Variety (April 1924)

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8« VARIETY Wednesday, April 2, 1924 BILLS NEXT WEEK (APRIL 7) IN VAt'DEVII-f.B TIIEATIlEa <AI1 hou*«t ''I'fr. fir the week willi Monday mniiiii^s, «ih?n not o'tiTwIss IniJicated ) Th« bills t.^'.iw ars gruupcd In Ulvuiima, according to boaklng olDcea B'lpplled from. Th» iii»!i;i'r l:i v,l:l;U tln-sa bills aro prlnlc-d iloes not dc-notf tho rjli'.lvj liiiportanc* of ftc'4 nor tlieir progratn pusltluns. Att ^atorli'i <•) bofor* oanio drnott^a act U doing new turn, or r;Appearing after a''Sonce from vauJivllle. or aiiiicai'Dg In city wticra lljtcJ fur tin llrat time. KEITH CIRCUIT HEW toKK (irv K<^tli'-< l>>ilit<-e llirj Hill. .1 f-) it jby N >r' n aii>in:ii Itunaw:\/ I ((.Hhora t . n.. K*Uh'a lll|i|>'ilroine noyil I\-lim 1- 4 Mortons Mabel fori R» / Pud 1)0 K'T -li' ir', ■ Imperil! It---■ Uait\ l''.'irri (Two. I a till' Keith's ItivnrtiilK Vinccni r. .p"- I: ■...1 T & Jl ll.Mi> S/ncciM? •! Tii»» Chain & A Cher Frltzl Hulif w-i/ C ) Kuth riu'1 I Klntf & H-1' 7 Chonff & Mill.'/ (One to nil, Keith's Alliiinihra r>anro t ri><*ii.MH Clayton A. J-Mwirli Marie M''''intp'll Co Marcel & S'mI Havftn & ^•l rr Al Tucl-.r ll.inl M'roy MoN ■ ■ e 4 H (Two t>i mil K»lt!l''< K.>7;|| MUrohui 4 Cirn'*rins Aloran *•;■ M » •': Margiir''*. r.*.|'j.\ It'mond Sc ItrPii (Others to llll> Keith's m>l St Friend In N ■■ I liYani! Dnliv Ji\9 S.lTl'U-'i f (Throe t ■ U: ■ Mosk' Broiiiliviy Ruth Tove (Others lo flllt Hots' t'oliseum lit half Wee C'o Wool (Otherj to till' :. in U :i .1 l< II I'l'lllTS ' 2d hilf .t.t.Hf-phitii* ^.MllI, ' mil 111 - li IMVII nil > Co l'\R RO(K\M'\V (4>liinilila i;j iiu't Mf>; Ki'>i> (l.-ilTm 1'wlni 1' >l'.i"r>i lo nil I nicooiii.vs Keith's llllshHirk Vinre (iN.ill ( ,. I'Virlun "ll ) a>. Cilfio I: H M o I n n Ili'lcn Hlovii- It.lly ClIfiMOji ItusicU r*rr Kobt-y A (loui I W-'ird fit. Dno'-y cone to lilli Keith's Oriitieuiii HlosaoTrl .T'-'-I-j (. I York" & Kins Wjkcr * ll.-.lf>r« Ahtiolt * Whi' ■ 4 ortftrn (iiiih.oi 'o n:ii Mo«iN' I'hktbUHh KJ lie I.''on ii'l . > II irry IJti- n (i,)ihi'rj lo nil 1 Keltli's tireeii[>oi>it id liiif ( ;-'■.! SlTin l\ IV >TI lUgh Cn lii-lia & I.i- fUT- Clayton Wlut- L-. 5 Jolly t;*orKj (Two I., nil 1 l,«t liair (7 !), .T inei Sr Hi/ Kr ifid X- 1.1 Mo .' II -aly & tro.-i.i (Thrcp (■' nil I 2d li'lf (11.11. Willie Hnle & llr 0 Thos J Ily in ( ■« ri.iliio I.ind fj..T Co ri.-lly * ''ros.i (Two lo mil Keith's l'r«»t>e<-t 2d llllf ( !-., 1 Rt'dmonJ & Wells IIKITBKKT' JOiHci'll ASHLEY-DORNEY and CO Pi» New EARL, Phils., ThU Week (Mareti J' ni(ill»> & MWWARi.Nfi, Reps. Keith's Jefferson Coll.! ji Mary I>otson nxy lIUK'.i".'! ,^ r-o:!'. Dwen M'-'li.ri'/ It(f«ser A Irwi.-i (One to Uili id hii: RiinavvM/ 4 •Wllfrod Clirl. Ctf I'c^rt liflion Itogr^rs ^ tir.-jj.'?/ (Two to niii Mosh' Franklin Oils Kdwir Im R •/ (I ?th!*^^ to nil' 2d hiK On* r."/ ((ither.s t 1 .ni;> (Othors t > nil) Keith's f'lirdhnm Itoonfy .? n-11'. l\:v fjlllel IliiiiuiM (Others to Hl.i ilJ h'.lf ,<. It.'rr. r. ■ / ('/(lUT.i to ni; • Moss' KegeKt Nin II »'i"^r;fi Wilfred CI irl; Ce (.aiUir.s 1,1 lii;, 2d hi If M■K^7 & Arl.r.o lioroihy .s.dur Co Jin^Klinij N"I.Honi (Thrcj. lo mil rroclor's 1 !.-.lii St 2d hiif I ; 01 Wu9ic.\l .Tohni' itu inia & (lark Hirrl.son M i>j Co (Cithers to nil. Lit hnU (7-10) Ol,^nn & Jt-nkin^ Tlvoll & I,* V-ro ('ilhcr.i t.> mil 2(t h lif (ll-i:) Rnotd^ Iion.'i^iu ^'o (■• Hh'.Tj lo till I rportor's .•.Kill It 21 ii i!f (: •;■ n^irvaid If'.ly A K litanley K- *.'.*ofi M.irlun Muir.ij ^o Itolen Mor-.'i i Chas i;inn M & A CKrk 4 I.amy Itros (Two to nil I l.,t h.ilt (T Thos .1 Ryiri C I) <;ni-lly W Mir 5^t;in S' mley ( .j (ThrL-.> lo nil) 2d hilf (U.I Willio Sol \r lOdllh ciiiipnr I.Otll'.T.i lo li:i 1 lOl Hive i Moss' R'jniw 1 Mel l;i ■•• Griffin Twmi (Oth-T) (.. lilii I hi'f rvi. (OMl •r.i lo n .> Al.IlANY rniet^r's , r.'^v ll.iwl;in< Mall ICrmiiii' .< Vt Morij.iTi A .shj' lo-i Klolilla ('.itio 1,1 nil. Jd half Xr^nvr I'ofthi!' I.illi.'in I lour. • Mro V il.iinr 1 Uo/ l,oI'.Mrl (Une I) mil A! I.KNTOW S !• I Orpheuni I'l irk Mor-ll Cooii.iii /i Ci.«.-:.' ilfK-'Ill illfl's IJ I ri 1 tTwj lo mil LM half r.nn* .t v..Ik Th,' Wr'-rk.-i If IiowninK I. I (Two I > 111!' .tMSTKROAM N \ Kiillto n irn ■ Ki u.k ■Shura A t, I' (• III • \\ .11 J Ittllow.l ..l.-dnijt o mil (On,- > nil! d h I If I'r in. Ik .« 1,1 . M^iil off W ii;. Mark jt I, iii" (ijii . to 111 • lIM.TI.MORir I^liirylMiifl Ulii -t Si.s iiie 111 * R.lit I,aiuj: .-Jybil \'fliie Tiirl It.atay 11 h.ui Itfln 1 Will M.lhonoy C; ilj.-n Vi.Hioin RAM.OK .MK Itljmi 111 VII. .<[ 1 I Ilri.-n 4 lI(IIOM>\I.R PA Irwin Ml'iy; .e l.ii.parj Irink R>ikle.H| t'j (Thr.... lo nil) •Jd half rim 'Whue iiitii?r» to n;;> <'IIARI,'-.T'N IV VA KiMirse It^r- .Hioan l.ittl.' Cin I.T.-'.la I'ririrosf. I The .s.iLiros (•Jne to mil M half rio; iMiy narnetl Co R.iH'-r..< .^l^ .)..lin Iiartn Co J r.iii ir 11 Marly White THi: .sim;i\(j ]irMOKF»SQrR A In-! uio Wilsh & Toy» .:two t.> mil • 2.1 ll.lif rhil Oiiolc II.. .1 A Itl>' iThr...' lo ML • ii\T()\ iioi (.e ( ohiinl>it« (iilil -v.-pdrl ^ 1..1 ■ lit hilf ' .\r.-lii.. Linrl •H .1 .si,.pli..rn Cl Hilly l|.;ird ;•' >y «: W cil on ItlX.lltMTOS lllni;ii«niton I'l vuli'-r .< 1'oy «no| H.ilia a; Ollro-n M ,* 11 .><ulliva:i Man (Iff W.igon 19 Mu.iirol .Sell-,..-i 2.1 half n -I>;.>i Circui Co.ip.-r A I,.ire/ Mri'ool & Rile/ 4 I'lU (' 'IK- to !l ;. niKMiN(.n\M l.yric f .V*l inl I HO ... j iHt hilf Rood A Pr ir.n I'hillirli'k ,t 110 Voe .Smilh * .^ilronif Wfill.T W.-.-ins Hi.l < II.,11 il.,- no.sTON It. K. Keltli's .lull in Klllnijo Ueri I'll A^■lbl),.n Maru> <'aliin i,.., Morris ,<- I'aii.plji'.' I i.iki'.< ,4 Hi-luur RuH.^ell !<• M irooni Ton -rt ..i u II ir; -^ j 1'. I 1 ,'. 'i ll4»i*lon II 111 & li.-xccr T..l,> U llenshaiv ,?• Fr, .Sl-.elly ,4 II it :;,.. , ((III.- to nil 1 <ivrilon's Olyiiipln (.S.'olliy .Sill RiiH.s l.,^\',iM .^ r.-il lC< A Mi.'KSn Slanl.'y ('ni|,irisn S.'oll.iy .s,| Minsi (duo to 111! 1 (•or<tnn's Olyinplii ( W i,,i,,;lo.. s , (:■■ < WIT :. Joe W luC'hoad CIIKSTKK PA Aili;enient ^Vman * C'par.l^n It..bail ,i Jlacii Iiufor l;oyH' ,4 t.i;(.?f Ilwy.-r & (Irn. a I.oma.i Troup.* 2.1 half Jul.-.! Fuersl * Krvin ti'nhini (i ii'Mnll-y Howard & White Ma.U eir siar.'.on I'owell i> CINTINNATI U. F, Keith's Mr**to .or.-.^gr. I'l'tro I* Ilann-ford C) Joe Hiriey .Morton M/stor/ Vork" i- Lord Chan.lon Z I'ttlnre Tho S;rbl.-ks Kll'.ins I.' Si K.':.:r..i Mab.'i HlondeK I Aco.s & Joker Itob Murphy And C'.irlni.- A IllMiber .Vug r i racker CI.KVFI,AND Tnlare V'lr. A S'h-.n''.: liooLjy *• Mjrlon Variiiar.t Trui" I'riRin:! Robert * Glersdorf iluilfoy.f n I.anit II a< c: Kr<«or;;i Ainac llippoilroine Anni Vivlir.. (.'J Ulea Kan.> Hart/ l-'iber I *» HiU .i- .sbapir.i Tri:i 11 irnand lO-'ith HI Ai:.>n Taj I .r *- 3 ('o.s.'ia .4 ViTli I.auri I'l.rpon: Cy l.aiio ,<• I: irpor Voiiotlan M.iS'U? I'lari lloAard'le I'lpifai Cj (I. \RKSR|'R(l R4>hinson-(;rHnd li.irolhy liarnoi'. J K.ii^orH ^lA .lolin liar'. 1-1. C-y ./ ... V.'li:'..h 'iJ .yUrl'>n Soxtet nr.TROiT Temple I«jtl!o Alh-rtoB Comb; i N(.yin« Morton & Cilass Harrl.ion & UaUln Irvlnit & Moore Kerr A W'l'oa Hob Hs'l Iireub-n IJASTON PI Able «l II 1% VolL The Wr.Tk.'r H liowiiintt i'i ITwo t,> mil 2.1 lialf ri.iric Morroll ' oo(;an & I '.i..*.*y Hej;..infln's Hand (Two to n:i> EI.MIRA N T Majrstir nin.fni? I,a\'irt SohoMer .Sis I' Jon^.s C> Mark .4 I,en« Jolfh dlm.s ra Ud half H'nlns'on & .-^.o't 10 Mu.sK-al .'spiil.TS liauu.T s Toy Shoji (Two to nil I F,Rii.: p\ ( ulAiiinl H.iprs.iM & .'ih.-'.Jon I' Ji i: Ross I'd.lie I 'arr Co i'hari.-<Hl I'.iinily Hen3on Massimo Co FAI.f. RIVKR Fmpire Tho I'lerie & Ryan I.ella While's (-0 .Mack &. lirocn Klliott & I.aTour Owens (.'aiiiiibell Co OERMANTOUN Orpheiim Karl i Rovcln 'lifforj & DaUar Jim White (Two to fill) 2nd half N'o..ib:U Ciroh ((.ilh^ra to fl!l> IIOI.YOKK MASS Virlorjr Privoat & '/aro Murray & lierrUih -Ml.'9 H unillon Maltlson Cole Kev (Line 1.1 mil •nl halt Wr'isht « (liymin Mor.r:in Jt Woit Kiilhl Mancots U.iy & HM.nii Dear. Camille J IMHANAPOl.IS n F Krilh't JuKi5lolan.l l.aura Orin:»be.» r*j Horrnino cilmne Co ralrlcota Miyin fk nrod.»r.c'a 1> II II Luoai i Ins J\(K.<4<).>VII.I,K Arriule (.^ame 1st half b.ll ploys .^ 2na halfi Rose Kills & n Chas V ..^onion Geo Alnx.and"r Co Adams & Cinmth to Vaudcviile 2nd half I't-r.-z A Mart;uorllo .Moore A Freed Kl.iine A Mar9h;ill H.-lrb.^r & Jark.son Mi:e Ivy n Co <IKK.><EY ClXr .Stale !nl halt J-S Kihel Hopkins Thos J Ryan Habi^ock & Holly V'in.-'t l,opex ISand (Two to nil) Isl halt T-l.J Willie Rolls f^r.f Blanche .LA FLEUR ana PORTIA _• BooKtD toi.10 aVmelim circuit »t..ek April l;t, Mii Kikn < ity. ll.rborl< (Tw„ I.J K n I ■ 1.1) ri .■ ^ 5 lilt I BILLY EVYLEEN PURCELLA and RAMSAY l*la>'Ifii; Keliirii FiiKmeerneiit I'mitiiges t irriill ltl«0( KTON M \S-i SIninil I'hy .ii::il l ull ire U:i/ \t Miiitii.a 11 or M.'-h m .V; Nc'.v:"T. l.;.! .'.owiy Tlu- .Sl|.|i|„.| 1 2<l hiilf Jim .«• J.i.k R !•; H.iii * rs-o A' Moor... & r. J 1 IH'FFAIO Shell's ■Wenz.-r ,1r r.Cmer rii.ihf.-s Willie w.iy lit llllf (7-IJ,i Tbo 1\- ,0111..Ml I (Cilliars M 111, IVoetor's Atli \ve 2J half ( :■■;> Willi.' Ill I' A Hro Jim M.'Wili:iii.i Qlonn .& Jr-Il';il.s Chas Mriloo.l ..'J (Tvro to »1Hi Ist half i7.:-)> BToller .si.s * f. Frlaoo" M.-li Cj Oils I'o vl.-r Cy (Throo I 1 nil; 2d half (li-H> Hoe R"'v"i ChM Km If '"'I ('ith...ri to ni'.' rroelnr's '.Inl lid h CC .1 .J) Buchannan i It- Wilton ItoHi Co Perl KcHoii loonov in * T *s (Two >6 n.i. let half (7-1) Vena <> i ' I.'j/i «*t 21 hair i;.or,;i,i ('ow ir.l .sin tn.*r .* I.'ii7..s'i.i ,1 Till'... 1,1 niii A-rni RY PVRK ICmililltily Frank It-, k. ..s f 'loin V.)'M i.i till I I lii.t Nor 111 ; 1 lire .-lislo ('.lib (Ibf t:i ITan.s . rs 10 n.ii ATUANTV I.jrir ,: I I If )..,■ t.iu.i H.i! Full .11 <■ III h Illy. Nor.v .'1.1 Sr il.i.-yl.ili I Ml.J I Al m RN N rleflTer.min '•;iiT It.Ill y .: Maliiiil I « li <! - ^•MJ|.J .-itapf/ A I»» niyiii'.li.l I're.l I ,.;■ Anil.J. Klo WiCieii • I .ll.i. . lillor.l Mo It'll' I '.lai.s ■ . 'oiilI , . I,IS ■...,,. I'll 11 H i;i. cxMims' N 'I ovvers Riii-r .; Kliio;. l-'ui IP 1II .*;■ K\ 11 .Ml -11 ,<• cri.-e Will .1 Hiiiis T..(Kly CI.lire . ?d hilf Mill-r ,<• I'.' irj ll.rt l.e.o.y Mien .* Caiif, ' I I,oil. IJ 'rr.iu:. ■ (I 111.' ■ '.I llll I 3 R.r;ard.« 2d h.l.r n.-r; .Lilian l.iule Culler;.'.a rriinrosa 4 Tire Sut.iros (i.'no to fi;.' roi.i o It. F. Keith's .M.iiiro" Hros Toinpkim Kercedes'' ^^''PrycKic Eiohth Wonder accompaixied by JKc Mwveloujmyjtic - MUc. Sts^raoi\c DIRECTION ALF T. WILTON l!.-rnir.l Xr darry Kelly g; l;irrnln);'ni l.'leur.^tte .loffrio I.ew .^c'ym.iur Ca 2n,l h.ilf f .* J Cibson l.'unuan A Mvans ^'il H.-rii'-re Co V & K .si.inlon 4iRA\'it R.vriris KmpreNs J .4 H .^Ill-Ids Iiails A Ilarnell H ,-i..i,l.l,ir.l Ha:i I .-ihaw i I..'ft Ktklita J 1 ps : A i; .Mii.ob' I (•RFF.NSIIl RO Strand Cat".* & ^■l^^■sr MeWatlers A T .M.irlensor, In Transylvania 2nd half Mil.lred I'ariier Jarrow C.laddenj (Two to mil III.MII.TON CAN I.yrio 3 Arnlnis i.'arl 'Ion A Ii(*l'.-*'^ R.lith Clapper (iilhora lo nil) JOBXSTOn-.V PA .Majestic Melroso A Ilrooks Toin M.lhonoy r.azar ,4 Dale Hurke & .Swan (iOn» lo nil) 2nd half MrNani-e Corlez ,4 Ryan Dava Thurshy Oo Cook & Woods M Gerard & Uoye I.ANCA.STKR PA Colonial \ri .Sall.'o A Robloe Will .Stanton & C.> (Two to nil) 2nd halt S.aiilon Oennos Jc S (Others to till) I.AlVRKNt P, MA.SS Fmpire IshlkawR Bros K.irijo ,4 White Thro" Klemlnu ais Harry Hine.i (Two to fill) 2nd half Tha Vanderbr.te LiOlVKI.!. M\»9 B F KeiUi'e Inglia & WInrheater Musters & Grace Ham Heels & Cu Allee in Toyliind Adams A 'I'homa S (One to nil) I.YNN .MA14S Olympic Riil.rulou.s Reeco 1.eland * Hhannon y & I.iTo.ur Caul Sis 2i,d ha'f M-re"defl'i K'lur (Three to mi) .MAN( IIK'STFK N II Pnliire The \ .imlerbllis Iirown Jl l.aVelie Iiavls & Sanford The Volunteers (One to mil 2nd half I-'argo & Whta riemuiff Sis Il.irry Hlnos ('ihree to nil • MeKFF..SPOKT Hipped ru me 2nd halt m:\vakk n i I*roctor'i •Stan KavanaughCo Hill Iiooley Co Ka Marcos A. Hand Walters & Waltert Koun SIstera Jack Osturtnan NKW ltFJ>FOKO Olympic Jlin fi- Jack Rae Klinor Hall & D Waeo l.'oiir (Two to nil) 2iid half Ri.Ii,.ulous Recco l.elaiiil & .Shannon The Sleppcra Kd l.tiwry (One to mil NKW IIRI NSIVK K State Carpos Hroi Will ird (Three to flUl 2nd halt Hems ,4 Wills Anthony (Three to rtll) NKW OKI,FANS Crescent (Mobile split) Ist half I.ohse & .sterling JACK POWELL SEXTEHE "WATCH THE DRUMS" Keith Circuit \'in Arnatr.s Mlnst MIAMI FI.A J-'airftix West l-alm U-ach split) Ist half Fletcher I,eon A Dawn Fried-Harrison Co Bob Albrisht Co McRao & Close MUIIII.R I.yrle half (N'ti'.v tirUans split) .\rt Impr.'ssiona l.owry & I,acey Tracey A Mclirlde .sid Lewis Hal Jonff Troupe MONTtiO.MFRY Grand tnd half P Hi'iiien A Bro ll'Sl.r >4 Relly I.eivi..i A Norton AIMloft iV.arrei, Itros A V .MON^KAL Imperial (.Sunday openlngi Hunbar'.^ Choir Iiainly Mari'? l.ioy.l Nevada Co Jay C' Klippen Haniari'l A Val'. Mible Harper Princess t.^undajt. open!n(t> Alexander Sis t^o MeKarlan? >4 P o Donell A Hlalr I'ranr lirdia Hilderbrand & M HIrd Millman Moss & Fryo Yvitte A Oroa MT VERNON Pnoctor'e 2nd halt (3-6; Bl Cleva Wee lleorsle Wood Wilton Sisters Clayton & FdwarJs iTwo to nil) lat halt (TIM Pert Kelton Pisano & Ijfin.lau?r Chas King Co (Others to Oil) Cahlll A Romalne Ferry Corwey .Newll A Most H VMi/ nils & Hits NORFOLK Aeallliig (Riehmoii.l split) 1st halt Shadow Land (Others to till) NORKISTOWN (iarrick 2nd halt Larimer A Hudson Nienian OTTAWA CAN Franklin Lime Trio Nan Tr:ivellne Gibson Sis & Grady Roger Williams Ward A Hart WesUiver WIrl's Sh PATKRSON N J Majestic 2nd halt (3-6) .I.'an La (,'osle Co Inez Hanley Emmy Harbier Co Roland A Meehao (Two to mil 1st halt (7-10) Rankin & Sloana (fJthers to fill) 2nd halt (11-13) H-IM ,4 LeClalre (Others to nil) PAWTICKET R I State Wright & Gaymm Miirean & West II 4 K Gardner Reed A Termini The Mendozas 2nd halt The Duponts Cardo & Noel Arthur Whitelaw (Two to nil) rHir,AnELPni.\ B F Keith's Hurke * Bettr Miss Taria Crifia A Haley Ted I,orralne Hcatrica Kerford Williams A Woltus C'lssle r,oftus (Two to fill) Latest diet for back dancers: Mexican Jumping Bean Soup. HELEN BIRMINGHAM Psr inaoatM'. HARRY CHARLES GREENE - 2nd halt (11-lJ) Dolly Connelly Co Gus Fowler (Others to till) NAN'nCOKE PA Ntate Lutos Bros (Others to fill) 2nl half Matty Lee l.ippard WE ARK NOW IN Ol R NEW I KI'llltlNC. WILL vol' M\KE AlUiE OFFICE IN THE STRi\ND TIIF^\TRE A MFNTll NOTE OF THE NEW AI>I>RE<«S? THE FALLY MARKUS VAUDEVILLE AGENCY 1547 Broadway Phone CniCKBRINO Mlt New York City .M'.lll' Kui; .-lully A Th Ti mas Ii.i^lej 1 IUVTON II. F. Keith's ilievalier llrol Flank RIehards r. suU.' .4 lloUKiCon Holt ,4 L' jiiarJ OTIS MITCHELL iind M.\KVI.AMt SINtiKKrt II .'.iillinit. < 'ill K-oli I'lrriiit .njiiiiK .Southern .Shuks ikf the Sialles Oirertiuii HARRY WERER < tMON O I.yrciiiii \'.i II \ri.;i 111 ,n .N' 2d half I..'.Illy A l.edd. A I'j. llarr-ti i I'if..! ( ; W.I .-J ;i ■ « !■: i. oM.'n t : 2d liall lit I L.iwlon li'-lisri A CeretS.1-l Jilie Dillon Co Ily im.a A Mclntyr? Vxiit, i ,1 Uttea L i.oiely A Co i Iiiamond.4 M ,4 A CI irk ll.iAaril's I'onles IIAKRISItlRiai .Majestic W t..iwri'ne.. Co Duiib ir A Turn t K'lyi .4 .Mil (Twi to nil) 2nd halt Coff oreh Rom-y A iMinn 1'or rily Sake (Two to nil) IIAVKKHILL .'^lassnchiisetts Colonial 2nd bait M'han * ."^Jevvmin Farnell A Kloreiiee I'aul filstors (Two to nil) HAZEI.TON PA Feeler's 3 k 11 Kvoratt Ilroivn A LaVelis Davis A Stinford The \ olunloers I rwo to nil) I EWLSTON ME Music Hall i'llii Cook Reel A Ray (Ihrea to nil) 2na half Dixon & onrlsB Dale ,4 D-Ijina Wilsh A Tare <Two to nil) LONG RRAN'H N J Main .Street M,ire'.I.i Dogs .Sis'o (Thraa to nil) 2nd half Frank Reckless Co Norina-Ool'B VI din (Thraa t* mil Frinklyn Chas Co (Three lo nil) NASH VI LUC Princese (Samo 1st halt bill plays (Jhxtlanooga 2nd half) cuff Jjrdan Aliiambrk I,arliner A KudsOD Jack Sydney Msris & Marlow Schletle Marlnet's 2nd half Hill A Quinnell Dunlevy A Chnslelgh Williams A Taylor Land of Tango Allegheny Chin Chee Toy Williams A Tnylor Val.Tio Iter);era Co V & K Stanton Ileider's FoMlos 2n'1 haiT Prof Nnkae Co Horiiard A .•irpy Kniily Harbier Co Crawford A U Will Stanton Co Ilroadwtiy C T.amys ilinj H I.awlor Co Grace }l\yea Hilly Arlington Co 2nd half Chin Chee Toy WiUard Rosa A Kd wards Kentucky Colonels Cross Keys Porei A La Flour i Miller A Fears NOLAN LEARY with in nP;T,RN KKITII JOIIN.STONH "YES MEANS NO" nobby Dale * RIs Hanry Rejal ft Co Claudia Coleman Uarrle Ollvsr Rev Ind halt Marvel A Fay Kennedy ft Ifartin CartmMl A tlarrts uisoD (ntr 4 Th* ytriaw Earle Lady Alices Peu The LeO rolls Mack A Velmar Sinclair A Gaspar Marry Mo Kim City 4 Jack Coiiw.Ty Co Gordon A Schubert SprinKiliiio ICavue (iiiibe Dan.'lnff Rockets Dixie Hamilton .Murduck A Ken Sis Hymans A Kvans Hilly House Co Higifins ,4 111 i.<saM REAniNO P4 Kajah John H llyiner C» nuiy A V.i Gorman Scanlon Dennoa At (Two to mi) 2nd half Walter Lawrence Om (Others to fill) RICHMOND lyric (Norfolk spMt) 1st halt JACK MANNING TOOK THE 50,000 WEEKS Jay Raymond Recollections Will Kbbs Les Kllcks (irand Opera Ilouse Prof Nakao Co Ross & k.livards Emily Harbbr Co Crawford & Hrodk PetroKrad Ent 2nd halt C B l.awlor Co CInire Vincent Co Flouretle Jofltre Follies KcvHtone J A J Ciib..'on Montana 4 llor.iemen Tower A Darreil I. Dallenlilne Co 2nd half Karl A Rovein .Marie .4 Marlowo Chns Horn Co Will .1 Kviins Toddy (.-l.ilro Co Nixon Hill A Qiiinn-I! Reynolds A White Bert I^i'vy Mack A SI anion Land of lanso 2nd half Rllter IJ Knappo Jack .Sjilney Kelly & Hirminsa'm Aslil.'y .4 Dorney L HalU'liline Co Wm Prnn Alien & Cann-'d (Others to mil ind halt Thea Alba Reno'ds ft White Jason .4 Harrit-aa Waller Hrower Law (Two to mil ROANOKE V.% Roanoke (Same 1st half bill P 1 a y .s Winaton- Salem -jn.l hall) Frank & Harron LaTelle A Vokes Chief Caupollcan Steele ,4 Winslow (One to mi) • 2nd halt The Rosa ins Janis i4 Chaplow Murray Bennett (Two to nil) not IIK,STF.K Temple Ford A Trie* Flo Brady A A ,M Havel Co Geo DuFr.aiiie Lans A (iNell Miss Juliet Dooley & Sales Creations SrilENE(TAI>Y Proctor's Rrady A Mahoney Mrs Valentino Texas Coniody 4 Powers (4 Wallace (One to mi) 2iid half Frank Wanl A A F Sledmin Flotilla (Two to fir. I 4 Ilor...emen Murray A Allen riTTSniRCH B F Keith's crumnilt Mclnlyre A Heath I*re«»ler A Klaiss Fred Arilath Co Mar);a Co Jack Lavlep Frank A E Carmen Cevene Troupe Davis Lennin A Shannon Bruch A Thurston Radium Visions Muriel A Phyllts Gordon A Day Ilutton A O'Connor Will Kennedy Sheridan Squiuie McManeo Cortei A Ryan Dave Thursby Co Cook A Woods M Gerard A Hoys 2nd half tkfi^rasa A Brooks Tom Mahoney Laxar A Dale Burke A .Sawa (One to nil) PITr.SFIEI.I> MASS Palace Smith A Durell* Larry Rellly Joe Stanley A Co Schwartz A Clitford The PIckfords 2nd half Shura Rulowa 0» Alice Hamiltton Provost A °/aro (Two to ail) FOBTI..\ND MB B F Keith's Billy Hallen Hurst A Voftt Eunice Miller Co Tuscano Bros Kugono Emmett Co Casey A Warroi SHENANDOAH PA Strand N-.«hlts Orch (Others to fill) 2nd half) Lutes Hros 3 A H Everett t'lltford A Hailey (Two to nil) .STEI HENVII.I ■ Victoria 2nd halt The l.ainpinis Carle Lillte Thomas .4 Fredk Bla Cleveland A DowrsF The Ghcz/.is SYRAOl^SK B F Keith's ) L A H Zleder Awkward Age Burke A Durkla Ward A Van Gomez S Proctor's Francis A LloyC Four Pals Jack Mc.i^ullffe McCool A RHar Annette Dancing Konnedya 2nd halt Cliff Bailey t Hall A O'Brlea Charlotte Lanslac H A R Sulllvaa (Two to All) TAMPA FIA Vlctoty (Sams bill plays M Patersburg t-lt Orlando 11-11) Koana A White Rudell A.Dunlgaa Burglar's Union Cecil Cunnlngt^ia Harvard-Wlntd AB TOLKDO D F Keith's Lawton Gchan A Oeretsoa Jane Dillon Co CHAS. BARRING and CO, The Heart of a Clown Ileuillinlng on Piuitages Clrcnlt. Olalrs Vincent Co Frances Kennedy ICentucky Colonels 2nd h *U Montaaa Billy Arilactot« Co Oraee Hayea Sohlobll UarloQst's (On* t« (IU> POTTSVII.LE Uippodrome Carter A Cornish Ashley A Dorney Dunlevy A Chesl'gll Royal Gascoynes (One to fill) 2nd halt Perez A LaFlour .Salle A Roblos Allen A Grace Tower A Dsrrell Patrograd Ent PROVIDENCE R I E F Albee Avon Comedy 4 Out of Knickers Watts A Hawley Clnudo A Marlon Dixie Four Z&lda Brothers RALEIUn Audltoslani (Augusta split) 1st half Jean A V»l Jean Jeanette Chllds Nevlns ft Oordon Swor k Coaroy Ifyams A Melntyra Warren A OBrlen 1.1'Brlen .Sextet 2rid halt Chevalier Bros Frank RIchardsoa Sully A Iloughtoa Holt A Leonard Bloom A Sher E Golden A Hand TORONTO Mira's Unusual 2 Lytel A Fant Kthel MacDonough Hrowiie .4 WhU'ker Rosters A Allen Mr A Mrs J Harry Hen Hernle 4 I«d llernt A Parlnor TRENTON N » Capltotl Thua Alba Moras iSc Wills (Two to fill) tnd half Carpos Bros I (Others to &'■•>