Variety (July 1924)

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• •« HB "'VAfRfii^Y .\\^ B. AND 0. ROUTES '' (Continued from page S3) tJrnn, Sammr, 2003 WIcblU St., DftlUi. M Kaaba, Btlly, Waycroii. Ga. Mack, Austin, CIndrrclIa, Cblcaco. Mack, Jean, Golden Lily Cafe. Chicago. ' Bfadden, G., Edan Dance IlalU Ne« Oaatle, Del. _ t MaloeUa, Frank K., riper Studloi^ Du- ' luth. ■ Major, r. J.. 3007 Third St., Ocean Park, Oal. Makin, AI, Swlmmlnc Pool, Allenburit, •r. J. I Maloney. Ralph B., 808 Elinor St.. Knox- I Vllle, Tenn. Mallon, George. Arcadia. Chlcaso. ' Manhattan Society Orch., Healy'a. Boa- ton. Mann, Chrta, Plantation, Culver City, Cal. I Manila. Simon, Arcadia, Asbury Park. K. J Marcalla, Grauman'a Egyptian, Lot An- Kelea. MargrafC, Irving, Blackstone Hotel, Cbl- Bago. I Markela, Mike, RIU Carlton. N. T, C Marks. Al. Archambault. N. Y. C. Martlne George, Arcade, Aabury Park. K J kaaon, Dllly, Rlverton Park, Portland, Me. Master. Charlie. Cadiz, Philadelphia. I Uata, R. N., Strand, Saginaw. May, Hugh, Tacoma Park, Covington. Ky May, Morris. Jung By., N. Y. C. Matt. Lawrence. 23d Armory. Brooklyn. Mayer. Jim. Michigan City. Ind. Mayes. Joe. Parkview Hotel. Memphis. McCourt. Harold. Tulare. Cal. ' McDonald. Harold, Cinderella, Long Beach, Cal. _^ „ . ,. I McDougal, James, Regent Th., Detroit. McDowell. Adrian. Dixie Synoopatora Princess. Honolulu, Hawaii. MoSnelly, Edw. J., SO Sylvan St., Spring- Aeld, Masa _ ^ . ; MoKay. Marlon, Greystone, Dayton. I afcarath, Frank, Weber Duck Inn. I .Wrentham, Mass. I McKenxle Highlanders (William O. Mc- intosh) 320 8. WalMsb Ave., Chicago. MeKown'a Master Mualclan. Hippodrome. Portland, Or*. MoNally, John J., STl McComb Place, Olandals, N. Y. i MoVea, I. S.. 1221 K. 334 St.. liOS An- Kales. Meadow Brook Orch., Dreamland Park. Newark, N. J. aCelnle. Emilia. Solomon's Dane* HaU, XiOt Angeles. Meltser. Sam M., Plnewood Hotel, Flelsch- aiann's, N. T. Memphis FIvs, Frank Slgnorelll. Rose- Biont. Coney Island. Menln. I»u. China Inn, N. T. C. I Merrill, Harry, Poknmoke City. Md. I Merrill, Ignatx. MaUmora, N. T. C MessonKfr. Al, Roseland. Taunton. Mass. ■letropolltan Playws (Tarkea), 142S Broad- war, NYC I Metsger. Rose, 1838 Lont Are., Chicago. I Meyerlnck, Herb, Jlanduja'a, Ban Fran- Cisco. ' Meyers, Bert, Rainbow Gardens, Island Park. Me. I Meyers, Herman, Ocean Plasa Hotel, l/ong Branch, N. J. Meyers, Jack, Leeser's, Philadelphia. Meyers. Louis, Horn's Dance Hall, I^M Angeles. Htjtn. Vie, Hotel del Ooronado, Coro- bad* Beach, Cal. Meyerson, Elsie, 877 Bonnia Bras St., . Iios Angelps. I Miami Syncopatora, Hotel Miami, Day- ; Ion. I Miller, D* Marr, Rock Springs Park, ; Cheater, W. Va. ! Miller, E., Redondo Beach Dance Pavilion. Bedondo Beach. Cal. ( Miller. George C, Palais Royal, Hartford. ' MUler, Nat. 121 WUUama St.. Chelsea, Mass. I Miller, Ray, Beaux Arts, Atlantic City. Miller, W., Rita Carleton, Philadelphia. Mllla, Bill, Hotel Durant, Flint. Mills, Peck, Cumberland, Md. Mlner-Doyle Orch., Aasoclate Dansant, IfSWell. I Mitchell, Al, Arcadia, Providence. I Mitchell, Eddie. Valley Dale, Columbus. ; Moonlight Jazzrj'mphonlsta, (Hlldlng An- Jsrson), "Moonllcht," Longacre, N. Y. C. Moore, DInty, Hunter Island Inn, Pelham, H. T. Morrell, lAwrencs, Adelphna, Dallas. Moore, Prior, IK18 North X>a(ord Ave., Loi . Anceles: I Mo< foore, Virgil, Apollo, Indianapolis. Morrison. George. Rock Rest, Denver. Moser, Clyde, St. Nicholas Rink. N. Y. C. i Mulvanlty, Paul, Nashua. N. H. : Mulvey. Burt. RIts (cabaret). N. T. C. : Munzer. Alfred. Gotham. N. Y. C. Murphy, T. Worth, Chateau. Baltimore. Murphy's Orch., Boar'a Head. Haverhill. Waaa. Murray. Dick. Kins Tut Cafe. Los An- feelea. Myers. SIg, Columbia, Chicago. Myloa. B«t(, Nautical Gardens, Revere Myloa. Bii Beaok. lUaa. N ' Kap. Al. Shapiro ft Hart's, Brooklyn. Kaasberg, Julea, Southern dance tour. , Watsay, Hazay, Blltmore, N. Y. C. Mayior, O. V., Box 823. Birmingham. Naele, Frank, Broadway Gardens, K. T. C. Nelson. '>eona. Shines, N. T. C. Nerr. Art, 6223 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Kttt, Art. Locust Club, Philadelphia. ; Neff, Art. Country Club, Phllmont, Pa. I Melt. Art. Country Club, Ashbourne, Pa. I Metl, Art, Country Club, Roxborough. Pa. Mewlln, Norm (Husk O'Hare), WIntM Garden Restaurant, Chicago. Kswman, Al, Rendezvous, I>os Angeles. New Orleans Jazz Band. Bunani's. B'kiyn. New York Navy Yard Band (N. Banna), Uavy Yard, N. Y. C. Nicholas. Nick. Steeple Chase Pier. At- lantic City. Norwood, Ralph. Bprlngfleld Lake Park. Akron. I Nos. Lew. Port Arthur. B'kiyn. Kovak, Frank J., 12S S. B. First Ave., MUml. I Null. George. Ocean View Be.irh Va. I Nussman, Julius, 147 Windsor Ave. . Bartford. I O'Brien, Cabby, Bangor, Me. O'Hara, Allan, 724 East "D" St., Ontario, Cal. O'Hara, Husk, Cocoanut Grove. Chicago. I O'Hara. Ray, Majestic, Chicago. I _OIIlelbest. G., Marlborough HoteR Asbury Park. i OUen. Georxe "Kid Boots," E:arl Carroll, Itsndeivous, N. T. C. , "Follies," New Amsterdam, N. Y. C. I Otoen. Ole. Carlton Terrace, Cleveland. I O'Nell. Jack, Golden Pheasant, Chicago. I Opvsr, Charles (Morey Pearl), Adams ■«■■•, Boston. _Oresfo Orchestra. Shrewsbury Country Dab, Rfd Bank, ti. J. Original Acs* (D. A. Jobnaton), Brock- Srarrine. Pa. Oriclnal Crescent Orch. (J. F. Wsgman), { Anaory, MIddletown, N, T. ' .Ortdnal Plaaa QulntatU (AL Lawaon). a, N. T. rln«l lUramufflns (Henry H. Tobias). ITsst 4fith St. N. T. C. final Sis, Hotel Du Pont, Wilmington, ole Orchestra (Dan Ruaso. Ted Fao- ■m), Bdcewatsr Beach, Chicago, nlando, Nicholas, Plasa. N. T. C. Ktowlia, raiu. McAlpln. N. T. C Osboma, Qsort*, Nlcollat Hotel. Mlnna- apolls, Owens. Dale. Palaea. Flint MIoh. Oxiey, Harold. Poat Lodge. LarchmoDt. N, T. C. P Pace, George C, RaaevtTle, O. Panser, Raymond. Oriental Gardaa. Chi- cago. I'appalardo, Gasper, Botal Oayoao, Memphis. Paramount Entertainers, Majestto Ball- room, Detroit. Parks, Frank, Tent, Chicago. Parks. Ralph, Trocailero. Chicago. Partridge. F. L. Mayllower, N. Y. C. Paatamackl and Kubensteln, Tsllsr, De- troit. Patterson, Torralne, Casino Dance Hall, Asbury Park. N. J. Paulson, Emer, Green Parrot, Chicago, Paxle's Jazz Pirati'B, Waukesha, Wis. Pearl. Morey. Shore Gardens, Nansasket. Masa. Pearl's Serenaders. Nixon, Pittsburgh. Peerless Dance Orch. (AI Wlebe). 8tb and Uonmouth St., Newport. Ky. Peie, Walter. Bennettsvlils. S. C. Perluss. Abe. Rose Room. Los Angelea. Pershing's Band (W. J. Stannard). Wash- ington Barracks, Waehlngton. Peterson, Oscar, 21S Marab Court. Rock- ford. PfeifTer's Orch., 1348 Palmetto Ava.. Toledo. PIccino, Antonio, 880 N. 8th St., Readlns. Piron's, Roaeland, N. Y. C. Pitman. Keith, Riverside Ballroom. iprlnKfleld. Mass. Polls, W. C. Clover Gardens, N. T. C Pomctte. v.. B. * M. Cafetarla. Los Angelee. Pope. Edgar, SI) B. Van Buraa St., Chi- cago. Posty. Fred, Stelnway Tbeatrs. Long Island City, N. Y. Powers. Ollle, Dresmland Cafe, Chicago, Prado, Fred, American House, Boston* Price, Gui, Palace Garden. Newark. Pullen. Raymond £.. 1363 Sellers St.. Frankford. Phlla. R Raltano, Alfred, U17 New Utrecht Ara., B'kiyn. Randall. Art, Brandela Store, Omaha. Rapp, Barney, dance tour. New England. Raihmell, Walter, Pbilharmonto Audi- torium Symphony, Los Angeles. Ratneir, Saul, Yookera, N. Y. Ray, Don. Beaux Arte, Philadelphia. Red Devils, Hunter Island Inn, N. T. C. Red Jacketa (Harry Leonard), Clab Madrid, PhllaOelphla. Red JackeU (Frank B. Malnella), Dream- land, Duluth. Reed. John H., 1433 First St., Renaaelaar, ■». Y. Regan, Dick, Boothby's, Philadelphia. Reld, Douglas, Commerford's, N. T. C Reld. Jack, Berlin. N. H. Relliy, Ben. Tip Top Inn. Yonkers, N. T. Reisman. I^eo. Brunswick. Boston. Reisner, Ollle, Gingham Inn, Chicago. Relsa, Fred. Trommer'a. B'kiyn, Renard. Jack. "Cotituate. Mass. Renk, Frits. Sovereign Hotel, Chicago. Rettman, L. M., Eastwood Inn, Ualcway, Mich. Reynolds. Billy. Atlantic House. Nan- tasket Beach, Mass. RIalto Ramblers, George Orooby, Cathay. Philadelphia. Rlcardl'a Orch., Beoolt'a Pavilion, Rock- land, Mass. Rlcci, Fred. Plasa, N. T. C. . Rich, Fred. Palais Royal. Bultalo. Richardson, Ftorencs, Oanirai Park Casino, N. Y. C Rick, John T., "Runnin Wild." Colonial, N. Y. C. Rletb, Ted, Billy Ray's, Canarsis, U I. RIggs, Leo, As tor, N. T. C. RIgo Gypsy Band. LIttI* Hungary, N. Y. C. Riley, Tom, Audubon Hall. N. T. C. Rizzo, Vincent, Sylvanla, Philadelphia. Robblns, Fred, Century Roof, Baltlmora Robinson's Syncopatora, World, Omaha- Rockwell and Uughea, Byerly Crest. Pittsburgh. Rodemlch, Gene, Statler, St. Loula Rogers, Saul, Jannsen's, N. Y. C. Rohde, Karl, Crescent Gardens. Rever*. Msaa. Rolfe, CalTin, Blltmore Hotel. Atlanta. Romanelll. Lulgl, King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Romano, Pbll, Breakers, Atlantic City. Romeo, R., Alps, N. T. C. Rose. Vincent, Montmartre, HoIIsrwood. Rosen. Paul, Bamboo Inn. Chicago. Rosenberg. Mclvln, Black Hawk, Chicago. Rosey. Bam (Husk O'Hare), Brevoort Hotel. Chicago. Rosmassen, Harry, Adams House. Boston. Royal Novelty Six (Joseph E. O'Neill), 2333 N. 22d St., Philadelphia. Royal Society Band (Henir Olmstead), Central States dance tour. Royal Terrace Orch., Rlts, Coney Island. Rubin, Art, Suntang Inn. Lynn. Mass. Ruby, Norm, RIveralde Ballroom, Charles River. Mass. f Rumno, O., Arrowhead Inn. N. T. OL Russcol, Jack, Chin Lee, N. T. C 5?^^*^' T«y 'M,* iiki^ Sacks, Carl, Marseilles. N. T. G Salter, Dave, Windsor, Montreal. Samuel, Louis, Checkerboard, N, T, C. Santaelia, Miller's. iMt Angeiea Banders, Brn, Saw Dust Inn, N. T, C Sanders, Joe, Mublcback, Kansas City. - Sands, Phil, Pins Forest Colony, Wlnc- dale, N. Y. Bamrey, Henry, Granada Th., San Fran- cisco. Sawyer, Bobby, Casino, Haverhill, Masa Saxer, Jan, RIalto, Loa Angeles. Schembeck, Al, Country Club, Msxloo City. Mexico. Schmitt, Fred, RIslto. Denver. Schick, Oscar, Scarobon Hotel, Lon* Branch, N. J. Schobele, Elmer, Midway Gardens, Chi- cago. Schonberg, Chris. Vernon Country Club, Los Angeles. Schoti, Leo, (merry's. N. T. C. Schwartz, M. Jean, 020 Longwood AT*., N. Y. C. Schwartz, Urban J.. 819 Court St., Fre- mont. Ohio. Schwartzbeck, Elmer. Statler (cafeteria), St. Louis. Scranton Sirens, Pekin, Philadelphia. Searry. I.arry, Ixirralne. N. Y. C. Sears, Q. A., Plaza Grill, Asbury Park, N. J. Seldoman, Sidney, Shoreman, Washington. Selger, Rudy, Fairmont, San Francisco. Selzer, Irving, Cafe Boulevard, N. *. C. Severl. Glno, Mission. Los Angeles. Shpctz, E. E., Jr., Terrace Gardens, Chi- cago. Shilkret, Jack, Pelham Heath Inn, Pel- ham, N. Y. Sheets, George, Jr., La Salle, Chicago. Short, Albert, Tivoll, Chicago. Shorter. O. L., Hotel DuPont, Wilming- ton. Shymnn, Abe, Sl.ison, Chicago. Silver. Frank, Blossom Heath Inn, Lyn- brook, N. Y. Simons, Seymour, Addison, Detroit Skeela Lloyd, Mission Th., Long Beach, Cal. Bllnger's ■ Singing Orch., Statler Res- taurant BufTalo. Smelley. A., Mason, Los Angeles. Smith, Carl. Club Lido Venicei, N. T. C. Smith, Joseph C, ML Roysl, Montreal. Smith. Lc Roy, 434 St Nicholas Ars.. N. Y. O Smith, Win, Crystal Palace, N. T. C Smith, Willie, Oree Tan, N. Y. C Smolln. Sam. Meyers Laks Park, Caa- ton. O. Snell. Ship Ctte, Venice, Cal. Sokolov. Kenvln, Hamilton, Washington. SouthsrUod. Lt T., 7th Armory, N, T. C. ' Seuthani Six (Phil TT f Ut j, fapaMas Lantern. Toungatown, O. Southland Seven, CoU's, Philadelphia. Soutea. Charles C. Whits City Bs*«s, Chicago, Specht. Paul, Alamac, N. T. C Bpeclale. Mike. Carleton Terrace, N. T. C. Splelman, Milton, Maiden. Cambrldc*, Mass. Spies' Rowling Wolves, Casper, Wyo." Spikes Brothers, 120S Central At*., Los Angeles. Splndler, Harry, Vsnetlaa Oardans. Montreal. Spltalny, Bill. Allan. QsTSland. Bpltalny. Leopold, McVlckera, Chicago. Spltalny,' Morris, Stlllman, Cleveland. Spltalny, Philip. Hanna, Cleveland. Springer. Leon. 134 Livingston St., B'lyn. St Louis Rhythm Kings (Louis Malsto), 1383 B. OSth St., Brooklyn. Stafford, Howard. Dll Sumner 8t„ Lincoln. Stanler, Will, Club Lido, Lone Beach, N. Y. Starek. Mat, U8 W. M 8t, Muicatln*. Iowa. SUrk. Ferdinand, Curraa Th.. San Fian- ClSCQ. Staufllger, Wm. O., 188 Dodsa St., Buf- falo. Stefflns, Harry, Sangertles. N, T. Stepp, Lou, Green Mill. Culver City, CaL Stern. Harold, Bellcaire, N. T. C Stern, Jess, Tangoland. N. T. C Stem. Will. Ocean Ave. Hotel. Long Branch, N. J. Sternt>erg, Paul. Stratford The., Chicago. Stein, Syd, Club Wendermere, Chicago. Stein, Syd, Derby Cafe, Chicago. Stein. Syd, Little Italy Cafe. Chicago. Stein, Syd. Star A Crescent Club. Chicago. Stein, Syd, Woodland Park Inn, Louis- ville. Stein, Syd. Royal Terrace, RIshmoad. Stein. Sid, Tumble Inn, Racine. Stevenson. Carlyle. Teck's Doms Plsr, Ocesn Park. Los Angeles. Stevenson. C E., 838 I7th St, Jaata Monica^ Cal. Stewart, Sam, Sun Set (^fe. (^Icago. Stlllman, Harry, Monterey Hotel, Asbury Park, N. J. Btilson, Ray, Greystone, Dayton, O. Stillwell, Ray, New Euclkl Gardens, Cleveland. Sloleberg. George. State, Los Angeles. Straight Charlie, RendezvoiO, Chicago. Sticker, B. Miss. Buckingham St Loula. Strickland, Charlea F., Palisades Park, Union Hill, N. J. Stromberg, C, Vernon, Cal. Swanson, M. B., Silver Laks Assembly N. T. Swarts, Jules, Arcadia BaU Room. Mil- waukee. Sweet Al. 824 8. Michigan Avs., Chicago. Symonda, Jack, Fort William Henry Hotel, Lake Georgs, N. Y. Syaoopated Seven. Irwin. CarbondalSb Pa. Tandler. Adolf. Olterlon. Los Angelea. Talry. LouU. Beaux Arts, N. T. C Taylor. Charlea. North End Hotel. Asbury Park. N. J. Teller. M., Beach View Inn, Chicago. Teppaa. Joseph J., B38 Olsnwood Ats., Buffak). Thaven, A. P., 84 East Van Bursa St. Chicago. Thnma, Wit 508 Dwigbt Bide.. Jackson, Mich. TborTM, Charles, Powell Inn. Saratoga. TIeraey Five, RIttsnhouss Hotel Phlladal- phla. TlntanoV Band. Dreamland Park. New- ark, N. J, Tlpaldt, Andy. Jarden de Danes. Montreal. Tivoll Rainbow Orchestra. TItoU Ball Room, Racine, Wis. Thles. Henry, Oriole Terracs. Detroit Tobln. Louis, Hotel SIpplcan. Marion. Mass. Toklo FITS (Jos King). 818 Bay Rldss Ara. Brooklyn. Topllff. Calvin, Erie Cafe. CAIcago. Treat P. 8., 12S0 Puller Ara^ Loa Aa- geles. Trobbe, C^, Palace Hotel, San Francisco. Troy. Dale. San Juan. Orlando, Fla, Truebbft Harry, Green Mill Garden. Dee Molnea. Tucker, Harold. Tta Juana, N. Y. C. Tupman, W. S.. Le Paradls, Washington. Turcotta, George, SO Orangs St, Manchss- ter Turner's Serenaders, Palais Royal, Worosa- tsr. Ulm. Dick, Uma, O. ^ United SUtes Navy Band (Chaa. Bsntsr). Waahington. V Van's Collegians, Cston 111, Brooklyn. Varian, Art Sebastian (^fa, Vsniea, Cal. Vaughn, Walter, Marigold Gardena Chicago. Venetian Melody Boys. Mllllnooket Ms. Venetian Sjmcopatora, Seventh St. Mln- neapolla VeiTia. C, Lorraine Hotel. Philadelphia. Versatile Five, Powell's Inn, Albany, N. Y. Versstlls Melody Boys. Arllngtoa. Tfash- Veraatlle Saxtette, Sliver Slipper, At- lantic Cnty, N. J. Vescey, Armand. RIta-(^rltoa. K. T. C. Vessella, Oresta Steel Pier. Atlantlo Cttr. Virginia Entertalnera RIalto. Atlanta. Oa. Virginia Serenaders. Wilkes-Barrs. Fa. . WltlaMih atmH. Taoht CbA. Cooa.- Wolfa, Kacsr (Kakn), "Yogiiea,'* Shabart; Blltmors, M. T. a Woltt Rabs, Paw Clak, Los Aacalss. Woodlnc, Sam, Nsat Harlsm. N. T. O. Wordea. OacaldlaSk Mailaoid. CaL Wright Tadr, NswbvryportTMasak Wright, Tsd (Hanasalasra), danoa tav. New Baglaad. , ,1' Wynna, Billy, <Vsaawleh TlUafla WUu M. T. O. . Y .-, . . Tellmaa, Duk«k Feltman'ii Osaar Island, N. Y. Yerke^ AatomobU* Olubb BT W. ■4tb St., N. T. C. Yerkss Belt Hop% CaatUllaa Oaidaaa, Lynbrook. L. L Young, Xnlt^ Bsaeh VIsw OardaiH, Chicago. z Zalsb. Sol. Boss Troa Oafs. Philadelphia. ^Zavsll. Sol, 888 Csatral Park West N. t. C Zeemaa. B.. Aroadla. Philadelphia. Zeller. Otto, 8948 Calltomla At*.. 8t. Loula. Mo. Zimm, Paul, Montmartre, (Thicago. Zlta, Arthur, 187 Hamilton Bt, Albany. BAND REVIEWS (Continued from page 32) and clarinet; Leo Roaenwelg, saxo- phone and vloUn; Paul Sabin, banjo; Max Cohn, basa horn; .Mil- ton Schlesingrer, drums, Ung. TED WEEM8' ORCHESTRA (11) Ea«t Market Qardeng, Akron, O. Akron, O., July 10. This band la easily one of the beat to play the Gardens here, which has offered dance patrons the best obtainable in the entire country since It opened last sprlngr. Besides being real musicians all members of the band sing and among them are several entertainers. The orchestra was a decided hit at the Gardens but only remained a week, as book- ings prevented a longer stay. Composed largely of University of Pennsylvania men, the Ted Weems band was organised by Weems and his brother. Art Weems, while stu- dents there. The band mostly plays snappy numbers, with Just enough Jan to put It over with the dance crowd. Soloists make a hit and a number of novelties are introduced during the evening. The tour of the band will terminate in September, when it will return to the Cafe L'Alglon, PhiU- delphla, for the season. The personnel of th$ band In- cludes: Arthur Livingston, George Barth, Dudley Fosdick, Dewey Berg- man, C. O. Richardson, Art Weems, trumpet; H, L. Wynne, E. Martin Grey, Paul Creedon, Weston Vaughn and Ted Weems, trombone. McConneU. W Wads, James, Claremont Cafe, Chicago. Wagner, Sol.. Arcadia. Chicago. WaUh, Walter, 212 B. Tremont Ats., Ward, Frank, Avalon. Boston. Wardell. Tick, Turner Grill. Asbury Park, N. J. Warlnrs Pennsylvanlans, Tyrone. Pa. Warner's Seven Acea Piedmont Driving Club, Atlanta. Warr-s Synoopators, Palais Royal. South Bend. Warren, Ida. Joel's, N. T. C. Webb, Ueo. B., Hotel CHiamps Elyaees, Paris. Wsbb, Joe, Parkway Palace, B'klya. Webster, Claude. 20 Thearls Bldg., Sad Diego. Weldemeyer Orch., WrIghtsvlU. Beach. Wesley, Joseph. 847 Twelfth Ats., Mil- waukee. Welch, Tommy, Belvedere Oardsna Los Angeles. Welty. Oirnn. Roof Garden. Sioux City Wesley. Joseph. Alhambra Oardena Win- nipeg. Can. Westphal, Frank, College Inn, Chicago. Whidden, Ed, 123 DIkeman St., B'kiyn White. Lee, Canton Tea Oardena Chicago. Whiteman. Paul, 162 W. 45th St.. N, Y. C Whiteman Collegians, Congress Hotel, Chicago. White Way Five, PUza Danceland. Free- port, L. I. Wiedoeft, Herb, dance tour. Wilde, Arthur. Monmouth Hotel. Spring Wilds, "^p: R., Highland Park, Grand Haven, Mich. Williams. Al, (3aaino, Bradley B«ach. N. J. Williams. Arthur. Powell Inn. Waterrtlst. N. Y. Williams, Bert E.. Strand Th.. Hartforf. Conn. Williams. David O., 950 W, 87th St. H. Williams, Ralph, Ralnb* GardenA Chl. cago. S^UlIf""* ^^^ Cab'"' V«nlca, Chl. Williams, WlUle, Atlantic Hotel, Long orancn, N. J. Wilson, Charles, Ckstis laa, K. T. C. Wilson. Frank. Maroall Oountry Club. Pasadena. Wilson. Bam, Gedney Farma Hotel, White Plains. N. Y. WIttIc Bros., MaaslOD Rooaa, ButUltL RALPH WILLIAMS RAINBO OR- CHESTRA (12). Music, Rainbo Gardens, Chicago. Under a canopy built to represent the "starboard" of a battleship and dressed in white navy officer's uni- forms the boys furniah the music for dancing and also the large revue which Is staged in the open. Wil- liams has achieved quite a reputa- tion as a writer and has contributed several numbers towards the revue. A few of the men have also written numbers which have been published. The orchestra has a good concep- tion of rhythm and their dance music compares with the best in the field. Towards the finish of the revue the orchestra furnishes a number in grotesque make ups that contains good comedy value and registered the hit of the show, Williams outside of directing also plays the banjo and piano. The rest of the Instruments employed are violin, two corneU, three saxes, ac- cordion, trombone, tuba, piano and drums. TED MARLIN'S MELODY MON- -ARCHS (10) Moonlight Gardens Canton, O. Canton, O,, July 10. Pew bands have come to the fore so rapidly as Ted Marlln and his Melody Monarchs. Unheard of three years ago this band, organ- ized by Marlln, whose home is in New Castle, Pa., within a year was accepting engagements in Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, At first he had six pieces but aug- mented this two years ago to 10, which number la now standard. Marlln, personally, has quit the band because of business relations in his home city, but manages to make most of the trips with the organization and looks after the financial transiictlons. While a trifle weak In the open air dance arena here, the band plays good volume in covered dance halls. The "hoke" numbers went over big here and, according to Marlln, it la what the people want, classical numbers being tabooed in this sec- tion for dancing. "Nut" comedy done by Jack Pitzer, drummer, goes well and a quartet renders the more popular selections, while solo num- bers KTO Osserving of mentioa. Ths band fonnwly played In dZ trolt ^, AH mambwB ot th* band Mi^ young and havs pep, :■ As to tlM pmrsonnsl, Harry w^ | mond Is pUnlst and arranger; PaM ' PlUer, sousaphone, trumpet a^ trombone: Warren Johnson, tnm, pet aod banjo; Arch Culbiao^ strings; Harold Philpott. tromboiwS Benny KyU. director; Bernte Chalk, vlollnUt; Bob Vosler, m» and trumpet; Jack Pltzer, drugms Francis Hammond, saxophone. HcOonneU. \ BOOM FOR LEADING MEN (Continued from page 1) " ;- players are getting anywhere froi» 40 to SO per cent increases over what they received last season. An Instanc* is Otto Kruger, ra»''^ signed by Sam H. Harris for 'next season at $1,000 weekly, as against $800 he received last season. Oscar Shaw waJ placed under contract b»?! Philip Goodman at )1,600. Last nt$m"<'- son he was listed at $1,000 a week, '^■ Among those signed are H. B; - Warner, Jack Halliday and Arthur Byron, who are to go with the 8el< wyns. Lowell Sherman and Godfrey i Tearlo are with A. H. Woods. TI»' .latter Is the brother of Conway Tearle. He Is coming from abroad to appear under the Woods manage- -a ment his last appearance in this s country being at the time of preaen<| tation of "Carnival" at th^ UtM-'^ Street. Godfrey asked $2,000 a we«lb.$ Woods countered with $1,500. Com^ i promised. Lynn Overman goes with the Shu*'' berts next 8ei.:uson, while Fritz Leibw and William Courtney are both to have their own companies. Charles Cherry has been placed undar con« tract by Walter Hast, who is going to present him in a play in Chicagix Ralph Morgan and Louis Calhem have been placed under contract for "The Cobra" next season, and Frank Conroy and Gavin Gordon will b* under the management of Arthur Hopkins. A player to be at the head of what Is virtually his own company will ba ' Wallace Eddlnger, interested with Lewis & Gordon, and who will ba presented by them In "Find th* Woman." Whether Sam H. Harris, who has been the firm's partner in productions in the past, will be in* terested in the piece is not known. . Allan Dinehart is going to appeaf in a piece presented by Richard Herndon, and George Gaul will ba under John Golden'a management. ^ Frank Craven Is returning to tha Golden fold also, and will be seen la "Hot Snow," being tried out in stock In Milwaukee this week. Ian Keith has gone to the coast ta appear In pictures, signed by Thos. H. Ince for "Christine of the Hungry Heart," and Orvllle Caldwell (who played the lead in "The Miracle") is also under a picture contract for tha , coast His role in the spectacle will ^ have to ba filled by another next ^ season. j In discussing the situation one of , the most prominent casters in New , York said yesterday that in all tha ;; years he has been acting as an ac« , tors' representative he had never ex- ■ perienced a market the same as tha • current one as regards the scarcitlt } of names to submit to play producers FOREIGN REVIEW J (Continued from Page U) J sis. But Beatrice Mayor has, !)•• - sides a knack of softening rouga edges, the precious gift of comedy| All her people are so remote that the audience can sit back and laugh at their agitations as if they wers so many ants. Nevertheless thS' - moral is not lost. , However lighUy and brilliantly Athene Seyler, as a light o* love; Jean Cadell, as a parson's wife; D. Hay Petrle, the student, and Fel« .; Aylmer, the smoker, play their pafj* '; they leave you wondering when tht ./ laughter ends. JUDGMENTS Castle-by-the-8«a, Inc.; Julei Weber; $798.72. Richard Himber; Orpheum Clr* cult. Inc.; costs, $14.47. Marc Klaw; A. L. Erlanger; cost* $117.51. Rufus LeMaIre and George Jes< sell; J. H. Tooker Printing Co., Inc, $943.50. Chjia W. Groll Realty Co. (Mur- ray's Restaurant); Jacob Ruppert; $6.1.60. Malvin H. Dalberg; K P. Hado; $253.20. _. The Venice, Cal., community P^^^" ers' association announces a series of one-act plays in the Venice high school auditorium beginning ««" week. The plays selected are "Madame Butterfly." "The Mon- .KV>. F.":^'" 'T^« .?l<*pock«t". »o4.