Variety (March 1924)

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H LEGITIMATE Wednesday, March 12, 1924 STOPS MET AS BOHOM DROPS OUT OF CHICAGO BUSINESS SHOWS IN N. Y. AND COMMENT !, Nine Allractlons Off Aggregate of $19,000—Three Non-Musicals Given This Week to Recover—Free for All From Now On ■U itl: n,.it<l.v ';x iijuilits iff ajilTLXi- tll.CiiO aii'l tlir(.»; iinisii'al niarliiii^- a <])fl""-i>n>;:<} of $15,- \lv ' \« - wliai ' mat tor of tho itiiiut. 000 in total Bio=s over the iirovious week ligurfr", a flrft liaiiil idea may te ii'eanof) jis to )io\v strong the Koiirral slump nlTootOil tli« allrac- lionH in town last week. I'hUally tlie lirst week in Marcli (Jec'Ilno striiies the town Ki'"l^'-illy. I'ut this year tlio fa.«t-moving sali.'^ kept lip rf'niarkatily liit;li, privintr tln' managers an Impression that per- haps traiiilie!i<) wi'r<' golnt,' to he over-riil»'<i. Instead, the whole hottoiii fi'U out of the hipth a\>raKe sales without the usual warnini;, niakini; douLly lianl the actual faets. Attrtictions, wliich uji to last work, were far of the slop 1 lance liRur", now liud thonis>lvis I'llow the rontrait mark, and what adds to the eonfiision Is that It is tiouhtful if 5>onie of tho attractions a neek apo .^onsidorod j^ood to stlik liir weeks to oiin)o lind house in.-in.i- ).;• rs dii kiriiitr fm- now spring' sliiiws. "Tlioy don't oonio haol;," is tilt clopan of the house maiia- -ii--, ik'^jiito the 'ontiilorn'O of ooin- I'any iiianagor", who woro swept off 111'if fc ol with tho most p-eoer^ •■iump ('lii.a).;o iias 'Xporien.fd in t'l' h a >hort sptiee of time. i;i\o .and Take,' 'The N'rv^ns ■\\r<' k" and "Tiie ilo.'-t I'eopli" wop a tr.o <f w< i!-ru!>niiii,' .shows that I'll with a thiiil. Th'.' I.aSalle .,1- t'-.iotion ji>t s(|iiee/.od over tho stori > laii.-o, loit rit I'citli t!io ll.irri.s and the Adolphi t!ie .slop olansos w-y ohaljinu'od on the wroiii,- s'.i^f. it ui!l tako tlii.s work for "Tin.' Xtrv- "Wri'k" aiMi •Tlie Ikst I'.oiilo" to .t.ivo thoir respo.tive contraots. Ir r.ipiiios two coii'^orutiNe we-ks I'f liolow -tlie-slop clause in l.otli in 'h ipowor, hu: !li.- !'),' ' t he ni'Wsp.ip'. r.- .sa:d tho invostiKators winnini, lloo.iuse of this impression it is probablo both atlractions will ko ailing on their rcsp>'otive merits, unlos.s wold gols out lliat cither i ■ "takon a olianoo " with tho law. It is li'.;ureij the cream of tlio sea- son has Ko;io. "Aliio's Irish Hose" is the only .show in town iriven a chance to run into tlio summer. "Topsy and Kvu " cannot he reiknnod as accuratily as "Abie," for there's at the Solwyn that would sudilo'dy ch.iniro tho eomplexion of matters if the Duncan Sisters started sUiiidnp:. It i.s known the Sol- wyn man (gonient would like to hold the "Topsy and Kva" outfit for the whole .''prinK season, making; a mu- sical play reeo;d that hasn't boon checked off since tho old I>aSaI!o theatre musi.-al play days hero. "Toiisy and'Kva" has avcrajrod a little better than $20,000 for the lirst ten week---, liii^rh figures for ca- p.icity ])Ossihilitlos. ll.ipiiininK's this we-k will have much boarinj,- on how the local cal- will shape up for tho week of March 31. Tho late I'laster dato h:s year and tho unsettled condi- ions lioarln^ on the Juno 1 ini'idont s jii.iking h.ird tho jilans \i the booking- office^-. I,ot week's slump continue with any force and it will mean a .'loek of new shows for .M.ucii ;u week. Kur tl:e greater por-ion of tlii-' w< ek .t h IS l'< 11 problini for the bookiu:,' ' get the ris-'ht shiAv.s into !:ou-^o.. be,au>e of tho sur- Ijuzzlin.,' oinees t I ho rigi;' prison. Tiiis week'- Imsii.e.^- started off with opiKPsition frnm a .snowstorm. The;-.) a pi' twi.-t t.i thv- c.ill for .Sunday r.iqht tickets. , ,,,„,. ."Ah^e's Irish Itose'" dr.igged aloi,^: f ..n. es for a r.inoval notice "I he 'i,,,.;,,,^, .,„, ,,,,,, ,J,„,,^„^^. ^{ j,,^ ^.^y,,, 1..-t I.oplo. however, liad f^P'ii! ! Sunday aflonioon crowd not hoilig lis time here l.a.-t weeks gros: „,,,. •Aide- j„sf mado the .«:ell-out has the ma!.,'if.'.mont look- j^-pado. ".SiJenc. l'> e.nno strom,' in a i.i^- foi an. w show in three ..y.eksi.,u,i,,,.,, j_^^^,, ,,| and led the !'"": /''■; Ner\e.,s A\reck Ft.uids c,,.,,, ,>„;side of "Abio" in both com- '"' '■"'' •''■'" ' ""•' """"^ """- lo.Uos end dr.imis. "< live and T.iko' ag.iin tumbled, giosvin;,- around $1,700. m.tking it tho lirst .Sunday itllat the attract Inn didn't hive a s. II- out. ".stilenool" leajie.l ■,) $1,K0() at (.'oleiiis (-ir.iiid, diMwiiig ho,i\y hal- I'ony sales. The musicals drew the I, iiMi,.,i to recover. .•illhoi'L-h Suiitiay lilLii.t of this week wa; .iL-alii w.iy off. '(live .nol Take" ha- .11-: .ibiut |il,.:.eii .,,it the oiii'ntoii' i, li'.i; fanei'S ;i .-l.iiw (f this txpo. iidiii'ioi; il doiij-'er ceniiiig to The ,,;- off sli.iijily. H.ird to figure bet(,.r til.Ill $l4,lli)0 for f.irewcU gross. Olis Skiiini. r I'lieiicd ,Moiida\. "The Best People," (Adolph:. l.Slh week). .Siuid.iy nights dro|> to $l,-tilO was ;i fiiiorunnor aa to what eame during tlio week. Kittle under $1(1,001', droji of over $:),000 from iirevioiis fi;.'ui'e. New attrai- tion how cx]ior!e,l. "Innocent Eyes," i.\pollo, .Tid woeki. \Vi lit off hctwoeii |,'),0()0 and $ieO(lO from pro\ious week and Would ha\o suffcri«l big:,'or •'xei'pt for the "Slices' w'ho crowded the front of this thettro nightly with unbought tickets. Chorus investi- gations, causing niodif>iiig of "ex- hibition,' now nnioviiig pronii'.re interest. Around $29,000. "Scandals," (Colonial, l-'iul week). Down to $26,000. showing it caught the slumj) condition.s as strongly as others. ".Specs" bought more con- servatively here than at .\pollo, giv- ing attraction liox-oClica window value for business actually gained. "The Nervous Wreck." (Harris. 11th week). l''igured to have fallen below stop clause, but one attr.ic- tlon r.ated as being strong enough to return .<) better siiles when or if conditions become st;iblo again. Tabbed .iround $11..".00. "Red Light Annie," irrincess. .td week). Increase gait siubltn'.y (.Continued on jmge l.i) Figures estimated and comment point to some attractions baing successful, while the same gross accredited to others might suggest mediocrity or loss- The variance is explained in the difference in house capacities, with the varying overhead Also the size of cast, with consequent difference in necessary gross for profit. Varianoe in business necessary for musical attraction as acainst dramatic play is also co.isidered. eom- show eat 1 OS is iu- ;U the o of indiffi rent je r- nt l<;ist one of Ilic •o\vn 1^ ■.•lU hy T! ■1, I,. 1-0 fer -y.i ali a 1 ' he,,IS and v,.ii':i '.he wo e I.-110. , il of cast |e if till tn ;;. ■ was • i;i\e :-l,i.ilt ^o^,t.•■ ?i;o tom 1.1 loi malice^ t'l no 111, lis. ,M.iv .M.,:, li 1-. . d t.i a;,d T.,ke.- ..;. ,mrnediare V • V I.L r. irle,]!, cl. I .\dd !!;■: .''.ii • if !,« i:t to L< m ial ] I I iilitiec, -. 1)1. s tie W> .till. :• of " 'I'liiir.'-d.iy, and the' niaiest n a'-aui lor the gemial slunu) can be bg- inrd. l«-u.iliy •.he rib.'lit bei'.a-e Ash i \V. ,1: . :^,i..y 1-. j; I li. re f..r ca- ', t'.. .'y i.l.ll.-. ,-. .-.lies eiilliillg from I '"'' ''^" "lale th.'e |,repaiif.g to ob-ei v-o Lent. I ■i'''"' 'o v.--p l.i-t well; 'ho ^^ltn|) !-tar|ed I Y'*'' >-'""d .•-■iiiid.iv nicl't i.ut of a sky i <'o<sii i d. V. I f. i I • t:it « •lis t <..\e. p> th etr. tri.iii lie; |t, l.a-.. gene to ■': V. a r'l, and t ne and tho '. ..r tho p.-e... V ill ■ until,lie t ti.-s'iig onilii tl,.4t II Will lie ;, ■■:•. ,, I'lc fer rial b.I. il:. <;, le, ' tile .'••I .l--l.n. It w .1- a •liia.'.i w ■ < pl.i\ .-■. • Sill he.; j^ '■f ttio Uin .> :u. \v 1. 'A II IS t^IMiai: ;ii., • ".llML ,li._' b:l^:ll' : - \1 III.:: niroo iv'iiili.iw. ■ rui.-e Wl'.tO liiOC i. ti.'C iio app.irci; t reason I !.i.\ ._'oeis are tired i-i-.ihing ' they ':• ■ hc,:tle~- ^ ,llrr .\. w II de. idod t" quit .It ani" time. ,Mai;.ig.i>; of income- tax r. turn.- limp this v.eek, j I i'l .su. b ;i way ' I l.-fer-.lll Sei.Ull . li- !■ til'; I.M'.lle' .ays t, y • s d pn II. oi:!y that * no • 111. at re iiiif . tlf en- he The 111 wspaper 'III ■> \ alue loi- rii I iiu-.iMU a", tl.o jiio-' p. ifurm.ili.'.' gave ris.; to pos .hiliti. -• .'1 I'.itl III t'l lb 1 w .1 .i.ii;- 1 Ti. Cell,-' '.'■U bill o! ■ ,1 liio ).;i.pi:' :M: • U ■■hi. ■I..tile .J.' 1 o i f'-f it' 1,. • i.l . t .-•.I : ; tti (.r I H| ( U lll j l li " I ;• .Max .M.iniirs .tu'd "■.>^i|..iice:" ■ •p . I.iii>-o again tiitd ,t 'i. lire.; A1. Cohan L-i\o tl.o aUracliori the I a e, tin 11 ■« ,a •' ii.nue of iillo.-i !T7.ijllllllg tit inWU .■<. ng .I'l'id l).-,neo .M.,n." | ef ' ; lli.i'U g IVi'S ■ ."^i- I .; i:i I'liC. .igo w itli | •'oi t of n-.irs.ii'.'. Im". .it i • gi in scimp eoiidi- I .olilf il iiatidii ,ip. . ..Till re | I he.I AUTO SHOW FIGURED TO "CUSHION" SLUM?! Boston Receipts Dive — Music I Box, With $31,000, Only Show to Stand Up Boston, Mar. :i 1!. : r.atining trtic to expi ctatlons, Lent ' put a crimp ir. tlie le..;itini;itc ho'usi s I last week. . j There is sliglit Jiope for tho ing week with the automobile in town. In rears tho tli h.ive a break tbroitg!i th lUix. an.l it ajipca-s as t.'ioii same condition would exist this year, Willi the mn.^ieals expected tc gi^t the cream of this bii.-iiiess. Tho decline l!i business started at the lii-st of the week, but not fell in it.s entirety until AVednesday when the houses, for the most part, barely jiaid expeiisf ;■•. The drop j continued, witli no roeovery, and the ' close alsei being weak, even co .r.t- ing .Saturday night. The Trcmont swung from tliu ranks of tlio legitimate into the pic- turo bold with tlio housing ""The Ten i.'omm.TJidmeiits,"" The iiie^tuie is in on a basis, m. iking two hons. .'7 in town creilited to legit but now holding pictures, ""Aliieriea'" lic- ing at the .Maje-^.i^j on a sii.idi'.r ai- rangeinent. Tlioro were two n..w openitigs Id Monday night, one of 'he ar- rival. ""The Creciuvi. !i \illage Fol- lies '" being hero on ,a repe.,t date The other oi)er.jng w;is '".Merton o! tho .Mevies."" at the Ilnllis. wher* I "The First "i''' wiiund up aftej ; a fu:-\ of lietter two months to ■-;at isfaclory businei.-s. .N'either t!ie Ui.'hanl nentief show. "Tl-.c Dtuicers," at the Wilbur, oi !lio attraitioii .at tho J'iymouth "Voii .and I, " whicli ojieu'd at these bouses l.a.--t week, did oxceiit jonallj Well during the wi i-k. "Tlir. Dancer.s" was off inoro than $r.,OflO from the busine.-s whit il l.;ilY>*l'ai rynioie, in "fho I^augliing I.,J<Iy," did at th« stime honso the wpek before "You and I' was $4.iiO(l shm t fr.mi "The '.-' lines for adverli.-ing displ.ivs. Whelo Towns T.ilking," wlicii had Ciiii! i.Iiliiiiis becop-.i; st.ndier'nn ""' house previously. liii e.snieti.j. "Fp .She does,' alter a .«t.iy ir "Peacocks," (("ort. 3d Wtek>, "'^ '■'■^y '■' "'"" weeks, pulled oui l>'iln"t look a.s if $1 Olio re.iehcd. ''■'■"■' ""^ Shubert Saturday nigiit I lospig closing notiie to ('o up. I'uring its stay the .>-iniw did a |.'ili;-ii.M .•^.ituril:, V witii "We'vo 'lot " of .i buKiiie..-s. being put o\r.i t.. l|:n.' ,M..;i.y''to cme in. ''>' P""'i .s!iow 111.11>iIip .as n.;< Il »-s "Abie's Irish Rose," (Slnlebalrer, ■'"Vlliti'i;- • Mf about $2,.".00 from I "Stella Dailas- ronitiins .-,', tlii- i. bit strung at $20,- I •"''''^^* "• Willi business off at 'hi;.' ii.siib ud the best I.t nten j '"'"■''e aleii.g with tho others .lion? iii.ivn in town. Adv.nice , 'he hue; and "Tho .Mu.sic llov 1 u-u,il .>-iund,iy nigb.t oaiiacity. but th" iiideprndoi.t "specs"' had pi. iitv ef tiikets fiir "Innocent lOycs" and "."-"cand.ils" at •■tirt.iin time. The ire leineii; weather ev n kept th.' "spies'' off tho strut. Sonn times out !n r.^ tiie "boys" boal ti.ket^- for sn iv> 11 .> ra":.i. li.Mrii-^t. 1..1. ■. wk . "Silence!"- ■ Week). Came of s. ;i-oe. n..t • tli.I'l . e t .111.. ■. i.'i.Ii.'in's ill the te lind.iig lid ■ir Dam Figur. .1 "Little Is: w.. .Man I. iMl- ;■ ipi.',- r. ■hall, c id., to il (.raid, :-■[ ugliest week 'se'i' at any bet. fe.i.iid I Jessie James, ). Ili.ll.gllO rosses. V.i'u- tic' s and ereilile.l if 'Ico. ,\I. Colian bring ".*«'oiig jind In, thrf. u. .'ks. l.oiic. ((j.irri.'l;, considered rou:.-iii r tli.ia S'W Yoik luosenta- 'ioii, jierhaps niaib.' so vi.i deli\fiy. Slow .-tai-tiiig but iKbl well ui'ibr wii's general ■.oiiditions. Fieni.'cve !• e, $i:i.(Uio. "Patches," (I'Ia\l!iuso, :st week). Kciiuiied p.ipiring for oiieniir,- night, ni. iking ;t doulitful ii |i. jOi) 1-1-1.'led for week'.s tross. pip. r reviewirs gave mini "Abie's Irish Rose,'' Hepublic ''Jjtli weCjk). liusines.s went off fur- tlKu" in m;jny box oftices last w.ek and deiiartiires arc looked for unless there is recovery next week; first iiicomo tax date thia .sJafurday fig- ured to h.a\ o hurt. "Abie" again over $IJ,700, however. "Antony and Cleopatra," I..y.'ouni i-l'h week). Final wtiek. Jane Cowl going o!i tour In "Romeo and Juliet." ".Antony and Cleopatra" t'nii^ opportunity for star, but busi- ness here quite ordinary. Aitiuml $S,000. ".Sweet .Seventeen" to suc- ceed next week. "Artists and Models," .Shubert 1:10th week). Listed to move to Winter (.larden after one week more. Far iihoad on season and tJarden date expe.'ted 'o provide spurt busi- ness for limited time. Hecent go- ing at Shubert eased off oonsidor- ably. Ijast week $15,500. "Beggar on Horseback," l?road- liurst I'oih week). Hits not hurt in slump following Washington's birthd.iy. Thi.s fresh one doing great business and again leading all Ilroadway's non-musicals. CIross last week nearly $20,000. "Chariot's Revue," Times Square 110th wtek). Virtually no cb.inge in pace. London slncv rating w'th IJroadway's best drawing mu- sicals. Uelter thati $23,000, virtual . .iliacity all w(ok. "Cry.Tno de Bergerac,'' Xation.-il ili'th ■.vie;,i. 11. Id with non-musi- leaders from iir.'niieio .and set for sticking out .•^eason. Strong liox ofil. •■ sale, lino rarely breaking; ■ till.Old $lt'.,<iOO now. "Fata Morgana." i^arri.k i2;id week). Tlieatro Ciuilds lifth pro- duction tills season. Won favoralde cotiiiiient gi ncrally and candid.itc for Iboadway after subscription season at (.kurick. Quoted at over $S.O0O first week. Virtual oap.icitj with s'lli-crijitioi's. "Follies.'' New Am>iterdani <21fft week). Clainu d to have m.ide up loss ill pa.'.' of two weeks ago. with gross (|Uiited $37,40i>. .Vow players and riunibers listcil to enter show ,n<.\t week. Last week olaini(^d to l-.ave imiirrvd $1,000; visiting s.iilors .lideil. "For All of Us," Ambassador ■ 22nd \\.'.k). I'lay attracted strong- ly from p.itroils of relieious bent and probably has rot had losing week this sv.ison. Pace e.a.sed off last Week, gros.s <i,ioted bit better than $n.00O. "Hurricane." Frolc- ilCtli week). (-.fos-; 1 i $."i,oOO weekly satisfactory on roof. IMay under mtinagenient of star 1 Mmo. Fetrova). Will con- tinue tltro'igh month attd may last long! r. "In the Next Room," VanJerbilt • 16lh w'.'ei.). Mystery dram.a off of late, brt stands good chance to pi.ik uj) af < r ta.x d.ate. i:x|iooted to run utitii wann weather. About $lO,(;iiO. 'Hell 3ert for Heaven," Fraz.^o (Gtli wre;ij. Doing moderate biisi- !u ss with gross reported lietweon $7,000 nrd $.'<,000. Good dr.ajua. spleii.lidly played but- run ch;ir,.'es not deiinite. "Kid Boots." Karl Carroll (lltli wee\). So <liff'.'ronco in business. Cl.ass for tickets continuing to top entire )i-f, with over eapaclly busi- ness. $:;2,;,0U wc.KIy. Cinch con- \«niiiir. .'Iiow. w • I) bo mil. li won y ;o .l.iTurs' at the ■■<;..••- is lin.inei.iUv rigg. d i|i ;.ic ."( tlio time; on till tliO Il.'K^riet V nil' .ah 1~U nth w (1 I'!'. '. ieas 7>:i, and dialli.i; ic sale ri in soil- eut Day mi "Give W. eUl. $;. CIIII, givii.g Not a sM'oig nU) > Xlieiti d )ii I fill iiialM'i s t "Honeymoon IFii wi ij(). M I 1 I I -■ tor .10 .'. and |ii'..i ii'ii.i p.a: lal .'-'t. w itii MlVl I'ati.. k'- Takc." led l:i gro -' ,ot for with iTidiffei'oni 1 ' gui'ii .-.Ills''. House,'', il,'. n I d aliji.g for a (L.'i.'-aiie, 7th " Pel'; th.iii K'lllllI $Iil.'.iMi. the Icngtli' of of ■al, I"-"""-''''- ali 1 j:i I '^ . ."Vt ■.I' e ^pii ij t'e i.f Kol- til 111 $.',,0(l(), thor jir.itcetlon fro'ii I r.iti i T.--,i,.i, -,,:„ i..,.,.n..|-] p., ' '' : tlle.'.ti'c. A gi.od i;. - iir> a ■■|!.i..i'i ■ niid J;l. M .it;' dui in;,' th ^l; k' r.-i w^re : tent. What w VP'iiga'i.i'^ gi I .t i. .' .Mid ■.•" ..n- y ..! eliipty rou.1 of ; Wi ek. for tho e\ o- rnio\ed to >onio ix- ts ii-f; af'rr the in- thr' -igJi vM : A r.iii- K'.K'ii t'.* ctiiee dr."t'vibe ltl'\,ir.t, Whetl.i-r or tot .t ,s Ul .b stood IV olltviib ! -. ; "Kiki," (I'lnviis, lOlh nnd C.i li Wii k). I/Ost its rapaeity di.iw about ' four wi 1 I.s .tl-o, ;.i d when the en ' jr.'i','- to. lit te.'.iiiii" 1,1. restful, tbi'i .1: ii j •11" exofctancy f.f dejiar'tiro n''ter I '.hij'.i£':;is of ft ;cne rur, ir.-.Oc /• i. I vue'" continues ;it the (.•iilol! I F.:tim-ili'« for 1..'' we. i<: j "Music Box Revue," Colo vVeek). (mly silnW 111 toV\ll I ov. r |0 e\ ;.i;is w eek -, i-ri .- IJI l.i'oO. I "Stella Dallas." S-iwy-i • tl.i w . . i.1 I'loi JliliHiii. wiliioNlri m.iiineo. [ "Greenwich Village Follies," ;-=lri I I'l 1 t ll.'t Weik of repeat^.:- nil'.'). lo. 1.1^' wieii ;it li.i.s bo.i^.e "1 'i. She Co. s" did $i:! (ilili. "Merton of the Movies," Hi Itii list w.''k1. <>|iei,ed on Mond.'iy ti I tan yea r. • .It tl.e Went ti 51.'I. lino. Tr Tlr'. I'ilst Veil house .«alurda;, ■In: sto:.. lioii.-. rrn— nf t he iiii.-hi d up )'.li;i.t and I'.e.-.ebed ■^'■l L. Vou snd !,'■ Plvm.-iiit'i < .i\v .ltd J 12 OI'O la^f Wi e! Thi; Dancers,"' Wilbur . 3 (:.,0t(. tiic lire; »ct<. d w. I ; "Laugh. Clown, Laugh," Eel.uvo ■■ ICth week). Will be tent on tour after .inothor week. Affected In .slumii. but bu-iness i laimed to have stood u]) wi:i enough. Quoted get- ting bi-ttei- than $12,500 laj-t week-. "Little Jessie James," I..lttlo liltst we. k,'. Show made by song. Wav- ered at ciiuip.iratively iiiodeiiito lakin)-s for month.-^. tb.en Jiiinped when "I Love You" attained big sails in .slieet niusi.-. .Moved to suiail hoaso from Long.acro, can oiHi.ite at relatively .small gro.<-s. "Lollipop," Kiiickovbo<krr iStii week). Looks like tlils ouo set and e.indid.ito for convention show list. Las' t'.vo week.--, wiiilo must attrac- tions skidded, did ve.-y Well; last week ov-r JLS.OOO. "Macbet:!."'4Sth Street (1st week). Stalling .Janies K. llaikott, Lfiuily I'ia.S'1's iiit. I'i upteij production .nt- ti'iiipts Witi'. ,Sh.i'n.>spearo. Uepoit.^d 'o li.ivo aroused much adv.'in.'i !ii- teiesr. Oj). ring si-t for .S.iturday. '"Mary Jane McKane," Inipnii! i;2t;i weeii). Slump liui'i this mii-i- eal. Fn!< ss b'l'-iness takes uinvard turn ,-i,on, may bo s-hifltd to an- other house or toured, Uf.der $i-),- 000 i.t.-:, -.M I :-.. —I'Mcct tiie Wife. " Klav w.ei-; , ic i,[ 1.,;,. iaiiijh jiiays in town. Fiayed fo consa-tiutiy good biisli.i ss fr r nitraotion of ki.Til nm' tliougli ; ot with big money .shows is -uecrsv, r-f.:ei.t!y gait aro'ind $10000. "Merry Wives of Goth,-<m,' IJr'- ii.'i.'i' ,\,IU H(.ei.;. i^a.-.i \S(.ek ;.ii-.- ings about $7,500. Coo iderable dron from previous going, im: partly ex- plained by attraction vi moving al- lotment from cut lates. Attempting to test show'..j draw without chean tickets. "Moon-Flower,'" Astor . Gd week). This drama Ktarriiig i;isio Fergu- son has made good road predic- tions lirst two weeks with better than $14,000 drawn. Takings eased off with advent of Lent. Last week under $11,000. A piotivp scheduled for house but no new berth set yet for "Moon-Flower.' "Moonlight," Longa. re .7th week). Playing to fair business, gross around $12,000. Tliat figure may turn small proiii. "Mr. Battling Buttler," Selwyn (24th -week). Count, d (,n to outlast most of current niusi iiis because of consistent trade fr. . start. Not otT as much as most others now with jiace nearly $!i;.i'00 last week. "Mr. Pitt," 39ih Sim t (8th week). Held o\or this week. -Wolded" suc- ceeding attraction, -.t for debut Monday. "I'itt" .anioun .d to move to another house, but berth not deilnite. Around $;!,."iiiO. "Music Box Revue," Music Box i2r.lh week). ^Vi;l d..ootless make Up loss In )iace after thi.-j Week. Last week's takirc-- Miiiirwhat bet- ter. Cross about $21,('id. Hated one of smartest .shows ,n 'own. Outward Bound,' I'.itz, <10th nf off sonie- lai-incss last ill same pace i : iilt throuEh . 2>>ili week). No week). Tboiicii wtial two weeks wei k held Up I.) aioiind $12,",00. .- siiriiig. "Poppy," Api.i'i re.-overy hero, l.m^ini .- i.iklng drop under jirevious week v,it!i count not quit.' $14,000. lixpe.-ted to conio back. iiit V, iti; cut rates stiil uiit.ippi d. ••Rain," Maxine Ki'iott (71st ueek). Ne.irly >ei,.- and lialf mark and sure to la-t uiit;; w.imi weather if not longer. .\ff' -t. .1 I. -s by slump than sumo newer .-'i . . s-^es. Last week about $13,000. "Rise of Rosie O'Reilly," Liberty iI2tli wi.ic). i' week, show going to c.iiriii^. I'hil.idclphla, for run. Started off with p;i,'e of $21.- 000. Lasod off laiitc but no losing wck. "The Tbi-f of Lagdad' pic- ture slI:ceo,l.<. "rtunnin' Wild." donal (20th w.ek). ('olerni ^l.iw \'-. id jifobably stay unt.l in xt niii.tli. due In Chi- cago this spring-. Jlad. money right along; elassed as oi;^ of most suc- cessful attra. tie-:-^ of ic;nd. Now around $10,000. "Rust," 52il S-re. f 17th week). Claims to ly.' doing m.ire business th.iu ei-i iiit. however, prccluib s small grosses, w.ili not ovr $."i OIK) -o, with rer'.■.'. :) 7 weeks. "Saint Joan," Kiiipii Moved In re from < bi, and up to Thui.-.iay pointing trade. \V I '1 theatre, . oything but -a.t probably $(■■ 000, $7,509 11 rental for ■ I 12th week). 1 k last week doing dlsap- k-er,d briiikv >-? lo $10,500 or ; selling appcitra I'oor.s. Booth (72d now, though which brought gri litllo over. Ad', iiii. c to bo niost f'U" upp. .' "Seventh Heaven.' wc(k). Holding owtl la.'i we. It bit uiidt r iievious week wh. n slump .iffe, ;.:,1 ti^^urcs. Quot- ed about $10,000. S'liiuld pick in» despite long -.■jr. ;,] d .-ticli until warm w .itlu r. "Song and Dance Man,'' lIud.soB (llih «eoK), ceorp. .M. Cohan tak- ing sIkiw off m \'. u.'ik; Chicagoi engagement dcelaied out. Actor- maniiger states J.Nri.Ty situation r« asiin. HusIoi.'-.s !.e' $13,000. "Spring Cleaning," i;--ingc (13(h week). Ifoui up viv v-ell durlns lirst week of flump. I.a^t week ftl- most as good; oyer J12:,oii. "Stepping Stones," ' Jlolj" (18lh woi-ki. .Stone.; ;-iiir.g etong to samo gnat bii-iiiess, shic.v selling out clean for all pi rioimaroea for week about wtekiy gross of .abo "KM Hoots"' will miisi..i!.« current. "Sun-Up,"' I'rin.'i ill --himp ,'i\er,i $'..0(1(1. F.I about $-t,(i;iO m.iy I... '-.'itif leit l;tl!o ID "Sweet Little 11 <: ;h., • pi 11,',00. LlkO ' -I the ether i '.'. weoii'). XJn- • li iigs arounil ! -1 two wcekM tiL' no, liowcver, •^ -iiow costs Devil," '.r.trnl (8th wo. K). Fither rerm \a! from Astor or s.uiiip b.oi go;:en t.. tills musl- ciil; .■iver.iged $l)..",oo until two Will--) a.i;ii. L;. • -a-.I.'s grogs IC- poi '1 d .iroiiad f : • ("'0. "Tarnish,"'J!., tin. !.• _; "i .ve<iO. Kc- g.iiil ' d , 1 * li.ui i .,; -onw (.imn gti tJ I'le;-, and m.iy ■ reported oti^ .bout $7,500. toi-ion's (4l!l • 11 Lyric . rated in rfW f-'lek until •\.inii ■-. , turn trb'k; biisio. ti'elv niiil ]>roli,i-,i "The Chiffon Giri, ' Wi.'k). .Vio-..,i ,,,, "<.<J., '.MtJl slu.W ..;-';'j .J:.