Variety (September 1924)

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98 ■ VARIETY' Wednesday, September 24, 1924 HOTEL HUDSON ALL NEWLY DECORATED {8 and Up Sir.gie 12 and Up Double Rot and Cold Water ar.d Telephone la Each Room. 102 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY Fboaet DRTANT 7Sta-*» HOTEL FULTON (In tli* Bear*. «l New lark) u end Up Single uble .and Up Doi Shower Baths. Hot and Cold Water and Telephone. E l o e trlo tea la each ma , 264-26* WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK CITY OMMaU M- V. a. HOTEL LANGWELL 123 WEST 44th STREET He* Tack Bryant 1M7 Under New Ownership and Mannfte- ssent. Special rata* offered to Pro- fessional People. Qarendon Beach Hotel 831 Wilson Atcw, at Lake CHICAGO, ILL. fee dat i Special Weakly Rataa ta . Free Parkin* Spaco _ Wit* _ BAY aMU lir the Profession Available «p* HOTEL AMERICA 47th St, Just East of Broadway NEW YORK CITY The ear exclusive Theatrical Hotel at moderate prices la Mew Tork City. Oar rates are reasonable to the profession Largo room, with private bath. flT.M per week. Staple room. lit per Mate* Your Reservation in Advance DIO ABWAY sad U4eh ST., NEW T THE WELLX>N Peeeatb nea O fo r abe.n l TOKK i el Traastt Usti. Special rates to the s cafasaloa. Excellent reataaraat la the btilldlnc. rkese UeraJapslde SIPS Jolly's praiseworthy hobby is keeping his word. He has 'bad a varied and long experience as a manager and picture man. JOSEPH ERBER On* of the aces of the W. V. M. A., who/Is a power in the theatrical world of his district. Joe Erber thinks 8t. Louis Is toe centre of the universe. To him there may be such places as Chicago and New York, but they are in the prov- inces, and there is reason for his esteem of St, Louis. He has more than, any other showman built the 8L Louis territory to Its enviable position. He has located several TAVERN A CHOP HOUSE Of EXCEPTIONAL MERIT 153-3 WEST 4TTH STREET » ■ / £»*» at Bros J' Leonard Hicks, Op AND GRANT Special Rate* to the Profession CHICAGO erating Hotel: LORRAINE 417-419 S. Wabash Avenue Housekeeping Furnished Apartments of the Better KM THE DUPLEX ■ 330 West 43rd Street, New York—Lonwacre 7132 Three and tear rooms with bath, complete kitchen, afoderp hi every particular. Will accommodate fear or mere adalta, pf» PTsUPKLT. Beter C ins j nea H a tl sai ta ■ rhoaci LONQACRE lPMt OEO. r. SCHNEIDER. r,«p. THE BERTHA FURNISHED APARTMENTS COMPLETE POB IIOUSERKEFING e 323-325 West 43rd Street Private Hath. 3-4 Raaasa. Catertas ie> the the itra STEAM BEAT AMD ELECTRIC UUST • CLEAN AMD Al NEW YORK CITY •et aad eesvesle • • eUeVBt DP 350 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1RVINGTON HALL HENRI COURT SSI Weat Hat Street Sit West 48th Street •**• Circle UM Longacre HILDONA COURT „ 141-J«7 Weei 45th Street. SSM Longacre. l-t-S-4-room apartmenta Bach apartment with private bath, phone, kitchen, kitchenette. S1SS0 UP WEEKLY—S70J» UP MONTHLY The largest maintainor of housekeeping furnished apartments directly under the supervision <of tits owner. Located in the center of the theatrical district- All fireproof buildings. Address all communications r0 CHARLES TENENBAUM , Principal office. Hildona Court, S41 Weat 46th St.. Now York Apartment t can ha sera eitntaoi Office In each building ., ACE HOTEL 200 Wept 80th Street NEW YORK CITY <0« Broadway) E le ga ntly farnlahrd apa r t a u n t s, ear and faralshed and iteaty 9tM. Dap aad curat CALGARY, ALBE1TA, CAW. St Regis Hotel THE ONE BEST BET SPECIAL THEATRICAL RATES MODERN—FIREPROOF FREE BUS "A Heraelike^Place for Professional FstV ftotel jfflartooob 242 WEST 4Pth STREET Teerpheae Clwekorss* flPSi N. V. C1TT All rooms Nreaevated aad; elevator service: running water aad phone In each room. . MOOT REASONABLE BATES theatres, and ia the best known and best-liked manager In the section, all of which makes him ideal to handle W. V. M. A. service in thai, section. Joe is an authority looked up to by everyone la his district. Having successfully solved the problem j&f a manager for himself for years, he is now solving them for others. The association oould not have found a better man In the whole United States for this post and the wide-awake managers of the Mis* souri valley fully appreciate it. HOTELAIPp 58th St. and 8th Ate., Hew York 1 and I ROOMS; PRIVATE BATH SFBCIAL RATH TO FROFEMION PHONE COLUMBUS 1000 ARISTO HOTEL Ml "SBI 44TB STREET. NEW tOR* FOR THEATRICAL FOLKS Raantag water, telephone hi every room »»»•*• apt tat ap wMh each im-ups __ YANDIS COURT 241-247 Weat 43d Street NEW YORK r UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Newly renovated and decorated 1, 2, 3 and 4 room apartments; private shower baths; with and without kitchenette, also maid service. . $15.00 and up weekly. Under supervision of MRS. «a MAN THE ADELAIDE UMS. t. LBTET NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT UB »- j** M8K * 754-756 EIGHTH AVENUE One Rtarh Wees of Bat a l ie 4*0, and I7ta turret. Three, roar aad Fhre-Reosa Fsrslebe d Apartments, p Strictly ft aa s aal ti a al . Fhoaes: idwap nss-Sist RICHARD C. HOFFMAN Another "wlsard" booker, i Dick Hoffman books more house* ranging from ten minutes to one week than anybody in the business. He Is the only man who has ever gotten acts to split one day between theatres. It Is this ssset of being able to keep not only the managers satisfied, but also to handle artists and agents equally as well, which makes Dick a valuable saaa to the houses he books. He has a propensity for knowing PALAIS DOR Broadway at 48th Street «KLCOBE TO THE PROFESSION CHA8. F. STRICKLAND and his PALAIS COR ORCHESTRA LUNCHEON. See DINNER, $1.*» No Caver Charge A LA CARTE ALL. HOURS DANCI.a??.Vraa£ FIRCST SARCI TL00S IN THE CITV 54-3T, AT pUttM**/* NIT WYOBKC 1TV 9vNOLEttOO enTMBATH*3«t In the Heart of LOS ANGELES Theatre District CAMPBELL APARTMENTS and HOTEL •71 WILSHIRE BLVD. Tlllfhiat Vaa Dyk StPS Attractive and newly famished Maple aad Doable Apartments. Hotel rooms with bath. Individual phones. Elevator service. Ban room for the use of Guests. . Under the Personal Supervlslea of BBS. BARBARA CAMPBELL' Advance SeUdtcd—Rev •aVd her OepMaaa Artists ARLINCTON HOTtt WASHINGTON. D. C. WE ALWAYS TARE CARE OP THE rROFESMON REOARDL1 CONTENTIONn OF TWO ROOM 5UI1 _ CKCELLENT lUSTAURANT SAMUEL J. STE1NBERGER exactly what they want in the ter- ritories booked by the W. Y. M. A. As an observer of conditions he la as keen as a knife, and has few If any equals in the ability of keeping the managers happy. In the South and Southwest his name is magic to every manager he deals with. He is booking man- ager for the small circuits and han- dles many houses for the W. Y. M. A. Besides keeping up his reputation as s wow booker, Dick finds his chief pleasures in eating and sleep- ing. He Is a grest kldder. Around the office they call him "Needles." OEL'S One Moment Wtst of Broadway at 41st Street ' ' rvtr Ren tesvape af Ike licadlPa Meats at Uteratarv and the «rag» rue n.-u Faad aad Eatertalaaerat la Hoes- Tarh Maabr aad 1'ua.iap £1 Oui Special: A Mrlaia Steak aad Potatoes (Any Style) $1 CONRAD NOLME8 Another star In the galaxy which makes up the personnel of the W. V. M\ A. Coney Holmes has every detail of show business outside of Chlcnge at his command whenever oc.tti'oi; arises. He is so familiar v/ifi e icli locality served by the association he is as good as on the scene at all times. • Coney knows every out of town manager by his first name, as well as the names of his children and how many. Give him any subject and he will reveal an aitoan tins fund of general IpformatiOR. only acquired by a wide aad constant touch with affairs. As gensral traveling representa- tive for the W. V. K. A. Coney could not be replaced by any one better hirtd. His hobl>y io in beUu "up' on everything and it would be nird to find a subject Corey can't talk on with nuthoritr- HARRY FETTERER A trill lilner who has earno.) hi* spurs through the years, htsn * le the traveling representative for the TV. V. M. A. and a retFrR*) pprt4 am" Hht Integrity has won the on"i .nice of every oue. TORONTO HOTEL STOQDLEIGH HHUTER aad MUTUAL PTBEBTS Like Oolnp Hone for a'Week / SPECIAL, RATBS TO PROFESSION Cafeteria — No Charge for Room SetRtal lleawA He knows thoroughly every prob- lem of the Individual managers in hie territory and his standing with them is the best proof. - Harry has the knack of making his visits indispensable, because of his ability and personality. RICHARD F. BERGEN ■ Could write his own history as well as anybody as writing ia his busineaa He is in charge of the publicity for the W. V. M. A. It's unnecessary to say anything aboiat how well the publicity of the organisation is being handled, as It speaks quite sufficiently for Itself. Bergen Is doing a good job and qualified himself for It by writing for several magazines, theatrical papers and Interviewing acts for several years. Speaking from exper^etice. public- ity men usually get S lot of grief, but not so with Dick, probably bo- cause he la putting the campaign across so well that there Is no room for a "come-back." HARRY KALCHEIM Like his brother Nat, Harry Kal- cheim has made fast progress with the W. V. M. A. Starting In as a stenographer when hardly mo:,- than a kid, he ia now one of Sam Kahl'a most valuable assistants. He has h*en with the office six years, and 'n '' * time has learned a surprls- sPC. Harry Is oa the Job every min- ute, aad shows every tadlcatioa or penoralPaT a top aosck hooker. Hotel Remington 129 Weat 46th Street NEW YORK Special Rates for Theatrical Folks BRYANT SSSS-4-S HOTEL PORTLAND 132 Weat 47th Street NEW YORK Special Rates far Thoatrica' Folks BttAlrf tSM-S-S BOYLE VVOOLFOLK Former vaudeville producer, and knows the gamp inside out. He is In charge of the club department of the W. V. M. A. aad has built it up to the point where it is consider.d one of the most Important in the office. > His experience in putting' on vaudeville and big tabloids gives him an insight which few bookers can obtain otherwise, and "Bully" utilises It to the fullest advanta, e. Outside of working "Bully" is said to shoot golf with equal accuracy. J. C. MoCAFFERY Manager of the fair department of the TV. V. It. A. J. C. M - Carter>• is a name known throughout the outdoor show world as an authority. He came to the association and has brought some- thing entirely new to this branch. He has more genuine thrilling and sensational outdoor achievements to his credit than could be counted on three hands. Starting as an executive In many state snd other large fairs. Mr. Mc Cnffery also has had experience as a , promoter of big business exposl- i tiona. He knows the outdoor game better than nine out of every 10 men In the field. He grew up in this branch. Today the association has in J. C McCaffery a man pre-eminently fitted to direct the outdoor depart- ment at the organisation's activi- ties. He is a double heavywttght, a physical as well as a men'ul giant in outdoor sbowmanshln. vH