Variety (September 1924)

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• VARIETY OUTDOORS XX r ». * ■■ a»aS ■■> -_ <P ■ ■ •> lassSe.* weanctaiy, oepvctuoer •, 19M FAR BOOKED ACT AT $1,500 OR MORE FROM BARNES; REFUSED SAME AT $1,000 John M. Kellj, Attorney, Unearth. Peculiar Wu. State Fair Booking—World Amusement Agenc Landed Hannaf ord at Higher Figure Than W. V. M. A. Had Offered Riding Tom For • ., Chicago, Sept. 1. of 11m Wiaconaln Mr Ban quent laveatlgaiion ' by John M. Rally, a member of the fnjr board, (om« to fight as a possible cause ef tha upheaval Tlniaaa. who baa booked free acts far tie Wisconsin state fair for Tears, succeeded In eecurlng from I, C. MacCadrery, heed ot the W. V. If. A. fair ■apatWMMfc the Hannaford act for $1,200 a week then said tha act te the fair plus rail- road lares Into and out ot Milwau- kee, Scared at about SSW to *W0 as the act l e seh e s ae entire car: Thai deal looked odd te the W. V- M. A. office toa sialics am the toir people bed asked them lor the act and then failed te accept It at 11.000 a weak waa ae railroad fare* re- quired, t When news * toe deal reached Mr. Kelly, known for hbj prise bulla and aa one of the foremost show world attorneys, be left his famous breed- Chicago Car aa tolarvlsw srrtb Mr. MacCaSery. erbo gars bha tha low down an the Hannaford act deal. Mr. KeBy pnaalaed. aa a member of the $3,000 JUMP From Sept « at Minneapolis (Minn. State Fair) the Mania and Castle Showa will Jump to Jackson, Term., opening at the latter place Sept. I. Coat of the Jump will be around teJOOO. Luna Park and Coney Have Had Good Season The cry at wett sent out by the parka around M a a Tent wham the first of the aeaasa brought in de- plorable business la- now replaced by statementa that with the ram- mer onrush ef lAisluuiei s the year aa a whole wsS fine tip with the beat' Parttewterly la tha tree of L/una Park and O eu a y Islarid. Bnsmess baa been tremendous srnee the Fourth of July. With the torn that came then, the concessionaires, rtdea and shows lr the Island t ee tat hare reaped a even taw ef Coney's Iwhalual years. Tbe terse Sunday crowds, which have nan aa high aa •*•,**). have been paitlf responsible, hat the off nights at tbe week, Monday and Thursday, bavs alee been listed aa good tins year. ' Particularly jave tha •eoaaanflon- aires aaade money. Is lama many have commented en their p ro s per - lty. remarkable to that a oonees- Blonaire usually keeps mam be- cause mt the tear his lee win be lifted if somebody finds out he is making money. Luna la now way ahead on the season and the same goes far sev- eral ether big Coney institutions Tbe swimming pools in both Lssna f.nd the Steeplechase have proven successful, although a heavy to-i vestment. At Pallsndes Park, across the river from 124th street, the pool baa also been a big card for the park. Veterans Encampment Atlantic City. Sept S. Following the r*r—tf. the Vet- erans ef Foreign Ware of the United States will have tbelr encampment here Sept 8-12. twees 1M»« men w« be atay. Crippled with rot Has; chairs. North sad atreet ■S*! JOE BEEN Production Qo. NOW LOCATED » OUR NEW OFFicaa 1000-1Si« i STATE FAIRS AS VALUABLE MEDIUMS ■ Large Dailies awl Politi- k The large dairy m n try are JSaaaassg more and more ait the bag State faire are great tar drawing people from at taking straw votes on the Pres- Mtenttol atactica, tha ballots ob- tained on State fair grounds repre- senting tha optelrms at net the mere locality, hat tha feeling and opin- ions ef tha State at large. Tha candidates knew that the State fair Si a pr binders no that canted aa aver The v ssan" goes te every town and cay la the State, and helps to advertise the fab- and Its activities through the WrrWTw pH OFlsl# ■ • Bit* M. Pkiinps. a newspaper woman wbe was bitten to three |_ by tbe white monkey at a special luncheon given at the Hippodrome May while the m o n fca j was aaa of tbe attractions at the houae, hae eenaulted with attorneys with a view to bringing suit against the play- " suae management tar the amount of her doctors bills and losa of time. Tha htnehean was tendered to a number of newspaper writers and the nteahey and Oil d a tsray were oho guests of honor. Mtos PhllBpa was an tbe arm and to the face near her right eye, almost losing tha at that optic. views may ha New IN. Park Tey lorvine, DA,. John Harris baa ami i snwid TO of land near the Red bridge on the hard rend east ot here and Win entabawh an amusement park. Re expects to dam the Flat Branch and a natural lake. Columbia* Closing Onto Columbia park to New dosing ata i\ IOWA STATE FAIR -— . INSIDE STUFF ON THE OUTSIDE Austin Diant Uatoa aaney bet whea stage a any reus* ridtog exhibitions ware and using tha "direct trees T jm *a mf billing, etc. Tex oouldnt aee tha Idea from any angle and paeaed It up cold, deciding to wait until October sad put oa hie big Shaw. . One of the lessons taught by the recent trip abroad waa the matter ot the •Yodao." the Stouts aaa* by Wembley being shipped from Canada. Tha master minds af -rodeo- swear that the Vast can 1* are tha ■ marlraa brains, bat that the Mo* atock a%lsg|ng so much trouble and -red tone" resulted la shipped, which are ua The F i li at e aa a Draw . Over Sfeg,aee aa an aC ince sale for any kind of a match la not so "I Thai's the amount now reached tor the three international polo matches aa Long Island, x he seats sell in blocks of threes, one for each game, with »S0 for the set. or $400 for a box.. It would have been a nice contest far tha few who understand polo If tha Prince had not announced as an object af bis visit here to see tbe MS. Mow almost anyone, especially women, with MO know all about pole and want to see the contests. Perhaps they, want to aee Wales aa wan, also the society the Prince la certain to draw. A Bad Boy Carnival ▲ wall cornea to Variety from Okl a h o m a about the actions af i ■arattog practically aU tha time te that state and on the Texan border. Everything from tha "nutaT to 'Honest John* is alleged to be played W oatera. Children are "taken- an percentage joints and the Sh aw plays no favorites. A fatly fledged •«§ oamp la running wherever tt can be fixed tor and sons*Iking worse. Reputable carnivals know thta show. It hi their owa fault that they da not protect themselves against It Ua route la seldom If ever pub- lished. Showmen are net playing fOopper- when the "*^«"-^ af such a the entire body al s j to g certata territory. i fiwewa Foroed Off Jest after tbe big trouble arose In Los Angeles oa tbe carnival question, twp fly by night organisations took to the tall timbers and proceeded to up the outsail U . and then the country along the Imperial Valley, alib i e d aa tall S e dg ed aaiaaba r d of the fl- r C. Chambers of Corn- even were taken In by the professions of cleanliness made by the Complaint ma, made to Variety and then Information The Chambers of Commerce get St a in q ue st io n are now In tha bam. —— -—• • Dee Matoaa. Sept X. Xaat year's attendance at the Iowa State Fair tor the first tour days waa 114,411. This year tha total paid admissions for tbe same period were 82,324—a decrease of 22S77. Four days later, on Tuesday eight, they had made up all the loss la attendance and were running better than 4,000 for tbe same time last year. The Improvement was caused by the excellent program of entertain- ment, the splendid horae show and wonderful collection ef exhibits, which when reportd around brought ■the country people te droves. As fair organizers and manager*, C. EL Cameron, pre sid ent and A. R. Corey, secretary, are la tbe fore- most ranks. 8hey have a fine loca- tion. Splendid support and tha agri- cultural Interests of the State are solidly behind them and tbe fair. This year they had the best ex- hibits te the live stock departments in the history of the state fair. Tbe swine department was a little abort but all the hogs exhibited Ware show stuff, no peddlers, all far ex- hibltion purposes and not for sale. The agricultural exhibits were by far the best ever en the grounds. Beys and Girls' Exhibits An amazing Increase In the In- terest taken In tbe boya and girls' club work was noticeable; 1,600 boya and girls were provided with sleeping quarters on the grounds, the biggest number on re co rd. Five hundred and one baby beeves. 300 pigs and 75 to St aheap were exhibited by the boya ana girls, over 100 teams demonstrated what they could do, and an approximate varus af $75,600 was put upon the animals paraded before the grand stand on Wednesday afternoon, the largest collection of baby beef aver gather in tbe United States. At tbe »S NEUMANN TENT & AWNING CO.! 1419 Carrol) Ave., Chicago. Phone Haymarket 2715 t a"attfJa& aasa.fiaa?asIwA| TOff S . ssJ, rUraaaKstt , e asawlaBnnnsw^ann'BnpBj eansnanssBps* sneaaasnawsxapaneasBW eraansaF SB onanBrsyenpBsnv sp^BsBnawsny^^snssBnsBaBwensnssnsnsnsnnsp as * I Inte rn a ti ona l Livestock Shew to Chicago, where animals from all sections of the country ware con- tested, the baby beet exhibit last year amounted te about one-tenth the show at Dee Moines. Part ef the exhibit at the Na- tional Dairy Show last year waa to be found in the Agricultural build- ing. This waa a new feature, and new to Iowa. Another Innovation waa the dog show, supervised by George Foley of Philadelphia. This will doubtless become aa annual show, aa 175 dogs were exhibited moat successfully. The horse show was staged aa usual for four nights and brought eat all the blue-blooded equinea of Iowa. Standing room only waa the rule throughout tbe exhibition. A team pulling contest waa agate one of the features of the fair. A new record waa established this year, one team putting I.HOO pounds. Ho rsesh oe, pitching waa agate one af tha ate drawing cards and the tournament attracted airtos|ii pad interest and entries. Oo»0wt^ vfwri tar Katotf* aYvlo Ott*w v y -The bast attractions we ever had." said A. R. Corey when Inter- viewed by Variety. Ha waa allud- ing to tbe Ruble and Cherry shows and tbe grand stand acts and fire- works. Referring agate to the car- nival, he remarked tha when ana entered the various showa he ap- parently was going Sato a tented theatre, so well furnished were the various attractions. Fred M Barnes directed the fol- lowing acts: Three Golf era, Adair and Adair. Six Bedford*, Caesar De Liberlto and Co., Flying Codonaa, Lucille Andreson, Tbe Mounters, London Steppers. Katharine Sinclair a nd Co - Hodgiai Troupe and Cliff Curren. James Cnnllffe was in charge of Tokyo, the fireworks. Excellent racing featured tha fair, as well aa auto races and auto polo. The grand stand was packed to ca- pacity practically every afternoon and evening, hut the bleachers were somewhat -neglected oa afternoons on account of the heat this past y official will da well to si of tha Showmen's Brothe rly Love to o a aatotaU a falae report against a moat by one ot Its representatives. from the South, where tbe show durteg the taH i given against the organlza- and thanks of a prominent fair secretary received. The showa play the date and doubtless sent te by a fallow member Al te. Barnes and Dead Horses When the Barnes Wild Animal Circus phtTafl Elgin, in, June t it kiued another horae and left Ms remains burled on tha circus gr o aa d a . It was buried in so shallow a grave aad so bad aa odor arose that when the Hegenbeck-Wauaee circus played the tot they had to cover It up again in order to show. Al G. Barnes dented tha stories printed soma time ago aad stated that he never left any rematna at horses behind Ma. Perhaps he caa explain to the Hageabeck-Wallace Circus hew these remains came there. Incidentally, tbe Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus, te turn, left the lot te such a deplorable state that the supervisors are kicking about It No wonder lots are hard to secure when this state of affairs exists after they are occupied. The Al. O. D a m es ahow. now te Oregon territory, te addition to using the spectacle. -Pocahontas at the Court of Queen Anne" aa a feature, is making local play aa monk) oath. at Joe Martin (the Mile. LaRose's Crash Belolt Wis.. Sept J. Mile. LnRose, an amusement park performer, making a "slide for life" across Rock river' at Waverty Beach, crashed with terrific force Into one of tbe piles supporting the lnterur- ban bridge. She waa unconscious several minutes, bat has fully re- covered. An apparatus, operated by six men, which waa to halt her slide, broke when she hit it Kitted in Jump San Francisco, Sept S. Before the eyes of hundreds of pleasure seekers at Chutea-at-the- Beach, Peter Bragglo, 22. a real- dent ef San Aneelmo. Cal., fell or Jumped from a scenic railway car and received Injuries from which he died a few hours later la the emergency hospital. PEARL NECKLACE INDKaTHCCTTBXJt Wit* lattaSw OK M* SaMy Chns 14-hufc OatlCKWit ar OSMae B unU fnOuattan. Pat as MIMta V*w SPANGLER MFQ. CO. 160 No. Wella St, Chicago ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS tS or 50-Watt, SHU Typ«s sOe Bach H*~l£,**i S 'ws a'SBa 40c Kach -».»** .niu^vvHS ........... ,0VC IBOB Express charges paid MAURICE LEVY 406 Lyceum Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa, 'fair Gordon's Fireworks DOES YOLK rata UK tuui? it hot. why not-t (IKS TH1M AND COMTABE THEM WITH ^Aaxirnmi^aCMK^oa tl i i