Variety (January 1924)

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I Thursday, January 31, 1924 VARIETY S3 2d h»]f B«rt Solan Louihlln * W««t jl * A Clark Aont Jemima Ban* riTTSBDBaH Oii« Edwirdi R«» •Willi*'"! A K«an« Howard Kyle yortunello * Cllno B'mond & Schramn Royal aamcolgn«» (Othera to All) Hsrria The Toinllnn XJaytiin & I'almer I^ftinewoll & 1-fon Holilon & lUrron Alice In Toyland riTTsrjEiJJ ralurr llari >i):i IiarrK Co f t--' Wabb'i Orchtitra Id halt PIclot * Schoflcid Nawport Btlrk * F Willie Bolar Joe Fejeri Orcb (One to nil) SHENANDOAH Htnuid Jack lA Vler Pert Kelton Co (Otbera to nil) 2d bait Jean SchwIUer Schafter W & C Mercedea (Two to fill) 8TEl!RBNVILI.B Victoria 2d half Tov>ir & Uurrell JUKSlmg Nelsons Fries & Wildu.T Ella gblelda Wllkla Bard Rogers Jk Allen Torcat'a Roovtera Judaon Cole in "VOCAL VARIETY" Aililltlonal feature this seaeon •JKKEMIAH TflJMA KETCH* at tbo harp Eacene Bmmett co Naomi & tier Boys iTwo to ftH) :d half Pan (•ol*'nian Co Karn. n «i Florence Hart & Ureen PORTLAND, ME. B. F. Keltb'a Wade Hooth TValtf rs A Walters Arena llros Paul Pecker Co Jean LaCrosso Fl»h<r & Hurst . P0TTS\1I.,LE, PA. lli|»;MM]ronia phaWK 1)0B» 3524 Modflw TfxaK Kour I.ynilia l.«ui.:'i Co tone 1!) nil) 2<1 half Bordner & Boycr Bondini & ItrrnarU F V Bowers Co Bobbe & rttarlt The Steppers FROV'DENCR, K.I. K. F. Albec Four Adlonaa Williams & Wolfus Charles Cherry Co Donovan & Lee Amac DaviH * Darnel! Vernon iTwo to fill) •KAI.Eir.H, N. C. Auditorium (Augusta split) ]ht half Moore A Arno:d James H Cullen Slorning (Glories Xing A Beatty (One to llni BEADING, PA. Majestic Hill & Quinnell Harry J Conley Co Ellila Morris The Pteppere (One to nil) :d hair Esmonde A Grant Mann A .Strong Robinson's Eleph'ta (Ore to till) 8VRACV8E B. F. Keith's Musical Hunters Zelaya Jos Dunfe* Mr A Mrs J Blrry Bubby Folsome Miss Terin Runaway 4 Proctar'a Wally Mabel MCane Co Oullfuyle A Iiange M'Orath A Deeds Trip to Illtland ia half The Rosaires Knowles A White Byron A I.angdon Doree's (Viebrities (One to nil) TAltfPA. FL.*. » Victory (4-li) (Same bill plays St. Pete r « b u r g €-7; Lakeland «; Or- lando 9) John Mua Rickard A Gray Shura Rulowa Co Burke A T)urkin Kanasawa Jape TOLEDO B. F. Keith's Zelda Bros Carter A Cornish Lee A CransTdn Indian Iteverlcs M'lena A li'brand T TIcman's Orch 2d halt Adonis & Co Bernard A Barry J C Mack Co Great Lester Tom Navies i Jones A Leigh TORONTO Shea's Russell Carr Kelly A B'mingn.iin Helen Stover White A Puck Cbarrlssl Family J E Brown Co Ueras A Wills Marley Kln^Solomon Jr Slalft^lanley Co Luts Bros. (Others to fill) WATBRTOWN Olirmplo Slsto Hose A Thorne Dance Creatitms 2d half Chas B Lawlor Co Wiilio Smith (One to nil) WIIEEUNO Victoria Juggling Nelsons Rule A O'Hrien Tower A Darrell La Palva Co 2d half Revue La Petite Johnny llytnan H A I. Z.egler (One to fill) WIIJI-OTON, DEL. Aldlne Bert Sloan Finke Fallon •Klrby Cullen A C Just Out Knickers Mack A Marion Wanda A Heals 2d Jialf Ceo Xloore Tango Shoes I'hil Davis Hilly A Bd Corman I.yndeli Laurell Co WOONSOCKET nijoa Moore A Mitchell Kaaftnan A Lillian Wm O'Clare A Co Rose Maura's Rev (On* to fill) Id half Freed Harrison Co Sa'paon A Dou(las (Others to fill) XONKKRS, M. T. Proctor'a ' lat half <<-«) Henry Regal Co Moody A Duncan (Others to fill) 2d half (7-10) Jack McAullfta G Nelson Co Eddie Carr Co (Others to fill) 2J halt <31-.-i) Wilson A Kelly Kelso A DeMondo Flo«I..ewls & Co Versatile Sextette YORK. PA. Opera House EsnTondo A Crunt Mann A Strong Robinson's Hleph'ts (Two to All) 2d half Hill A Qu.nnell Boland A Knight Simpson & Dean Marcus A Burr Teddy Claire Co YOl'NGKTOWX, Hippodrome 4 Colonial Girls HInkle A Mae Carmen A Rose Johnny Murphy 2d half Harry Garland Rule A O'Brien (Two to nil) O. SEYMOUR JAMES UIDNITK STRl'TTEK Featured with PLANTATION DAYS Pantnges Trnir r A o T»r Pinctaad Boreo Berren A K Otfto >d halt Boyd * Kins Dottdaa OraTea O* (Faor to All) LOCIBVIUJB, KT. Mnttonnl Hodge A Lowell Hank Brown Co (Three to fill) Id haat Nihia Yanks 4 Benny Barton Rev Bailey A Porter (One to fill) IJMA, O. Fanrot O. U. 2d halt Gene Oliver I Bird Cabaret Eckcrt A Frances (Two to All) BIOHMOMD, HID. Uwtwmr ■wirt * Daly Hayden A At wood Bird Cabaret Id halt The Newmans r * C Ray (One to fill) ■AOINAW, MICH. Joffma-Sttmnd Lone Star 4 Peggy Brooks Alexander Qlrls (Two to nil) 2d halt 'Waaton W A K In Wrong Poster Girl (Two to nil) WINDSOU, ONT. Capitol Novelty Larklns Mr A Mrs W lllll Johnson A Hayes Niiomi Co (Cne to nil) Offlrial Dentist I 'lie N. T. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL I4»S Broadway (Pataam Bide), N. MIDDLETON, O. Oordoa Armand A I'erea Jean Mlddleton Eckert A Frances Cotton Pickers Sd halt Swift A Daly HAH Laneton Nakea Japa (One to fill) O. id halt Peggy Brooka Lone Star 4 (Three to fill) ZANE»VILI.E, Weller id halt Armand A Peres Barton A Clark Walman A Debs B Bouncer Circus OEPHEUH CIBCniT CHICAGO POLI cmcurr BUrrlnc In "The Olncluua Girl" JOE LAURIE, Jr. Sbubert Theatre, Philadelphia OlrccUon MAX HABT VA. (Two to fill) RICHMOND, Wrio (Norfolk spilt) 1st halt tnntah Master Badle A Ramsjcn (Others to fill) BOANOKB, 'VA. RonTioke name i«: half bill •lays Winston •alem id half) Wilton Roas Ca Fatrlcola JAB Mitchell (Two to nil) 2d halt HeTroae A Wadl Oehan A Oarrettson Claudius A Scarlet •tepping Foola (One to fill) BOCniHTEB Temple Mlacahua Frank Crumitt Julia Sanderson Anderson A Graves Selblnl A Albert TRENTON, N. J. Capitol Camllle Trio Beaumont Sisters Mel Klee (Two to fill) 3d halt Craft* A Haley Kitty Doner Co Preseler A Klales Brown A Sedona (On* to Oil) TROT, V. T. Proctor'* Bemlvlcl Bros Miss Terla Elaine & Mar>.h.-.ll Watts A Hawley Springtime Folliea id halt Gardner A Aubrey The Volunteers The Law Breakers (Two to fill) UNION mix, N. J. Capitol 1st half E A B Conrad nRIDOKPORT Poll's 1st h.iif Marie McCunnell Mavourneen (Others to fill) 2d h.iK Gillett A Itila (Others to till) Palncet 1st half * Lottie Alhertnn Tu Highest Uiddrr The I.:iiny.'i (Others to fill) HARTFORD Capitol Isl halt Wheeler 3 Cook A Valdere Steel* & Winslow Youth Mile Delirious Co (One '•> fill) 2d half Lottie Athcrton Jones A Lee Toncv Grey Co To Highest Bidder Weston A Eline Blos.fot'i lICKth Ent MEBIDRN. CONN. Poli> 1st halt Gillette A Rita Blue Bird Rev Brown A I.aVel (Two to All) - 2d half Marie McConnell Choy Ling Hee Tr (Othera to fill) NEW HAVEN Palacff 1st halt Two (jez*ls Rudell A Dunlgan Bobb Randall Chow Ling Hee Tr (Two to fill) 3d halt Wheeler 3 Brown A LaVell Touth Mile Delross Co 'avid R. Sablosky ARTISTS' REPRESENTATIVE Keith and Orpheum Circuits 221 Strand Tiicatre BIdg NEW YORK &0I Krlth's Tlieotr* Hldg. I'lllLADELPUIA. PA. —*»«Wattrr« A Tvson S Fleming Sis Chain & Ar>.lnr SAI.FJW, MA.SS. Federal "" ; *! Leonard '■'"'• r A Ktuart 'Olhi rs to fl;i) ■ :d halt ""►li fi ii'iionne'i 'llth. ., ;u r;i, ^tlll.NKCTAHV J" 'I'BDrtar-a .. (■aiiatir- H. natO>« Alt tt-l.e-i .•; ^ i..-..r Alt r.«yars nets lOthtrn to nil) :d half Frank Hk!iar<l.-. n Kate Elinor <u (Others t'< !'• ' ' ITICA, N. V. Colunial i(.i iwi.; Willie ijinltn I'hiis II'.- 'J 1 Others to fil.) WAdinNOTON li. K. Kaitli'^ K'nih.ill il'tln ; . r .r I'rtlei. LUii He.IS SPK'tiF'LI), MASS. Palace lat half M Gerard &. Hoys Reed A I'.ay Nonette Joe I>nreey VVeldonas 2d half S Oolfera M'dock A K'ncdy S Girl Next Door HainiUon A Barnes Night In Spain . WATERBIRY Palace 1st half Jones A Lee Dancing Carnjxal Tony Gray Co Weston A Kline Blossom Heath Ent :d half Cook A Valdere Mavournecns Bobby Randalr The Iwiniys (One to nil) tVILKE-S - BABKE • PoU's (Scranton split) Palaea (Sunday opening) Sophie Tucker Co H Stoddard A Band Demarest A C'lette Vaughn Comfort Mary Kelly Kerr A Weston Noni A Parta'^.r Alba TIberlo Slate-Lake (Sunday opening) May WIrth Co J A J Veils Kramer A Boyle Harry Hlnes Gulran A Mguerlte Fred Lindsay I..lng Poo Co Ned Norworth Co Ernest Hiatt CEDAR R-APIDS Mojmrtlc 1st bait A Bobby Golf Show oir Solly A Houghton Harry Delf Arleys 0 Emmy** P*t* Orpheam Stone A Hayes Rln Tin Tin Senator Ford Benny l.,eonard Co Herman Timberg . Margaret Young R Fagan A Bard C'naugh A Cooper (One to fill) MIL'WAVKEE Palace (Sunday opening) Inex Courtney Co The Wager Miller A Mack Dotson Ray Hughes A Pam Land of Fantasy Owen McGivincy I 'Whirlwind* ■AM ERANCI8CO Oaldea GaU (Sunday openinf) Johnny Burke Danny Duggan Wilson Aubrey i Splsndid A Partner Regan A Curllss Rockwell A Fox Orpheam (Sunday opening) Karyl Norman Lahr A Mercedes Bert Baker Frank DeVoe N'hoff A Phelp* 3 Mel Vina Bert Hanlon Jack Osterman BT. Loris Orpheum (Sunday opening) Nora Hayes 'Wm Scabury Co DcJarl Collins A Hart Jean Adair Co Harry Jolson Powers A Wallace The Hartwell* RiaKo (Sunday opening) Stars of Future Al Herman Jans A Whalen Wlllio Schenck Co Nora Kelly (Others lo fill) BT. PAl'L Orplienm (Sunday opening) Frank Farnum Co Jack Georges 2 Zuhn A Drels Deagon A Mack rtowcrs Walters Co Begeo A Qupe* Holme* A LaV*r* Bruce Balrnatatber Lambert 1 Lynn A Howland Tan Arakis Vadia Oygl Co France* Wblt* lA. SIOCX CITY Orpheam 1st half The Remos 3 White Kuhns MoUie Fuller Co Whiting A Burt Bert FUsKlbbons (One to nil) 2d halt Lucas A Ines Leo Kuclnsky Raymond Bond Co Ernest Ball Orth A Coily (One to nil) SIOl'X F'lJ), 8. D. Orplieum 1st half Prince Leo Hr'ckm'n A H'w'rd Manilla Bros (One to nil) 2d half 3 Andre Girls Rice A Cady 3 Blanks (Ono to fill VANCOt'VBR, B.C. Orpheank Chic Sales Lewis A l>ody Janet orFrance Wood A Wyde George M'Parlan* Jackie A Bllll* & Avalons (One to nil) (Two to fill) WINNIPEG Orpheam LaFlcur A Portia Thamaa A Haek roster A Ray Monte A Lyoaa (On* to fill) Wanrirk 1st halt BIme His Tom [.An* M'Carthy A St'nard Fox A Miller ( Whirlwinds 2d half Sullivan A Mack Conn A Moor* Those 4 Oirls Swor A Barry Amoros A Obey ATLANTA, OA. Grand Faynea ttlgelow A Lee P'neers of Variety Wllkeas A Wilkens LaPalarlca S ■ J Moor* Ross A May bail* BUtmur* Oreh MILWATKKB MlUer Ruga A Rose Hilton A Oalley Chlaholm A BreeB 3 Boys McCoy A Walton C T Aldrlch UONTKE,\L 1.4>ew Kane Morey A U Lee Mason Co Heath A Sperling Juliette DIka /.ander Bros Dancing Shoe* - , NEWARK .tlate Carletons :.1 1 "SnriN' IN A CORNER" WHEN IN CniCAOO. ILL.. SEE WALTER DONA VAN, 119 N. CUrk St. IRVING BERLIN, Inc. Chas Irwin Alex Roche Co Trixle Frii;unxa (Une to fill) 2d half Max Thielion Co PItzer A Daye White Sla K Roberts Band (One to nil) DAVBNPOBT Columbia 1st halt Calvin A COnnor (Two to fill) MINNEAPOLIS Hennepin (Sunday opening) Santrey A Band H A A Seymour Senator Murtihy CUmenos Belllngs Weak Spot 4 Fayre Olrls Toang Wsng Co (Ons to nil) "SITTIN' IN A CORNER" WIIK.V IN S\N FRANCISCO SEE HARKV III'MK, SOO Pantagra BIdtf. IRVINU BERLIN, Inc. (Two to nil) SEATTLE * Orpheam (Sunday opening) LOEW CIRCUIT Illckey Broa Jimmy Lucaa Peplto Wellington Cmn» Jnck Wyultfl Co (Othera to nil) i^OCKfl Specially D<fiione4 Ready to Wear CLOTHES 1632 Broftdway At fiftieth Bi. NKW TORK CITT NKW Y<m»t CITY Htuto I.ftFranrc Uron I'urcflla & Uumsay Jarrtiw St rialr Twins Co I!«rry A -Lnnca"*'' r Moro CaBllo Oct Amrrlian iRt half Kr.'inrlH &■ Wilson Harry l***«irr Mftl-y * OHrU'n Uradlcy ICnmsy Co Hay A K Trncry <;po Stanl-'y A S.» Wilnon A Kelly I^lax Sia Co 2tl half IJob A T'p I't'in K- Tinnyr-n ..lack A QuiKliy rcho« 8 of Scotlun 1 Phcohaii A I'hiliip* Arthur A»i!ilf'y <-'o ncnny Rubin Co Kary A Kary PHIL ROY ROY and ARTHUR ALWAYS A SMASHING HIT Keith's «lst »i., New York, TIUS WEEK (Jan. 2«) Keith'a Orphenm, Brooklyn. nire«tlon AARON KESSI.KR NEXT WEEK. (Foh. 4) 1st halt Wright A Cayman Morria A Flynn J D llymer Co B Henahaw A Enc Bradna WORCESTER PoU-s FRANCINE BLOCK and DUNLAP PA. . B a r r lat halt (Two ta fill) BCBANTON, Poll (Wllk es split) Int halt F Reckless Co Bill Utah I) Barnet Co Ilyam!) & Kvans Baby E Kelr Band ' CHICAGO KEITH CIECUIT INBIANAPOUS 3 Golfers M'dock A K'nedy ."^ Oirl Neit lioor Hamilton A Birnoe Night In Spala 2d half M Gerard A Soys need A Fay Nonette Joe Iiarccy Weldonas BETROIT l« Salle' Garden* •(!ene Oliver 3 Twinettc Boila Co Nakao Japs (Two to nil) Zd halt Naomi Co PeOlenn A Adama Mr A Mrs BUI Johnnon A Haya (One to fitl) FT. HAVNK. INO. Palace Arthur lieagon Co Wa.nian A V>h» (Others lo nil) pi.iniT, MICH. Palace •WiKler W i K •111 WroriK router Cirl "(Two 1.1 11^1 kent fk Ailm NelFin Wnr;r.g lla.i-i I'los (iwo Ic fii'.' Palace Nihta Tanks 4 Benny Barton Rev Bailey A Porter (One lo nil) :d half Hodge A Lowell Hank Brown I'o (Three to nil) KOKOMO, >M>, Strand Meiva S'Her" Tommy Toner •Kirk -Collier 2d half Bayke * I'ul'y (Two to fli'.l BA'MA/OO. MUM Regent Ke:il A All' n Joe Whiteliei..! Haas Hro« nOtKhwe ts'fwuj "i!ex»ng'K>^- h» Urn All Tcyan.a Jai» R Roberts Band White ais Mai Thielion C« (Two to nil) 2d halt Ooff A Bobby Alexander A Roche Chaa Irwin Enid Markey (^ Trills Prlganaa (One to fill) DENVER Orphenm (Sunday opening) Son Dodger T,eavltt A L'wood Seed A Austin Dese Retter ircmack A W'lace Margaret Severn Elsa Reuger (Two to fill) UES MOINEB, lA. Orpheam (Sunday opening) Oattison-Jones B Alan Brooks Moore A Irving Woodchoppers I.ydell A Macy (One to nil) KANSAS CITl Main Btreat (Sunday opening) Kronas Klein Bros NBW OBLEAN8 Orphenm (Sunday opening) Thos Swift Co Tad Lorraine C« Vsnita Oould Klown Revue Harry Moore Sarah Padden Co Wells A Hobblu (Ons to fill) OAKLAND Orpheum (Sunday opening) Mason A Keelcr Harry Kahno Bspe A Dutton RAW Roberto B C Hllllam Martinet A Crow OMAHA, NEB. Orphenm (Sunday opening) Dalyle Alda Kenny A Ilollla White Sis I Danolso Sis C'pllments of S'son Fenton A Fields Katharine Sinclair rOBTLANU, ORB. Orphenm Mclntyre 4 Heath Barr Twins "SiniN' IN A CORNER" WIIRN IN LOS ANGELES SEE CUARLIK MKIJION, 417 West 6th Street IRVING BERLIN, Inc. Jack Joyea Victoria A riui'fee Murray Orkland (One lo fill) Orpheam (Sunday opening) t: S H l.evtathan 11 Marion Harris Frank Dixon Co Mac .Sovereign MoFS A Frye Ilcken • Then Oro Mine Trio liucBeii A Pierre LO(* ANflELKH Mill Street Ctlio lia'Kcr B^ary A Moors Billy McDermott O'Connor Sis Luster Bros Blanehe Hherwoo-l (Two to fill) BACRA.MENTO State («■«) (.Same bill plii>9 Fresno 7-9) Frltil Drunetle Morton A Olasa j Vaida Co • Barrett A Ciinnren Kane A Herman Juan (.:-::hi in Victoria 1st half BAM LaVarr Irmanette (May Crouch Co Benny-Rubin Co Breakaway B'lowes 2d half B'llnger A H'nolds Brennan A Wynne Marie Stoddard 3 ftlaxpllos NntionnI 1st halt Aronty llros Fein A Tennyson Teleiihone Tanslo Walton A Brandt Sandall Si* Rev 2d half Dura Cross A R Lillian Morton O Stanley Xt .Sis Carson A Willard titrlckland's Ent Orpheam Ist halt 3 Maxellos Sheehan A Phillips Stonij f^ loleeti Marie Stoddard Chas .SU'iriilalid Co :J halt 3 Wallers Maaon A Owynne Kerr A Bnsign Clark A O'.NcIll Dance Shop Boulevard Int halt Les ArAdos Hrcnnnn A Wynne Fagg A While Clayton A I.ennle Dance Shop 2d half Francis A Wilson Helen Moretti Stone A ffoleen Lane A Freeman Sewell Sis Avenue R 1st half Bee Young 11 Bussey A Donla Monte A Lyons Leona LnMarr Dobbs Clark A D Mantell's Manlkens :d halt Fagg A Whlls I,cona LnMarr M'rissey A Toung LA FLEUR and PORTIA BOOKID SOLID ORPHCU Week Krb. S—Orpheam, Winnipeg Telephone Tangle Lurkle A Harris Francis Renault iJncoln Hq. let hair B'llnger A H'nolds Helen Moreltl Cook A Vernon Barr Mayo A Renn (One to fill) 2d half I.,>wry A l.acey <'lay (Touch Co Kddic Cansldy ImVarr P'Bree A 1. (One to nil) Orerley S<i. Isl half Bob St Till Dorothy Wahl Oddilles of I'jH Carbon A Wlltard 3 Wallern (One to nil) 2.1 half Downey A I'loridEe liarri.:t A l-'arnuiu Mamyjy Ilarr Mayo A Uenn Al Sha>i.. ,lni ii: Drianeey S«. !•• half riown. y A; Th.nri i" * Ma. k Mlll;in .Morti.n Arthur Afhl.y Co Unnii * Mallon Aiiil>itior,!» III. I;al( H V>*i^»« * Ifl*- Harry Lester tl;irton A Youritf !iai.....i: ft Lik PIckard's Reals (Two to nil) BROOKLVN Metropolitan Powell Troupe K A K Kuehn Tarsan Besser A Irwin Dance Frivolities Fulton let half Dura crons A R Margaret A Morrell llccuperattoD Al Shaytie Francis Itenavlt 2d half Les Arados Irmanet tn t'ook A \'ern.>n Maley A oiirl.n Odd.lies of 1J24 Gates Int hair Barrel t A I'^Jirnum Ar.hT * heir.Td« A l''e.M.«t»« llerlo Diving (jlrla (tjno to fill) . M ha;r ArofiTy Hr>.s lii.r.ilhy Will. I WilKon * K.lly Walton * Ilr II..It llerlo liivlnK (l.r.i I'.tlnre iHt h .'.f'n Senli. I.iiuiHe Ciirt'r < ■" Wii^te y K Vouni: M»'>M ^*l» ■ II (n.,. Ill n.i I :.i h.i r lla' -e' s .Mm i.t _BI B.MINCHAM ■""" Bljoa Wellon A Marshall Jack Uoldie Rose's Midgets BOfiTON Orpheam Jean A Valjean Marie Russell Krug A Kaultman A A L Barlow IlarrlBon Mosa Romeo A D'cing D BUFFALO Stale Wolgaat A Olrlle Mabel Brew Teliak A D-3 B ' Harry Mayo Band Box Rev CHICAGO Rial (a OAT Florens UAL Oarden Russo Ties A R Al A M Joy Austin A Delaney Adler A Dunbar Little Cinderella ■BATTON Loew O'don A Stewart B Oliver A Olson Bond A Adams Autumn S Kid Hall Co Koyal Pekin Tr IIOUOKEN, N. J. Lyrle 1st halt Joyce Sis Hoey A Evans ('onn A Moore Olrl from T'land (One to nil) 2d half Kerwin A RIgley Kay Rash S Merrill A Coughlln Chalfonle Sis (Ons to nil) LONDON, CAN. l4lew 1st halt Rcnzettas Friend A Sparling ( Royal Hussars Cornell Leona A Z Freeman A Morton Local Minstrels NBW OBLEAN8 Cfvacent Oeraldlne Miller t Oram A Feelcy Ward A Bohlman M'OevItt Kelly A g Cook A Shaw Sis OSHKOMi, WIS. (1-10) Kara Frisch A Sadler Walt-r Miller Co Morgan A Moran Jewel Box Rev OTTAWA, CAN. Loaw Chandon 3 Frank Ward Renard A West Salle A Jtoblea Sweethearts pbov'den(;k, bj. Emery 1st half Earls Chas Tobias "■ Frank Ford Co Johnson Bros A 3 Townsend Bold Co 2d half Lsach lA'^ulnlan t Ooldlo A Ward Rellly A Rogers Milt Collins Doree's Operalogue SPBOrLD, MAH8. Broadway Isl half T.«ach Latjulnlan I Ooldle A Ward Hellly A Rogers Milt Collins Mme Herzac's Oira « 2dhalt . Earls Chas TobTaa Frank Ford Co Johnson Bros A J Townsend Bold Co TORONTO Vonge M. ' '. Turner Br.)4 Lady Tsen Mel ' Bernard A ScartB id halt Bedford A Madden ,Ooldla A Beattle M Samuels Co ' MEMPHIS BlaU, Jean A Jnc<iues Marjory Burton Harry Fo« J A I Marlyn WASinNGTON Strand Mack A M.i.inera Raclno A Ray Telaak A Oean Harry May.-« Band Box Rev n i ■I ■ 'si GU8 SUN CIRCUIT RI'rPAlX) Lafayette •Fall of Toklo Beck A Stone Cunningham A B Orlndell A Esther PichanI Troupe CniLLI(X>THE, O. Majeatlc Chief Blue Cloud (Two to nil) OOBTLAND, N. T. m*t» •Tony CornettI t •i Bangards (Two to nil) GENEVA, N. T. Temple Bob Mills I Bangards (One to nil) 2d half Keefe A Lillian Roma I>uo Co (One to fill) MANHFIKLU O. Mojestle Al Beekwith Ca Jason A l.ewla 2d half Avis Bntertainera (One to nil) { PAUL WHITEMAN'S ARCADIA ORCHESTRA Under th* Direction of AL MITCHELL ARCADIA, PROVIDENCE, R.I. Sucond Year FRANKIJN, PA. Orplteum 3d hair •Miller A Sylvia K Hi-nwarn <'<i ItUlr A Dor.avnn ►•RF.MONT. O. Mlrnnd :.! huir Detlno Sl^tern (Two lo mil FI'I.TON. .V. T. Ouirk .Lnk Fi'f*'-'.' d ,r«', ... «;i) ;'.'ni'.t;:-.:. ' MARTINS FKRBT i'aatlme _ Id half Kii!h A Palker Ish.lmwa Ilroh Iielini. .SiNtCS C'ermi llowaiil A A Sis .viovi'j^.'^r.N, PA. star 2d haf Al neckwlih r» . . ii..rr/ Divers (One to ni» •• ■ 1 ■n r.npe 54)