Variety (June 1924)

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V ARIBTT Wedae«l«7, June i, 18M LAUGH FACFORYj ■ ■ ■ » ■ 1 A, ■ . , SUCCESSFULLY APPEARED AT THE LONDON HIPPODROME, LONDON, ENG.; FOLLIES BERGERE, PARIS; WINTER GARDEN THEATRE, BERLIN; THE AQUARIUM THEATRE, ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, AND THE KURSEU THEATRE, CAIRO, EGYPT. NOW PLAYING (JUNE 2) B. F. KEITH'S NEW YORK HIPPODROME Direction HARRY WEBER **The" Book of thm Year "Right oft the Chest" By NELUE REVELL With a Pr«fac« by IRVIN COBB PublUhad hr OBOROa a. DORAN. N*w Tork PRICE $2.50 rrti WKiTTBN roB tbs show rEOFLB, AIX SHOW FKOPLK— ALL OTKB H»r* la th* thrllllns and tma ■tory of Nallla Revell. 8h* lay helpleaa In her bad and wrote It. It waa literally written "rUht off the cheat." It la a book of tenderness and lauKhter, with a drawing on the frontispiece of Nellie by James Uont- (omery Plagar, while mmoni the contributing illustrators are Rutw Ooldberg, Orace D. Drayton. J. W. MeQurk, W. B. Hill. Clara BrIgRs. Tony Barg. Herschfleld, T. A. (Tad) Dorgan, Thornton Fisher, Will B. Johnstone, Uartln Branner and Bid Uugbea. HumorouM, Uaeful, Ornamental, Educational I NEI.I.IE REVELL Hotel Somerset, Weitt 417th Street New Tork City Please send me cop.... of-••lllght Otr the Chest" at »2.50 » copy (postage 15o). for which I enclose Check or M. O. for % INSIDE STUFF ON LEGU (Continued from page IS) Now. the secret Is out about Arthur Levy, trouplngr around with the Irene Bordonl ahow at present. Only It la claimed toy his pal. aeorge Sul- livan, that Arthuj-'s flower Is made of c«J>vaa. Harry J. Powers may do considerable shifting with th© executive per- sonnel of his Chicago theatres next season. Rollo Tlmponi. who managed the Colonial, is listed to move in the same capacity to the Illinois, -with Edward Woppler, who is now managing that house, succeeding Guy Hardy at the Blackstone, with Hardy to retire. John Mooney, manager of the Powers, Is scheduled to assume the position of treasurer at the Illinois. It's Times square talk that W4II Page, handling th« p, a. work for "The Follies," took quite a personsd hand in giving the "Follies" t*ie break on all the space he could with the nemspaper men in the Tinney-Wilson scandal. BUI is reported having been very "chummy" wiUi the boys covering the story. Imogene Wilson la under contract for Zlesfeld'a new show. Some months ago a showman who produced several attractions, one making a fair run on Broadway, disappeared. He turned up in London married to an actress who is appearing In Alms over there. It is reported the ex-manager forgot to divorce his first American wife, who is residing In New York and is unaware of her successor. "Ekirly to Bed," when in Washington, says OeorgA Cboos. played to $5,500, not $3,000, as reported. George also says the salaries of the "Battling Buttler" cast have been cut but once. tending beyond May 31 of this year has brought with it to some members who obeyed a kick-back in the way of a notice. Where a show's manager issued a run of the play contract with the May 31 termination, it left the manager in a position to give notice of quittal on May 31, and, of course, to secure another and cheaper actor. It has happened. George Cohan some time ago induced Willie Collier to go over to Philadelphia to see a show George had produced, but had not written. Cohan told Collier the piece fn its every act got laughs, but couldn't get the people to the box office. Something was the matter, said Cohan, and he couldn't detect it. Cohan and Collier watched the performance. Collier said the first act looked all right, the second, also, with the final act a little weak. Walking over to their hotel after the show, Co'han suddenly remarked: "Willie, I have it. That show needs a finish. What do you think?'" "Right, GeorKie." answered Willie, "and I think about Saturday night." "That's It," snidl Cohan, and the show closed Saturday night. When William Elliott sailed for Kurope his wife ftnd children re- maining here, Mrs. Elliott appearing In pictures. Her professonnl name is Liouise Legranee, said to be the youngest member of the Comedy Fran- calse and the only actress admitted to that organization during the war. Mile. Legrange's picture appearances have Included supiiort of Pola Negri. She recently completed work with "The Mountebank," and Is now working in the new Valentino feature, "The Sainted Devil." She will return to Paris with the two children In July. I Name Addreaa It was reported Donald Gallagher had beer placed In Low Fields' "Mel- ody Man" under a contract Gallagher held with the Shuberts. That was an error, since Gallagher neither has held nor holds a contract with the Shuberts; he was engaged direct by Fields. \ Times Square Hesdqoartors: HARLOWE & LUTHER Mth Street and Uroadway, New York (Thla AdTertlsement U Contribnted) One of the most Interesting serial biographloal artidea the Saturday Evenfhg Post has ever printed started with a delightful sweep last week when the Felix Ismnn story of "Weber and Fields" (in which Wesley W. Stout collaborated) appeared. The "Post" will carry along the scries at intervals. The announced closing of "The Mirrvcio" June 28 with an attendent slatement that the production Is not halt paid for, although the show made $180,000 profit over operation oxpensos, is not surprising to Broad- way, although Morris Ges^. waa confident of running the big pantomime through summer. Not only is the alxtfW in tht box, but others concerned did not profit. Paddy Carey, who made the actual production under contract at $160,000, is said to have lost over $25,000, but it Is .ilso .naid Gest was fair enough to help Carey ou*, the latter receiving more than the contract agreement called for. When "Vanities" closed in Chicago, many of the company went to Peggy Hopkins Joyce and requested a picture Peggy didn't turn a single one fjown and took the time to write her name across the front. The stagehands with the show say that Miss Joy<co remembered them with a little cash, but nobody .seemed to care about It as long as there was a chance ti got the photograph. NEW YORK THEATRES ■■■■■■■■■■MHiHS^Sa—IW inmSON Thea, W 4« St. Eva « 30 L. LAWRENCE WEBRR rres^nts THB DRAMATIC .SENSATION COBRA with A runFECT CAST PETPIIDI ir* 4>d St., W. of Bway. ■*Ci» WDI-ilV* BVONINOS at (:l». Matinees Wednesday & Saturday ANNE NICHOLS' Great Comedy "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" "THE PUKY THAT PUTS •U' IN HUMOR" MARK >TRAN D The mandate of Ekiulty that its members should not sign contracts ex- ATTENTION— Look for Name SAMUEL NATHANS Befors Entering Any Storo. PROFESSIONAL liiS New 1924 Models lilow on Display Shopworn and 8lli;htly Uaed Taylor, Hartman, Indeatructo and Bat Trunka alwaya oa hand. Vn DO BBPAIRING. WRITS FOB CATALOG. SAMUEL NATHANS, Inc. 568 Seventh Avenue, between 40th and 4Ut Streets, New York City 80LB AGENTS FOB BAM TRUNKS IN THE EAST Phaaeai I,«ncfMire 6ia7->S19 H'M WHSON-MacLEAN, WBTTEBS Charles Wilson and Ted MacLican have formed a business partnership and opened offices In the Gaiety theatre building. They will, write and sell acts and shows. Charlie Wilson writss the music and MacLean the lyrics and prose. Among the first of the Wilson- MacLean products that will be placed on the market Is a new comedy drama, with music, entitled "The Westerner." BROADWAY and 47tli STREET ••A NATIONAI, INSTITUTION" Direction Jotieph riunkett GEORGE ARLISS IN "$20 A WEEK" STRAND HVMrHONY ORCHESTRA EARL CARROLL THEATRE Ttb Ave. and iOib St. Bvenlnga M:x(a. Thurnday and Sat. ZIEGFELD PRODUCTION EDDIE CANTOR in "KID BOOTS" with MARY EATON TUB NEW MP8IOAL BBWaATIOW JULIA SANDERSON In the MnalrnI ConiMly 0«m FULTON DBHimBK Th»a.. W. Mth 9U rr« i:J» V. Rar Cooutark * Motrli Qcst oVm Belteii. Wodtkoete aai Kira't NtwMt Hatlcal Comdy SITTING PRETTY WITH QUEENIE SMITH lU Doubt (he Bnt Mailwl Comtdy la Tnnit Mont te iaiaerltl Tkeatre M«aday nut. Juae t "MR. BATTLING BUTTLER" The Swifteat, Speedlent, Danclcst Show at the Tear! With rnARI.KS KUGOT.Efl and « n'onrtrrful cni.t of 80 dnnrlnc rhnmiiiona TIMES SO ^^'t <'<! .St.jMAT.S. WRW, "'•• Hvenln«»8:J0|» SAT. 2:I« IS (( »» MOONLIGHT A\ LONGACRE THEATRE W. 48 St. Bva 1:30 Mata Wed. & Sat. , HOXICE — WANTED FOR THE COMING SEASCWI — Comedians, Prima Donna.s, Straight Men, Soubrcttss, Ingenue^, Dancing Tcam.9, Produccns Cor burlesque stock in Milwaukee and Minneapolis. , _^i Answer, either r, IKE WEIBEIR, Columbia Theatre Buildins:, New York City, or i':::::::::::::JtOX:i&:KRAIJSEf fiayet9c:Xbndrr::M4n«vk«:::::;::::r:^: DT AVrrnTTQl?'' <*'■ ■ <* n^'r. I«r» l«M iriiillllUUOXE,,. 8;M. VU. Wad.-Sit.. »:15 STEWART * FRGNCn prrarnt The Comedy Hit of llie Tear THE mm-m By GEOROE KELLV KLAW Thoatra, W 4S St.. Eves, t IT ^^^^ Mata. Wed. * Sat., 2:20 Stewart and French Will Da Keli ghto d to Have Ton MEETtheWIFE with MART BOLAND ig Lynn Starlinc' a LAughlns Sueeeaa ELTINGE la^r^ad"* SiV*^ Tiia WBLwnra nuMi PRBDIBRICK LONSDALVS New Ooiaadr SPRING CLEANING with TTOUBT BBMINO 10TKLI,B WINWOOD ARTHPm BTBO N A. K. MATOBWS •■« Otken MARYPICKFORD in the triumph of her career "DOROTHY VERNON OF HADDON HALL" A MnrMlinll Nellan rroiliirtlon UniltniUn h«I1», Smdway at 44tli 8t. tUHr l:3l>-8:]0. Siuidar MaUneu. 1 The Theatre Guild presents BERNARD HIIAW'S SAINT JOAN r> ADDir>|r TlicBtre. (IS W J5lh Bt. "^"Mata. Wed. and Siit., 2;M Il.-oadway'a Neweat Moalral Revwe KEEP KOOL with H.\ZRI, DAWN, CHAKI.KS KINO, JOIINNK UOOLKT And a C'horua of "Keep Kool" Culea ISAltl. CARROM, prcaentif WHITE CARGO By LEON GORDON Jj?ALX'5fiad&T. s;;.i^.^',;U