Variety (March 1924)

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CABLk. ADDRESS, VARIETY, LONDON p A R f F C 8 St. Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square V^ /^ O 1-. i:- O VARIETY'S LONDON OFFICE 2096-3199 Regent Wednesday, March 5, 1924 INOAND'S BOGUS MANAGER STRANDS PANTOMIME GIRLS Fay Compion Si?ns With Dean—Stage Hands May Strike -Diana Do Bretl Wins Suit in Calcutta— Strikes in the Air T.on<l(.i, m 21. ll.'.iinltf.n r.aiiii.'V will jjroliaMy f.f down ill tlu'.iti i( al history a-i tlio Bliprriiio rxaiiipio ot llio tl.iiiric •lip'r-bogii'i niaiuif." ■'• Kroiu time to tiiiio hi^ iiamt; li.'iv nojiptNl up In the l;iy pii ss as an iinpnsai lo will) was prcp.iK^il lo tak>.' ov< r any (lii'afrc bin riiiniBli, from llio Kmplrc tn L«irpsl<r Miuarc to the Thcatrr. licyal, Drury Laiu->. lis in a 1jh1(1< r for any tlicalriial proiK'ily in ttif rnarki't and Kcn- tirally inanuK' •< to got a good of publicity out of the deal witli(>ut brint-'ing it to an issur. llr in alFO an expert in baiiKriiptey. Ills lati-^^t exploit has been at Hiiflol, wIkto hH pantnmline Kirl« were f^tranded, owing to the "leditors of the tlna- tro getting uiu.isy and foreeloKln^.'. After some delay tliey were brouKlit ba< k to l^ondon liy the Aiti is At- eociation, ■ ■, Fay ».''c.nii;t<.n lias slK'ie.l o lon- tiai t With liasil Dean undi r wliirh Bhe will npp<ni- in a ft ii"'s of his pri"liii I ioiiH, old and new. The (its' will bo in "Kasfaii ' at Win Maj- eMty'.", in Willi h .'^ho will take' up till- pait of Vasniin, inmii'diatily alt"i- •■'Pli.\ I,itl!e Mini.-ti r linivlu," lit the QiK'i ii'.-. ]''ollinvinu' lliifj vlii; will he sei-n -n a new play ;■ t tin St. iMartin'K, and also in tlie I'l.ay- I'ox inatimo in ndii.timi if Iviward I'ercy'.'j "Tlic Jti^ordan.'^^. ' Otlnr .li- ra MKi'mi'iit!! iiii hide li.-r staiiini? In n. new play t^y Kndrdf Hosii r lu'.d May I'MinjTti'n, .■•iid also in" iif •■'riie Kihiid fur Seaiiiial and "t'lir Stin p.-? ti ConipiH." Stril I s- are In tiie' air ahiT aljiiiit an infeetiiui.i as nl''afle^■. I'Vd- lovvinj,' the railway aial tlio dork Ktiiki, we ]nay exl'ii.t tlie enal mini rs ti> < niiii; out. Pifon^ tl.i lattir atti'inpl to sinasli i vl i;. tliiiiL- ccini'J ailing:, liowevei", we may < x- I r. t lurthir truiildc frnni tin- ^ta;-*'- hanilH, who a day or two at-io, Mip- piii'ti'il by deli'f.;atcf-- from llie t.thir as.'-iirlatioii.-, held a niaf-s meeting at the Liverpool fitadiiiin at wlmh ever T OUO em- ployes Wire jMi'sant to ili^u^^'- 'V.< ' wroiK"-'- do I-ntt li.-'iw wrn ar. .". - 111 11 in the <'a!i iitta ecllrt^? apaiii'l till AnKhi-HeiiHi Afilo.'in Muvi'.al J'roilurtii'iis la nipany, and Ikim hi en awarded l.DOO rujieeH for wri.iipfal cliviiiisHal and a Feeond-i last- fan from <.*ulf iiila te Londor,- A'.ImmI P.r. iir-, nia;,.ir< ■• for Mi<f- (■'.niiii'" nift with ;i seii- Oiis ai . iili a! ai il 1- nu'.v laid up w it!i a fi-.ic'iiii I il kiiii. Ill' w.iv rising to jilii.rht fioin .1 i>A"ipool train whin he tripped <" i i- a pio-ee of woodwork whii h I, ail pi.-i I mi- ilispla<,i:il fi :i 111 a\ ily. I lattir'' ' riider ''he Arilie'.'' oi:' of the l;et-;t known London niusi hiill.M of the old varir'ly days, iv I" he transfoinied into a danre hall. 'Plie diriitiiirt i f the eonipan.\ uiiihr- fakin;; tlio enleriirisn are Violi t Mel- iiivtli. the cwi.or of the Dnivc of Yoilv'-. llhlianl, the ni.ui- a.t:(r ol thi tlaaMi, and l''rank fiun- niiij; WyiC. Miss Meliiotte eiainis lo lie th' orii'ina'or of th's'ilrniil and other h.iils at Willis" Uoonin bijoTi I'l'.fnt 'lariliii toi'l': I'.iin in. ■ K.aLrNG" SHADOWGRArH l.i.i.iliiii. h 4 Tl.ii'. wl:I 1 o no lawf-'uiiM o\ir li.o iisa(.f oC till- «-h.iduWKr;ipli ef- Iri t as the illiiMuii is In iiiK ola.aiiinl wiliioiit ihlriiiKeniont upon' tie' < ;i eathiiiiso ai.pai .it ii^'. I'.i'Mdi .s will, h, till' niM Itv will, more th.'in liki ly, he killod within a fi w woik- ti.iourii 1 VI 1 y fiTavm;: Kvii' p; oh;ilii'.' • iil| li ■ hh; It 'r'viof> I.." I .1 ii. i;>i. :a '.', . Ai ytrii:. o Cooked at Cohsciim Mar. 1, 4. Arfientili.-i, tho Spanisii d.iii' i /, 1 a-< h( I n heoki'il to .i|ipi 'ir at tlie i.'. l,- fr I a In I .'.t.ih M, ai .1 ina\ TTT 1898 WILLIAM MORRIS Al.l'.N* \, IN< . riifimi.. niilK I lt>3 lirt^ldwu.i, New Vi>rl< FIGHTING OYER DUSE COMMISSION IN PARIS Madame's Secretary Alleges Split Interest' on First 20 Performances Over Here rari^s, Mareli 4. Alniiian'f Kloanora'.s soere- tary, di'-erilimg him.self a.s the aet- res.s' personal manager, reeentjy hroiif;lit suit au-.iinst Howell & Baud, elainiinp half the commls.«:ions of Mmc.'s American cngaKemcnt. He ohtainiNi an attachnifnt apainst the ini|)res.irn,s I'aris banking ao- oount. AecordiiiK to tlie evidence Mine. Duse ji!a>od 20 performances in .Aniirii'a, to 4,'..000 francs each, with the agent to get 10 p<.r cent, as liis share. Alniiran'e dcnianded 4fi.O00 frani >•■ as lii- 5 jier cent, refused b.y Iteit llowi II, wlio denad iironii^ii.r? sui'li a division .and aiiplied to tho courts for relief Saturday. At the coni'hision of the her.ring. the I oai t ridueed the distra.r.t ;o JO (I ( fr.ii.i>, pendincf trial. ENGLISH TAX McvcpiCit tc Abolish It—Perl aps Fifty-Cent Lm.t Lnndi ::. 4. Ar C'if.iM/id efl'nrt on the part of the ainusinnnt industry has been iiistitiitid to lesiind tho t.ix on en- tei tail nn i,t. Si'\eial i.ahinet inin- Ij-li'is .-in ajsistiu!.-, as will as 1-3 l.ilior nil nil'i i .-: of farlianiont wlio are'idedgi il ;., w'l fi r ri,'nipl';■' tib- i ollJion. Otiiei- ri. !,• eri.iiig tin iiisi U e.'^ with the imasuro f.ivor doini-- aw.iv with the tax ( n all se.its up to liO cents. That wiiild mean the liiniination of the fin • t ..r).-> upi :, t!.i pa'uie hoii.-.' , PARIS' NEW MUSIC HALL EmC'fC Crened with Vai-ieci Proc-am Paris. M^,:- 1. 4. Tl'.e Kn.i.iir. tli'.s city's new inu'-a' hal) iiiaui.-iirati d successfully Friday ill spite an iincoinplet< d condition. Tho ■. .iiifii I'rojrr.ini comtirised Mania e ('lnAalii r, Vvoiiue Vallee, l'"u.ii ..laiianese troupe, Sev<n Jlria- tirilhs. .^iiiiaiL.t and Oi lando. with teres, Zaiil:'-;:;.'. 'ri.;;]:', S'.vi), .St.t- 10 hcrM.' GERTRUDE BAIN BANKRUPTCY J..oniion, March 4. G'rt:'ai"e H;,in, who list a fortune liiiani inx Iiavi« l''alckc of tho Prit- ish Lli'ii Film 'I'c, In wlili h .she was to le starred at jr..000 per week, has Just received her dii:eharge In bankrupt'y with llalijlitii-s at JTl,- 990, and no nsselo. F.-ilckc litis ju^t fiiiislifi': a r.hi-n senteii'e for Ins eonni'ticn witli ganihilrr j-.l.-r'is. PARIS UNUSUAL RUN ENDED I '.iris, .Marih 4. Tti;.' aiiinit Mas'-.i.i! .-oniiili. 'L'Ane iVi Hin.d.'n." was :i:\.vid at the (lyiiinase |.,il,,y. ■'Li.' \i;.iii" iIu Si igne.r, ' w;;;i- dr.iwi! h.i' I'll!^' at hoU^i for I '. 1 ; ,, \l.;:-. Mi't l!.-is lal for la'.-. ONE WAGON' ROAD SHOW l',ii-i«, Marih 4. ('I. > r I :•■ I .'.III slii.'.v if "ria- <'ov- I II d Wagon" lia" hei n sent out. It will eotiliiliie for tin rini.'iindir of the present "eai-oc. 'I'll picture i.s III.', tc p. riia'td !o tlie, 1 iciine htnises until }<^\V fail. LORL OF CREATION" CLOSING J.ohdoi),' h 4. The "Lord ef i^riatioii" which closes thortly wiil be followed by "Jdiiiks,' by Horace Vachei] and Leon Lion The I;,III' t"-i iL r ti, v, ). rcw :r. '3 GRACES'' AGAIN Nc: l/ijch Improvement With Berry in Oooley'k Plac* Jean, lie sure and see the Andre Cliarlot llevue by all means. Hea- trice l.,illie, Jack Pudianan and a bunch (if ilever Fnglish people are in It. You will love it. l{eattio useii to be a kid in "Xow's the Time," a revue at tho Alhamhra, London, when t;lyde I'ook and myself were the comics. She was great then anil they say sensational now, and what a real regular. I'm tickled over its success for .Ta(^k and <5ertrude Liiwreneo and Peattie Huro worked hard for all that tliey liavo and what a priiue Chariot 4>» to work for. Someday Jean Middleton will do the same on Proadway and in Dear Old London. We will practice in Australia this winter. FRANK VAN HOVEN Direction EDW. S. KELLER SHADOWGRAPH EFFECT MAY CAUSE SUIT; Chariot and de Courville to Use \ It—Labor Situation Threat- I ens Theatres—Notes I .' Loiidoi-. F<i.. :c. I'iier'' is a prol. ability the Shadowgraph, wiinh is oiic of the feature". Chariot re\ ue. iiig," at the liu'iM provide material f Chariot saw the using tho "stunf to the }{iiipodro!ne m.-inagenient tiirniil ti however, and its pat L. Zii and talon ViirK' legal iifi'ld Andre 1 Call- j ■• may : il' lion. it'"onies sugg. M'd it Tin M. ss ■ idea down, iitie off I red It to Alhrit iii> ("ourviUe lie, hew- over, had disioMiid it in the fi'rench newsiiapi-r, "LTIliistration," who descril.HHl how it had hi en u.'ed in two French shows and wa.<; the invention of an astronomer at least •0 years ago. • 1,'llliistration' was itself using' tiie idea for a Kpetial colored edition. Therefore, de Couivi'ae fc't cr,- litled to it witlii lit further ntgotia- tions with the New 'i'ork patentee. .Meanwhile Chariot is spending a big sum of money in using it .ind e!.iini'j he has the rights and de Coi.rville who claims the rights arc nobody's, lias ordered liis spci t.ii.iis for tl." new Pallndium ;a\ue. M.ilu 1 ilriin has Joi.-.fii :}-,c .■..•■! o? "The Co-Optimists' in f.U'f. cf Petty ClicPter., Pusinc'js Is siifferi!-.g a '..d- <len slump, not only in the tlir.itii s .and music lialis, hut in tl:e rants and caliai • Is. Tl.a^ i- jjol - ably tlie result of a ••rtair, un- easiness as to what tiii' Socialists are goirc: to do now that til'y are lop-dog. Tie- n CI 111 sti'ik*"- broKo up tho :.'v>- .\Lai'i prosperity ai.d the pres'i nt oia'. wliii h ihKatens to throw millions oi nii ii oat rf woiU and send llii • .viieiise of iivlr.;; soaring sl,.\-.vanl, will iii,.iM- matters worse. It Will ' > !,• i r r i.n t" the ihi .1111 ■ .., oil- • i.u; t,-...l a'lil stapoit •own .'ills- ;: ;.- (i;i:' I ..v setti-'d. A loni p'! il II 11 .-■* i.ia'.; *o oe started 1.;, ih. C..11.111 it n.n of Prighton for ' ii;;i_( f 1 ions a^ to -.r In do villi lliiir deiMi. t Aiiuaimni The eonipitition would run on' "gulden 1 .illot ' hill -, tl.. iM r/.i-s III he iiioiii \ oni s. It w • iild i"- 1 l" 1. to any oa^' a tie f>»ing to doiMr''-' m'di i' .■\i;i.'.ir Pourchii';' i- ti'inpoi .iril\ ai lailoii- iiig nianariiio 11! and l..'i" lit !ia Slr.ind to P. .\. .Miyir. 'I'his will not intrifi'ie with his plar'^ lor pio- diicing the sta;/i' •.ersion it He li- ard^h's novi !, "Tie Peeli'.' M.irgari t ll.ilst;in brought London March 4. 'I; < rtwiitteii version of "Tli* Thret (!rac< t' had Its premier at ti.e iOmpire, with William Perry re- ran itig Joiinny Dooky, in the tatt. Witnessed by a frifndly the rei'i jition was enthusiastic, al- tho igli there seems little improvf- mi lit in tlie comedy. Perry should lirove a draw, for lie it a fa\onte over here. 'The Three i;rae(s' is the frc- d; '.ion boofd when it tirfet oi.eaed DRAWING ROOM THEA. PROJECTED IN LONDON Grein, Critic, Organizing — Subscriptions of $20 for Six Performances London. March 4. A 'lew sj,]e Issue of the I/oiuion stage is ,-1 venture to be known as the Drawing Ilooni theatre. It is being organized by J. T. Grein, the noted critie. in conjunction with twii actresses, Mis.s Carstin and llcr.viic Haeburn. The objei t is primarily tlie p'o- ilui tion of new pla>s, Pritish and Continental. Hy having audiences composed of subscribers, there re- mains no necessity of pl.iylng in .i 111 eiised theatre conforming in miii- tit.idinoiis details to the stringent o.'.aitmcnts of tho London Co~iiity Couiii il. A large dr.iwing room wiil hi sci un d and it is not uiiliki ly this will te provided by I.,aily <'ini- ard. }l( re will be tittrd up a stage, a peiiabli-i affair not unlike the Port- manteau tlieatre lised by Stu.ii; Walk'.r. Seals wiil be about ;;riO m naintier, the allowance being jO fo; till' press and 200 for .subscilber'--. 'l').i suggested subscription i" $:'<i !i r a series of sr.x porfoi maiii i ^ ; .md the aim of the organization w iih rig.ird to patrons will bo iiltr.i ix clusi\c, relyitig for supptr; to ei. :iie (Xteiit v.yvii tl;c sr.obbeiy of dii<t- anteism. Curtains wiii be used largi 1; a; the productions and the nucleus of a I otnpany lias already been formed from among \Aes*. ICnd p:a>er>; of >mall repute. Tiie scheme has niui h lo recom- mend it. Little capital is reanired. b'.it hard work, enthusiasm and a good (hoiee of plays will be neeia d *.C r.h.:*\'r fiireess. ONLY THE BARD'S PLAYS IN BUDAPEST THEATRES Business Governed by Rate ot Exchange—January, Sup- oosedly Best Month, Dull ' Pud.ipist. Feb, :,0 J.ii.,iai;.' '.■■ til" hottest theaUii ,'i] Mason ami still Wu: e is an vm- ex|iiitid lull around tlio the.atres. The openings toliow' eacli other In quiek succession. Jlingarian anil foreign jilays ••h.ango with one an- other, but the real gusit success has not yet been annouiicfd by the the- atrical critie-. Kverybody Jh ex- pecting it. T!:iie »vi re four oiKn- iiigs coming. Tho new pla:> of Francis Mulnar, "The Ped Mill, ' has in uninterrupted succession nachfd more than 100 perforniaiices m tho Hungarian Theatre. The jday was just per- formed by the \ lenna Purgtheater, hut it soon will go over to New York. Pelasco has sent his rc-prescntatives to to sillily it thoroughly and they gathevid the liest imprce- sloiiK of t.'ie iday !is w' 11 ol Us srtajr- inir, ", ■ ^ ■■:■';■.:;■.' ■ ■;■ In the Aitorioiis eountries largo monuments commemorate the glory of the unknown w.irrior, while In tho capital (if jioor difeated Hun- gary .1 musical play si-t.s a memorial of tl.o iinlaown soldi'-r in the lic.artB of the listener- who go fo the pcr- foi iii.ira I s of • lloai y-Cake," now running ;it ihe King's Theatre. Its authors are I'Imod and AI- lii rt Szirm.ii. Ps In in is .a soldier wl.ii went awaiiaring and l)tiy.s a •I'ontir.ui a . 1 1 .ige 3r;i BERRY'S MIXED DATE ADJUSTED T^/ICE Gladys Cooper in Sardous "Diplomacy"—"Sans-Gene"' Apother Revival DOLLYS' NEWEST "TAG" I'aris. March 4. rs li.'ive just tpi ;.i.g Ti;f Folly Si a r.ew one. Sc\r. they lake their afterr.cci: walk'-: Orcsscd alike, as usual ar,d their r.eeks tidorned with black and white patent leather dog cc)Iais, fastened in the orthodox way, with a lifc' bras-, buikle. On ka-i-hes, tliry liavo twill brindle bulls, around whose neiks are .strung ropet ci pearl.-, .strung en p.ano wire. For the last two years the "t>- tcrs'' have not overlooked a bet ,n Ilie publicity line. They hobn> b with rcj.ilty aid vastly wealthy foreign- ers .iiai have their gambling es- capades at Monte Carlo. They Iiave been reported engaged lo nrarl\ eveiy )r.;i!.cnairo with whom the;, j dine j Hii; Allien ■j F< X and Jea:. Si.Iivailz tin an husbands td the "sasfr'-. ftii« ■.iiiiiiki, tvt MI'^on ^jtii rieiTTfrr— p.i'i ' ntn ' d — . ■^I mw 'n— mni-ai ' i play; "How Ho Lied to H'r Hus- band,' to the Coliseum. 'I'hr ."Showing I'p of Planco Posnet ' was also Intended for this hou^e but after ha\ing h.iii a week at the Alhnmhrn w- ' c'l ■■ i-,)! ■-•i ■) r . V' >-' ••• >.. ■ were (h-. orifd while l'i< gir;s ■;• >. voiorHil that A. II \"\ii(i- was in Paris, during lu^ re- cti.: tiip abroad, he signed tlie "'■i--- tM- fo f-tar in an Anurican-ia.idi I';.M-ian revut for New' Yorl; next si.iM.n on a percentage bas.s. Tin.;" ia-t appearance lierc was .-t Iho i:-,r;t prominent' cf 'h* K<jt,i DOROTHY DICKSON REPLACED Loiidi a, M.iri h -t. Tie • r v: rnu- e.,1 comedy for the tVint-r Carden authored by • ienrge Crossmith and Noel Coward, witii the k, (U'o conipcscd by J'ronie I'Cern, wul cp< n in April. Aniiie e'roft in ropiaemg Don. ;i ■. Pi '(t: as leiding woman. ■'•.,. • - •''^■ T.e:.dc:-. I'eb IP W. U Pc.-y •viU not appear In tilt r.ew ver-^ier. ot Andre Chariot'* revue, "T^ondoti i.ahing,' ot the Duke of Vorks, but in "The Three Cracess' r.t the ICmi'i;-'. The release from )ii.s caatrai.t came after a eood deal ot artaai'iit and not un- til ti.c laid niade a hand- some cfffr wliii li '"la riot accepted. Lawyers al'o liad a linger In the pie. He lias kC.i'fa to rchearrc for tho revue and l*; b.isy with the iiiuoical Comedy, ins , part In ' the ftrnier fhow bfitig taken up by; A. W. Paskconib, who nppcnxtd In. ',The Darc-l)cv:i.'" "The Three Graces ' j.» being rewritten nr.d rf- modeieil by Arlhar ^V■inll>c^ls and Harry M. Vernon. I* Is undcrelood Perry had a verb, i agreement wlttl Chariot, but fell .n love with tbe part Iicing w;it*en irtc the show and prcniptly a contract,' then Cliarlot r..,ide tiic announce- ment that lie Would appear In "Lon- don Calling.' When ?:c learned ot the other cr:.;ra't. there wa» trouble, beta .«iiilr<' insl.sted In Perry liceping tei h.s word. Then the ce.n.edians < ffer ven. Tlie arr.iiigtmert is no mor* 'oiiipl! ated or ir.'.ddled than othere made in London, In tho autumn lie will go bail-; *o the Adelphl for the produclie.n of I'opjiy," which shcvild 1)0 on tit w fxcept for the ■lillb iilty of Jiniiing the right people a-d ].o"-i;i.!y iVa' r 'hir.g*. Joe T.iMar days at v, i lug alioii', ."-^ tow aid Kcvi. ■ Iier.iiir.g a few .^ iiig ge.lf and rid- ;.e u: ; be heading At tlie Oid ■\'i»'.. over tliC ■water the amiirieiilii cf "Faufif wiil be given. Tins is a new rcn- diTing of «if.iti.e-.v ordinal by Tris- tan iiMi Peinaiii l;a\v.-(ir. ! ONEILS "SPECiiiL LICENSE"' j Lk iidon, March 4. I Feggv < I ,Vi .; opened out cf tcwti at <."ariiiff .Momhiv \'sterday) with ".SiK''i,.l Lii inve,' a farcical re- man. >, v.iil eniaigii received to dc- inaiiii a .(ii. ,i. ••; -'.e Hn.-U CUI- '.ar . Not Another "Co-Optimists'' London, March 4. Archie D'bear has sLited he will net Btnd out another "Co-Opti- mists' eompr.ry ne prcvic <«-"y ri- THE TILLER SCHOOLS- OF DANCING ^AZ CI-.Tr;rg Cross Read LONDON Director. JOHN TJLIER