Variety (September 1924)

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VARIETY ■ H1M4 DEAR NEW WESTERN CIRCUIT Although my body has been traveling from one New York theatre to another for the past 15 weeks, my thought! have always been divided be- tween Broadway and the West, and I wish you tremendous success, because I got iffy big start "Out Where the West Begins." ' Sincerely, Booked on K.W. droit until M.y, 1926 "HIS VISIT TO HOLLYWOOD" - Direction HARRY WEBER This week (Sept 22), KEITH'S ROYAL, NEW YORK * PART IN CAMPAIGN (Continued from page I) otter—the Presidency. These ex- perienced men of many campaigns state that to have a vaudeville team pat across a number with their can- didate aa the feature la of more value than a dozen political ad- Varlety'a reporter wanted to know why. Here is their aniwtr: "When a crowd gathers to hear a political address they come pre- pared. If they are for the candi- date speaking-, all well and good.; if not they create within themselves arguments to- boat- do w n - anything the speaker may put forth. la other words, thejy*re getting what they expect—politics. "At a vaudeville theatre their minds are open. They are seeking ARDSLEY S The bearding sofcoej' for and girl—5 to IS years, standards, music, dancing ire home life. WRITE FOR BOOKLET »V» Ardaley, N. Y. entertainment. They are receptive, and when a candidate Is praised it Is a ten-to-one shot that If they are on the fence, the unexpected on- slaught settle* it for the candidate praised." Robert La Follette Is. according to report, getting the better of the play from the vaudeville houses. This Is credited to the fact that be- ing more picturesque he "fits In" bettor. President Coolidge has not been slighted, says these same re- ports, although Davis is said, to have done little to inspire the song- writers. • SOUTH AFRICA (Continued from page 4) amusing;. Jean Alexander, pleasing; pictures. Week of Aug. 18: Kenna Bros., comedy act; Reg. Went rorth. light comedian; pictures. Now Bijou (African Theatres. Ltd.)— Pictures. Palladium (African Theatres, Ltd.)—Pictures. Alhambra (African Theatres Ltd.) X- ■ Regents Attract* BEDROOM STUFF OUT (Continued from page S) mind to write "other things" and not th- type of stuff that the pub- lic always expects from hlc pen. Last week be was-approached by a manager, who wanted a Hopwood piece along the usual Hopwood Unas, Theatre (African Theatres, Ltd-J—Pictures. Lyric Theatre (African Theatres, Ltd.)—Pictures. . , Ca s l i e u (African Theatres Ltd.)—. Pictures. 'African Theatres, Ltd., produced Aug. IS at the Empire Palace "Lit- tle .Nelly Kelly." . Philip D. Levard handled the production aide. ARRANGERS WANTED Must Be At or Symphonic Dane* Arrangements VARIETY BUREAU Evans Bldo.., Washington, O. C. but the aathor said"nothing doing.' Hopwood is a proven box-office asset, and during the past few years been- not only one of the most prolific contributors to the stage off Broadway, but the author who drew gown the greatest royalty checks. At one time he had tour successes running on Broadway and all flaying to capacity business. They were "The Bat," "The Gold Diggers" "Ladles' Night" and "Spanish Love." These shows, playing to an average gross of more than $50,000 a week, returned a heavy royalty cheek to Hopwood. BUD MURRAY. STACK DIRECTOR sad PRODUCE* TRACHINO PRACTICAL ftTAOK DANCING BUCK and WING, WALTZ CLOG, ECCENTRIC AJf ATKUB 8HOW0—Written. Staged sad ftmacry. Wardrobe. Bawtrleal BsahHswat ruralahed AMBASSADOR THEATRE, Weet 49th St., N. Y. City BAUDS and OWXEgl^tV^^^^Y^;^^^^ copyrlrht patented. Don't fail to wire roe at nace. unique and up-to- ed and Bert Brrol, female Impersonator, is booked for South Africa toward the and of the year. Other artiste booked are Bransby Williams, H«tty King and Jan Latona. It 4s stated 1 arte Hall, violinist, win tour South Africa. In the near future. "The Veterans of Variety" are duo to arrive this month on the first stags of their world tour of South Africa, Australia, Maw Zealand, and possibly America. The artists aro stars of yesterday and list Leo Dryden. Sable Fern, Frank Leo, Arthur Slater, Lily Bur- nard and Jake Friedman, comedian. NATAL (Durban) Criterion—Business -good, due to visitors there fdr season. Week of Aug. 18: Jennie Hartley, Vernon Watson, Victor King. Rolls and Faus, pictures. Theatre Royal—Dark. His Majesty's—Pictures. Empire—Bio. Qreyville Cinema—Vaudeville and pictures. _. Alhambra—Pictures. Pop Bio—Pictures. Rinko, Marltxburg—Week of Aug. it—Fred HutchInga, comedian; pic- tures. HUMAN TALIS (Continued from page I) 5,000-mile tour of the Middle and Far West He will* personally visit the managers of vaudeville theatres In all the' cities between Chcago, Omaha, Kansas City,' Denver, Salt Lake City and- Los 'Angeles, and discuss with them their booking problems. A branch office of the W. V. M, A. is already in- operation In St Louis, one will be opened In Denver, another In Loa Angles, and if conditions warrant still another in San Francisco. With these In running . order, he will then pro- coed to cover the territory in Wash- ington and Oregon as far north as Seattle and return home over the lines of the Oreat Northern and Northern Pacific railroads. With this intimate personal con- tact and opportunity to discuss the vital problems of each individual manager, he will return to Chicago with a vast fund of first-hand infor- mation which cannot help but prove an invaluable aid to the managerr whose houses are booked by the W. V. M. A. and to the "bookers" who win attend to the detail of sup- plying the programs for ths W. V, M. A. theatres. Expansion of Assoeiation I fully expect that this expansion of the W. V. M. A. acU vitles will add at least 100 theatres'to the (1st which now obtain their programs through this association, and If such le the oass the W. V. M. A. wUl be enabled to reader an even greater service to its* clients in the future than it has In the past With Its long list of now theatres in which to play ths acta on its books it win be able to offer the vaudeville artist a much longer en- gagement than Is now possible. Another and vary important re- sult of this policy of expansion wlU be that the quality end class of the acts which are to be seen in the smaller houses can be greatly Im- proved, and with the Improvement a new, a larger and a higher class of patrons will be constantly .drawn to vaudeville, and that after all is the result which the Orpheum Circuit, ><f.JAMBS URRATT *te!n^£*. Now Owned by Osllrle Slal SOLE AGENTS FOR "BAL" PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS ALSO OTHER STANDARD MAKES HARTHANN — INDKMTRCCTO — OHHKOSH — STCNDKL CROPPER SPECIAL No. 1 Tall its* wirdmbt tank, selected wbhe- wood 'opeer. he rd ml cenleed. Sew counted vx kiterieeed. 4 rests, tlntwerr. lectin* kef. IS - $35 CROPPER SPECIAL No. 2 rail etee wardrobe t rusk, nurd, round ode* conetrortlon. open dome tap. eorered sad IfUfr U no T with homey black aber. tear root*, towers. aesTttr ak*- eied locates bar. lookt all drawers. 1» bassets. thoe bos, laundry be*. $45 Glome*. MAn ^^^^ "ADR BT BAL SUIO rOS CATALOO. MENTION VARIETY FOR PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNTS flROPPFR'S »■"■ <»•» BROADWAY, At Mtk SL.NEW YORK CITY MbPsWoV a «-»I* •> IAJGUAGK rioae FKz So, MAS - v FOUR MEDINIS DIRECT FROM ITALY • . Still gome »trtm« and booked solid on the Orpheum, Jr., Orpheum And B. F. Keith Circuit. MAX RICHARDS, Representath — ROY in "CHLNA" • At 58th St., New York, last week, next to dosing, our SURPRISE, SENSATIONAL, SCREAMING, HOWLING COMEDY FINISH, the LAUGHING HIT OF THE BILL NEW NUMBERS, NSW WARDROBE, NEW SCENERY, NEW AND PLENTY OF LAUGHS MAZETTE, LEWIS and CO. 'DANCE PAJUSIAir ■ ■ , ! THIft WEEK (MW»T. 2»T, KEYSTONE, PHILA. * i •• . ■ ! ■ • ; ' Direction DAVE 3ABL08KY EARL, PHILA., WEEK OCT. I