Variety (January 1924)

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*f^<r:-'"^.^'.-V^ so VARIETY NEW SHOWS THIS WEEK -y^i/iszntfmjr.^^i ^^'lii..^ *f^'Xi^'^^L/iM '&s:w^L,::.» Thimday, January 10,1824^ danrintr Lilli.i.i MoNpill has a roi)ert()iie of cuitDrlion Htpp» nil hfT own iinil iiliritiriil \<f\t aiid VI- vacin Shiulinv is Rtill llioro ultli hi« Htiff kiir»^ stcppint; novelty lif- tiidcH till' iiniin|i.iin il |>l|>i's. The olrt-tliiif iiiiir Kill .nviiy with ;i «iili- iit.inti;il M'OM'. No. 4 weio Cli ivlrs Crafts !>n(I Jack Jliliy, 'WO juiiiii; nun with a knack of zippy iioskImo talk. Mnrh fit it is funny :inil tiraml tuw and a little is (M|ua!ly o'.-I hut tlu-y Koaloil 'em with a coinlrnatiun of fi<'sh volops (thi' tenor's hindliirj of 'I'll aid.\ " Is dixtini tly w.utU whih-). • lid tho yotinpi-r of tho two is a natiiial coiiipdiaii. who (an he funny without any apinMraiii'p uf piinipini, up till* spirit of the oicaH.on. Tho Ihst half cami' to a Ijlaxinv conclusion in tlir Kiisslan Art t!oin- panv. a. litis-ian strinir orclu>nlia ot i;, and ahout lU sin-iialli poiplc. one of whom is tin- most Kriiclul toe damiT thf.-o corners have ."riM- Binco l!fs»it> CI lyton hrreahoiits AiiothiM item of importiiu.i' is a brilliant roloiatur.i soprano with a trilliiiK hiKli r.o:i- that pulls tin- ap- plause as iiolhliiK liki' a liiiishiir; hiKh ni>ti- will. Thi- whole prodiie- tioii liy -Meyci (hi'den is class in its best meaiunff. ho'h as to quality of specialty, tincness of music anil Bcenie npi>**.ir;tnee. In the rc-pect la'-t namiii the act is especially rich. The orchestra orcupies a kind of rtais. and taldpaii drops hehinil them part to dlsclos-' various tahlraux vivants appropiia'.e to the music. th« orihestia at these momenta boine hlotteil from sittht hy a li.sjht- Inf,' trick. A sinpile exception oc- curs, the leaders cornet solo of "The Ro.xary." This does \ iolence lo the rest of the musical selections—he- Kidp.-J. "The Kosaiy" doesn't lend itspir to cornet solos. Wilbur Mack with three assist- ants, two wom*-ii and another man, has rehashed 'Ticket.s lor Two' without conspicuous suceess. It is now not much more than a flirta- tion nit. rpllned in the .Mack man- ner. His IiM'.M are clever and funn.\ m</re often than almost anyone else's. J»ek piiiiahiie is one of those •*nut'* monolcpists who work too hard. I'ixcept for his dnneinR. which i.^ exti aordinarily good, his stuff is hammered at the audience In a violpnt manner that awakpns re- sistance. Some of his lines have aniiuise twists, but the hoistproiis deliver, does them no nood. AmeM returns with hir pict- U!'e'i)ue minor danc« unchanKPd and as .'Irhtly as ever. Breker's liear Comed.'ans (N-w Acts). ftiiHh. actual merit that !■ iinfaiiing In lirin;;inK spontaneous applause and deserves as much, Iluih Koye, next to cliwlnif. did ^■e\eii sonuH before he^gin^ off, threp of which were encores. Minus an.\' resemhlance to a b.allad, the sin;rer is adherinR to straiKht lyrics of the pop type, liherally sprinkled witii since and a few which listened :m lieinR particularly now. Some houses may insist on Miss Hoye's tonlnR dow.i the trlle wordinss. but llle.\' linrillest ioiiaiiiy eliju>eil them It the Aliiamhri. Nihia, poslnn withlti a »erles of sterioptieon slides, coiu'liided LOEWS STATE LoeW s S:ate on had a tiiriil for tin wasn't |)i ivnamme.l, ■ liaiie of .Monday IiiKht audience tiiat It in tile hort circuit tint cau.s«d he dra|ies of the .^ act to s;,irt lilaziic ^•tl'ne V as on the i\ hen hi.-* attention one and loleen while Geor^xe slice. .Stone \\i\A calU'd to ALHAMBRA All aSundin-e of entert.i inment liefore ■ ail apjireciaiive audien'-e m.-ide for II ple.isant ev. iiinj; at thi; Harlem house Monday nmht. Hiii'.d- Ins; up a« 4' liro-^ressed, the pro- pram conserved its principal streiiKlh for ilie af'er-inti rminsion stanva. u liti h lii; tliree times .-uc- ce-siv e;\'. The lull in th.- cold snap was evi- dently conducive to ili-nsclnK tie- r^lshhorhond poptil ice aw ly from the radiaiors for a total of what may he termed Kood i.i'ronase. al- thoiirii to'vards the re ir and alo>i'4 the sii'es. downstaiiv. the vacani-ie:: were freiiuent. \:iry a turn could he said to have floppe.l. with, if .inythins. th" o her e.vtren;.' Ih" rule. .N'n less thin four Sliet-che.; wevp Irotted foifti and e.ieh concluded with tlie phrase, ".'or the wav ,Voii have rc-elved our httie offeriei;." It ;imoun;ed lo close to .1 uau lii.e beloi-c the iii.^ht was over The loi's .Tid present nnniiev •of apprP'Mailv^ extu-ensioii apiiroxi- mntPs a l.ui'^h and Is In need '<' -,', rt vi-ioTi I'"r'!w'*'\- .■irid (\*e\v Ac's"! ' In <uttui-.i led tiie siusL. lined | ;ic i> v.i.iit show:;;.: their "oincilv playlet ,' viritlen >,y I'ntil (;er;iril Hmidi in | tlie No .1 spit Sl.iw ;ilid Kt e fnl h low-1,;;, iiiiind iiniiieilta!" r;i\oi' thi-'iueii their hoke in:iteri:il, h;i.-eil iijion foi-; \\ orlv, :iii 1 l.rcezed through SIC c'ssfuU:'. ICarlier. (.'orinne and luck )(im!ii-r iMil opened wlili the present L'irl iiossihlj- the siiccessot- I" Helen I'.itlerson, wlio formin-h ti;ime.l Willi the v.olinist. Dressed in full s:ai:;e. the p.iir are acrom p.inied hy :i piani-u anil routinln;.' liailh wiih Hitnl'-r's pop lenilerin;; siill ilie iniins'.u. Till" f;lrl seeiuf res'i ici.-d in her d;iiii ine cap.-ihillties, wii.le he;- initial ccK-tiimi- is no' of I the hi'st lis;.', due to hi m-,: unnec*-;.- i»ar;l.\- liriel above the w.ilsl. Hiinliei- Is ill at else when ;iway from his Violin and aMkward in li.indllnt; the girl, to th.e extent 11 rev imp of th" ■!,e lire, turned tiiid saw licit some- ene airead> on th.e st:imp- in;j i; out, and shouted to Ihe audi- i-iic • to ke-p tin i.- s.ils and we;it ri^ht on with liM nuni'ier. Ii was .ool shoumanship for whicii he .Jliould he ^i\en credit. Other thin the ilx-aet show was a fair'y entertaining program. There v.a iiothinp: ne v t-j vaude- ■. d'e linoii.; Ihe aet.<, they boinj; all ..t:inr;iril turns that iiave he^n tried ;in I found delherinjc. The Powei; Ti'iupe. a (|iiiiitet of wire wilkers. opened the biil v. Hh I (I ashy routine that f;ot 10 the ludience for ap|ilause. lioyle ami liennitt on Kr;ond I7^■lna^ed lo pull out on tile final bit ot noveIt> ;; ep- liinj; that ihey offered. The double hooiiiii4 foilowin:; their in: roiliietory niiniher v.a.s deeidedlj f imilar to the two ro'itines that tlie.\- otTered im- niediaipl.v after, ;ind it their ciosing "ooho d.incc" that won f.ivor with the audience. Kp'ix Hern;iril ami Sid Towne, the third offering, manaced to Ret their nuriibeis and their burle.que mind reading bit o advantaReously. hut the talk in the act for the (jrealer part was in the bit; Sate. Stone ind loleen were the loiirth act and v\ere goini; alons in sreat shape CI ttinp 1 iu;.;hs when the fire ncare •ame and it looked as th<a.j;h they had li>st tiieir audience f;-om that I Hint on, tiut they m;in-iL;ed to pull ihem h.i 'k ii;;ain 1 efo;e tinishins. Ne;it to ciosini? Al. Sh lyne, the prize heaiil,\', pulled down the com- edy hit of the siiow. ,«hayne was whoojiini; alone; in t;re;t '-h:i;:e utkII Lhe pariner in the pit interrupted iiid ih:il let Ihe act down loi- a moment or so, but It flicked rlRht U!i tiKaiiv. and the douhie linisii on ;he slar.te sent Iheiii ;»\\a\ a.s Ihe hi: of foe b.l!. (^'-ing >he show "The Hand Hox lleviie." with Kill', and Huiinie, a siiiiiiii^; ;in;i I'.m intc fi.iir. l''e;itured with a ja'</. hand. mdn.ii;ed to w.ilk iw.iy with the applause honors on 'he stren.i; h o' "the work of the siimiiiK and ilanciiiL: juvenile of the pair Tlii« boy looks like a real lind for some i;ioaii\\:iy |>roilueir. Ill- hiis ci;iss, can wear ciothes. and in addition has a \oiee and handlist lii;i feet wonderfiiliy. Tile uirl did not lind in tlie first two numbers, and it was oiii.v after she trie<l the jaZT-.v stitfT in the iiiird lliat siie do- iivered. The f.-;iiiire I ictnri' \\-is IIos|iit;ility. ' starnm; Itusler closing spot and offered • dance revue that was both colorful and speedy. An acrobatic waltz duo held up splendidly for an opener, Harry followed with spme clever front and back kirkInK In a peiifiy solo after which he was rellevtyl by Hlllie, who contributed a nifty toe dance of the Jazjs variety. A whirl- wind acrobatic tango worked the turn up to a smash finish. I<'rum both a scenic and costume stand- point, this act is the class. From a Iei;m;inia ant;le. there is none better "The A(;qulttar' comprises the second half of the bill. ;nn. \\ hi :'ull we-i- I it IS in tile house fi "Our K ca- ll- Ihe re.;. BROADWAY Kxicllent attendance .Monday iiiKht when tho low temperature was conducive to drop-Ins. Tne bill futni.''hed pnod entertainment of cimsiderable variety, and scorlnp was more iironounced than is usual "or the house. Of the two comedy turns both of whi h counted. D. I>. 11.'.' in the next to closin.i; snoi. nailed a neat hit. The propaK;indisl for "an" en- yclopedia beat his already t:itlcreil book to hits to the accontpaniment of continuous .clRples. Ho dl.-co\-- ered some fiaRf-s that were actually intact .Tiid included them in the as- sault. There were some new "fun- nies" from the monoloKist. Mention of the phoney doctors in the Con- necticut diploma mill scandal wiis a fioint. and there was a subway pan hat landed surely amons the new matter, No doubt ahout D. 1). H'.' winninu the best Individual score. Martha Pryor. with Harold Stern's Orchestr.i (New Actst, was siiotled just nhe;id, and the top scorinir of the evening went to tlie combina- tion. In Ih" fourth position JCthe' Sinclair and .Marie Gasper h:indled .1 skit that never IaK;;od and hcliied the show cons derably in a comedy way. There are mapy bright 1 ne-- lltted to the spirit of the routine. There wad tome doubt whether the act was over when the foo llght.« went off on the girl's flrst exit. ,Tnd llphts could be seen behind the dron when the next net was belns set. Dimminp the foots instead of throw- ing them off completely would cor- rect that. The I''oiir Re.adinps wme spotted third, which pave the athletes im- nortance in the po'np. II looked a' thouch a iipw flyer was in the com- bination. He Is a cb'an lookinp youth. The standard thrl I stunt stuff, however, is handled hy the older memheis. and they ate as skillful as ever. Soni;i MerofT was se"ot.d. Sh" .^tnrted with a number later used by Miss Pr.vor, that beirp the onl'. conflict in the .chow, Afiss Meroff i- usinp published numbers now, or so they seemed, instead ot exclusive material employed b.v her orisjinnHy. She started slowly, but manaped to work up to an encore, A suspestlon mipht he tried by Miss Meroff, It is that If she costumed in sport clothes, or even male attire, she micht pet better results. The Idea is l>;iscd on Miss Meroff's stvle of rendition. M;tnteil's M;inikins opened the show ;ind amused. A laimh- came when the "Sheik" bit accomplislied a real "cooch" on the part of a m;ir- ionette. Choni; and Knsie Moey closed their sinplnp and ilancins lioldiiip the house. The pitiirr was "Anna Chii.stie^" wiih I'.lanche .Sweet. Ibrr. next to cloainK, and they <idd«d what was needed to make the first half show a good one. (New Acts.) -vThe RoFalres. a standard man and woman wire-walkins turn, opened. (New Acts.) No. 2 were Frazer and Bunce. with a Jlnply singing turn that held agreeable conversational stutT and likeable comedy interpola- tions. The second spot isn't a push- over for a singing and talking turn anywhere, and the team clo.sed to excellent returns nulwithstaiidinK lhe early po.sition. •lanis and Chaplow next. JanIs, viol.n ilayer, walk.s on and an- nounces he h;ia advertised for a piirtner—repular partner didn't show up. "Thai's been done before, too. but it's all In fun. so what's the dlfteren e! (Jood (iddlc and com- petent straipht man and comedienne wlu) se-ures laupha without forcini.; 'em, which is soinethirg more thaii one vaudeville lady comic could s.iy, wiihout commuting perjury, riiey did nicely. Howards Spectacle, a new name lor Howtird's Animals, fourth. That trade the second silent turn, and -he l',\'<-n;is ,lap acioliats, ciO.-in;i, ■vas tlie third in an eight-act bill. The f- ur ponies, five fox ter. ier: ind a I o.le ran through a roiilini • f famllar tricks, showing the te- sulis of expert training. The bridge itunt, with the doK,s leiiping to the u.i'k of one of the ponies every time he pony ran under the pedestal ar- rangement, registered its usual heavy ret .-us.. That collie do.n i.s a bo 11 actor. When It comes ,0 prahbing oif tho centre of the .stajie and hopping it he i-an meet a I comers ainoi i; the animal fierfurm- ers wiihout feur of losing lhe cham- iion,>!hlp. North and Holliday are doing the lood old classic, "Back to Wellin;:- 011." and Ihi y put it fm "leerts Mondu.v night. Ni'.rlh is the aii.e droll comic of legiliinate and :cl:'hcd methods thai he alway- es Thi! lines and situations o ■Wdl.ngton" kept a c ntinuous fw- silkide of lauph.-s roiling alu r-'^ liiioenhi III the net. That other a--; of Ninth's. "Those Were Happy Days." would be new to Ihe present :erieralion of vaudeville fans and looks like a cinch bet for a revival The l.lyenos. with a fast-moviii" isiey snd pionnil tumblinp turn hat has one of the troupe, appar- ently the youn<Test. doing some 40 hack scmersaults on a small table Wdiinil lip the show with .1 banp. Huslness pood Monday nipbt. B, I. aketch Uself, ao U is eminently quail, 'in ned for the sketch position on bill* 1 of this calibre. ;« Wally James (New Acts) was oa '-% fourth, followed by Ashley, I>orney 1 and Co. (New Acts), an^ the vaude> '1 vllle section was concluded by Leon '^ and Co. q Leon has dropped "The Oreat" t from his title, but still does as pood •-I an act or better than when handl. '" 3 capped with greatness. Leon haa l| some almost uncanny magical trlcka. Of all the present maglcitions he la protmbly the fastest worker. After his flie-and-wattr Illusion (finish- ing trick) the audience sat as If spellbound. Then the applause hroka out, just as the feature picture, "Steadfast Hearts," which closed tha show, was thrown on the screen. I„eon has two men and a woman assistants and a routine of llip best majTical tricks and illusions seen in a lonp time, good for the In si of p:og-.-ams. .1 ■t 81ST ST. .f •rill iiie- lift fiiai ter aile;-e;l ;; .inoolli. e r. Hviiiri mil I- s a ad the >u ri en '. ei;>l' 11 .'M'liiiii lal " pro\ Ideii a 11 ft.v here. Attr.icted a lline- hoiise whicli may be con- pioil for .Monday iiiylit. A e;isv niiininp bdl witii .lohii "Tom \V:i!ker In Dixie' l.iynes, sinp-n;^ co;nedi- iinperative ii' f isL co[nf>-in,\- the openiln; •d enne. runn np neck and neck for hit In nors. and Koye and ,M;ive. lep- m;inia experts, .•;oiiiidini< the class note with ;i sp*-ed.\ ('nice lepei toire. "A II Aitislic Tie.'it," a siries of filastic jioses colli lihiited b.v .M.'ir- p;ii-et Stew:irt. William I lo'.vninp and r.eiilah .siew;irt, held ini rodintorv snol ;iiid mina'-'cd to p esent sotne- lil np Mecidnlly new in lllis llM-. Combe and .Neviii;-. two b lys ;iiiil I i>i;iiio. clicked in ihe deuce sp- i with :i varied selection of po|i sonp.-i ■;i nt across as hainionv nninbers. .\ blues opener set them pretty. An number weni even bel- r rube noin; w;is the Two i,;hirs filled mil sent Iile 1).,\ s -tw-l V to 5TH AVE. entire |ire;-ent;il ion is the ai I is "J lin;;er In and ini|iro\e iijioii jHisIi Ion. Heller and Heilly deiicid wiih ffonps for pleasinp results, while rani Tisen at the heiid of his Kii.-- sian string orcbestia (New Act;-)lihi close,! liie lirst li;ilf, aided by two male d n ne ^ es i im l- «- wt>mrtn v»»e ♦-H: Boh Hall entrani'ed as the second portion ini-.i i.;.itor for a ,-olid re- sponse dein.mded more tliriti one return, a.-, did ihe .Mosconi fain- il.\'. folli wiiip, who wowed it apain especlal.s' dtl" lo the wliirlwind end- ing, w tiich remains as snretire .i fini-h as any danciiip a-t has ever (Ontained'. The •lUarlel are uiuiues- tionihly 'in" before the.\- st;ii-i, but their Kiio-whdpe of Ihat tact itidi ^al^^^ a ' '"i-hiii carelessness fireva- lent • ) tl; ■ luiip of Louis' solo, ufier ^khicii t.'ny combine ar.'l work for Irish ninelty ter and the l|sil;il wow. the act and I p 1 hand Hyinei- iie'd lhe folio v up wi:h the "Tom W'.ilMi' skit. De ■ sjiite llynier has been doinp thi.s act till \-eii s it's still ;( tiiirth - tirovokej- ind las been Inoiiciit up to dale .Mss Hii>nes, with I'liil I'haiip at piano, had tliinps lier own w:i\' her ver\ opeii'i. II',- leie-;-- ot IIP.;. e;ich acceiitinili d Willi l.ilk .stulT .ind all Iiavinp a slr..nK conied,. iMillo|i. Her 0|iener w is ",lusl Cry, Little Girl." a come.Iy plaint siip- pestiiip tirit tears - ;in nieli (-ven the most h;ird-lioiled n'.iseiiline heart A cute iiibe niiinb.-r. "On ltro:iilw;i'.v and "Al Our Itciiity Shop" wei e amonp the otliei-s that got o\ci- hip .Miss Hayiies has hnih—pei soinltj jaiid !;oiiil lb liver.\- make t he 'nnmhirs count for mme ili:i!i thej j ,. oulil :n less skilll'iil bands. I iliiny lloye ind Hiibc ,\I:iv. dre.v The aflcrpieep. nneient and hon- orable ille of the varietv days when ,\Iiner's sih .Avenue w;is to the we-.i side of New ^'ork wh:it. rri.ielol-'s .'ilh .\\'i-niic is toihi.v. :ipiie;ii-s to have been revivified and made a st;ilw-:iit feature ot the bi-weekh bills at the fith .\veniie. The regn- l;ii-s are sttonp for it. li.o Mofiibiy iiiuiit Yorke and Lord folluwinp their repular turn. Ill'ed ill a stape wait with I In- assislance oflhe nitinn-eoinic fif Ihe C S. .lazz l!:ind. Frank .Vorlh i.Noitli .ind Hal- lirlay). and Al .Moore. Ie;ider of th' sailor jaz/-.ists. It wiis a straw hat sma.shinp rack-et, and. ine!dent-itl\-. there's notliinp sin er in vaude\-ir!e than for a comic lo a de- fenseless siniw kelly, unless it's tin destruction of I v\ o straw kell.NS. aitd this aft'-ri-ii-i-e thinp leid 'eni rnii- lilatinp five. .\le;iniiip live ilmej a. many laiiphs. .Maybe it was foii- bul it was a flo k. nnyway. and tin ' rowd .vi-lled with plee- ;o tluii' that. Th" evteinpn clownirp Idea Is a t;oorl lliinp for modem vaildevllb- Ihtl. then, the exleinpn sinil' needs a little reheaisal. at that. The li:it bcslinp business wiis a wow whi.r it !.'i"ted, hut whil should I; ". e been a finish lo •.-et Yorke aed the liaiio '■•itiiic of the j:\y,f. band off w.isn't. The openlnp pie:ii, but e\eii .'in in, promfitii bit r-ills for somethiiip thai 'iciks like a petaway. AMERICAN ROOF Ciiji;' it.\- downs alts and a \*erv ;o<>l house on the roof .Monday niph'. The program Itself, a very mediocre affair, wiis «l;iried slowly hy Thoma. and Mack (New .\cts). followed by Benny and .lason (New .\e;s). with the Four Ciledoniins in the third iioie. This is a sinting qiiarlel built along old-fashioned lines tiut wllh the men dressed in K'illie uniformn. The voices arc about the aver.ipe with the excep- tion of the bass lor to be correct, a heavy baritone), who has a voice of ifuality and knows how to use It. 'riie comedy is of the obvious kind. but wi h the harmony singing the act is worth all It can get on the [smill time. They speci.ilize in isonps of ancient vintage, which niake« them the more suitable lor the iii-ovinces. I!ohby .laekson and Co. (the latter four ni-p lookinp pirls) have a new an-.i'igement in which .laek.son tries to be a comedian and falls down. Hi,' i,< also very piano In tho sinpinp iii-Ii;irtirent. He is a d.ineer and shiiiiM stick to that. As it !«. he cin thank the pirls for an\- success the act ma.v have and If he Is wise he will pet back to his old style of speciiipy w'itiiout de:a,\'. Hairy V.iissv and Donia (New Actsi and Clark and Villaiii (.N'ew .Acs) wire follow-d by Iriai and tl'Connor. a tiplit wire t'lrn which clo-nil the vaud'Viile sei.-tiun with- iiiil siarUnp anytlilnp. "Lonp Live the Kinp.'" .1 .Tinkle special film, closed th" show held the majorit.v in to 'he au'l linis 23RD ST. ^tf«bt^ <«f<, 4lmt Vtwt^* -nntt ,ii i d . . Tide d hy the brrrxy rinwn ng nf ~hts . «t e nt -Hnirnn mittrre. t.^ni nerl— f.ord" teini. Their ad t-iii-s 10 h of mr.dern vlnlape. with a strciip '■Ills;; ciirriiit of the old knockabout sehool. Soini'body is poliip to re nieiiili' 1 li;iteliet-in-llie tiead ;ilid otneieiie - in-t! e-li;if oii' of these di>s. and there will be a new e-mi ed.v act sensation for the &II1 A\'e- ciie and the T.ila: e to r.'tve o\'er. The I'. S. J:i7.7. nainl was :i Inir- rieaiie. The house \vhoop"i| ai-il wlii-tlei! and yelled, ami the mu- sical Robs deserved ewr\' bii of th" hit they repi-iered. The band was .\ iH'ipiam much the nver- ;ipe for this iMUse was olTeiciJ the lii.--i Ic'lf of the current week, and ilie aiicpdance was corre-ipon.Iingly bii'.ir ih;in Usual. A wise lot. these ."Id streetirs, for thev seem to have ,11! und'. rp. ouiid system as tar ;is this lionsp Is concerned. If iIt.- shiiw is pood Mondavs and tin- III ,pli!i i-hood knows it in no tinie C.iil .Moi-rke. a Germ;in freak .strong nnin I.Vevv Acts ).• npetieil th.. show. .Millard and .Mailin, a neat mixed teitn. sanp and danced the 1 way to favor with the ati Hence in se.v.nd iiosiiinn. The te.-'m's Itinvetv h.n-acii riz.ations are their lone, ho'ii. KEITH'S, BOSTON Iloston, ,lan. '.). "Clown Week" ; roved to be al 1, IS vague and meanlnp ess as t\,i "All .Nation Week" Novelty, iried jut n few months apn. Slmp'e r ' he;e Boston vaudeville tan.s. When Ihey read the splash ads and lie heavy iiublleity about the irri-at "Clcwn Week." they broiipht the children and looked in vain for a .■■ingle clown. ; Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson were featured as though they were Du.'^e ind Farrar, the "CIowu Week" be- ing based on the Keith comraderie idea. The O'eieii and .lolinson team vas billed to cIoKe the show and In put on out the remainder of th'^ h II r,ne ot their typical "hack stape and iiack alley riots" in an attempt lo prove, as Oiseii explained in a cur- tain tap. "the pood fellowship among the pia:ers and to prove they en- .loyed I'leir work iusl as heartily aa did the audience." The Boston "Herald" critic appa- .enlly couldn't i?ee the pro|)osiiiou. After reviewing the show with no mention of the headiine act. the crit- icism concluded: "Other acts Include Sylvia Loyal's Pigeons (opening), Olsen and .lohnson and pictures. Tho "Herald" is tiie ultra-conservative morning of Boston and not normally inclined to use the needle or the lammer. Ftevan and Flint were the riot, knocking a well-filled but atiathetlc house clean out of their seats. Be- van poaled 'em on hi;; entrnne. for no reason wh.atsoever except com- ' dy makeup and mugging, and they begped.for more up to the point of :iclual!y stopping the show. The act pioved to be one of the real 100 per cent, howls of the season. Wilkie Bard, held over from last week under what looks like a new local policy of increasing the num- ber of two-week acts. Until reeentl.v a hold-over week was an annual rarity and meant something, .lack Donahue played two weeks, followed by Wilkie Bard tor two weeks. To cap the climax, the Monday night tiroprams li.v error carried an an- noun ement thtit three of this week's acts would be used the following week. Boston Is not educated to carry-over acts. Bard on his second week used his stape scrub-woman and the drunk returning home with (hrysanthemums, both good but nhilleil by his previous week," (Hharlotte Lanslnp, billed aa "Th* .New Prima Donna" and u.sing a Harry Pelf song roMtine. with a woman billed as .Myrrha-Alhambrii. went across well hut not wildly. .Miss Lansing works too emphatically in trying to repister in her numbers, but sanp in excellent voice. A safe act but oripinally hilled a little too hiph on the bill, drofiped back Mon- day nipht two pla-ea and finding the irride much easier. Frtinklyn and Charles, spotted ne;ir the top. were one of the bright intervals, Tho house liked the nov- elty of aeroimts who not only can siiip and hoof, but have some sense of re;il humor. I'^lsie Pilci-r and Dudley T)ouplas. with GeoiRc Rati aa her dancing partner, couldn't do much with the floor. Donplas had thcni laiighin,? heartily upstairs with a eonsistint collection of '7fl gags, but the or- chestra floor was as cold as a pawn- broker'.s eye. Miss Pilcer h;is a snafipy eolle tioii of gowns. The Idea of danclnp her hip number with Haft In the Victrola with a stand- ard record instead of using the boys in the pit didn't register. It looked like a crack nt the orchestra. Haft should wati-h the location of his hand wlien he dances, as the house watched this at times more than the dat'cinp. and several ripiiles of coin- 'e nt ,vent fhvonph lhe house at his disrepird of the convention.'; of ana- I'lrni al ile;iillin<"s'. The Cnsmopolllan Trio (Befh Mc- Coy. Pompeii Toinasini and l''priian- .Mi.--s .Mailin. they ianibd soli'lly (.'11.11 lis lloiii and Co. (the Latter j yomip man and have one of those oln-iouii sketche.s. In which the sm:i'-t business man has an 'inlv son w-ho is a dumh-hfll and insists on niir'-.Ninp his fatlnrs sli'iiopi-afdu r The diimii-hell wises up ;ind .-;n-es 1.1s hriphl father from financial dis- aster (also as usual), and f;illiei cori- -a-nts lo the young folks inaii-ymg Obvious ch, winil'.' Slili. lhe ,i. t is well played (mostly by Horn), and thne are plentj- ot laiiplis in 'he t.Mi; delle iri) were a Utile heavy for S'lot. i'.-;peei;illy In an all- miplit in e his makeiifi, wlii'h car- ri'-.«'we;i in nnilers. bul under the whi'p makes him look like a wooden -iddler. .Sy'via I ov;il and Co.. showing piP- ei-ns, is tr> inp versat ilit.v. such :is slack wi''e, hat jiipplinp. etc. The pigeon flocks hominp into the liplnc'l cote from the b;ileon>' give her .1 sure-lire lini.-h. however, that put tl;e act sifely over. She should lav iff the hat •ii;:;i;!inp for a while iitid do more rehearsing of t''' Moran and Wiser slulT. Lihhri/