Variety (March 1924)

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PRICE 20 CENTS I'uWiahcd WeeUly at 154 West 45th St., New York, N. Y., by Variety, Inc. Annuil subacrlptlon J7. biiiRle roptca 20 cont«. Kntcrod aa aeconJ class niat[<r Uercinber 83, 1906. at the I'ott Olllce at New York. N. Y., under the Act of March S, 1879. VOL. LXXIV. No. 3 NEW YORK CITY. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1924 40 PAGES METHODIST-MADE PICTURES K.K.K. IS BEIEVED RESPONSIBLE FOR CANTON THEATRE LOSING Klan Offered to Buy Lyceum from Sam Bernstein— Plays Keith's Vaudeville—K. K. "Sunday" In- fluence Blamed Canton, O., March 4. Tli8 Ku Klux Klan is alleged to b* Intent upon forcing out S.-im Bernstein, owner of the I^yccum, n JCelth-booked vaudeville house with ro opposition, that by all ordinary standards should be a big money maker. Klan opposition Is blamed for the very moderate attendance and the refusal of local authorities to allow Bernstein to i>lay vaudeville Sundays, althouph last week the Eagle Circus at the AuJitorivmi played Sunday to capacity. IJernsteln's house is a full-week Btand booked by IJilly Dolaiiey of the Keltic pop-priced department. It will go liito split week policy Boon, the ownor being: determined that he will not sell out, allhou.^li he has been apiiroached by mcm- ber.s of the Klan alons tho.~e lines. The house, ordinarily, should be ft consistently Mt; winner, hut has Just been goin?: aloncr since the ■hcet -wearers salJ thumbs do'.vn •n Be'rnsteiri. MASK AND WIG CLUB TOURING THIS SEASON NORWORTH'S THIRD Wife Granted Interlocutory Decree —Jack in Chicago 36th Production Opening in Philadelphia Easter Week , Piiiladelplii.i, M irch 4. The M »Hk and Wig Club of the I'niver.sity of Pennsylvania will Vary their u?.!.^! policy of prosont- ins musical showj witli historic baciisTounds, by giving an entirely iri'idorn story this year. It wU! be en'.i'.li-a 'TiiafsThaf and prcicntcj it the Forrest according to the u.=ni il custuni? during Eastor wceic. Tldj is tiie JCth production of the AI.islc and Wig, and particular In- terc!-' is felt in It as it wil: make an e\;en«iva tour, following the praclico of lUo Micliisan piaj', 'Cot- ton Stocliings," and tiio Princeton I'lay, ' Dra1ce'.5 Drum" Tli? Itinerary of tho trip which wilt precede the local cntjagement will in( hide the I cities, Lancaster. Pitls- I bur;;h (two perform in^esi, C'leve- j land. Detroit, Atl.intlc City, Wil- Bilr.mon. W.isliington ar.d Neiv Yoik. Tliis's book I.s liy Kduin M I fiHino at.d the settii.4 is in Palm i R.:'a< ii. Tlie niusio is by Ctarlcs I Tilpin. Charlie Morgan will :i > ns'nl stcje REFORMERS SEE PRES. Want Blue Laws in Cjpital National Example Ilohdkcn, March 4. Charging Ue.-crtion, llrs. Mary Korworth last week was granted • n interlocutory decree of divorce by VIcc-Chancellor P.entky from Jack Norworth, the comedian. Norworth denied the cli.irf,''-. al- . though he fail.-d to appear in cnn-i. I""' ^l"''"'' •«'^1> si.-ci il attention to Thoy wore mariicd in Oakland, Cai.. j "'" '' '"' " "■ March 17, IftKl. There are two son.■^ ; l.'dward Fields, !'. and John P.t.l'ert. ' 8, both at a inilirary school. In lior testinioi;y Mrs. Norworth said that her husl):ind had l>eeii divorced by liis tuo furnier wives'. IjOuiso Dresser and Nora I'.ajes, and he had been named ns co-respond- ent In a divorce suit brought b\ an Kni^llshman in London nij.ihist his wife, a promiiicnl pi ofessiDn li o\ci there. At tlmt time it wa- .'aid Mi-. Norworth oonteiiipl.jted slarrin;; proceedings Vn- diM)ree in llie New Vorl; Supremi' Couit, but slie witli- tlrew tlio iictioi, u lien Ikm- liiislian.i J>leaded for f..ruivei,ess atd for th ■ sake of the cn.Mre!!. The X or\viii:!is Imve no', live! ' •- Ki'llier since Aim. ii OVER COiTRY Church Wants to Hold At- tendance of Younger Gen- eration — Making. Only Shorts at Present — May Turn to Biblical and Fic- tional Subjects—But Must Make All Pictures inter- esting to Draw to Church Halls, Where They Will Be Exhibited 15 EQuins TO 1 hdeuty: EMERSON SAID TO ERLANGER Last Proposition From Equity on Closed Shop—No Attention by Managers—Fidelity Looks Upon It as Affront and Admission "LOGICAL MEANS" I-os Angeles, March 4. The Mc^' Church U entcrln;,' the motion iiicturo field, having In its employ 50 camera men stationed throuyhoiit thi.^ rou! tty and other parts of the worUI. At the present time tho«o men are engaged In m.ak- ipg short scenic and news pictures to be distriliufed through the Ciiurch's organization to its v iri jiis parishes and are l'> bo e.xhililled in the various Church halls. Up to da'o no attempt lias been mado^by the to enter '.In- picturo production flcKI, being con- tent with tlie short subjeel.s w.'.h- (Continiied on Pase 3^11 1 i' i? r.v MrH. Norwortli :;.i\e Ui> t!i ■wiK-n she niairied. AVi-liinu"".- Mi;- ■ 'A ■• • C ,'^:K]iir \y.i-i nsl;e'l W ed! eS'l.lJ- to S'>'e his Mippoll to ti'e hi'! l»efiiro Con- '.^re-s for tle> c!osin:i o' all'-on .'ind n'.ost btL'-iness h e.ise:; in W.islKiigtof, on fSiindi.v-. A committee of the I.n.ii'- r»iy Aiiian.e ciUea on tl.e Prfsi,i,,nt and pres-nted ariiumen^ for ln-il] bill-' llUr", .Vt.ttillg lie' lO'Ue l,..;j i-o\e--- tie- situation, u- .-. n i' oi ' woI I I 1 I i n II— •'•'', }•'• •' '■• nil '|- LUELLA GEAR WINS "NOTICE" ARBITRATION Lone Woman and Tears May Have Swayed Male Judges —Gallant Larry Anhalt The arhi'i ition of tli- 'ornpliir.t against Liiell.t *'•<.• i;- of ' I'opp., .at tlio Apollo, rr.ade li> I.awrein e An- hair, cdtiipin;. In ui:i«er, wlio li mdeil Miss (!eit lier nuliie. u,is deeidel 111 fivor of til- ,e li-ess Tlio Mtie.. ij-tii'iMi'ir^ ae. ..i,t . : (('oMtinued or P.i^e ,';;;i PURDY, N. Y. BANKER, AUTHOR BUT NO 'ANGEL' Wrote "Across the Street" and Won Prize—First Called "Crossed Wires" Richard A. I'urdy. Nc'.v York hanker and former Kquity execu- tive treasurer, is the niithor of "Aoi-oss tlie Street," wlii'li Oliver Morosco launched in Siamforil. Conn.. las', niglit. Under It^ orlsina! lillo. 'Cros.'iivl Wires," tiio Purdy pi ly piinere<] th'> $:! 000 av.jird last yvir in the prize play contest. Mor'oficft arbnttWl the i;ewer title upon finding .a picture had already been shown under the ■■Cro-:sod AViros" caption. IVu'dy, vice-presidert of th" Com- mercial Trust Company, and re- puted wealthy, has afeompllshed hi.s determination to get liis play across without figuting a.s ''.ingel." An Inside has it that several other producers h:id the script jirlor to its f.illing Iritf) Morosco'd han.I.s They wanted Purdy to take ,\ piece of it, but he laughed tliem ojt of tiie idea. NEW ORLEANS PARALYZED Really Gets "Original Company" in "Thank You" I ti A' present J.iei; Ni *■'"» In 'IIoneMiio.o *; t;.;. C--n;:..: (•■■.-, irHi I' lit , Ih. Th. 'lie bar eVf-rv store no', dv.'.r.'f r ei e.ssities <i( lii'.'.,^ tliinks tiiil .'I'lionIJ •IS lie .ld>i;iled l.ere je •.lie . f Willi th" e ' ! ■ • 1 t .■ ' ■■•.V .:: .,:>'. January Business Better W.i.-!iiri'-'toi. M-.rel, i, f dl itn/i..- for liie ]'> p-r rei.i (ax fur .1 iMnir.v \'>:{. » n —t'i lO.T ■! ; Ii j « f i—civi 1"^ - ai_ (lilt .same niO'tli in I'.'i.i Th ■ .Tinii.-iry. 1 ■•.'».■ fixture t.i'ile.l $7 r.7(i.l;p| r.S -lu ,.,. ,i j.; -.;.;,.. jiis 'c, If ' >■ ■ 1', • 'j: Xew Orleans, M ireh 4. ''111 Wilt Vmi," at the Tuiane lr,i« week, the same comp-iriy tFiat Iil.iyeJ th<! piece in Now York. 1 ir tt:r. the fdiow wiu pio'ia'alv .!.■■ ll.'.OOO on the weelc. At last havliK received an ' orl«lr al New Y i Ic" tlil.s town i.s p.ii ilyzeil witii ;im.r/ement. It's just Roiii;; to ruin the t.T- ritoty f.irever for the t;ex' ■iiri:^- in 1'" N 1. S curi.pfin y. WHAT BROKERS DON'T KNOW Ai'Otliei f\-iriii.|e ri' how liitte eer- t lUi \;iude\ !';.■ I>r.>l;eis l;now of the lei^if jm.itc (eeiirie..! reienll;/ when th'' n irii" of Tessa Kos'a I'l-'i e i:."l io ofi" of tiie 1,,^ tune IiodUii;:; rii'Ti Who lri'|iilreil bl.indly: ' \\ le) IS .Sie' .' .\e\er he II,I i,f her.'' Ml ' .^ li i i. 'l I fo 'ii i I Q i h i' liii n i ii iii of enttanee an.I w ;.).in to he sect, nil til" '.'.^ >- I-•l.i; :.-. a .Sh... W,i* I I 't V. I'h ■ 1 ■ II .1..' • .■.:;■ i. ^ ii- ■ 1 !■• -e..-:, . ■ ■ ,• I ... • With th» flriit of March inssel and the managers-Kciulty situ.itii.ii over threatened clo.sed shop ui)oii the expiration of the present agree- ment at the end of May f.tlll un- solved. It is believed the two factions will soon reopen negotiations or lome to an open break, whicli mighc result in a strike, Kiiuity's position a^jainst the cvfri more determined stand of niniv prominent manay^ors may result ;ti the fjesture of a strike by actors. Preparations for the .ssimmer ar:I next .season .should be well mnler way by this time. Pi-o.luotion an.l trj-otit pl.ins are held in aheyai;. • aw.iitins a .settlement of the dh-iimi . Kookin^-'S for the road for icxt s'.i- son are lieiiig nnide as usual, snuj.i ; to de\ (Iniiments. A. I<. Ihlanger to.s-ed his Irit in" > t'.e xin>^ week wl'.en ho Rtav" i.i- .'i statement censorlnj; Kipiity he'l- ers for their .stand In rejecting .a in >- posal Kuaranteelin;,' a percent. -ij;.' •>'. i;.iuity meuibeis in every prodm li.iii. IJ.ivid licla.sco ye.slerday folIo'.M'l with a statement ho would wiilnlrnv his attractions In the Hprinir sine .• i'. would he Impossililtf to cast; • .attr.-tctions under the clo.s.'d .'liip system. Ul'I.isco st.i'.e.] he is tiiiou:;''. if i !< activity Is to be fettered by a clos.'d sliop. II'} declared the tlie.itre !-• not a shop, but an art. ilii iti'in of rc'isinp prodin tion follow.i lli i*. mado hy (leorce M Colinn, who soin • time ago said lie was throii[;l<. ar.-l (Continued on page 3C> LOST SAFETY PIN Chorister Swallowed it, But Oocto'S Couldn't Find It Puffalo. .Mar. h I. Until Dalrc, a chorister wnh i Inirlesiiiie tab playlnj; tlie Acideiny, swallowed a safety pin while m ikirnj a (|uhk fhanKo during a perform- ance and was rusherl to the Coliiin- tiiis where X-rays wer^ taken of her stom.aeh. After a two- day s<arili, .surKeons at the hospital ::i\e ui» the case, st.itlnc; they wero onahle to loeate tli« elusive fa,«lener.. .Miss D.aire discharged appar- ently rionr- (h.; wm-ie for thi.' ex- pel i.-i^e,. COSTUMES Who will make your iext oncT? Those who have bought from us BROOKS-MAHIEU ll:!;l«'uiiy T. !.!,.,!('; i'.im. ^. *.(!(» «,_11,000 Co3tumc<i for Renta!__