Variety (June 1924)

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':.-Vfmmvi».\ f: VARIETY t, -V^9?'.^^WJfi- THE SENSATION OF TWO CONTINENTS SPECIAL "STUNTS" FOR EXPLOITATION 52- NOW PLAYING THE CONSECUTIVE RECORD WEEK FOR THE KEITH CIRCUIT "THE REASON IS OBVIOUS" 52- / V "■■ A GREAT COMBINATION Sensationed Musical Mystery with Comedy Plus Artistic Showmanship h-^>^ -,&: AMERICA'S MOST DISTINGUISHED SCIENTIST Direction ALF T. WILTON NEW YORK FORCED OFF HITS (Continued from Pago 13) Thre« attractions opened this Veek but none were listed for next week up to Tuesday nlgrht. Monday "The Fatal Wedding" waa repro- Auc«d at the Ritz, the former popu- lar priced melodrama havin« a $4.40 top for the Broadway premiere. M INERS MAKE UP Est Henry C Miner. Inc. Tuesday the musical "Floaale" took to the Lyrlce after being flxetl up following trying out. Tonight (Wed- nesday) "One Helluva Night" starts at the Sam H. Harris^ ■ "Hell Bent fer Heaven," one of the shows ordered oft by Equity drew the best business in the out- lying theatres last week, getting nearly (10.000 at the Bronx opera bouse; Jane Cowl as Juliet got about $9,500 at the Majestic, Brook- lyn; "In The Next Room" grossed $9,000 at the Riveria; "Kiki" was around $8,000 at the Shubert. New- ark, with "Hurricane" under $4,500 at the Broad Street. Closing Hits Buys and Cuts The closing of seven of the Broad- Meeting Thursday Night at 11.30 TOMORROW NIGHT (JUNE 5) BIJOU THEATRE (W. 45TH ST.) Members and Non-Members—Ladies and Gentlemen—! Are Invited JEWISH THEATRICAL GUILD WILLIAM MORRIS, President EDDIE CANTOR, 1st vice-president; SAM BERNARD, 2nd vice-president; SIME SILVERMAN, 3rd vice-presi- dent; FRED BLOCK, financial secretary; DR. HUGO RIESENFELD, treasurer; HARRY COHEN, secretary. Invites you if of that faith and associated with the show business in any capacity to become a member. OBJECTS purely and sincerely FRATERNAL AND BENEFICIAL only MEMBERSHIP, $10 YEARLY. (Life Membership, $250). The following form if filled out with enclosure will receive prompt acknowledgment: way attractions made somewhat of a difference In the ratings of the number of attractions held by the advance price brokers and also in the cut rates. Out of the seven shows that closed there were six listed at bargain prices. This de- creased the cut rate list to 21 for this week, while in the premium offices there were but seven shows listed as buys. Of the new shows that came in last week the only one that received a buy from the brokers was "Keep Kool" at the Morosco, for which they are taking 300 seats a night for four weeks with a 2S per cent return. The other attractions on the buy list are "Beggar on Horse- back" (Broadhurst), which is in its final week; "Kid Boots" (Earl Car- roll); "Expressing Willie" (48th Street); "The Show OfT (Play- house); "Chariot's Revue of 1924" (Selwyn) and "Innocent Eyes" (Winter Garden). In the cut rates the offerings were "Poppy" (Apollo); "Two Strangers From Nowhere" (Bayes); "Cheaper to Marry" (Delmont); "The Shame Woman" (Comedy); "White Cargo" (DSly's); "Spring CleanlnR" (El- tinge); "The Melody Man" (49th St.); "The Kreutzer Sonata" (Fra- zee); "Saint Joan" (Qarick); "Fash- ion" (Greenwich Village); "Blos- som Time" (Jolson'a); "Meet the Wife" (Klaw); "Little Jessie James" (Little); "Moonlight" (Long acre); "Fata Morgana" (Lyceum) "The Potters" (Plynniouth); "The Wonderful Visit", (Princess); "The Fatal Wedding" (Ritz); "Vogues" (Shubert); "The Bride" (S9th St.), and "Mr. Battling Buttler" (Times Square). Maher. (Attorney, Eugene Mackey, 14 Wall street.) Dramatists' Theatre Realty Corp., New YorK; theatrical, motion pic- tures, realty; 2,000 shares preferred stock, )100 par value; -8,000 shares common stock non par value; Jesse C. Millard, Hamilton Hadley, Henry L. Steltz. (Attorney, S. V. Ryan, Al- bany, N. Y.) Action Pictures, Inc., New York; motion pictures; (25,000; K. A. Sherpick, L. 1. Shelley, R. C. Van Aken. (Attorneys, Melvln & Sher- pick, 165 Broadway.) Cultura Producing Co., Inc., New York; amusement business; |5,000; Alberta Ganz, Julius Kendler, Her- man I,apin. (Attorneys, Kendler & Goldstein, 1540 Broadway.) H. A 8. Theatres, Inc., New York; manage theatres; $100,000; Rose B. Schiff, Sara Zuckerman, Fannie Wald. (Attorneys, Shalne & Weln- rlo, 299 Broadway.) OKLAHOMA Midwest Film Exchange of Arkansas, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Incorporators: T. H. Slothower, Merta Slothor/«r and P. R. Isley. Central Texas Theatres Corp., Austin and Waco; capital stock, $25,000; Incorporators: Charles B. Marsh, E. S. Fontress, Harold B. Franklin and Thomas W. Vernon. DR. HUGO RIESENFELD Treasurer, Jewish Theatrical Guild, RIALTO THEATRE, NEW YORK CITY. Enclosed find $10 for a year's dues to enroll me as a member of the Jewish Theatrical Guild. ' i. .■■-•„,,■■■. Name. ......;.........., . . Address Members or prospective members desiring application blanks for mem- * bership may procure them upon request. INCOBFORATIONS (Continued from page T) Rose Sandlow, Elizabeth C. Dreyer. (Attorneys, Gilbert Bt Gifbert, 43 Exchange place.) Louis Clayton Co., Inc., New York; restaurant, theatrical pro- prietors, etc.; $5,000; Bertha Mer- ker, P. E. Franklin, Saul Gordon. (Attorney,- Saul Gordon, 19 West 44th street.) Oscar Green Theatrical Corp., Brooklyn; operate theatres, etc.; $10,000; Oscar Green, F. M. Rap- port, Lena Horowitz. (Attorney, Charles W. Groll, 228 West 42d street.) Anel Theatrical Corp., Now York; theatrical; $10,000; F. M. Rapport, Lee Horowitz, Rose M.xrshak. (At- torney, Charles W. Groll, 228 West 42d street.) Seneca Camera Manufaoturing Co., Inc., Rochester; cameras, etc.; $25,000; Burnslde MacCuiiim, John J. Skelly, M. J. Kerner. (Attorneys, Harris, Beach, Harris & Watson, Rochester, N. Y.) Sering D. Wilson & Co., Ine, New York; pictures; 300 shares non par value. Directors: S. D. Wilson, R. W. Wetherald, H. C. Wless. Sub- scribers: F. V. Donegan, P. B. Healy, M. A. Ernst. (Attorneys. Barber & Stetson, 32 Broadway.) Twin Pictures Corp., Yonkers; pictures; 200 shares non par value. Directors: Myron L. Lesser, Pearl Cohen, Whitmaa Bennett, Viola Mc- Laughlin. Sabra Ellis. (Attorney, M. L. Lesser, 366 Madison avenue.) Sensitized Films, Inc., New York; films, etc.; $100,000; Arthur A. ICaye, Williv.m A. Durcan, EJdw. A. USYLPHE 1658 Broadway, corner 51it St. NEW YORK Ballet, Acrobatic, Orientale THIS MARRIAGE (Continued from Page 18) mandment and the final curtain falls on another embrace. There is one very objectionable spot—where the vamp tells the wife, in the presence of her husband, she seduced hubby and he was merely a "fall guy." The play is not uninteresting, but It is not convincing. None of the characters by word or deed Is able to Justify the points of view, and in the sex tangle they are more polite than emotional. Herbert Marshall plays Chris with a smile upon his face and a manner oh! so nice. Cathleen Nesbitt strug- gles with the wife's arguments, and Talluiah Bankhead vamps valiantly. Jolo. $15 REDUCTION IN PRICE Permanent Wave Entire Head, •IX MONTHS OUARANTEC S.BO p«r Carl We apedalize <n the Boyith Bob Out. B>lr Colsrinc Djcliw LatMt Belentifle UrtlKXIa 0»M EfWllll, Cnil/ADIVC Tel. BiTiuit lOlU CLfrr f\l%.Lf ^ 1C7 WMt 47th St. J A THKATBICAX. IMSTITVTK— STUDIOS tK West SU* Btrmt NKW VORK CITT Quick ICathod Inatmotlono. Star* Daao- Inc. Miuio and Tbemtr* Arts Kahaar—I H»ll» Tt Rmnt BELCANO KEBFS THE TKAB8 AW AT. CLEANSES SKIN—BUILDS TISSUE—TRY IT Sel4 by Sttra Btm.. B. Altaiu H*ri«n LMtkar. Mth. at Braaaway. N. V. CaU rLOSS OBTH. Brjant »51* BEI,CAMO CO.. IBS W. 4Xd St., Naw Toik 4 , thiriil ' >^p of the trail n^erj •ltd the Inspiration of the Great Outdoors in mOe-h^ Alps await you and at the end of each glorious dajr cosy cabins of a Bungalow Camp In the CANADIAN PAUFIC ROCKIB& Nine such (^mps with commuitlty houss and csntrsl cabins are now ettabliSh«d,asch In s wonderspot, sup* plemanting the superb hotels at Banff and Lake LoulsSb Hare is the perfect vacation easy to reach—moderate rates ■ no passports required for Canada. Summer •onrist tickets at greatly reduced fares. Can or tvrlte for Information on Tour C-tOO V. a. Perry, Cieneral As«nt, I>aaaeii(er. Depwrtment HadlMMi Ave. at 44th St.. Mew Xerk Canadian PadfiC IT 8PAMt TBB WOiOD J > V ■J V' '• V A- •'> '•> 'y '> i»'-