Variety (June 1924)

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VA KIBTT Wednesday, June 25, 1884 BEN BERNIE RBCORnlNQ FOR VOCALION RECORDS (Direction, Morrta & Fell) PERSONAL. KBPKBSENTATIVE HERMAN BERNIE Btrand Thxatra KalkllnB Mew Yatk Cltjr Acclaimed by Press and Public "The Most Wonderful oflhutce OrcheBtrat^' BEN BERNIE AND His Orchestra AN EXCEPTIONAL COMBINATION, PLAYING A UNIQUE RHYTHM SET TO THE ULTRA IN MUSIC SUMMER ENGAGEMENT at the H OTEL OPEN ALL TEAB SHELBURNE SPECIAL DINNER $1-50 Ocean Parkway Station, Brighton Beach, N. Y. SHORE Private Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, etc. DINNER $2-75 The Guardian of a Good Complexion STEIffS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED HIIKE-UPy Hold* the Centre of the Stage have a dramatic stock after all. Thomas Fowler, a local, attorney, is opening one with Robert Ames and Lotus Rob heading the cast, at the Belasco, June 30. This is rumor No. 1, as set forth last week, t-hat has been confirmed. Ben Bernie extends a cordial invitation to his friends in and out of the profession to visit him at the Shelhurne, easily reached via auto through Prospect Park 'o the sea end of Ocean ParkToay. Thirty minutes via B.-M. T. trains (Brighton line) from Times Square. Rumor No. 2 also has been set: right: Harry Jarboe, for years man- ager of the Gayety, burlesque, is being transferred to Cincinnati, Rumor No. 3 is also set: Jack Gar- rison Is to manage the Cosmos, where Mutual burlesque is to hold forth. Mutual is reported to be pay- ing between |16,000 and (18,000 (or the house on Pennsylvania avenue,f Practically all members of Con- gress have now left Washlnjrton, and the "biggest show" of them all Is closed until Dec. 1. j . • Sylvia Clark sailed Saturday from Frisco to Honolulu for a short stay. On her return she will start work on her 10-week contract making For comedies. INDIANAPOLIS by VOLNEY B. FOWLER MURAT — "The Vplce In Dark," Murat Players. ENGLISH'S — "Broadway Jones Berkell Players. CAPITOLr—"Abie's Irish Rose." the The hottest week In June :or sev- eral months continued ti. give the- atres a bad break. Rain and cold had Interfered for several weeks. Charles Berkell's players con- tinued to be the leading attraction of »the city, outside the free mun- icipal shows. The weather dlJ not hurt the Berkell outfit nor "Abie's Irish Rose" at the Capitol, so "Able" stayed on for the third week. The minimum hope is for four weeks for "Able." The Murat Players did not do so well last week with "Chrrlle's Aunt." DRAPERY FABRICS nOHTS — HOSE — JEWEUIT TRIMMINGS D AZIAN'S 142 West 44th Street New York NO TABNIsn Something caused the Circle to do less than was expected with the first week of the new name act policy. The 40 piece orchestra has been cut to seven pieces for the summer and one bi time name act a week substituted. Tom IJrown's saxophone band was the first act. cently to visit Harlan Fengler, auto- mobile race driver, injured in a trial spin preliminary to the &00 mile Speedway race last month. She denied stories of their engage- ment. A. C. Zaring, proprietor of the North Star and Garrick, neighbor- hood photoplay theatres, has an- nounced purchase of a site at 28th street and Central avenue, for a new 1,200 seat movie The theatre will be situated in the heart of a fine residential district. The municipal companies are standing them far out into the grounds around the tent auditoriums at Brookside and Garfleli parks. Shirley Mason stopped here re- ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? Steamslilp •ccommodatloDS arranced on all Lines at Main Ofllcf Price*. Doata are coins very fall: aminice early. Foreign Honry bnasbt nod aold. Liberty Bonds booKbt and sold. PACL TACSIO * SON. 104 East 14th St.. New York Phone StnjTesant 8138-G1S7 Variety-Clipper Bureau, WASHINGTON, D. C. Evans BIdg. New York Av*. to Robert Long, manager of the bouse. This, however, cannot be considered a change as the arrange- ment between Shields and Moore was an odd one. Shields had man- aged the Garden for Moore for a long term; when Moore closed the house be transferred Shields to the Rialto, practically making a place for him there at his former salary. Jimmy Troupe, auditor for George M. Cohan productions for a num- ber of seasons. Is now affiliated with Al Greenstone. The latter is a well-known theatre concession- aire specializing In books and songs. By HABDIE UEAKIK "The heat has came!" and when that happens In Washington It is like no other place in the world. 7%e change made at the Rlalto when Tom Moore turned the house over to Universal on a long term lease, has as yet made no material changes either in the staff nor the line-up of pictures. The only one to leave is Corbin Shields, assistant At Poll's, with De Wolf Hopper and his musical stock, the Impetus of the first week, jrhen everyone "raved" over the show, carried them over into tbe hot spell and with all reports still bright. "Robin Hood" this week. "Pinafore" underscored. Pictures current: Rlalto, "The Re- coU"; Pathce, "The Heart Bandit"; Columbia, Betty Compson in "Mi- ami"; Metropolitan, "Cytherea"; Tlvoli, "Hold Your Breath." LASYLPHE 1658 Broadway, corner 51st St NEW YORK Ballet, Acrobatic, Orientale It looks as if Washington was to DIXON'S Hairdressing Parlor 2626 Broadway, New York Between Oth and 100th Streets Phone T4(4 Riverside Theatrical Wis* fW Bala or Htr* SARATOGA SPRINGS IDEALLY LOCATED FARM, 98 ACRES WITH MODERN BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS. SUITABLE LOCATION FOR MOVIE STUDia SACRIFICE DUTTON & KILSHEIMER ^ 217 Broadway, New York City !3- McKINLEY ''THE AMERICAN SOPRANO'' JOHN DALEY at the Piano This Week (June 23), B. F. KEITH'S BUSHWICK, BROOKLYN July 7, Davis, Pittsburgh; July 14, Keith's, Detroit; July 21, Niagara Falls; July 28, Schenectady and Albany; Aug. 4, Keith's, Washington; Aug, 11, Keith's, Philadelphia; Aug, 18, Maryland, Baltimore; . .: ~ Aug, 25, Proctor^s, Newark ; '— \ .■ .., v-- ,^ .■ ■, ,, ■■y-- — : ~ Direction ALF T. WILTON . y. ' r