Variety (June 1924)

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le VARIETY LEGITIMATE W«aBNa«7, June 4,1M( STOCKS WE OUT AS LEAD AND DiCREA^ GROSS Al Luttringer Against Condi- tions with StoGic—$T,800 to $3,500 witii Change BAtUchem. Pm^ Jun« }. Al Luttrlncer, op«r»tlnc the stock •t th« Kurta haa bean having quite a tUna of It In maklnf a choice b«- twaaa domaatlo faUdty and larce boK offlca atatementa. After two loalnc waeka he choaa the Utter which if anything haa not enhanced hla battlnc ayaraca with hla actreaa- wlfe, known profeaalonally aa Ann Slncleton, who, although a compe- tent actresa, did not aeem to strike a popular chord with local audl- aneea. Perhapa It was the Marriage thing that took her out of the Idol class with the town sheiks. The stock had been hovering around ll.SOO weeka until Al changed bis leads last week placing Betty Browns In and letting Ann oat Bosinaaa Jumped to tS.SOO last week so Betty aara. Increased bnslnesa did not Inter- eat Ann. She left for New York Saturday. leaving Al to worry along wlthont her. ALL NEW IN DENVER But One Exception in Eliteh'a Gar- dona Company DeoTar, Jane S. Tlie EUtch'a Oardena stock, open- ing June If, will bava all faces new to Senvar stock playa with the «x- ceptlon of Charlaa Waldron. Rollo Uoyd wUl diract. Tha leada are Juna Walker and Norval KeedweL Others angagod: Dlanth Paterson, ICabal • Colcord. Dudley Hawlay, Oeorga Fairen, Helena Baxter Butler and C. Henry Gordon.' TOUKO B08SKAH MA£BI£S Charles A. Rosakam, son of Charles H. Rosskan. owner and manager of the Chicago Stock Company, and Madeline Diamond of Wlldwood, N. J., non-professional, were married In Wlldwood May 29. Toung RoBskam waa advance man for his father'a con^MUiy, but Is now editor of tbo WUdwood ■a«ader.'* and using the former Montgomery and Stone vehicles was to be at the big playhouse for a summer run. House Manager Tyrell said It was a Colonel Hlnton who phoned the good news from Havre de Oraoe. Owing to Colonel Qeo. V. EUnton's former aasoclaUon with DUlIngham, It was assumed that he was the Colonel In question. Colonel Geo. F. denies It. Fresent&th>n of "When Knlgbts Were Bold" <U the Copley. Boston. Saturday, brought the sea«on of Henry Jewett's Repertory Company to a close. Opening Labor Day, the company will go to the Arlington, where it will remain until the open- int( of Mr. Jewett's new theatre, to be built on Huntington avenue^ op- posite Symphony ball. A gold-plated toilet set, vaJued at $600, was stolen from Miss Irene Homer, leading woman of the Cen- tury Flayers, who concluded their season at the Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., Saturday, while she was re- moving her belongings from tha theatre aboot midnight Stuart Walker's new repertoira company began its run at tha Vl«- tary, Dayton, Monday with "The Boomerang'' as the opening show. The cast Included BaUott Nugent, Tom Powers. Kugene Powers. Mar- galo GUlmore^ Teresa Dale, Coatea Owynne and Zeflla Tilbury. William Fielda, publicity man of the Cin- cinnati comi>any, will manage the new troupe. Paul Hlllnuin, manager of the Shubert, Cincinnati, will aacceed Robert McBrlde aa manager of the Stuart Walker local atock. McBrlde resigned because of Ubieas. The Shubert will be dark all sommer except for the week of June->, when the Bavarian Paasion Players will present "The Ufa of Chrlet" WITH THE AGENTS F. Holamaa mmi Bemaid ■obal, who h*Ta poolod their press agentlng resources, are now han- dling the publicity for "Plain Jans." WIU Page oovsrod tha New York Opening of "^eep Kool." turning the work over to Campbell Casad after two w«eks' spaelal on the Morosco theatre show. Tom Bodkin la slated to manage the new "Margery Daw* company during its New York engagement Frank T. Ounn. called by the United Artists sa on* of the spe- cial exploitation men tar aaveral weeks of "Dorothy Vernon," mak- ing several Ohio stands. Is back In town. WUUam RUey and John Qlennon also did some special work for the same plctor* in other sec- tions. Sam Maoriea appeared on Broad- way minus his upper lip adornment George H. Degnon Is In tha Ohio section to do special publicity for "Abie's IrUh Rose." William SVanklln RUey. ahead of "Bringing Up Father," U back on Broadway. Johnny Curraa, ahead of the Wil- liam Courtenay show and which has closed Its season, was on Broadway the first of tha week. George Hi Roberts Is conva- lescing In the hospital at Lazlngton avenue and >Tth street from his stomach operation. O. H. refused to taka any anesthetics and his nerrs caused the attending sur- geona to remark that he was the gamost man tbey ever saw. Caldwell B. Caldwell has been engaged to handle tha "Margery Daw" show, Rnfoi LeMairo produc. Ing. Georg* Henshan ha a b een as- signed to pabllclty toe "White Car- go." Henshall is slated to again handle "Vanities" when tha new abow goes Into rehearsal. THEATRE AUXT low Michael Kelly, M. WM santsaeed by Magistrate Goodman, la W«M Side Court to serve 10 days te tha workhouse following his oonvletloii on a charge of disorderly oonduct made by Charles Bates, of Brooklyn. Bates attended the ahow aft the BIJou. accompanied by hla wife. Daring the first act a Hot Of aolsas in the IMtle court separating tha Bijou and Morosco theatres dis- turbed the patrons -f tb» BUoa. Bates among them. After ttt* aet Bates stepped oat to find KoUy nsing load and vile Isngaaga Bates suggested the noise stop, when, he claims, he was punched by Kelly and kicked. Patrolman McQueeney arrested Kelly and also hel * Bates. The lat- ter waa disoharged. "CADDIE GIRU' AGAIN Amateur Show Takes SalwyRi Bos- ton, During Elks Wook Boston. Jons t. The Fllene show. "The Caddie OlrU" an amateur performance, with the company selected from the Fllene store, is to have a week'a time at the Selwyn. starting July 7. The show has taken the house on a rental basis. It waa an open week for the house despite the Blks convention is being held here that week. The show played a week at the Colonial Just before the house took the Fairbanks picture and cleaned up, setting up a box ofllca record for an amateur jterformance In this city. NEW "SUBWAY" HOUSE DISPUTE OVER CATLETT Comedian Named 'for Tollies" Claimed by Qeodman The Albee stock. Providence, will open June It. The company haa Adelyn Buahnell, lecullng woman; Robert Brlster and Berton Churchill, male leads; Betty tAwrence, Flor- ence Roberta, William Butler, George Fogle, Day Manson. Irene Shirley, Charles L Schofleld. The QUIord Players, Galesburg, 111., ending a 21-week season at the Plaza Theatre last week, want to come back next season and the de- sire is apt to launch a movement which will give this community a new theatre. Cltisens are consider- ing the purchase of the Weinberg and Hoopes Interests In the Plasa theatre, or Joining with August Rlnella, Galesburg architect. In de- signing a new amusement center. The record attendance for the QUford season has given the move- ment a sound basis and It Is likely that local business men will capi- talise the popularity of the stock company. Galesburg has been get- ting many of the current road shewa John B. Ma^ director and part owner of the Century Players at the Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., be- came sole owner when he bought out the interests of Guy Caldwell and Albert Fowler, Jr. Caldwell and Charles Blckford were the owners of the company last season. The Auditorium closed laat week with the presentation of "Friendly Bnemles." after S* weeka It was announced that B^lward Lattimer. David Baker and Margaret MacAr- thar (in private life Mrs. John B. Mack) win return nekt falL House Manager George B. Clark also will return next season, his third. The personnel of the Harder- Hall Players who opened a summer season at the Palace, Port Richmond, 8. T., N. Y., includes: Robert Bentley and Francea Wood- bury, leads; Jay Holly. Richard Po- lette, Franklin Munneil. Dorothy Dunn, EMna Berne, Kdith Spencer, Helen Olcott Phyllis Connard and Edwin Vlckary, also director. The Carroll stock. City theatre, Rosevllle, N. J., closed Saturday. The house may play vaudeville and pic- tures for the summer months, al- though this policy has not been de- finitely set A dispute over the services of Walter Catlett has arisen, Philip GoodBian claiming the comedian for a musical comedy to be done in Augnst The attraction was an- nounced with Catlett named as one of the featured players besides Vlvienne Tobln and Oscar Shaw. That wsa after Max Bart, agent for Catlett had telegraphed the oomlo that he bad signed with Goodman at fl.BOO weekly for two yeara Catlett was than touring in "Sally." He Is now In the east of the new Tollies." The matter may reach the courts prior to the <4>«ning o< Hm bsw Ziegfeld rewa F. James Carroll has switched James Coots, leading man. and Mjrra Marsh, second woman, from hla company at St Johns to that at Bangor, Ma Guy Harrington Is In New York aasembllng a stock for the Stone opera house, Binghamton, N. Y., to get under way June K with "Lom- bardl, Ltd." Charles Guthrie will direct The mystery deepens about the romored summer musical stock for the Academy, Baltimore. The local "American" several weeks ago said — an outfit headed by Dixon Harland Summer Subscription for VARIETY 3 months^ $1.75 Ifail name and address to TABIETT, 154 West 46tli Street, Vew Tork City. Gladys Harlbart who roeently closed with the Toledo stock, as- sumed the feminine lead with the Baldwin stock. Atlanta, last week. • Chane King Is organising a sum- mer stock for the Mission, Long Beach, Cal., to get under way the latter part of Juna Ataneda Fowler opens with the Duffey stock. Montreal. KAB6EBT WILLIAMB' FLAT "Through the Years,'* a new play by Margery Williams, stock actress, recently given a stock try-out with its author in the leading role, is to be reproduced as a legit attraction next season as a starring vehicle for Miss WUliams. A new producing firm will spon- sor It - Theatre Will Have Site on Qrand Concourse in the Bronx A new subway circuit theatra la assured for next season, and a site on the Grand Concourse, the Bronx, has been bought Arrangements were made last week with the Shu- berts to handle the booklnga The new outlying house win be built by Al Pincua M. U Goldatone and Sam Stone, who are the build- ers of the Imperial. Goldatone Is a Jeweler, while Stone is named as the principal backer of tha new theatre now being built On 46th street opposite the N. V. A. •TOUnCS" CAST "So This la FOlKlcs," a new three-act comedy by Barry Connora Is in rehearsal at the Henry Mlllor, prep«u«tor7 to opening "ookl" at that theatre June 13. Carl Reed, formerly of the Independent produc- ing firm of Reed and Shorwgnon, Is presenting the plece^ In the eaat are Glenn Anders, J. C. Nugent Marjorte Gateson, Dwlgtit Fry* and Florenco Baila Henry MlUar Is dhreetlng. "Kiki- Has aossd. Lenore Ulrlc In "Klkl" closed ^- urday after a return week in Newark. The Belaaco comedy had gene more than 100 wedcs^ eoneeca- Uvaly. Ben Jarvis and Lortng Smith, with the Players, recently tried out a vaudeville sketch. John G. Fee, recently In stock in Dallaa, has Joined the Fulton Players at Oakland, CaL. supporting Norman Field. Bdward Powsr has replaced Stuart Beebe as character man with Lyric Players, Atlanta. Bdwln B. Vlckery Is dIrecUng the Harder-Hall stock at the Palace, Port Richmond, S. L May Bell Marks Is organizing a stock to open June 18 at Christie Lake, Ont Cliff A. Schautele is lessee and N. A. B. Whitford is resident manager of the Semple Stock Company at Hamilton, Ont The Abbott Stock closed at the Strand. Everett Masa. last week with "Their FUst Baby." The Artington (formerly Castle Square), stock. Boston, closed Sat- urday with "Bringing Up Father." COLLEGE HOKOBS THOMAS St Louis, Jon* •. Augustas Thomas will add an- other degree to his string tomorrow when LLJ>. will be oonfecrad on him by the UidversKy of MiasoorL He waa similarly honorad by Co- lumbia University two years aco. POSTPONES T&IP Sam Kingston, managing director for Florens Ziegfeld. who piaanod to sail for Barope on the Leviathan June 14, has been obliged to caned his visit to England untM a latar saiMng of the Leviathan, aa hla presence Is required for the opening Of the new "Folllea" AUTBQR AT SING SING WRflESTWO Hassard Short Has Thetn-^ Found Ideas In Prisoners' Show Up In Sing Sing la a man dolaa time who la qolto prolific in writlna dramatic thing* and revue idea% Under the pen name of J. Solomon King he has two playlets, "Tb« Rain" and "The New Organist,'* which hava fooad their way lnt# the hands ot Hassard Short wha will see that they will be used Ik a revua ha Is planning for nex| When the Sing Blng thespians pn^ on a eompleta jwrformance of tlw recent Music Box Revue, with th» actora ad their roles Impersonated by convicts. Short found the two acts thwa not in the original New York show. Short sought out J, Solomon King, their author. MISTINGUETT SCENE Carleton in Court Against Shubert* and Star 1 Argument on the injunction to restrain SfJ. and Lee Shubert and "Marie" Mlstlnguett (first nan* unknown and fictitious) from &>■ fringing on ttie "Bn Douce" seen* will be heard In the Federal Court next week. Carle Carlton is tha plaintiff, alleging he purchased thlg scene from M. Albert Wlllemet% the author, along with another play by the samo pl.ywrlght titled, "Taguada Tsoln Tsoln" for lO.OM francs while he (Carlton) was la Paris In March. ItZS. The same scene Is alleged to btf In the Mlstlnguett show, "Innoccol' Byes" now at the Winter GardM^ New York. The Shuberts aDege that Misti»4 guett controls the rlghu to this' scene in which she has appeared la Paris. Carlton in a ItAter advises thai Ziegfeld offered him $160 a week royalty for its use and Invitee aa offer from the Shuberts who ra» fused and referred the matter t* their attorneya DOOLEY IN CONTEMPT Did Net Pay Wife $2,100 Withla Prescribed Time Limit The 10 days In which John Doot (Johnny Dooley), comedian eC "Keep Kool." had to make good tha accrued alimony of $2,100 doe Yvette Rugal have expired. Goldle 4k Oomm. counsel faH Miss Rugel (Mrs. Dool) are await* Ing word from their client aa ta whaty action to take. Dooley BOlf being open to commitment for coa> tempt of court This alimony dates from a seP* aration decree of last year. Ra* cently aha waa also awarded an la* terlocutory decree of divorce In tha Brooklyn (N. Y.) Supreme Couii with $B0 to be paid weekly for thf support of the two children, ska. waiving alimony. JEAHNE EAOELS DEPAETB Jeanne Eiagels, star of "Rain," sails today on the Berengaria. "Rain" closed last Saturday at the Maxlne EUUott. New York, one of the plays ordered closed by Bqulty actors. Majestic Players. Homell, N. Y.. are giving two bills weekly. The Balnbrldge stock at the Shubert Minneapolis, closes Sat- urday. Princess stock, Des Moines, closed Saturday after S5 weeka The Alhambra stock, Brooklyn, will close June IS. The house will remain dark for the summer. "The Gingham Oirr last week closed the Empire Players at Salem, The Town and Country Players has been Incorporated to function both In New York and In the sub- urban sectloiia "Dr AHD OUT" AQAIH "In and Out," the farce by Thomas Fallon and Charles Stewart clos- ing tor repairs In Baltimore two weeks ago. Is being revised. Murray Phillips will sgaln figure as producer. MILTON'S "EXILES" The producing firm recently or- ganised to handle plays put on by Robert MlHon will begin about Aug. 1 with "The Exiles," by Arthur Richman. The opening will take place In Washington. STARRINB BLACKMER Charles Wagner Has Roman "Bandanna" Sydney Blackmer Is to be starral by Charles Wagner In a new ro* mantle comedy, "The Blue Baa* danna." It goes into rehearsal in tw« weeks. The piece will come to the Van* derbllt. New York, early In July. MAT GABEUTHEBS A SISTEB May Carruthers, who retired firom the vaudeville stage several years ago to enter a nunnery, waa'pro* fessed a full-fiedged sister in th* Order of St Joseph at St Joseph's Convent Brentwood, L. L. Ia*t week. Miss Carruthers waa among M novlates admitted to the order. Since entering the convent the for- mer actress embraced a teacher's course and will be assigned to on* of the Long Island orphanagea SHOWS CLOSING Saturday the Howard brothert ("Passing Show") closed at Madi- son. Wis.; "Whispering Wire^ closed at St. Paul, and the Al Jolson show, ••Bombo," closed at Sacra- mento, CaL