Variety (September 1924)

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• || A Cute Novelty - for siwgmg or fiac-tiottii^ The little Old <M& Mantel* i y GUS KAHN fc. TED FIORITO " • • A KID STORY BALLAD WW A BEAUTIFUL FOX-TQOT MELODY A. WHO WANTS A BAD UTJIE BOY h/ MARK FISHER ♦ cWL JOE BURKE A Melodious Iwdiawa Soiaq Vitk A Strov appeal * bu ABEL BAE£ CLIFF 7 .^P.IEND A Dixie-Mammy Ra^ m Ballad ty HAROLD CHRISTY, ABNER SILVER^ * SAUL T BERNIE New Y«rk PHII.AI)IC1J»IUA 1M» Market St. DETBOIT ISM Kaarfatah St. KANSAS CITY Gajftj Theatre Bids. MM ANOKLKM •17 ««t Fifth St. CVICAOO 1«7 Ma. Clark Ht. MINNIAPOIIN tU Lack Area*. ORCHESTRATIONS 35c EACH—FROM YOUR DEALER OR DIRECT IX)SDOV, W. C. t, _ 1M Chariot Craaa Ml At'ffTBAUA. MKIMiW XT* « aina. m.