Variety (June 1924)

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i? Wednesday, Jane 4, l»8f' VASIBTY JL •VW ■:ii B. F. KEITH'S RIVERSIDE, NEW YORK, THIS WEEK (Jtme 2) EARL IRENE BRONSON s RENEE STERUNG TALK AND 18 KT. SONGS Direction THOS. J. FITZPATRICK B. F, KEITH*S ORPHEUM, BROOKLYN, NEXT WEEK (June 9) U/>e r r les lOc WEEKLY about CARNIVALS CIRCUSES ALL OUTDOORS MUSIC RADIO DISKS __ BANDS_ ORCHESTRAS I' t: NEWS and REVIEWS 72nd Year . Americo'* Oldest Amute- tnent Paper The onlj paper In the world de- moted exclusively to Outdoor AmuM- nents. OUTWEEKLY.lflc PHIL BAKER'S WIFE (Continued from page 5) the assistance of a carefully pre- pared legal structure by Julius Kendler (Kendler & GoldsteiA). Baker euccec^fully supported his premise that for bis wife to l)e awarded the teruporary relief Bought she must prove and show she has a chance ror success ultimately. Justice MoCook seemingly did not think so after several letters were produced ia evidence. Baker alleged he was at all times a dutiful and loving husband; that he was not cruel; that the occasion In Barney Gallant's club in Green- wich Village, complained of, was orderly, which contention Gallant and Bernard Bricks, bis manager, supported; that w'len he saw his wife in the company of Robert Her- nandez, a Spaniard, in the Troca- dero (cabaret), as has been her usual wont, allegedly, he was not cruel. Although summoned before Judge Frothinghara in the Seventh Dis- trict Itagistrate's Court for disor- derly conduct, where he was not even represented by counsel, the case was dismissed; that he did sot Indulge in liquor. Baker, however, mentioned one occasion where his yife was in the company of Betty ^^liams of the "Follies," and he fountfVii* wife drunk in the Commodore Hotel. Fabian Garcia, another Spaniard, is named as having been constantly in her company. Letters to "Vivy" Among the letters quoted from the court records is one ascribed to a popular comedian in the "Fol- lies," which had the signature torn off, reading. "Vivy: I love you, dear, and have kept my promise to you. I hope you nave been as true, and have thought as much of me— but that's asking too much. Off now In a gale of horseradish. Bye- bye tor now, all my love and mil- lion kisses to you, sweetheart." It is one of the epistles Baker discovered in a private drawer of Mrs. Baker's. After becoming sus- picious he broke it open and found several amorous communications. Another reads in part: "I know you very well better than you think I do. You are a lovely woman, and in a truly feminine way you are the creature of your Immediate emo- tion. "It wa«, perhaps, my cwn eeo- tlsm and vanity which prompted me WARNING!!! DOn GO TO ENGLAND! This b How TTiey Treat Americans -s ..;? to read Into your character that quality which is rare in woman— sincerity. It is rare because it is not natural in the feminine com- plex. . . . There Is one request I have to make of you—don't ever discuss me seriously with any one. The reason is this—I am always the actor, the fraud—excepting on rare occasions, like with you, where I have been Just my own true, wesk, animal self—you understand — don't want people to find me out. '-J weakened In your case—but— you are the last. 'Ruthless, relent- less and remorselees* Is bow the slogan, and I am very happy." Other L«ttera Follows another from "H," dated Nov. 19, 1923, from London, and an- other from John Wynn Fredericks, who encloses hi5 business address as being c/o the Imperial Refining Co. of ra.. Lock Haven, Pa.; also his home -address. "Ted" wrote from Albany In part as follows: "But gosh—It seems that when I do meet a girl I feel that I would like a lot there Is always a catclj to it, some place. These Billy, lame-train, so-called flapi>er8 never give ma a worry. And when I find 'one of the few*— well, I guess I'll Just have to keep trying, and maybe I can find one, some day, who is not madly in love, engaged, or—married." It was further recounted how Mrs. Baker Anally came home at I a. m., admitting she had been out with HernandeE. Kiss Vernon admitted earning $76 in the "Follies." but Baker also add- ed she overlooked mentioning her $100 weekly income (average) from picture work for Famous Players- Lasky on Long Island. "ABOUT HALF WAY THROUGH THE E3MPIRE PROGRAM LAST NIQHT THiaiE CAME A BRE^ATH OF THE JTRESHNESS FOR WHICH THE MUSIC HALL PUBLIC HAS BEEN PIEADINO SO LONG. IT WAS THE MEREST WHIFF, BUT AFTER WHAT HAD GONE BEFORE IT SE:EMED REMARKABLE, AND XT IS SIGNDI* CANT OF THE AI.MOST PATHETIC DESIRE OV MUSIC UAUut PATRONS FOR SOMETHING THAT WILL VARY—OH, JT78T A. LITTLE—FROM THE SAME OLD SAMENESS, THAT THE AinX- ENCB SAT UP EAGERLY, GULPED DOWN THIS TRIFLE, AND CLAMORED, SURPRISED, FOR MORE. MR. KIMBKRLY AND MISS PAGE ARE AMERICANS. AND IT WAS NOT WHAT THEY DID. BUT THE WAT THEY DID IT. THAT SCORED." j t YORKSHIRE *'POST.» .. "S NOTICE "THE ROMANCE OF PANAMA" 190S COMPANY Any members of company, David Warsaw, Yolanda Wallace or others, please communicate immediately with JAMES B. HOPKINS, Attorney, Room 1400, 119 West 40th Street, New York Information Required Which Will Be to Your Advantage CHASE HYPNOTIST (Continued from page t) ing until Anally reaching hia h'tei, also tbe only hotel In the village. Although another performance had been billed for tbe following night, It was forsaken. Tbs pro- fessor tha next day consulted the only attorney in town but must have made up his mind St was too much of a one-man city and dis- appeared. The rumpus started when the professor called for a committee from the audience. Evidently hav- ing assembled with a suspicion lurking that hypnotists who can hypnotise would never" pick New- ark Village for regular coin, the boys arrivedwith their load of eggs and fruit. Upon the Invitation three of the young men passed to the sage. As the professor "worked" upon them tlicy smiled and refused to go to s'eep. Sent away as "resisting," three mo.-e tried anl also were given the gate. Then three others, whom the villagers didn't know, went right to dozeland under the professor's hypnotic glare. Some one in the aud'ence made a facetious remark and one o* the three sleepers awoke long enough to slip a wink over to tbe audi- ence. After that tbe eggs and fruit werA stage-bound, and then the chase. "LEON KIMBERLY AND HELEN PAGE HEAD THE PROORAIL HELEN PAGE IS ORIGINAL. HER RETORTS TO HER PAKTNER ARE SO SURPRISINGLY BLUNT THilT THE VERY UNEXPBCTKD- NESS OF THEM CREATES MEIRRIMENT*. SHE HAS A PUCKLIKB PERSONALITY THAT EMPHASIZES THE PBRTNE6S OP HKR repartee: SHE IS MATERtAL FROM WHICH ANY AMOUNT OT. DIVERSION WOULD EMANATE DID TIME PERMIT." g^ BIRKENHEAD "ADVERTISER.** 'f.-f i ^M "LEON XIMBERLT AND HELEN PAOE WERE ONE OF THB REALLY GOOD TURNS. NO OTHER ARTISTS OCT MORE AP« f»LAUSE THAN THIS PAIR FOR THEIR EFFORTS." NEWCASTLE ''JOURNAL,'* "LEON KIMBERLY AND HELEN PAGE ABE NKWCOMBRB FROM U. S. A., AND IN THEIR FIRST APPEARANCE IN THIS COUNTRT THEY MADE AN IMMEDIATE HIT." , u.„ SHEFFIELD "MAIL.' ~ ENGLAND'S CHANCELLOR (Continued from Page 3} married sbe asked bim for soaae money, she did the same thing on the second day, and had been do- ing it ever since. The friend said, "What does she do with the money?" and he, Snowden, an- swered, "I don't know; I haven't given her any yet." This got a good laugh from the political "fans" who always watch for their leader's jokes. Almost as good a laugh as the yarn got when originally used by a "double act" and published betoie in Joe Miller's Joke Book. The habit of telling stories grows but Bometlroefl has not such ordi- nary results as the Identification of Snowden's true story. The other night at a General Theatrical Benevolent Fund dinner Sir Gerald du Maurtor told a atory about ttaa prime minister havli« to to* coached In dress and manaera br his butler. How he tried to get out to an Important function and tha servant turned him back and eom» pelled him to dress correctly. The prime minister waa sot wildly delighted with this, although du Maurler quickly said It was • Joke on his part. ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? et«ain*hlp ■ceemmodstImM mrwungti os all Ubm st Mala Oflae Prises. Boat! are coins vary fnlli srmns* early. Foraisa Mancy beasbt aad cold. Uberty Bond* bossht aad leU. FAUI. TAUSia * SON, 104 Kaat Mth St., If«i« York — I StayTMaat SlM-ain FRANK VIOLA McGREEVY and PETERS ff- ^- . "BrrgKr^Sid Oily ByJAOCLAIT starting tour of Paiitages Circuit this week (June 1), at Toronto. Booked by ABTHUB SILBEB