N PaU'a (Wks-Barre Split) Owen Kelly Co gPBINOnBU) Palaca Reck A Recktor Ross A Roma Dainty Marl* I'aul COBtello Rub«ville td half The Dealands ' MeCool A Riley ijtan Stanley Co f Olasgow Maids WATBRBUBV Palace Powell Sower A integer t'iayton Dwyer A Orma Frisco Harmonist* 2d halt Powell Korn A Marie Torlie A Lord Clayton (One to All) WILHKH-BARBR Poli'a (Scranlon Split) lot half Bqulllo A MaylMlle Hhufde Along 4 Sbella Terry Co King A Irwin Frank Farnum Co WORCBBTBB Poll The Dealands Savoy A William* Pert Hanlon Harry Delf Btate-Ijike (Sunday opening) Blossom SeeUy Cu Sylvia Clark White Kuhns Sdna Aug Co Janet of France Burns A l^yan Berg A English Havcrman's Anim'e Ted Lorraine Rae B Ball A Br^ CEDAR RAPIDS Majedto Lady Alice's Pets Juliet Conner Sisters Nellie Nichols Orplieum Pepila Oranados Thofl J Ryan Avon Conicdy 4 Leipslg Dolly Kay Ruth . Roland O'Neil A Pluiikelt 3 Lordons MmPHlS Orviwim V Lopez Orch Flo Lewi* McQoids Lcnacn Co Jack Rope Maurice Diamond Dili* 4 Polly A Oi Bessie Barri*oal* BACRAMEMTO Orpbcam (1-3) (Samo bill play* Fresno 4-C) Stars of Future Senator Murphy Stanley A Burn* Muriay A Oukland J R Johnaon Les KUek* Adoni* A Doe SAN FRANC'IHCO Oolden Ooto (Sunday openiny) Bob Albright Victoria A Dupre* Joe Towlo Harry Jolaon Roger linhot Co Wm fleabury Co Uva Shirley lliiiij HKATTLB Orplirona Nonette Hurry Mooru Billy Arlington Ai Herman Wlllto Schenek Ruasell Carr Tho* m. Shea SIOl^X IITV, lA. - Ortilieom Harry Watson Co Rargt-'nt A Marvin 4 Caiiu-runs Snowy l-ljUter Harry Hreen Berk A Swan Sd halt IKVINC. BERLIN. I.i> ' ( IIAKI.II. .MtL.iUN. li; Wtol itJi .'"fr.^i "THAT OLD GANG OF MINE' Morr's A Campbell Uus Fowifr (Two to nil) 2d halt Wheeler S Harry Hines n * H Gordon Billy McPermolt Awkward Age Barr Twins Heyedu* His Maxinc A Bobby " 1 ' ■ i - ^ =!r-!n HpfcnWi/ Designed liradu to Wear CLOTHES 1632 Broadway At FIftietll m. NKW YOR'K CITV Bell's Seals l^u4*e l4>vety Princess Rajah William Bbi Carlton A Berlew Orplkcam '(Sunday opening) Sophie Tucker Co Will Kdnuindi^ Willie Rolls nienn A Jenkins Yip Yaphanltcrs George Lyon* Grace l,aRue Mr-Mrs Hamilton HT. 1.01)18 Orphcom Belle Baker Venita (lOuUI Zuhn A Dries Crystal Beoaett Sherwood'* Band Anderson A Burt (Two to All) Riulto Clftrrx Howard Emllie l<ca Co Marino A Martin l.ydell A Maey Royal Sidney* (One to fill) ST. PAUL Orpheana (Sunday opening) The Ilartwell* DodMon Owen McGlvney Roy HuKhes Co (Two to nil) MOl'X FALU«,8. D. Orphcnm Harry RappI A Jiiirett Co Slanlry A McNabb Little I'iplfax Co I'd halt Sargent A Marvin 4 Caiiiorunn (Two (o nil) • VANCOl'VBR Orplicom Leviathan Band IJme 3 Jean Middleton Van Hoven Kerr A Weston J K Watcon D Anderson Pony WINNIPBU Orpheum Demarest A Collell .lack Gcorifu Hymlic Stanley* Harrls.-in A Okln HI Ba l!o John Davidson W Furman A Evan* i Dnnolne His ATLANTA CIrand 3 Maxclliis Merritt A CoUKhlln •D A A Letter Trovalo Oinu* A Briroent BALTIMORB Hippodrome Haael Moran O'Connor A Clifford Glenn A Richard* Barry A lAncaater Dr Pauline BIRMINOHAM Bliea Selma Braati Co N A O Vrrga Leona I..aMar Fislicr A Hheppard Bv* Phillip* Co BOS-rON Orpheam Wolgast A Olrii* Hafler A I'aul Barry A Whilledgc State Room It Mack A Marion Bverybody Step BUFTALO State UONTBXAIt Kroew Ward A Keller Bobby t'arbone Co ''has Roger* Co 11, n Marks Co i Kautfinan Bro* ( Jolly Jest*rv NKWARK, N, t,' HIato Lynn A Thomixon Carey Bannon A M Malcia Bonconl F A r Sablnl Royal I'ekin Tr NBW ORMEANS Cr»*c«Bt Arco Bro* Eaton Trio Phllbrick A D«V Fox A Burn* A Game of Heart* 08HK0BH, WIS, Uraad (>»-l*) Kitamura Japa BAB Stanley Morgan A Grar Van Bro* « Pirate* A A MaM OTTAWA, CAK, Loula Leo Frost & Morrlaon Morton A Gins* Espe A Dutton Desley Sis Co DAVRNrOBT Colnmbia Wheeler S MILWA(IKBK Palaca (Sunday opening) IieMarco^i' Band Johnny Burke Dora Ford lOEW CIRCUIT NKw yann cmr state •Heller A Reilly Alton A Alien THIS OROANIZATION IS ANIMATBO BY ONE BASIC MOTIVE, THAT^OF RENUKRINO AN KFFICIRNT TRDSTWOKTIIY SERVICE TO BOTH PERFORBIER AND MANAGER THE FALLY AIARKUS VAUDEVILLE AGENCY 1S47 Broadway New York City Pboa* CHICXBRINO SI 10 Singer's Midgets 2d bait Reck A Recktor Roes A Roma Singer* Midget* KEITH'S CHICAGO CIRCUIT BATTLB CRKBK BIJno 2d halt PAP Valentine Colilie A Tbome 4 Krrata* Br'wnlng A Roberts (Three to nil) I.KXINOTON, KT. Ben All Steele A Wiimlow MEDLEY and DUPREY -©RIOINATORS 0» Breakaway Fhonograpli himI Pennnt Bit. Direction: JOHN BKNTLBV ARTHUR SILBER BOOKING EXCLUSIVELY WITH PANT AGES CIRCUIT M FIT/ObHAI.O Itl.DO. NE-.T VORll I'llooos HKtANT 707(i—18:» (Twcj t(j 111!) ■rAilll'A, H,A. (SI. leleii h K Mplil) 111 half A iiti.fy Sniuil.,! f, Mniion —*-A-ii!—W«y4(*^v — Wci-ht ft 'llielll.ll Jaili llrinliy, A hokln TOl.KDO „ P I Keitlis fotil t, 1 ,,,, I'atn.r I. Sullivan naialidv, Si> Hobl.y M, 1,,;.,, ,.„ "^»o t„ fill) - I'l half R"':'!- I. |.',,sw •Jan* Kairun (Others to mi) WOtiNhOCKI'^T l-!ijiiu Jl.'tiry 'I'siiila HyifiuiHh; /. t.runl 1 .lurie ()rdv%*iiy 'I'l.e IjXfliiier '.ill tin It Mariniie Mcl'lock Ui ^'i•t A Iri\ in M< I li;iil s MliKi f ^ONKKRN I roilor'M id h^iif (;7-30) i-'i.l Hall f.i ' I. y. I lit I*aiiy Malli.L i4Nil Co .lai 1< Allen ft /.■ • f .lay f. W.fpi.n llllheii' ll; tilll I't h.ilf I I < Vein K Mane Jor Darcey (Olheis to fill) (Two (o All) CUNTON, IND. Capitol IStlith Pond Sid Lewi* (Others to All) Id half White A Grey *Katiiunt's r.ird* (Others to nil) DANVIIXB, ILL. Terrace While A Gicy B Pearce Co (One to nil) 2d halt •Chester A.BItner Tunes A Step* (One to All) DETROIT. MICH. I.aSnlle I-' Markey Dorothy Taylor Co Th.> Weak Spot Kdwiri C-orgc (On. to 1111) 2d halt Oh (IjllierH to nil) ri.lNT, MICH- I'iilnce Pi.-I) A Valentine (liiiilii .^ Thurnc '4 fVwu lu till) :.i h.iif i-:weellii art" Howiiian Hri.s Ml Kae (Two II nil) • rx. TTSTjrrr ttttr I'lilacc rialiiarel A Vail 'I'llllCM ft SI. i1 Mailnitie Dullalry (lARV, IND. New (Jury '^'waiii n AniiM.Tln Hall A O'Brien (Others to All) 2d halt Ruth Davis Piano Girl* O'Hailigan A I..cvi Rlte-ReAow Rev .{Tn<^ to All) LIMA, O. Fiturot O. II. Hill A Qulnell* Ruth Davis •Parthenon .Sln^rers Halligan A Levi Oh Teddy 2d half Steele A WInslow Ltghtner A Gordon Madame Dul^arry Thornton A Plynn (One to nil) PADDCAII. KV. Orphcnm Harris A Harris Brown Kogem nrne«t Iliatt Hile-Henow <'o rd hair •Dave's Sereii.itlers (Three to nil) RICHMOND, INP. Slurrny l,n MontM Bii il« l.if:tilnrr A (liiilun <iio I.ovett 2d half Rilith I.'iiiiond Kilyi II ft Hiik'eis (lio I.ovilt TKRItE IIAt'TK Ijl>erty AliM-lr >• A llilbTls Hull, yllart Rev W A O Ahcarn Morton A Glass Desley SI* Co Harry Hine* (One to nil) 2d halt I.*dy Alice* Pet* R A B Brill Dave A TresBle Co Morris A (Campbell Gus Fowler Co (One (o All) DBNVER Orphenm (Sunday opening) dcKcrjarto Edwards A Beaslcy Harry Hayden Redmond A Well* Mlfhon Bros F McDermott Co Chain A Archer Millership A Gerard DBH UOINB8 OrpUeura (Sunday opening) Trennell 3 HoudW Kenny A Iloill* Barrett A Cunncen MINNBAPOUS Hennepin (Sunday opening) Chas Wilson Regay A Sheehan Syivesler Faiiiiiy Snowy Baker Fradkin Hyam* A Mclntyre Moss A Frye MEW ORLEANS Orpheam Wanka Mollie Fuller Co Swor A Conroy Mary Hnyne* Harry Kahn Tower A D'Horte* McLallen A Sarah OAKLAND, CAL. Orpbean 4 Morton* Iff* To& 2365 Broadway At neth street. New Vork City rrltphon* Schuyler (27* 8. 8III1I.RM, Manager ^ 2d •'!'(' -A llvi I ('rv\o lo ■hi 'ler .\i Ifilni I Ceid' tl-.'-'oule Ce ;i-i; .Moi Ion M,-. MIy ,M h.ilf l<loiitl<ll h^ir It I'.,>ld-Cr till) UINSDOB, (AN, Ciililtcl •f. Su,'-llieai In Mmiillni lUnM I Ik .M.H.iii (Olhein 10 nil) Id hair •l-'rank .\lail»l,-> I'OK'lliy Tayliii (Thru 111 nil) Hans Bectz Co For I'lly s sake Lewis A Dody ItirU A .Sawn Hello SUirey Carter .V. Coiiilidi KAN'HAH CITV .Main Street I\iiit;IiI« I'f Harin'y KShel ,'UDoiioutli Rome A Gaut Minstrel Munurclis ReuterH Dooley A Morton loweiH A: W.-tiluei- OMAHA, NKU. Orplicuin (Sunday opening) Seed A Austin IRVING BERV'N. Iftc '. « »M-«H <IT>. Mil. >\M l\(>KI.l;v.'Jl"o*h.», <'»r'iy *»i<'K. ^THAT OLD .CANG QF MINE- 1) Olner A <>lp Van A hi II (I'hrir f. Iill) Orphf u m (Sund;iy <•!■'•' I , II 1,. ; n.< I'.ind riime Kit^raiii-A A Krii'dl.ind li.ayi.B ft M-. k I<l4'in HroH Ijihr A Mercedes Ki-^h. 111.. I Irvltif.' Harry All.. > I'.l- llarty U.ilsun .I.Kk I'lilli.rd Sh.iIJi •* It. \ tie PORTLAND, ORF.. Orplirum iSunday opening) Bernard A Scartb Bob ^lurphy Andre SherrI Rev (One (o All) American Jimmy Fletcher LAO Harvey Newport Sllrk A P T A K O'Mcara Taylor A Bohho Nevins A Gordon Stdla Mayhew Toney A George id halt GAL Garden ?<1 haff Howard Wired A B Lyons A Kyle Chas Howard Co Carl McCullough (One to All) Orpbeum Mascot White A Bara Greon A Burnett Dancing Shoe* Carl McCullough Howard W'fred A B Sd halt Redford A Madden June A Irene Melva Nevins A Gordon Bent & Claire Sweetheart* Bonlevard Gordon A Perclval Lewi* A Henderson Nelaon A H Boy* Meyer* A Hanford Denno Sis A Thib't 2d half Jean A Jacquca Harry White KIbel A Kane Wllkens A Wilkens J Elliott A Oirls ^ Aevnuo B Alvin A D'Carl MInctte A Lytsll Renard A West JtSBE" FRANCINE BLOCK and DUNLAP Allen A Norman •Grand A Fealy Sabbott A Brooks Meyer* A Hanford P A J LeVolia (One (o All) Victoria Hashl A OmI Lyon* A Kyle (;haa Howard Co Bert Walton Strickland's Enter Id half Denno SI* A Thib't Newport Sllrk A F Bob LaSalle C» (One (o Oil) Lincoln Sq. •I Masks Gladys Sloans Co Wilkens A Wilkens (Two lo All) 2d half Paul Klelst Co Jlintiiy Flet.her Cardo A Noll Sherman Van A H Annabvtio Greeley 8q. l.'i.iin.T Mclntyre A Mali h AlUn A Norman A nna helle Aiiier t'oinedy 4 Allen Martin ft ,\l l:d half Mascot I.. WIS A lleTider.-iin ■I'.iyli.r A H.,l,l,e Wi.lK.n •lljren Kros fi Delr.mey St. i: .'. I. II I...-vrv ft lai. . y l.rtnttTr «-o V, hill l'.i.< tune In nil) :d hair llordon ft 1'. I' i\al White lU'.s »lelnt>rc .(<'b Amer Comedy 4 .M ItoKtrs A Hoys Nndnuiil .1. an A .lai i^if ^ Warlir A |i.,\.» Kibet a Kai.r llonil A A(Jai.,.i •Byron Bros Freeman A Evans Alice Morley R*v (One to All) 2d halt Whilo Bro* .Milton Burr Ro** A Uaybelle N A Barry Boy* Driscoll Long ^ H Anderson Dancer* RROOKLYN MetropoUtaa I La Pearl* Clark A Storey O A E Parks Murray Klascn Co Patton A Mark* FuKoa Redford A Madden J A I Melva Cardo A Noll Sherman Van A H J Elllnll A Oirl* 2d Halt Emma Raymond Co L A (1 Harvey Sid Hall Co Bond A Adams Dancini; Shoes tinirs Ave. Paul KUii't r'o Harry While Sid Hall Co lient ft Clare .Sweethrarls 2d haVf Tuncy A George Wapl.r A Davi* 'line Hayes H.-iyind ,V Si hramm Strickland's Knter Pitlnce Cfoper A l.acey Ki.<« A » iilinga MklKols :d halt llayollte .Li. .1 lluldfr Irv.iiKs Midxels Wurwieli R.iyolite •Fletiher Ivy Ci, l'0\elt A Dale liana A Malli.n And. f HOii r»an. t rn ':.i h.iir^iii A Vern.i •Hughes A Pain Renard A WcnI JACK McLALLEN AND SARAH Mr. TOM BASHAW Says:- I'alace, Chicago. a , 'Jack McLallen and Sarah stoppod! tbe show, and deservedly so." CHIUAGO "BXAMINBR." Diraction: BILlY GRADY EO. 8. KELLER Offic* raniiiUiU i muiraiiinni Les Peretto* Lillian Gonne Co Dave Manley Roy LaPcarl Local Revue C'llICAflO Itialto Duponis Criterion Four Ncwkirk A M Si* Robcy A OouJd A Day at the Races DAYTON Lacw •Kirkwood Trio SIranded Mack A I'ane •V Hayworlh Co PBOVIDBNCa Eatery Donate Si* Frank Ward Dance Frlvolitlea Bronson A Reaa* (Two to Mil) M haU Bell A Bva Grey A Dean Melrou A Brooka H*ath A Sp*rlln« Gordon A Stewart DAVID H SABLOSKY VAVDBVir.LB BEPRESKNTATITa 221 STRAND THEATRE BLDO, Booking •iclusively wBh D. F. Keith Exchange and Affllilted Clrctiltab Phone BRYANT 1I0I-* PbUadelpbb* Oflicai Kalth Tlia*«fa T<^lao> «MI •FAB Burke Lillian Morion Gates A Finley Skelly A Hell Rev Norvcllc Bro* LONDON, CAB. l,oew •Keno Keye* A M Fiske A Fallon •UoGarry Bro* A M id half Clark A Crosby Jennings A Mack McNally Kelly * D MKM^HIfl Htato r,«t Public' Decide Worden Bros CAM Hubcr Anna Chandler t Chapins MILWAUBEK Miller Flying Henry* Caledonian Four Einmelt A LInd Msxsn A Brown Ladd Morgan Co SPBiNasiBui . nroadw»F ' Bell A Bva Grey A Dean Melrose A Brook* Heath A Sperlln* Gordon A Stewart 2d halt ' I>onaIs SI* Frank Ward ' ; Dance Frlvolitlea ' :: Bronson A Reaeo (One (0 All) ■ i- TORONTO ' ■"<% Tmica St. .'J t Tlleron* '-^ Corinn* ArbockW--—"^ Hayea A Lloyd -<^ lackey A Harria - f. Braallian Uoireaa ^-a WASHINOTOH Js Phil Davi* Bfkaway Bartawe* Phil Davi* Ja* C Morton Co Bernard A Towaea Homer Girl* Co 0U8 suw ciEcurr BliFFALiO I«fayetto Paul I'etcbing Mahoney A Cecil (.'hlc Supreme I.eMalre A Hayr* Clili Nazarro A Bd CORTLAND Corilaad Manillo* Roger* A (Iregory Hart A Rublnl Ross A M'Bing 81s LONDON, CAN. Patricia Harmon A Sands Id bait Ardall Cleve* Burn* A Wll**a Holland Romance One to All) ■OCHBSTBB Fbnllr •Tbe Manillo* Overholt A Young Flo A May Grace Marget Taylor (One to All) Id bait Foster A PeggF Virginia Sale* •Wanda Ludlow Co Act* playing or booked In the vtclnltr of Quetec. Canada, can procure further lime by communlcatlnc witb tia ' HARRY A. LOUIS E. ' ROMM & WALTERS ISOOHINti EXCIIAN4;B 1493 Broadway Naw York City Phone I.HebawuDna Qrtl4 nOHTON, tJ8 Tremont Street. 2d halt Three chums NIAGARA KAI.I.S Cataract Pot PourrI l-'OHl rr A retrfry Jed Donley i'u Thi.'.- I'hUInS Hilly Gerber Re» (One to nil) ROCIIF.HTKn Victoria I'urns A wllson Holland Romance :d halt llowaid A Armst'g •Mtn^ \>robei Co PANTAGE8 CIRCUIT TORONTO I'linlnge* CO li) Ml. nil Hfothers Overhol* A Young Chick Maine* .liili.i Curti* All Axiom tCoDllnued on page 4i)