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J** 1 ***!* ■-. " .w/ o \j rll py u r. E MAY SMITH, PRIMA, MISSED AD0FI10N BY WV0RCE SUI : i i *. I ,*-1 fa. U Zimmerer Reminded He Had Wife WW Ede Mentioned as Co-Respondent—Publicity for.' ^C^dei* Crook* -r ■ -', in St. Louis ill MJ St. Louis, Sept 2». , '„-. jite Mac, prima donna of the MAiden Crook" at the Gayety last fek, will not become the adopted tnghter of George L Zimmerer, iy real aetata dealer, aa brlg- jly plannned for her. , Apparently Zimmerer did not con- sult »•» wife recording the adoptIon. of Ede, whom the adoption petition stated was ^'over the age of 21." • Following the filing of adoption .papers In Juvenile COUtt Mrs.. Emily •Snmerer countered with the fllin KUTUAL GROSSES UP ON WHEEL LAST WEEK ' lite Mutual burlesque grosses last week Jumped In every house on the ,V.a divorce actlonr t In which sh^e 'named Ede Mae Smith as co-re- spondent. Right then Ede Mae go* publicity but not the'kind the Columbia wheel Ji after. ' . At first MJss Mae talked a great: 'deal, mostly, about her voice, then ''suddenly threatened to have more '"hysterics than a prima donna in 'grand opera,-if asked any more, .'' questions about the horrid' affair. ' " Zimmerer withdrew his adoption petition after his wife's divorce ao- K tlon. He declined to say whether SHpe would renew his efforts after thie ?'itorm has passed. Likewise' Miss Mae refused to an- swer questions as to whether her relations with Zimmerer are' still Trocadero. Philadelphia, and N4 tional, Chicago. doth ' of those' houses did about the .same as the. previous week. , I A jump of 11,500 happened at. the Garrick, St. Louis, with "Kod Hot." The Empress, St. Paul, jumped to $9,600 with the Lew Kelly Show. It was American Legion week, with several extra midnight perform- ances. ' ' The Lyric, Newark,' with "French Frolics!' tilted its gross $1,000 over the previous' week.- '*• * • ... "Cuddle .Up," at the, Trocoderb, Philadelphia, is blamed, for the failure of that, house to.climb. The show has been, ordered closed, .fol- lowing reports it was not up to standard, , ., ■ , ■■ . A .. The National Chicago, has been making her his legal daughter'with' the right to. fcesr.'b'lf'. iatt^,' 'Uif ''will she say If a settlement has been inadr ' ' t ' ....'' I When Zimmerer first' sought to make Miss Mae bis adopted' daugh- ter he asked that be he allowed to •"•ridow'bef "firUh "all rights.' liberties; and' responsibilities of a " natural . child." He also wished to change her name to "Ede Mae Zimmerer." Zimmerer and his wife have beep ■^separated; seven years? Th'e'y hffye •.tbrefej'afltflt; children, ' II- ..lOftly a fair stand .since the Mutual fflf him ; carrl on? »m°n^P fr whee!.shows, have, jean playing, it. ^L^lfcLS?^^-^'.^ this season. .Ano^r, Chicago hpufe- may. be landed before Abe season closes: MORTON'S SEASON ■■ ;■ CONTRACT BOUGHT OFF Principal Comedian of "Come Along" Received $550 Week With Columbia Wheel Show! Jairies C' Morton, principal co- median with Fred Clarke's "Come Along." Columbia burlesque att.ac- tion, has been given a sum of money to step out of the show and tear up his contract with Clarke, accord- ing to report. I "Come Along" is a new Columbia wheel show this season, with the production of one of the "Music Box- circuit with the exception of the/Ji^es" , which lo^arko purchased from Sam Hy Harris; Clarke as- sembled a cast, which, included sev- er*! principals from his "Let's Go" Columbia show. ' : ' ■ James C. Morton.find family were signed. Morton at a reported salary Of $550 weekly,, tp head "Come Along.". The comedian failed to Justify the unusual salary for bur- lesque following rOome Along" at the Columbia last Week. Clarke's production is ah elaborate one with several other "salaries" in the.cast to Jack up his' overhead. In- his dilemma following Morton's- "flop" it is reported* he gave the. comic a sum variously reported be- tween $1,500 and upwards to call off 'the iron-clad season's contract. Morton and'big.family have been playing independent' vaudeville' dates. since the dissolution of the Shubert unit circuit, 'Where Morton was featured. Morton i» originally: from : burlesque, where he and the hire Frfcnk^ ^oore ; dM a /.two-act J Burlesque ail Brazen Fw years burlesque producers; have" accused the legit musical comedies <t copping their material, but Fred Clarke, producer of "Come Along' (Columbia wheel), has evened things up for all of the "■<ju*wkers." Clarke'a book, with the exception of a few minor scenes, has been lifted from past editions of "Scandals" with two scenes taken bodily from tbe current editions of "ChaTlot's Revue" and White's "Scan* dais." They are the "enunciation" bit and "Sleep with the Baby." Another lift in the show is 'JThe Four Muskateers" from White's "Scandals'* right down to the lyrics. i. The rest of- the Columbia producers are wondering whether Clarke la waging a solo,war of reprisal, trying to save royalties or figures burlesque so inconsequential nobody will even hear of the lifts. "CUDDLE UP" ORDERED SHUT; ANOTHER INSTEAD Lew Reals' Mutual Attraction Below Standard—Reals in With Pearson ■i i I' "Cudul* Up." Lew Reals' Mutual wheel show, will be closed In two ..■,.,-' -, , • r.- • v. • " i ' weeks, following reports from the Mutual "censors" the show was not up to the Mutual standard. . I. H. He/rk ordered the show closed following the reports and after a personal inspection. To replace "Cuddle yp" on. tye Mutual;.' Arthur Pearson will put' pn current , yearn a*& a new show with Richy McAlister as principal comedian. The new Mutual-win be ready to take up "Cuddle Up's" rout* on the elf cult when the latter closes. .'".., Reals will be associated. with Pearspr. in the new show* Pearson fit present.is managing the Hudson, Union Hill, a Mutual stahd m whSoh be Is; associated With Monroe qold- *tein; tl)e theatrical atfoljfi^r, V ' •■ ",'. Heated. competition among Inde- pendent vaudeville houses' for the personal.: appearances of Harry Pj^lf ills, Wegro pugilist, who.won « de- ; clsion over Luis Flrpo In the|r » recent fracas at Boyle's Acres, haVe i\ gone unheeded-by the fighter. , He 'has hied himself into seclusion for *'arest. " .-•'<■. ■ •■.- i . A large! capacity house in Brook- lyn offered-the fighter $000 for-three days. The appearance was- practi- cally set for the last' half of. last : week until the agent Informed.the "house Wills insisted upon a'reft.' Mlnsky Brothers, whp operate stocks at the National winter Qa?- Seu and the Apollo, are also reported as having offered the fighter 21,640 an extra feature with their bur- lesques, the idea calling' for his .doubling in both houses: ' " ' '* ,i • Benito's iondoit xEytn;; Sean Bediai, having sold but h|« Interest in the current' "Peek-4- ( »Boo" has <juit burlesciue, according 'to his announcement, and sails to- 6 gar la" r for London. ; whe/:e he wf 11 produce a musical revue, called *!Cneisrlo." Associated with him in the Eng- lish venture will be Tommy Hea*n and Percy Reese. Murray Leslie Mil stage, the numbers in the shqw ,- end be the featured comedian .with A Phil Seed, brother of Dave Seed, as his associate. : , The show opens In the English provinces and is scheduled for Lon- don consumption later. VAIL CLOSING STOCK Cleveland, Sept. 23. Vall's "Blaokcat" playing -, Jack Binger's burlesque stock will dip- continue .Saturday. The. house Will hlay road attractions In future.- ; j The "Blackcat" was In opposition to the Columbia and Mutual bur- lesque circuits and also had bo con- tend with another burlesque stock house, all in the theatrical district. — CENSOR CASEY OF BOSTON U«! " • CITY OF BOSTON PFRGE W THE PITY HALL .i MAYOR ■ -. ^•-. t ■•■-■■.y; l T. ,." -■• <*M . ': .- . . ..- - i'.i :•. i •-■ "' I'.' .:'.•• . . ■ v ■ - - • ' ... , rtj - . t ■ ■ >■-•.■ :'..' ■('.<-... • • •: ' • . «•' Septorabor 16, ■ \a . . . - ■ i 1934. ■ ■> ■ ■ I. H« Herk, Esq., President $ Mutual Burlesque Co. Yeet 46th street,' Hew York Oity. . .. • •' • ' *><} - k I My dear Mr* Herk:- •: ' - --■ It 1b with great pleasure and satis- faction to raport to you regarding the attractions that have played at the theatres' Here under the name of the Mutual Burlesque* everyone of thorn pre" sehting clean, wholesome entertainment, especially the "Smiles & Kisses" how filling their engagement at' the .Howard Athenaeum, which in my opinion Is one 6t *the beet ever*' i\ i V., i • ■ . — . ' , I I I , -J t 8UBLES|6UE BQMT^S :; will be found on pajje 74D if. Ui i isaut , ,, r't ' I 11 11 - i •. i : •1 :.. • '' • « • i I was obliged to oomplirjont the theatre management on this attraction because of the excel- { leht performance at the matinee on Monday, and it is only just to the management of the Company to re- peat this^ou. The show has everything to be proud of,' principals* chorus, costumes, scenery and proper- ties* and if the coming attractions maintain the class already shown here it will certainly result In making the name "Mutual Burlesquf of great value to those controlling it'. •.* ► With sincere regards* Yours very truly, ', JLioonsing Division .' JOSEPH 0PPENHEJMEB DEAD • •' Milwaukee, Sept. 28. Joseph tOppenhsimer, 62, bur- lesque producer, died Sept. JO- at Okauchee Lake, 20 miles from Mil- waukee, where he had made- -his summer home, for years. - ■- Mr.. Oppenhetmer was Connected at the time of his death with the Mutual burlesque wheel. In- for- mer years he bad. been with -West- ern, Progressive and 'tbe American burlesque circurte. - His road shows hare 'visited Milwaukee every year for the last 25 years. Ha is sur- vived by his wldoW. - The remains were forwarded to Newark, *fc J„ for Interment.-.W -»• ■■• V . li II.) l4t *. RIVER BOAT ACT Burlington, la., Sept. 23. From a Mississippi river shew- boat to headlining a Keith vaude- ville route and then featured with a Columbia Wheel burlesque show is the"' thumbnail ' sketch of Cornell White tad her colored revue,'with "Runirm r Wild." -* " This group of nine dusky-hued en- tertainers play every knowh musical instrument, strut th«fr way through southern dances of the syncopated type and croon the' native melodies. The act. under Gontell White's guid- ance, had k humble beginning along the/ Mississippi from the deck of their little boat. . ■• ' -; •. J -: Long. I» Long and HI.. ' The tafler colored -halt- of Long and Short left Jast week for Saranac Lake, Ni.T^fors.J^.health. I<ong..6 feet 11 inches. aji^d,Shprt. + feet^wjeuo danoers wUh a muiual burlesQU* -how Jn*t season. ■ •■• -'• - "'i" .iti-'iw". 1 —rgw»i - ■* ' MUTUAL'8 MBinOHT SHOWS Mldhl^hi' mhh%i will be' held' In at' least Jhree clues playing Miittial shows! •* 7 t--.,<-T».r -* ,.- • -vr- The house* are Empire, Cleve- land; , Oa>et>, 'LouisvflleMnd Em- press; St" Paul,' ,v on jSxaqI; itAWUAGBC ! ■ . ' . ■ ■" !• -Pittsburgh, Sept- 21- George Hamilton, with ■. "Love Makers" (Mutual Wheel), and Irene Hirsch, same company, will be mar- ried on the stage of the Empire, this Thursday. a. w, mqiupd xo a nrmirni lng In dress spit tad topper. BURLESQUE CHANGES Jack Welch has left Sam''Howe's (Mutual) show*. , THE MARION SHOW (COLUMBIA) .,, .'Buffalo. Aug. 22. Dave Marion this season is dam- onsfratlng that there sire still a few tricks you eafl teach the old dogs. Marlon displays a pair of educated hoofs la a soft-shoe buck and wing which. In addition to a straight showlr knock* of "What f_. Will Wear** ever lamp* that make- up. Willie Collier and George Cohan had best look to their sartorial laurels.. ,.,..-. ,...-. ,4 -,„,.■,, The 19*4 edition of the ehow.re- erons hi production outlay aha has provided an excellent cast of prin- cipals and choristers. The mount- ings are unique - with tome telling effects In costumes, lighting and backgrounds. For a Columbia pro- duction, the lighting marks an in- novation, some new experiments being employed with splendid re* suits. Credit for the settings com to' Clrcker and Bobbins. The mu- sical numbers are by Marlon Gllck- and Thomas . Bryan, and (he (Continued on page &5J LETTIEBOUES INGENUE LEAD with Harry Levan'* "TOWN SCANDALS" Season 1224-25