Variety (June 1924)

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r WednMday, June 4, IMM VARIETY 4« AU UottU CR Tki» Putt* Ctarry th» Indonmmmni af Somm Diaerim d i mtu ig Member of ikm Thoatri' col Profoatiott, and in Rttum CuaremUm Ad- vmiumd Ratm Fifty-two WoekM of thm Ymar HOTEL HUDSON ALU NEWLY DECORATED {8 and Up Sinai* 12 and Up Deubl* Rot »nd C«ld Watar aad TatopboiM la Baeh Ronm. lot WEST 44t»i STREET NEW YORK CITY Fbaari BBTAMT TtZB-M HOTEL FULTON (Id (h* Besit •! N«« Cork) t 8 and Up Singla t14 and Up Doubia Ibowtr Oaihs. Ref >n4 CoM vvater and Talephnnc. BIrrfrIc fan In aaeh room. 264-268 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK CITV FboBAt Laakawaana 69M-1 Oppoalta N. V. A. Hotel Howard SYRACUSE, N. Y. ■arapaao Plaa Naar All Tbaatre* BATB81 Running water, tl-li aincl*, $X.OO doubl* Privat* batb. lt.M ■in(l*. )1.00 double LUANA APARTMENTS t78S DroodnraT, at 107th Street NKW TORK Nlealj fumlahad rooma, many with houaokaepinc facllltlea; all nlKbt •levator and talapbona aarvlce. 18 to $15 WEEKLY Convenient to all traualt tacilltlea LOKDONHOTES (Continued from page 10) forbidden everything that might look the part, but at the last mo- ment was persuaded to allow a mask to appear on thp platter. Alfred Dove, the muaical director of the Coliseum, has been made an Officer d'Academie by the French minister of fine arts. For some 25 years he has been at the head of the ranks of vaudeville musicians. Binnie Hale has been ordered to rest and has retired from "Pup- I pets" at the Vaudeville. Her place ' la being taken by Clarice Mayne. "The Merry Widow" will be re- vived at the Lyceum, Hay 28. This narks another milestone In the life of the house. The "Old Vic" company opena at the New Oxford on Whit Monday. The last play of tbelr present sea- son In the old housa will be •Twelfth Night." TAVERN A CHOP HOUSE I OF EXCEPTIONAL NERIT ' 156-8 WEST 48TH STREET East of Broadway —— S^ I-ieonard Hicks, Operating Hotels GRANT-^^^'o—LORRAINE Speciai Rateit to the Profeaaion PiMMt LOMOAOBB 1M44. OBO. F. ■cxnanDRR, Pi«». FURNISHED APARTMENTS THE BERTHA ooMPURB »OB BOonaaBrofo. oi.b;*m and aib*. 323-325 West 43ni StrMt NEW YORK CITY PvlTata Batk. S-« Baaau. Catartas ta tka eoaatart «b« ea»»aa l a«ea •• (ka pratcsaiaB. STBAM HBAT AMD BLBCTBIC LlOtn ..... «!&«• OT The McALPIN HOTEL IOTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, PA . IN THE HEART OP THEATRE AND 8H0PPINQ DISTRICT WIBE TOUB KESEBVATI0N8 MODERN FIKRPIIOOF PIIONB8: WALNUT 4S4C-7-S HOTEL HARDING BROADWAY AT 64TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY Front- apartmanta, nawljr ranovatad parlor, thraa badrooma and bath, win aocom- modata SIX peopla. tBO waeklT. Apartmanta parlor, badroom and bath. 135 waekly. HrBClAl. MOSTHI.T KATBS ARISTO HOTEL 101 WEST 44TB tTBBBT. MBW XOBK FOR THE/TR^CAL FOLKS Runnins water lelephona In a»ar» room. Ratea: SIncIc tlO.EO api Sit ap with batb TalF9hoBc lltl-lIM BryaM RUANO APARTMENTS SCO Eighth Are. (49th SL) Newly furnished two rooms, bath Hotai sarvloa, waakly or monthlF. Bryaat 4494-S.6-7 INSIDE STUFF ON VAUDEVILLE ■ • - . ■ ■^ - ■ « •' ■ (Continued from Page 7) offlce. The ?rlrl was flned and freed. It i« understood that »he Is now In Detroit continuing her public mind-reading demonstrations. Some time ago Rex Adams wrote a scenario for lioona LaMar entitled "Tho Girl With 1,000 Eyes." Before plans were fully completed for the making of the film a New York book publishing house suggested It be put in book form. Adams then ai-ranepd with Miss LaMar and her manager, Walter A. Shannon, for the novelizatlon and a book of 75,000 words will be placed on the stands the latter part of July, soUfhg for $1.60. Plans ft>r the making of the picture will l>e effected this summer. For some reason Alex Pantages wanted to make a strict secret of his engagement o.' Fatty Arbuckle in vaudeville. Arbuckla opena at San Francisco next Sunday. In his vaudeville act he will make no reference to his court troubles, nor will he come far east on the Pan time, although the fllm comedian may take up another Pan route in the fall. The suit for 18,000 against Jack tAit, brought by Margie CatUn. wlto alleged a breajoh of contract, was dismissed by Supreme Court Justice Deletaanty before the^ action reached the Jury. The court held no contract between the parties had been established. Miss Catlln testifled LAlt had engaged her for a vaudeville act at $80 weekly the first season, $100 weekly the second and $150 a week the third. Lait denied ha had given Miss Catlln an agreement. "^y Sweetiieart" Minnie Palmer la not the same Minnie Pahner who is the mother of the Marx Brotbec*. The boyw' mothar la a slstar of AJ Shean (Qallagher and Shean). The Frank Tlnney aaaault oliarga made by Imogana WUson of the Zlegfeld "Follies" was made « eausa celebra tiy tha M«w York dailies. The New York "Dally News" was the first to aiirlnc Ilia assault story, as a "News" reporter bad accompanied Miss WllsOB to hor home for an inter- view on tbe evening Tinney is aUeged to Itava eommlttad ttie assault It is said that when tha reporter and Miss WOaon arrived they fonnd Tlnney naked on a aofa in the Wilson apartment. Ha commenced to abuse both. The "'News" reporter Is said to have mentioned they T>oth made him tlre<' and bowed out witliotrt divulging who he was or his busi- ness there. Whereupon it was reported Tinney accused Miss Wilson of having designedly brought the stranger to her home, with tha assault following. Judge McAndrew in the West Side court the necKt day refused Miss Wilson a warrant, offering her m, summons for Tinnay, but 'suggesting she go to the West C8th Street Detective Bureau If wishing an arrest made. The "News" that morning had printed the story In detail with the aur- mise the samj reporter heord about K over the phone after Tinney had gone to aleep in the Wilson apartment and Miss Wilson with her maid had fed. Miss Wilson and the detective hunting Times aquare learned Tlnney had gone home to I'reeport. li. I., on the liCS train, following a rumpus he had had with a woman he said was his wife (BMna Davenport) at Broadway and 4Sd street the evening before. That occurred before Tinney reached tha Wilson home the same night. Tinnay's wife had come up from Freeport to locate him through the stoiles about hla picture having been found In the Wilson woman's aport- ment. wHh the Wilson girl said to have taken "poison." What she actually swallowed were cathartic pills. At Broadway and 4td street in the early evening the traffic 417-419 S. Wabash ATewia 350 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IRVINGTON HALL HENRI COURT Ml West Slat Streat SIS Wast 48th Stroat •CM Clnda SSSO Longacra HILOONA COURT S41-S<T WaM 4Stb Btreat. SSM Umftti*. l-S-S-4-rooin Rpa itm ai Ha . Badi apartaaBt with prtrato tatk. tetha l-S-S-4-rooin apartiMnts. Badi apartat phena. Utetaan. Idtcaanatta. SlioO UP WIKKLY—fniJlO UP MONTHLY Tha largaat maiatalaar of houaakaapinc fkmlahad diractly under the ■uparvlaton of tba owner. Itooatad tha theatrical dlstrleC AU flrsproof bnllSIn—. Address all conuannlaatlona to CHAMLBS TENENBAUM Principal office. Hlldona Courl. U1 Waal 46til M, Naw Yark Apartments oa« ke aeen evening*. Offlos la »»eih tmOdimo. Hoisekeem Finished Aptrtaeits rf the Belter lU THE DUPLEX r 330 Weat 43rcl Street, New Tbraa aad foar rooma With bath, eomplata kltehaa. M* Will aoeommedata foar or aaera Malta ftAJl Cl iiii ■ ii lL il l iiia to M. OUUfAX. S«a \ 713t THE ADELAIDE MBS. L LBTET Prop, OEL'S One Moment West of Broadway at 41st Street Tke BandesTaaa at tha Laadlas LIshto •( Utanitara aad tlM ataaa. Tba Bast Vaed aad BntrrtalniaaDt ta Maw Yark. Maala aad Daaalns $1 Ov Bpedsl: ASirloia Itosk sal Potatoes (Any Stjlo) $] Ye Oldo Boiled Dinner MRS. JIM THORNTON'S "LKtle Graan Room" 141 Waat SMk atrsat Kaw Tark Phona Bndloott 10tT4 MOW imoBB mnr MAMAOBiaor* 7S4.7M EIGHTH AVENUE Bit ami 4atli aad «7tk Oaa. Twa. Thraa, •triaUy rraftailaaal YANDIS COURT 241-247 West 43d Street NEW YORK UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Newly renovated and decorated 1, 2, 3 and 4 room apBrtmcnta; priratS, shower baths; with and without kitchenetta, alio aiaid acmoa. $15.00 and up weekly. Under snperriakMi of MBS. SKAIfAN HOTEL AMERICA 47th St., Just East of Broadway NEW YORK CITY Tha omr exclnalva Thaatrlcal Hotal at modarata prloaa Id Naw Tork Cltr- Our rataa ar^ reaaonabia to tha profaaaloa. Larsa room, with privata bath, tlT.tS par waak. ainsla room, wltheat bats. 114 par waak. Make Your Reservation in Advanea 320 W. 96th St Fumifhed Rooms pitVBts Utahsa. tl4.«* pea alaetrielty, na t^rsa waak. Doubla room, with kltehanatta waak. Inaopaadaat phaaai ap-te-4a>% B. r. WAIXBB, MiBiaiS Phoaa till RlvaraMe heard a woma:i demand tha man with har cat out of tha omr aba waa driving. This he nnally did. As the poUeaoBaa airlvad aakluff Ttenar why he did not leave since the woman apparoBftly Sldn't want hhn, Tlnnar replied: "You don't know what you'are talkli^ alwut. Tbat'a mf Jaw wife." At this juncture the woman drove oO^ and without Tlnnar> - After Tlnney rettu-nad to his Freeport hoaa tba (oUowlac Sajr tba Naw Tork pollca phoned tho Mineola airthorltlaa to taka him iBto eostody.' which they did. with Tlnney arraigned In vourt, tai Maw Totik, bald IB $2,600, and the cose adjourned to this Friday, attir a ooupla <iC poalpoaa ments. At each appearanca la court Tinnay Jaatad ovar tba mattar, brtedav him more publicity. It Is said ha doaa Bot oonaldar tha eharga sarloaalr and has oCTorcd to wacsr Mlaa WUson will not co thronch with It IClaa Wilson gave out some guahy Intarylews about Tlaaay, hla lovabla atutlltlaa and ferocloua temper whan oadar tha teflaanoa of Maixw, aa Ttnnsr claimed to have bean tha alcbt iM la ehai«ad wHb tha aaaaiiW A c«K>rua girl In Ohloago. who aoma ttaaa ace nada daka to a abarva against Tlnney for mayhem, baa slnca aUegad tb» racatrad 110,000 froaa Tlnney in settlement ^mat charga raoalvad no jntbUdty. ' Tlnney is under contract to the Harrla-BarUa 'Voaia Box RavoaT' for next season •* $1,500 waekly. Ha lately finMied tba Music Box In New Tork at fl.lOO a waak. Thara hava I as to whether the current pubUolty Tinnay baa baaa taoal>l n y win bis Harrla.Berlin agreement fi>^ tha futnraw A cable to the "Times Bquara Dally" Monday atetad that nagotlatlaM which were on for Tinnay to appear In a London rarua this aununar bad been called oft upon tba pabUcatlon tat I/indon of tba Tinnay aasaalt Blat- ter in New Tork. Ray Meyers, the Orpheum Cta-cult'a. booker, bolda tba dlatlacMae a( having the only liquor violation eharga agalnat bbn Ibat la an He was chargiMl wUh purchasing liquor in a dnif atora. The wets wanted to make it a test case, but when anui(aad Mr. said he had made the purchase and paid a Una of |M. Why the "test" didn't go through no one kaowa. Aa tha mattar aaaM up In court somebody remarked, "Oh, thla la tba aaaa tbat raoalvad »» much publicity," and the teaters may have daoldad to uaa thair efforts on liquor only instead of liquor caaea. ''SO YOU'RE GOING TO PARIS'' (by Clare E. Lauahnn) li a book that will lir* rou Um aawitlal lafonBaOan abeot Park. Ottaar i t iaia w ehafr aaanaal fou will tnjor Ml the waj oT«r are •n»mt la Srxa Oayi" (ky Artkar ailtta). "LaaJaa aa4 Hi 'Tka Lara af ttit RIviara" ky (Fraaeaa Saalkii) tatar laMa kaak. ■OlBlaf la Pari*" (ky SaaMnrlHa Stary). A trlcpAoDa call will krlnf Uuoi la i«a btfora yoar a Ct)eatre Stdtrut Soofi0f)op TMi rw C«al DUooaat te tha rtaf 1 ■nrtrwn" laiiMlirti). A l«l« Broadway. W. T. (Hat m. Bntraaae) Clrola IMI