Variety (November 1923)

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VARIETY Thursday, November 15, 1923 } BILLS NEXT WEEK (NOV. 19) Ul VAnDBVll.t.B TllKATUBli <AU h»<MM op«ii (or tht waak witb Monday mauneo. wtoen not otbtrwlM tndlc&tad.) Tk« bUU ttlow ara grouped In dlviBions. accordins to twokins oSlcaa auppllad (roni. Tba maaaer in which tbeM bllla art prtntcd doea not denote the ruiatlva Imponanca of acta nor tbeir procram poaltloaa. A> a»t«rlaU <*) bcfora nam* drnoi«a act \a doing new tam» or r«app«artnt afttr absence from Taadevilla. or appearloa tn city whera Itated for the flrat tima. KEITH CIRCiriT "• JiKW VOKK riTY KcUh'a Falare Kora Uaycj •CMellrt Mjrtll Sinclair K Oy^nixT Dainty Mnrie Yorke & Kin^ iuthers lo fill) K^lth'a Rlvrriddv Van Ml Scbcnck F Farnum Ac linnd Rruco Uh Irnsfnther >lma Boeaon Co 2d half <2!-?l> Presulvr & Klaib« *R Maura'a Hfg Ft nowney A Clar.dge Adami A lillyan Chaa RogcTM Co Brady A Mahonoy rrotlor'a 6llth bt. 2d half (lS-18) Robt ileitly Co Along Broadway Innia Broa Lynch & Stewart IRVING BERLIN, Inc^ mpT llrclil ,> »}•, .\r.\. V,.rk Tifr See WINSLOW ana BITTER ■IHXT <>I II <:* VI VIouretiA JoofTrl* A * M Hav*t Fuur Umiuond* (One to lill) Krlth'4 Royal Pr'nkUii & Chaa Co •Wilier C K.lly T RU-hsr<laon Bnnd Anita Stcwxrt Co Kane ft H'Tinan Mcehan die N'-wnian M'C'rtoue & M'roati Kili'n 0»'tavio (One to nil) Kelth-a Alliamhro ! J!*'',"" Inei Ilanley (Or- tt. nii> lit half (1S-:1) Al Tui"ker & UariJ Chas lierard (Other* to nin 2d half l2.;-2e) Durns A Frances The Miners Hal June Troupe (Othcra to nil) Prortor'a Stli A\e, :a half (U'ls) Neil Norwnrth Co Ifermino Shone Co Moss' Rlverla Hrown « VVh.(taker (Oincre to ,iii) :i<l half Al Tuckor H Band Norwood Al llMll (Others tu HID AiaiANY. N. Y. I'roi-tor's Ilobbe A Stara Al K Hull Co Kd .Munon Hughi'B iurko Cu :.d half llrua Ols-jn & Johnion (Two to nil) ALl-KNTOMN, VA. Orplieum Laura Ijrilway Cit Cojrnian Ci» Uotby lU-nuumr •I'lio IK>iu>r(s (One to nil) ::d half itinnii &: tiriU t'ardo gi Ariher St:.iiiuii-s::ii>hena C IJaz.l Crosby AMSTI:I1I)'M. N.V. Ulultu ■ Two CJeyzis (Others to nil) OIRMINCUAH Lyriv (Atlaiaa split) Isl halt The O'Mi-aras Gordon A Gates Toirmiy Ton«r Ullly KalUn TusL-ano Uros IIOSTON B. r. Keith's Three Blanks Kecli A KecLor Rnoney A IJent Rev .luck Hcnoy The Wysirry Girl .Maker Sl KedCord I'lTt Kc-Itun Co (Two to nil) liostou Mercil.llt i£ Sn'xer Iteynokls Ic White /.'Ck Ik llandolrb X &tarn 'J'hs t*iime)iarks Ci'wo to nil) Gordon's Olympfal (Scollay Hit) l.avie'.o A Malrs litirrya & WoUords liailtr I* Parker }l Bantrey A Hand Kanlrey A: Seymour Krankle Heath I>ave Itoih The Ilcrbirts 11.Off Tirngle I! 4 A S"j'niOMr (Two lo nil) Hindy Hhaw Mack & I.nrtus (Two to nil) 2J huir r>-n Ml ruir 4- nana Mo«a' BronOwajr rnwer'i* Klt-Jihants I'Wcer A Tloufflas I'hsin A Archer (Othcri lo BID RIalto A I.aMont Ernie Coldi^n Co I'atncola im half (19 Jl) Zilda Bros (Others to nil) 2d halt (22-2() I) I) 11T Pern * Marie (Others to IIII) rrorlor's 33d St. M half (U-18) Vsn A Vernon Msnoney A Cecil IJlrdSe Kramir Kenny Mason A B All Star 6 Andrlelt Trio Ufflclal Ilrntlst f tbe M. V. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1I»J Broailnnr (Pnlnam HM(.), M. Moss* Coliseum rr'wfd A llr'd'rick •Howaril's Si'eo (Others to nil) :.l halt n Foliom A Bsnd I.ylell It Pant •Hynian Marn Co (.Otbr.r, t>i ftll) Keltli's Forillinm B Folsom A Lund *Hyman Mann Co T.jlell A Kant • (Oihors lo nil) !d half John 31 Hymer Co (Others lo RID Mdns* Franklin Hen MfrrtlT A Band Andre'n Tianre Rey Cr-wfd A Brdrkk Dlero (Otheis lo nil) Keith's Ramiiton .1 Devrreaux Cu Hurst & Voit I Oolasls 1st l>alf (l«-tl> PreSHlcr A Klales •L'yl'nd A Shannon *QoB8 A Harrows Broadway Choir Hownry A Ciarldne Drnnoa A Thlbault 2d halt (2»-J6) •Maierro I^wls Co Kllda Morr:a Jack McOIoud" Jennlnira A Byron tatnakl Duo (One to nil) FAR nntKAWAT <'<ih)nibla 2d half {-i2-2i) Mack A Laltua (Others to nil) liROOKLVN Keith's Dashwieh V I.opoi A Band Noel A I'erclval The Sharrocka Torch HcanTS Holt A Leonard Thoinpann A Cov'n Hoiner Romaino (Two to nil) Keith's Orpheam "Sllf JAMF.s DWYER Horcnce Brady (Two to nil) :d half Ilerinlno Shone Co ((Others to nil) KHth'n JelTerson . I'alricola John B Hytner fo Norwood A Hall ' Irvlnff Edivarda (Others to nil) 2d halt Florcnrc Brady ( Hulaaln (Olhera n nil) Keith's Slst 8t. I>usan A Kayinoud Olija Cook Clayton A K'J wards l.rlc Zar.lj (Tv.u to fill) MiiHi* Ue^eiii •I[oti_l Maji.»iic Or Tirown K- Scilnnla (i.ithTd to till) I'd half Kar.ily ^haw Theo Roberts Co Hhsw A Lee Marguerite A Gill NonI A Partner Tex McLeod TI;e Tternos (Others to nil) Keith's Flat bosh Krnis Golden riand Weston A Kline King ft Beatfr Sultan Dance Creations (On« to nil) Keith's Greenpoint 2d halt (1(-18) Al K Hall Co Marcel A Seal Wallace A Irwin (Olhi'ra to nil) Int hnlf (19-21) Anrti-r8i>n A GrnvCB (Others to nil) ;d half (;;-:b> rriinrotie Four (Others to nil) BOB MURPHY and- Booked for r.ceka of Keith lltne by Al.r. T. fVIl.TON HUT»t t, Vnptt Hrcwn A tVliiil-iker (Otbvra to nu) Proctor's r,'Sth Pt. Id h.lf (ir-lK) Lewis A R'.Kcrs ilerrlik A Hurt Th» ADccniini'S B Hcnshaw A Bo Dennca A Thlbault I.each LsCjuInlan i >at half (l<l-2I) Morgan A Sheldon Th« Wrecker ITImfofe t Laurl- rtr*Ui* Ci'Vi/ ;e -mu, \ Keith's I'rospert id half (1S-1>) H KanliHy A Biinl Itnniny A Feymuur II A A Seymour Van livKi- A Vlncli; C.iniioii A Lpe (Ono to nil) la! hilf (19 21) Manhattan .Sm- Or Shelion Hrooks (Others to (ill) td bait (:2-2S) Harry .T Oonlcy Co <Vloii.!« (Olh, f, !(, Bi;) M;i«on A Kh.iw Sail room 19 Al Wohlmnn llar.-y Anica Co 2d half rirxic Haiiil'ton fnto •Huffhea Hurku Co (Vivo to llil) ASIHUK PARK >:.iln street Arthur Huston Co Ines Hanley Lloyd A Goode Dance Carnival :d halt Will Animronff Co N y Hlliportrome 4 Orszcr A Lawtur (One to nil) A^HVII.I.K Auilitorium (Columbia aplil) III halt A O Liunran Kendall Byton A 8 Siholilt-r Sis llayncs A Berk Uorbert A Bolt I ATIAMTA. CA. Furs} th (Blrni.n);liam split) iKt half Miss Ti-rla Joy C Flippen Kverybody Step Cleveland Jk Dowry I'.ill Robiniton K">ino"id Co Eisie Hubi-r tiorilon's Ulympla (WaMhinirlon SI ) 11'.ill n f: Horli-r Ii.lly Miller Co l^w Wilson Bronaon A IMwards Lottii, Athertoa (iini- to 11.1) PA. ItKADFUi'.n. llrudforil 2d halt Will Morris Franklin A Vincent Schwarlj! & Clifford StepplHKS rhoois HROCKT'.V. MASS. .'^Irnnd Wal»h K- Tay Shura Rulown Co AnBi"! A Fuller (One to nil) 2d half Four of Us McWaters A Tyson .Shannon A Gordon (line to nil) l«ltTAI.4> . . Shea's 4 Caatinii stars Lu>ars Animals Williams A Taylor Alba Tiberio Harry Green Julia Sanderson >ES8E.-Jvi^ VifBANCINE filOCK and DUNLAP Raymond Wllbert AIGISTA, <1A. (Jacksonville split) lat halt Dare Oevll Reyn'ids 4 Lnicrtainers Claire Co .Siiphi-ns A H-lilsfr Bird Cabaret nALTI.MOKK ' MtiryhAnd Kato Klinore Co Strobel A Merlon Kits Oould A A F Sleadman -Newell A Most (Others to nil) Frank Crummlt (Two to nil) CAMBRinriK Central 8q. Murphy A Bradley Mai Arnold Co (Others to nil) 2d half Mellon A Renn (Others to Oil) CAMBKN, N. i. Tower"* Mtacahua Co Rome A Dunn Harry TToIman Co Tracey A McBrlde Barbette A Band MATTY WHITE Peptimistic Songster IIANGOft, ME. Uijon fVnivn A Monohan Ncai'Olltnn Duo Waiter James Mr ft Mrs Hennett Miller I'acker A S Monroe llros 2d naif The ToniUns Artie Nolan Malino A Correll •Ilundcll A Valenll I CoBcia A Vt-rdl I John Rf-tiay Co I BATON ROl'OR | 4'olntnblu (Phri'viport BpMt I 1st half Amac HlLl.iijftn Bros Wiilier Law Co frmr Tr nii;, i y r n Porna Tiarl.n): Co HIX.IIAMTON s l>iiialiaiiituii IlHtry lientoll 2d half North ft South RhiKles A WaUon filallio's Revuo Jos liarcy Oautlers B'klayers Coocsa ft Csasr Fred I4ndB>7 Co (On* to nil) td half Jugileland Wlnnlfred ft Brown ■rMI VstM O* DATTOM B. r. Ksltbl Flvs Raa LsUnda g Ball ft Br« THE CREATIVE DANCERS GUIRAN and MARGUERITE PAUL HAGGERTY AT THK PIANO ORPHEUM CIRCUIT rERHONAL -MANACKMKNT ALF T. WILTON Frank & Barron (One to nil) CnAni.KSTON licaraa Kara Ri.'d J^ Hay i:ikln8 l^iy A 1C Realm ol Fnotaalv 2il half •.'ainilK'' Trio U'rRm'n .% M'K'nna Arlhur Whuifiw Capilol Rev CIIKSTF.R. I'A. Adgrinrufc Brownlnjr A R'berla Bchoea ( m D'acel'd (One to flD 2d half P prcpim^n * Brj ShutTle Along 4 Mann A Strt-ng Portia Mansfield Co (One to rui) DKTROIT Temple Hownrd Hiccoka Miller A I-^reara Kniil Mnrkcy C» Ed Lowry . myiNG BERLlff, Inc. ^rsCQ >S<Wt«. )nilM>* 'HMa). ai ;(_|, "THAT-OLD CANC OF fM Wnrde Sis Co Will J Kvans Lee A Cranston 2 Orphans 'Murphy's MInstr'ls 2d half Toyland Fi>llicl Britt Wood Wyomlni? 4 Lillian H--rIiln Victor Moore Co Merci ilea rl>'CINX.*TI R. F. Keith's Four Adtonss GAP Mauley Olcott A Polly Am. Flotilla Band Wilson Broa Tableaux Petite EASTON, PA. .Able O. II. BInna A Grill I'ardu A Archer Sh'rr'n Ktejih'ns Co Hazel Crosby 2d half Laura Ordwav Co Dan Coleman Co Bobby Henshaw Co *The HcynolTa 4 OrtoM M half Kathrya ft L,*« Robblns Family Four Pals Maxwell !.•• C* (One to All) ■AMILTON, CAN. I^rle The Bradnas Use Francis Hall ft Dexter Wilkls Bard Bddle Nelson Barto ft Melvin (Others to flll> HARRIARrRO MmJ<«U« Nippon Duo Nan Traveline Co Robert Relily Co Willie Sotar Webb's BnfrtalD'ii Id halt . Gordon ft l>Ay M'P'riand ft Palace Arthur Devoy Co Mullen ft Francis (One to nil) HAVERHILL Colonial Fore* A Williams Mabel McCane Marilo ft Roma Schlltl's M.rlontttes (One to nil) 2d half Keller Sis A T yncb Roae ft Thornv Walter James Amy Dean Co (One to nil) HOLYOKB, MASS). Victory Eddie While Co Tanpo Shoes Beiisea ft Bulril 8hni« It«law» Marg'ts ft Alrarra (Od* to BID LEWUTOir, m. Mula B>n •Malino ft Corr»n Anu Nolaa •Russell ft Valenll Cosula ft VsrdI Tba Tomlliis id halt Dnwn ft Monohan Nsapolitan Duo Mr ft Mrs Bennett Miller Packer ft 8 Monro* Bros L'Q BRANCH, NJ. BnNulway Will Armstrong Co N Y HIppodroms 4 eraser ft Lawlor (On* to ail) td half Arthur Huston Co Ines Hanley Lieyd ft Good Dane* Carnival LOlilSVlLLB. KV. Keith's National Bordner ft Boyer Melva His Kitner ft Keaney Rd Jants Revu* (One to nil) 2d half M ft P Miller Stevens A B Indoor Sliorts Allen ft CanrtelJ Springtime Revus LOWELL D. F. Keith's Moore A Hager Creedon'A Davis Threo Arnauts T ft O Breton •ThAT-OLD GANG CF MINE' Raymond Bond Co V A E Stanton Hayi^s Joaet Fcjers Orch (Others to HI!) Palar* The Zlegters Cronin A Hart Mick A FtantoB Adelaide Bell Co Bender A Armstr'g Pinto ft Boyle Flashes fm Songl'd CLABKHBlIBn Roblnaon-timnd Arthur Whltelaw B'rgm'n & M'K'aaa Capitol Revue (One to fill) EKIR. PA. rolonU M'Ir'y M'Neece ft R Young A Wheeler Wilfred Clark Co RoBers ft Allen HIbbett A Mall* Roys * Mayo Co FALL RIVEH Kmpire tinell A Vernon BVCIev* Lynn ft Hnwiand Mis* Ten a Howard A Llnd In Gay Madrid FITCIIBVBO ^. - IRVING BERLIN,, Jnc ■; ■ .-. ttKVEI,AM>, 0-.,i "THATOLD GANG OF MINE. 'Tamllle Trio (One to nil) 2d halt Reed A Ray Freed Harrison vCo BIkina Fay A B' Kara (One to All) « CI,KVEL.\J(D Palar* The Le (Jrohs Russian Art Co Billy Cllnsou Creations (Others lo nil) lllppodrom* Pane Hack A M LyrI* F Wilbur ft Girlie Lanigan ft Gould Mellon A Renn Lynn A Howland Autumn Trio 2d half Max Arnold Co (Others lo ail> O'BM'KT'WN, PA. Orphean* Chong A Moey Lillian Herlein McCool A Ilellly Sully A Hall Vliitor Moore Co 2d half 3 I.ongflelds (Others to hll) ;d half Waleh A Tay Law Breakers Nixon A Sans (Oil.era to nil) iN-mWAPOMS n. F. Keith's Van C^llo A Mary "efe A Baun Walters A Walton. Aunt Jcinlna Bund Paul Decker Zelnya (Others to nil) Palar* M A 1' Miller Stevens ft Brunnrll Allen A Canneld Springtime Revu* (One to nil) :d halt Bordner A Boyer Meiva SI* Kitner A Reaney FchO"s fm D'ncel'd (One to nil) JACKS'NVILI.K .4reade , , . 1st, half Bert Sloan Hamitton A Barnes Marriage vs Uiy'rce Bryant A Stuart Leon's Pony Circu* JERSEY CITT Mlate Corrinne HImb'r Co W'ill Ward UrckL-rs Bears LYNN 01}'mpla Hertor .Mrs .^.dn'y Tirew Co The Four of Us Santiago Trio 2d half SchllU's M'rlonetles (Others to All) M'NCH'KT'R, N. H. Palace Frank Richardson Johnny's New Csr ■Maxnelit A Goulson Four Madcaps Marg'rite A Alvercz :d half Murphy A Bradley Gardner A Aubrey Walter Fishier Co Jean Grane^e Co Larimer A Hudson MC KKESPORT Illppodrom* 2d half Zinka Pnnna Iieunie A Dal* Eddie Stanley Co 4 Ortoas HIUDI.ETOWN (jruod 2d half King A -Irwin Jonla's Hawaltana (Others to nil) Texas Comedy 4 Ilernilnle Shon* Co •Carr Lynn (Ons to fill) td halt M.:Donald Trio Boland A Knight Briscoe A Rauh I'alrlcola (Ons to nil) LANCASTER, Colonial Bernt ft Partner Mack A Earl Ferry Corwey (On* ta nil) PA. MOBILK, LA. LyH* (New Orleans spUl) 1st half Grant ft Wallaoa So'alon Dennos ft 8 Seven of Clubs Jesai* Reed Frank LeDent Co MONTBEAI, Imperial (Sunday opening) Rdlth Clasper Kaufman ft Lillian Rowland ft Msshan Sumers Duo Beaumon't 8I| WILLL\M MACK i?"'.i'J.°"'""'■'' '<^<' communlcsle with m*. ir.9t Broadway. T*l. Bryant toil 2d half Davis ft Pells Alio* Hsmilton Sagcr MldKley (On* to nil) WE STRIVE TO MAKE OUR SERVICE A3 NEAR PERFECTION AS 18 HUMANLY POSSIBLE THE FALLY MARKUS VAUDEVILLE AGENCY 1547 Broadway n^^ York City Phon* CHICKERINO B4I0 CANTON, O. Lyceiitn I'on/inls Moi'li-ya Hiiil A- Inez lIo'lKe A Lowell llrn'n A Ernie Tbe Volunteers MEDLEY and DUPREY 0l:ir,IN,\lr.ii8 iiF llreaksnnv Phonnrriph iind Penniit Bit Dlrertiun: JOHN IIKMf.EV Wilson ft K'lly (Others to nil) 2i1 h.e:.' 'ICbert Vav Willl.itns A W'lfus C'Bn'NDALR, PA. Inrin Mu-'I « Ph 1 ■■ O'Brien A .I'ai'phlne Hlllr Dfle On I'.'ilivitt (Jenrge (Othi ra to till) lo.-.ih St. Rric i-niinps (M Watts .n Hawley China Hlue I'jate Klllott A I.iTour Hartley A I'aterjdti Craiif Can.t.bell diX il-.lAHltiH • OHM lies II. F. Keith's Thornton A Squires Moore A Freed Friend In Need Al>n Mann Ct, H'v-,r, f. r-ii. Prevoat A Gnulett Jimmy neynoln* Parlor Dcdr'm A B Tracey A McBride tiRAND RAPID.S Rmpress •"<ylvU Loyal Itoss A E.lwsrils Mack A Veimar Kd Jftnia Co Jack Norworth Cosntopoilian ] (Others to nil) CiBEF.NSnrRn NIrand G ft I. MItrhsl Lennle ft Dal* Bddi.. .Stanley Crt T'o l:eie!;«s L'HTIRNCE, MASS. Empire Larimer A Hudson Gardner A Aubrey Waller Fltihter Co Jean Oraneae (Two to nil) Sch't'r W'ym'B ft C Prtacesa (Sunday opening; DuFor Boys Claudia Coleman Dooley ft Sales Ru.sslan Enter Will Mahonsy Jean Adair Co (Others to nil) N'RHIST-WN. N.J. Lyoa'a 2d taa't Ferry c.irwey Cook A Oatman Dan Sherman Co Masaert sis NANTICOKE, PA. Juggleland Wlnnlfred A Br'wn Frank A Barron Blllle Williams Co (Ons to nil) 2d bait JACK MANNING IS NOT A BRICKLAYER mUITUXli. TMN. Casslsr & B*asl*y 3 Hasel Harrington Indoor Sport* Bob Hall Mildred Roger* Co Id halt Bart Shepherd Co H'rvsrd Heliey ft O O HacUsworrh Co Davllt A Carey Lov* Fablea NEWARK, N. J. Proctor** Ou* Edward* Rev Ward ft Van York ft Jjori Gritten Twins Jules Fuerest (Other* to fill) NEW BEDFORD Olympia Keller Sis ft I..ynch > ^Mdraa. Jim Pelli Cook ft Oatmta Alio* Ilamlitoa Daa Sherman Qa (On* to nil) td hair D«rnt ft Partntt Latar ft Dais 4 Lameya (Two to flil) ritOTIDFJS'CE ■L P. Albe* BoQdlBl A Ilern*r« ^ O'Donncli A Blair Matthews ft Ayr*. .: We* Georgie Woo* Rddl* Leonard C» (Other* to nil) ~; PHILAOELPHIA - B. r. Keith'* Ibach's Band -^■. Margie C'oales •>; McWaters ft Tysca Alexander Sis Co Benson Massino Co (Two to nil) 2d halt Mrs Sldn'y Drew Co Mabel McCane ('o ^•snttago a (Two to nil) N'W BRUNSWICK State Francis A FranUs Lazar A r)ale Lydia Barry 4-SlepT)ers King Solomon Jr 2d half Victor Graff Orete Ardlno Co Adams ft OrilBlh Ktlara Jap* Clayton ft Clayton NEW ORLEANS Palace (Mobile split) lat half lien Beyer Daniels A Waiters Sweethearts Knapp A Cornelia Love a La Carte NORI''OLK -Academy (Richmond spilt) Isl half W'ld of Mko Bel'e Jack iJiVlcr (Others to nil) Healy ft Cross .i Lang ft O'Neal S Marcel A Seal >.' Mclntyra A Heath '' Maggie Clifton Co -»' Andrlcir Trio vt DuvaJ, ft Symond* ?! Alliuit''ibra Nancy Boyer {^o Jimmy Reynolds ''' Ixivenberg sis A N M assart Sis 2d half Chas H Lawlor ~ii Fields A Fink •« Barbetie A Bund ^ (One to nil) i; Alleirheny Tho Castllllans Mabel Harper Co Whn L've is Yowia Quixey 4 Vanity Shopper Broadway I Kltaros Foley A LaTuur Olga Klyra Co (One to nil) 2d half Civanaugh A t"p«r tJ Fraiiklyn Ardell Co •JSj; Al Shuynn ,"y:', '■ Fashion Revuo ,', * Cress Keys Xor.h A South Merlon MyBterv Fields ft Fink (Two lo nil) 2d half \^ ;*■ m IRVING BERLIN. Inc. fitti Al't 1 I HI % l'%. •■THAT OLD GANG OF MINE' OTTAWA, CAN. Franklin Dancing M'Donalds Binder A Roy Byron ft Halg Jean sohwtiler Fenton A Fields Hyams ft Evans PATER80N. N. J. Procter'a Id half (IS-ll) Mason & <^1* Rev Polly Moran Byron ft Langdon Clark ft Morrali (Two to All) l*t half «t*-:i> The Miners Wallar* ft May (Other* to All) Zd halt (lt-2S> Bits of Broadway P ft B Boss (Other* to All) PAWTnCKKT Btot* Wsyman ft Om Jo* Daniel* Henry ft Moor* Miaabua Foley ft LaTour Nancy Boyer Co Shone ft Squires Murphy's Minstrslf Glob* John Let^'Ialr Jason ft Harrlgaa Hill ft Quinnell Kelso ft Delmond* May Tohe ft Bsni Rene* Cormack Oliver ft Dip Loney Haskell Lorner Girls Grand O, H. Prevosl ft OoulttI Cavanaugh ft Cp** Fashion Revu* Al Shayns Oautler'a Br'kl'ytrt Id halt Chong ft Mo«y Sully ft Hall McCool ft Relllr Bdward Clark Oo J C Mack Co i Keystoaa Wyoming Due Sally Beers **: BRENNAN and SANDS STEPPING WITH "HELEN OF TROY" Time* Bqoare Theatr*. N. T. (Tw* to All) Id half Morrlssey ft Young Tan Arakis Lannoit ft Shannon Harry L Coopar (Oa* to All) PITT8BCBGR Davi* Mallnda ft Pad* i Fleming 81* Jo* Brown Co Anatol FrIedI'd Co Craft* A Haley (Others to All) Uarria Ro*e ft Dell Jim A Jack Wanda Ludlsw Co Art Stanley Dunleavy Cbesl'gh M Andrce ft Girl* Flirtation Lan* ft Freeman Naomi ft B Boy* NIxoa S Lamey* Rhod** ft W*t>oa Jo* Darcy Slatko's ReTUO (Oa* to nil) Id halt . Lorenberg 81* ft If Rome ft Dunn Harry Hoi man F ft T Sabin* Olga Mura Co Wm. Pena Brllt Wood MIddleton ft 8 Walsh ft Ellis F ft T SabIn* (On* lo Ail) Id half Harry L, Webb o» DeMONT and GRACIA Prest'iitins "N0NSENSICALITIE3 OF 1923" Id half P Rluhardso^ Johnny's New 0gr' Maileld & iJouli'n Shrlner A Pit* CooBnn A Casey FreJ Lindsay, Co (TWO *- -"'' ^ i^inasay, U ftn/' PITTSFIELD Palar* Albright A Ksrt Oscar Lerralne i Lohgnelda (Others lo nil) 2il half Bobbe A stark Mason A Shaw John Ciiins Co (Others lo nil) rORTLAM). MK. H. F. Keith's McKay A Arilino Thea Alba Kerr A Knaign Juggling Nelsons Dorofhy ■Wahl Spencer A William* Merton My»t'-ry (Two to fill) RRAIIINO. PA, Kajiih SIng'.ra Midiret* Benser A Irwin (Others to nil) 2a half Wood A Wh to ••dingers Midffe's lOihera to nil) RICIIMONK, TA. I.yrlr (Norfolk ei.Ul) 1st li'ilf 1 h» /Rooneya i ■ UurdQck U?iO t a