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4 VARIETY ■%' VAUDEVILLE Wednesday, flenstmlisi 3. IBM INDEPENDENT BOOKERS CLEAN UP CHICAGO AGENCY CONDITION Rules, Regulations and Elimination of Undesirable Agents by Three Principal Independent Offices— Biggest Shakeup Yet Among Outside Agents Chicago, Sept. 2. . Probably the biggest shake-up that has occurred among the out- side agent* wu instituted last week when the three heada of the leading independent booking offices met to discuss the outcome for. the coming season. In the past four years there has been no restriction as to anyone becoming an hide- pendent agent. All required was a "black book" which made him eligible to enter any of the offices and submit acts. The field has become so overcrowded with unde- sirables Immediate action was called for. It was 1 too big a problem- for one office to handle and nec e ssi tated co- operation fa order that ft might bo carried out The three heads Of the bu o fcla ny departments of the various circuits s cu e U y the as h e d the mat- ter out, as to elimination of agents, roles, etc After the smoke cl e a red rales war* adopted and a Hat of a rents to be dispensed with ftoa, involved in- the International of- itad by George Web- by 1) GRACE ELIMPS TUMOR Removed Altar Driving Car the Grace EUno (Weston and Bine), from too Bast to Ban by au tojaobll* la open a tour an the Orpheum Circuit, con- tracted a papule tumor on her right foot, daa to its continuous use la shifting of gear s and as* of brakes. The tumor grew In size during the rranciaco engagement. When Kline arrived hero she Imme- diately want to the Good Samaritan Hospital, was m ft was removed. Tat* operation was done Monday morning, and that afternoon she was at the HlUatreet in time for the mat- JACK ROSE ROSE UP IN ATLANTIC CITY Comedian Furious When i Adopted Son Awakened at lUoht > Atlantic City, Sept. 2. With r eh e arsa ls and arguments Jack Hose put in a hectic time here with the new "Passing Show" last week. The comedian had a row with J. J. Shubert over an alleged remark the latter said Rose made to'a show girl, hut which he disavowed. , That Incident rolled .oil Boss's knife. What really steamed up the straw hat kid was the bright Idea of a show' girl In hi* party sit • caba- ret The las* bethought of Rosa's five-year-old adopted son. She eaP- cused herself from the party, rolled down to the Ambassador hotel and returned with the sleepy chfid. Ross* rated that too fanny. He didn't blame the girl as much a* the hotel people, and be-hot-footed it down to hostelry with hi* youngster. There he berated the night elerk for permitting the gtrl to have the key to his room. It is said ha walloped the clerk, then socked the house detective Whan the hull Interfered, the finale being that Rose was for- ciby required to seek other quarters, according to people la the show. MAURICE HEALY ARRESTED Charged with Having Loaded Gun. Brother of Dan Healy I VAUDEVILLIANS FIGHT la Hoepi Brooks in Jail San Francisco, Sept 2. Jack Barry, vaudeville perfo r m er, landed in the hospital In Oakland last week and his partner, James Brooks, want to Jail, as the ciimax to a battle staged by the pair In an Oakland hotel. Barry Was struck on the head and reported seriously Injured. Brook* was charged with assault and battery.' JACK "BTOE" CLIFFORD "OUT" Los Angeles, Sept S. Jack "Rube" Clifford announce* that he Is "washed up" with vaude- ville at the conclusion of his Orpheum route at the Hillstroet week of Sept IS. Clifford ha* par- chased a home here and Intends taking a plunge Into picture work. He has had, several offers. Clifford is working with Ted Amsterdam, a pianist IZONE DUliING FELL 30 FEET Kahoka, Mo., Sept S. Isotte Pagsjsjsa a member. of the Alexander Troupe, aerial, fell 80 feet while performing In front of the grandstand at the fair here last week. Her spine was injured, and although her injuries are severe will not prove fatal or permanent She was hanging by her teeth when the apparatus gave way. XEENE- WILLIAMS DISSOLVE Dick Keene and Ina Williams Will dissolve* their vaudeville partner- ship, due to the Ill-health of Miss Williams. , The team were In "Keep Koof until recently when they re-entered vaudeville. Maurice Healy, 29. stage electri- cian and a former acrobat was held for trial in the Court of Special Sessions by Magistrate Moses R. Rytteaberg, Is West Side Court, on the charge of having a long barrel, .21 fully loaded revolver In his pos- session. He was arrested by Pa- trolman Daniel Keough. of the West 47th Street Police Station, outside Of the On-Time Express Office, 268 West 46th street after he put ap a terrific struggle with the officer. In default of $S,6O0 hall ^he was re- manded to the Tombs, . Healy while waiting to be taken to JaiKafter his arraignment, stated that he Was a brother of Daniel Healy, who is playing in "The Pass- ing Show." This Is the second serious esca- pade for Healy. Hs* was arrested several months ago, after he struck Detective John Coleman, of the West 47th Street Police 1 Station, on the head with a bottle. Coleman was incapacitated for more than a month. He received • suspended sentence for that assault. -Keough was on post la front of the express office and saw persons running In all directions. When Vie approached Healy. the officer said. be saw him place his hand tq his belt. Keough seized bis hand and found the loaded gun. Healy was then placed Ina com- mandeered automobile and rushed to the police station. He was un- able (o explain where he got the loaded weapon. Keough said he believed Healy had been "gunning" for someone In the vicinity. Healy said that he had been em- ployed as stage electrician at the Knickerbocker and Cohan theatres. He said he expected to go on the road soon. Dancer in Jam With German Audience Berlin, Aug. 21. The American dasaer. Heart, who married Anita Berber, 2ft* dancer, 9 short time ago, got hlaniH tato trouble the other night at the Rampe cabaret, where ho I* ploying a Joint en- gagement w|th kis wife. Heart masHed the audience by making a tactless.Yarn ash- A raw hags*, which ended by the au di e nc e throwing every- thing movable at him. The dancer then realising the «u- fi ta a co was not sympathetically IfiMnmrt. left the stag*. A military attache of a Euro- pean Power was la the audience and Henri's remarks were di- rected most particularly at him. Tor this reason tk sued the dancer. RAN $25 BET TO $46,000 WINNING Sen. Murphy May Hare Had "Hunch"—Picked in Streak Chicago, Sept 2. One of the moot prosperous weeks that have over keen attained by an actor is credited to- Bene tor .Murphy. With racing going on la Chicago, tips are flying free and often. The P—ater heard of as many goad thing* tea was finally convinced into playing one. He placed 22* on a hers* at 6/1, playing the whole amount onto another horse that came In at 2/1, and sent the entire bankroll fa on a 20/1 right oa the nose. Aad It come down. Whether It was the heat that made Murphy take the prangs or a h o th a i it was Just a hunch, nobody know*. At any rata ho collected heavy. This to the first time that the Senator 'has gambled in quite a few years, and a* Ions; a* dam* fortune was with hhn, he •kept right en playing the ponies during the entire week that he waa here. When the smoke lifted toward the end of the engagement Murphy found himself $44,000 to the goodV The Senator Is around hero wild and still don't know what It Is all about KEITH OFFICE SIGNING COMEDY Depletion by Musicals ApfMurently en—New Face* to Be Given and Spots—Long Period a* Insurance Book. Routes D' AMOUR-DOUGLAS SPUT COMES UP FOR HEARING Charles Douglas Accused Partner of Secretly Rehearsfng A vaudeville partnership, of 11 years' standing between TV Amour Franklyn and Charles Douglas came to a porting of the ways when Douglas accused his partner, at a hearing last week before Pat Casey, of having secretly rehearsed a new partner while he (Douglas) was away for two weeks on a vaca- tion. - The act was originally known so D'Amour and Douglas, bat tn recent years a was a big time standard comedy acrobatic combi- nation under the billing Franklyn, Charles A Co. Douglas told Casey that the ••Co.", Ethel Trueafkda (Mrs. D*Amour Franklyn) the pianiste, was the cause of the breach through having demanded a $10 inorease above her fSO salary with the act. Douglas stated his partner, the understander" of the act, took the properties from his trunk during his absents and accepted bookings under the old team name. Casey ruled against the use of Douglas' ate since the comedian top- tanter to no longer a member of the act. Douglas la rehearsing the same routine with a new partner. Doug- glaa claims to hove originated the routine, although It was a M-tO proposition between both partners. D Amour Franklyn expl a ine d that, although they worked 70 weeks out of 52 the season of 1122-23 (through doubling), ho could not afford to take a vacation like Douglas did. Douglas also objected to Miss Truesdalo receiving a salary In- crease, stating the act was all right before the pjaniste's advent. SOSMAN WANTS "SQUIGULUM" Chicago, Sept. t. Fred Seaman, who has been sick, and as a result loot the sight of both eyes, Is dickering for Henry Lewis' act, "Squigulum," from'the HARROLD'S BREAKDOWN Patti Harrold is suffering from a nervous breakdown as a result of the untimely death of her sister, Marjorte, last week. The act of Or- vllle Harrold and his daughter Patti was out of the.. Hippodrome, New York, Monday afternoon. Belle Storey substituted. The Metropolitan opera tenor re- turned to the line-up In the evening. His singing daughter's return.to the stage is undetermined, Judging from her condition. Co naedy set* at* being routed for two year* and longer by the Keith special contract department due to the shortage which Is felt annually when the new musical comedies be- gin signing ap vaudeville acta • More than ever has this heea true during the past few weeks, as each. of.th* current musicals la re- hearsal are numbering among their casts more, than a dozen of the bast comedy turns la vaudeville. Some of these acts will return to vaudeville if the musicals don't click, but they will have to be con- tent with week to week bookings for the comedy acts now available are being routed right and left and allotted the important spots on the bills. According to the bookers, new faces will receive priority this sea- son, with eld .faces with new ma. terial next in demand. The stand- ard acts standing pat with mate- rial that has become f am liar through constant repetition will not find as ready, a market as in the past, according to th* booking men. who have changed their ideas con- siderably since the new booking system of conferring with house managers has been installed by the big time. MORRELL LOSES FOOT In Diego Hospital—Local Elks Looking. After Him San TTlsgo. CaL. Sept. 2. Frank Morrell Is recovering at the Country Hospital here, following the sputation of kia right log eight inches below tha knee. It will be ahead five weeks before the patient oaa leave the hospital. Morrell is a member of the San Diego Lodge of Elks, which is look- ing after his comfort and financially. At the hospital the-physicians say Morrell Is ge t t ing along nicely, and no untoward complications are ex- pected. Frank Morrell was a member of the original "That Quartet." revived last season far tha Julian Kiting* show. Later Morrell came to Hew Torn, whoa a waa reported he bad had his leg amputated at BeTlevao Hospital. At that time, however*.'It BeUavue the bona only was scraped. Morrell had been advised by sur- geons that unless he suffered am- putation, made necessary through gangrene, he would act live a year. His trouble started with an infection of the foot. Frank was the heavily built tenor of "That Quartet,'* . lu ■ "PICKINGS" OPENING SEPTUS Los Angeles, Sept 2. The Harry Carroll revue,, "Pick- ings of 1924," first crop, to have opened at the Orange drove, Sept. 4, will do so Sept. f Instead. Carroll Is to appear la the cast during the first few week* of the show, prior to returning to Join Bis act on the Orpheum ClrculL The scale for the opening night will be 25 top, while the charge for subse- quent performances will be Si top Instead of 11.50. ED LOWRT IN "BITE REVUE" By a request from Al Jolson the Keith office last week released Ed -Lowry from vaudeville :o appear in "The RItx Revue." MISS ELLA SHIELDS r 1 I • i In -a Song Study which: the Bngllsh Press have acclaimed to he an American "Burlington Bertie." Herbert Williams (formerly • Wil- liams and" Wolfus) has been added to the "RHs Revue." having Joined the attraction In Providence this week. The show waa aimed for the Rit*. New York, this week, but the premiere Is now dated for next Tuesday. Hassaret Short and Al Jolson.gr* producing the revue, with the Sh^i- berts reported interested. 8ears Comedy for Mac Far fane Zelda Sears has Just completed a •new comedy for George MaoFkr- lane, baritone. , _•• The piece is as yet unnamed, in- cidental music will be by Harold Levey. ■ • ■•. f