Variety (September 1924)

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, Scftttiuibef 84, 199ft , VARIETY VT l. F. ALBEE, President - m&SZZX J.J. MURDOCK, General Manager F. F. PROCTOR, Vice-President *< ( B. F. KEITH'S VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE , (AGENCY) (Palace Theatre Building, New Y CV i VI "...'■ i] .,.,. •.'.,' -1. ♦ Founder* B. F. KEITH, EDWARD F. ALBEE, A. PAUL KEITH, F. F. PROCTOR Artists can book direct addressing W. DAYTON WEGEFARTH • •***#*(*-. ■ i ■ Marcus Loews Booking Agency Genera! Executive Offices I9EW BUILDING ANNEX 160 WEST 46 T "ST NEW YORK JHLTOIN QKtfSkJLL MAHABZR _____________ CHICAGO OFFICE 604 Woods Theatre Building JOHIHNY; JONES CH a aat 1 * 1 I I ■ BOOKING DEPARTMENT Palace Theatre Building IfEWYpWf ■ .■ . ■ * r-nf s *rtfESERVfCE\THAT SERVES' - 1 MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION GENERAL BOOKING OFFICES Fifth Floor, State-Lake Bldg., Chicago, 111. BRANCHES: Mt-Kt Aroade B.ildln,. 8t. Lealav «».; 8m>nd Floor, Main St. Theatre fildf., KuiM City. Mo.; 40S-7 Tabor arolldia*, Denver. Colo.i HIU Street Theatre Bide Im An*-rlee, CI. NOrV BOOKING THROUGH TO THE PACIFIC C0AST m ACKERMAN & HARRIS EXECUTIVE OFFICE8: - : =.;?'-'' THIRD FLOOR, PHELAN BLDG. • MARKET. GRANT and CFARRELL STREETS 8AN FRANCISCO ELLA HERBERT WESTON, Boohing Manager LOS ANOKLES— <!« CONSOLIDATED BUDU. Hi "' ■ = Aesociation of Mansers in N«w York State, Canada and East JOHN E;!COUTTS KNICKERBOCKER VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE AGENCY Standard Acta Going- Kant or Wert Can Break Their Jump • to tt Weeke EARL CARROLL THEATRE BLDG., N. Y. City—Phone Circle 6407 the W. V. H. A. and an It; allied theatres most earnestly desire. ■• In extending; the scope of the V. II. A. activities every effort ill he made to safeguard and con- inually Improve, if such be possible, lie interests of the artists Who may i booked through this exchange. - Co-Operation I realize Very keenly that it is sly by the closest and most cordial co-operation between the manager, the actor and the booking offices that ■the best efforts of the artiste can be liven, and it Is only when the artist lives a 100 per cent, performance that the audience is thoroughly Pleased and imbued with the desire to see vaudeville shows again and •tain. I think that the treatment which •Mists encounter In the 'vaudeville theatres, both back stage and in the contact they have with the manager an d his assistants, has become not °"ly a matter bf business, bat a mutual pleasure. The spirit of fab- play and consideration which are among the Ideals we have so sin- cerely endeavored to establish are bringing splendid results, and in ar- ranging for booking franchises with the W. V. M. A. we" shall make It a condition that the same spirit of cleanliness, comfort, friendliness and co-operation be maintained In .the new houses which may become af- filiated with us, which I am pleased to feel exist today In all those the- atres whose programs are arranged by the W. V. M. A. MEET THE BOYS (Continued from page 9) to accomplish. He has been with the firm for 15 years, coming to Chicago from Decatur, with his last post as manager three years ago. His chief failing Is his pipe and he is competing with Eddie Foy as a family man, but as a cracker* ■ill"! _ EXECUTIVE OFFICE* [, State-Lake Building ' CHICAGO — 11* _Lf '• M E. COMERFORD, Pres. We offer sincere service to Vaudeville Managers.. Communicate with us^ancl our representative will call. Artists may book direct at all times. ■v I *, -vV- J --- ; - v *'-' *'- - -"- i: "H- 0, HARRY J. PADDEN, :•■-.; ■ ■, ■■ - •■: Booking Manager >. ■>■:. i rt;« M*il4 • .■: .. ■!; 1441 Broadway, New York Phone: Perm 3580 -.■, • • .« (*} ■■■ \ '■ ■■ . '•••■.-■ v-1 ■'• v ■ anaaaaat. -u. VAUDEVILLE DEPARTMENT THE GUS SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO. experience) and brilliant records In show business could best.serve Us clientele. He Is one of the men who knows how to get favors where others fail and can overcome Jp- stacles and smooth out differences with artists jutd! managers' like a true veteran In the business of booking vaudeville over a wide territory. Oh, yes, Eddie's daughter now lives in Denver. So that's where you will And him managing the W. V. M A. affairs of that section. BRANCH OFFICES Kiw Vera CHy •II stria* Tkeatr* sm*. Ba*aK. M. V. IM LafanttT* Taaatr. ■AIM OFFICE: IQENT THEATH SPRINSFIELD. OHIO MEW REGENT THEATRE BLDS. ■""•Fir-' - THEATRE MANAGERS Daalrta, Int-elaM larylca writ*, wira ar »«••• • ar aaarwt afllte. VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS: Maria, Irani Ma t» tntrtjr araaU aasSmM* art*. BRANCH OFFICES: Cekaa*. Ml. ••S Orl*«*r* BMf. Mich. 7*0 Buum SMa. PWt»larm. Pa. 41* FMtaa SMa, BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT flea Vara EM W. 47* I VAUDEVILLE THEATRES OFFICES - Brtr*!*^ l ". OaMoo* I SaattM jtaa FraaotaMj La* Aat**** " ^1 ^ty-l '8BT \n&Bj* V — "» ■ < ~ ■ • —■ Taaat jack booker, Sid is also there, at present booking all the continuous Orpheu'm Jr. houses. »• MORRI8 3. SILVERS Take the knowledge of about men In the picture business, put it together, and you win have some Idea of what Morris Silvers kriows about pictures. His specialty Is high crass pic- ture housss and he has a mania for Balaban & Xatz theatres and of de luxe houses of tbelr type. For real Inforanttion In his line Mr Silvers Is prcbably thj most sought after man In the W. V. M. A. office. He has been there 10 years and in that time has ac- quired a fund of knowledge and an ability for applying It which Is proving a gold mine for managers who want service of that nature from the W..V. M. A. In addition Morris Is the Beau Brummel of the office. . They say he buys 10 suits at a time for 12 bits apiece end without walking up a step. Then he touches off his sartorial splendor with several sparkling diamonds, making the picture complete. Morris Silvers is a valuable as- set to the association and in turn to the managers served by the or- ganization He Is on the Job from the word go and hits 100 per cent. EDWARD SHAYNE Eddie Shayne started as an actor, then became a champion booker and retired. But they didn't let him stay put. His inti- mate knowledge of every- angle of show business, his reputation of never losing a theatre he once books and his long experience during which he built a record equalled by few, made him just the man for the W. V. M. A. It took some persuasion t) get Eddie back, but his love of the busi- ness was too much for him and he is working for the continued success of the W. V. M. A. He re- tired five years ago to be near his daughter, his pet hobby. Since returning to harness Ed'He Is hitting better than ever and \4 winning managers over to the as- sociation every, day. In bringing bark Eddie Bbayns the association showed its appro ■ elation of the fnct that men of long BENJAMIN J. PIAZZA A prominent* aetor mh«n along came the war to help him prove to the world'he is also gralle manager, and a genius at handling people. Out at th* Great Lakes Naval training station Ben had the, job during the war of nutting on shows which pleased' from'10,000 to lo'.OOO sailors at each performance. These were charity affairs, too, not the easiest things to arrange or put across with everybody satisfied, -but Ben delivered. After that he was sent to .New Orleans' to handle the Orpheum's circuit affairs and did it bo well he was intrusted-' with the opening/ of the Orphem circuit's new Hill Street, Los Angeles. His record on the Coast has been just one long list of successes. When C. F. Bray went out there to siie up things for the association he grabbed off Ben in a hurry as the General Western Representative. Mr. Piazza knows everybody on the coast and is known by the man- agers Out there as a man who al- ways gets "yes" to' anything he goes after. They trust him implic- itly, because he never fails them. Ben has discovered a lot of talent and has produced special shows. NAT KALCHEIM Nat's rise'Jn the', show business might be called meteoric. He came to work for tha,aesoclatIon as an office boy. Not much later he was a stenographer. When they found he was showing every "sign of becom- ing valuable, he was sent to New York to obtain material. for the W. V. M. A. This was a big chance for Nat, and he made good to the extent that they brought him back and put him in charge of the book. Nat is assistant to 8am Kahl, and handles Orpheum -Junior houses, which nts him admirably for taking care of managers throughout the Middle West He was recently mar- ried, but It hasn't interfered with Nat's efficiency. . He is young in age, but old in ability. JOLLY JONE8, JR. Lives up to his first name. His personality has won a warm place in the hearts of managers through- out Iowa and Kansas, where he gets them what they want, despite any difficulties. Jolly Jones is a master at solving tho perpioxltlea of the business; and at the same time keeping an ever- rcady smile for everything and everybody. He was never known to be other than cheerful. Adding to his good nature a keen ability in his work has given Him a high reputation among the man- t'gern he'sorvei- > I