Variety (November 1924)

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Y c TllfJ^F^W^raT-5-_^ir v'-'T-i.f^.l-, ••».■• :'7LT'-:--rr :.rkv VARIETY MUSIC =fc ^ Wednesday, November 5, 1924 ^PKhlta. Gaors*. WarflcU T^ •>■ vtknclaoo. LoMeU. JcM«, P«ki« C Bqatoa. Loon. a. D.. m CItr IteUA**.. Voai- Liopfi. Vincent PennaylTante H.. "OracD- Vloh Villasc Folllea." N. T. C. Iiopes, Vincent. SUtl*r H., Buffalo. LoulaTllla riva (Ctartatla K^at*>. UM E Mlb St.. Brookl/n. Z<oir«. Burt, XUatoa, Boato*. tMlMrt. AI. Chliw Ins. N. T. C. tiQitIc, Blllx. Scntntoa Slrana, New Or- Luckr. Dick, ValenUne ran, 22 K. Adama. Ckicacft. I<nnan, Abe, Cttcouiut Grove. Loa Annelea. Lmoh, Vbll, Belmont P., Patereon. N. J. Vmn. Smnmx. 200S WIcblU St.. Oallaa. IiXnn, Vann, Rlvervlew P , Milwaukee. lUahs, BIII7, WarcrOM. O*. Mack, Auatln. Cinderella. 5010 W. lUd- laoo, Cblcavo. tUMaa. a., Bdan D. H., New Caatlc. DtL MaUalU. rrank ■.. Plpar Studloa, Du luth. Major, r. J., C»l. tOOT Third at. Ocaao Park. ao& Cblcaco. ton. Mann Makta. AI. twlmmlnc Poo). Allenhurat, Maloaar, Ralph B., 80* ■Uaor St. Knos- Tllle, Tenn. Mallon, Qeorga, Arcadia, B'war * Wll- 7blca(o. hattaa Sodetr Oreb., Baaly'i. Boa- an. Ckrta, Plantation. Culver City, cat. Mann, Oell, TO B. Mth St., N. T. C. ' Mantia, Simon, Arcadia, Aabury Park, M. J, 'Jteicalla, Qranmaa'a C<7ptlan, Um An- fatea. ' MArgrair, IrvUv, Blaokatoae H., Chlcaco. . Markela^ Mika. BlU Carltoa H., N.T.C. .-Marka, AI, Arohambaqlt. K. T. C. :- Martin, Nat. "lU Sax Sh« la." Caaino ■v., N. T. C. Maaon, Billy, RIverton P., Portland, Me. Master, Charlie, Cadis, muadelphta. .Mar, Hash, tWcoma P., CoTinctoa, Kr. r May, Moma, Jane 87., M. T. C. . Matt. Uiwreacak tti Armbrr. Brooklra. " lUrtr. Jim, MIehltaa Cltr. Ind. ^.MaCourt Harold, Tulare, Cal. ■ MeOonard. Harold. Cinderella. Lon« Baa th. Cal MaDousal, Jaaea, Recent T.. Detroit. MeDvw^l. Adrian. Dixie Srocopatora P t lu ee a a T.. Honelnlu, HawalL MbBaany. Mw. J., M Bjrlvaa at., tttrtac McUr. OaU, American T., Salt liake City. McKar. Marioa. areraton* Hi, Dayton. MoOrath. rraak, Weber Duck Inn, WpeathaoL Maaa. ^-MaKaMia Mtthlandara (WlUIam Q. Mo- Bloah) taD a. Wabash Ave., Chlcaco. !•• Maatr - - - .'MfiXowa'i iTer Mualctan. UlppodrooM VaitlaBd. Ora. M<t»Uy, John «, tTl McComk Plaoa OlaMala. N. T. MoVaa. L 8.. tm. m. «M St.. Los An- Mead. Fred. Club Aatlera, N. T. C. jMal ala. BBlUa. Setaaiaa-a D. B.. Loa Ao- "Mafciwr. aaa. aab Rajrata, Thompson nttaaiplfc Tlaa. •'raak licaorclU. R«^ •Mat, Vklya. - ' Mania, Urn. Mah Joac Tnn, N. T. C MarrM. Bany. f i lw ati Oty. MC. MaitUl. Inata, MataaMca. N. T. C Maaa t n Cd , AI, Ibaaslaad. Tauaton, Maaa. Ms ti aiia ma a Mayaca (Taitaa). 14M Bread- Syerlnsk, Herb, JIaadaJa'a. San rran- claea.' ' Mivsn. B«t. Kalabow Oafdcaa, Wand Park. Ms. Meyers. Henaaa. Ocean Plaia H., Lone Braash, N, J. . Meyera, Louis, Horn's D. B., Los Aacetcs. t- Meyers Vte, Batal del Oorooatfo, Oore- -••4a-Baaah. CaL .,. Msyeraoa. BM«w tn Bonnie Bras at., ' :X«s Aasalaa. i4t Miami 8yncopatoi« Miami B., Dayton. Midway Oardea Orcb.. Midway Qardsa, Chtoaco. MUlsr. Da Mart. Rook Sprtncs. Park, Chanter, W. Vk. ^MlUer, B.. ReCoado Beach Danoa Pavilion, ''MsdonOo Beach. Cal. . Miliar, Oeotca C-. Palala Royal. Hartford. 'MUlaii Mat. Ul WlllUms SC Chelsea, Osborne, - WalUe. Chateaa Baltaaiol, fprlacflsid, N. J. Oweai^ Dale. Pala«^a T , Pllal. Mich. Oaley. Harold. Cinderella B.. N. T, C. Paca. Oeorc* C. Roaevtile. O. Paoxer. Raymoud, Oriental Garden, 4813 N. KedalF. Cbicaco. Papparlaido, Frank, Hotel Chlsca, Hem- phla I'aramount Entertalnera. Majeatle B.R., Detroit. Parks, Frank. Tent, 102S N. SUte, Chi Parks. Ralph. Trocadero, Chlcaaa. Partridce. f. U Mayflower, N. T. C Pastemackt and Rubenstatn, Tsllcr T., Detroit. „ Paulson. EIner. Green ParrU. nu W. UadUon. Chlcaco, Pearl Horey. Shore Oardcaa, NanaaaksL Pearl's Serenaders, Nikon T.. Plttabnrch. Peerleas Dane* Oreh. (AI Wiebe), Sth and tfoOBwath St., Nevaerl. Ky, Pela^ Walur, Beanettavtlleu 8. C. PerlusB, Aba, Rose Roobl Loe Ancelea. Petahlnc's Band (W. J. Btaanard), Waab- laatoa Barraoka, Wasblastoa. Petsraon. Osoar, tlS Marsh Court. Rock- (ard. PfelKsr's Orch.. U4» Palmetto Ave.. Toledo. Plcclno, Antonio, H» N. Ith at.. ReadlaS- Pitman. Keith. Riverside B.R.. Sprias- Ocid, Mass. „ _ ^ Polls, W. C-. Clover Oardena, M. T. C. Pollack. Ben, Venice B. R., Venice, Cat Pomette. v.. B. * M Cafetarla. Loa Ancdea. _^. Pope^ Edcar, W K. Vaa Buraa at.. Chl- caco. Fosty. Fred, Stelnway T., Lone laland City, N. Y. Powers. Ollle, Dreamland C, tStO S. State. Chicago. Prado. Fred. American House.' Boston. Price. Oua, Palace Garden. Newark. Pullen. lUymeod B., IIU SeUsra at, Franktord. PbUa. Q Quintan. Dick. Rainbow Garden^ Leals- vllle, Ky. RatUno, Alfred. HIT New Utrsehl Avs., S'klya. Randall. Art, Braadsts Store. Oma%a. Rapp. Barney. Bf«wn H., Loulsrllls. Rathmell. Walter, Phtlhamonle Aadl- torlam Symphony, Loa^Annlea, Ratnair, Saul, Yoaketa, N. T. Ray, Huston. AJamac H.. N. T. C. Ray, Huston. Clab Hnatoa Ray N. T. C. Hay. Don. Beaaa Atf, Phlladalphta. Red Jaokeu (Harry I.«aaard), Qab Madrid. Phmdelgibbt. Red Jackets (Praak B. Malnalla), Draam- land. Duhiih. Read. John B., 1031 Flrat 8t.. RaaaaeUer. 1. T. Recaa, Dick. Boothbya, ^Philadelphia. Raid, Jack. Berlin. N.. M. RilHy, -Ben. Up Tnp laA Tonkara M. T. Relanuui, Leo, Brunswick. Boston. Relsner, Ollle, Gincham Inn, fSOtt Cottacs Grove, Chlcaco. Renard. Jack. "Cotltoatc. Maaa. Renk. Frits, SoverelSn H., 6300 EUnmorc, Chtoaco. Rettaaaa. L. M.. Baatwood Ian. BaUway. Mkih. „ ReynoMa, Billy. Atlaatk: Ba«aai Maa- tasket Baach. Mass. i _^ . R hytbaasstera. Merry Oardens B. R., 8h«f- Beld B. R., Sheffleld * Belmont Rlalto Ramblera, Georsa Groohy, Cathay. Philadelphia. RIoardl'a Orcta.. Pythian Temple, Brock- ton. Mass. . " Riect Aids, e/o Nick Orlando, 18 W. 4BUi St. N. T. C. Rich. Fred. Astor H. Orltl, M. T. C. RIehardaoa, rtoreaesb Caairal Park Carioo. N. f. C RIeth, Ted, Billy Ray's. Canarsia, U L Rices, I.«o. Aator R.. N. T. C. RICO Gypsy Band. Little Bnnsary, N T C Rlaso.' Vincent, Sylvania. Philadelphia. RobMns. Fred, Ceatucy Root Baltlmera Robinson'a Orpheums, Grand C, Phoenix, Aris. ailncsr's aiBcios Orch.. Statlsr Rea- tanraat Baltalo. aoMlley. A., Maasa, Loa Ancelea. Smith. Harl, c/a Paul 8p«At, ISOT B'wpy. Bmltb'e Imperial Orch.. Lake Champlhla Pavilion. PUttabwtfh, H. T. I, J. H., Dance Pa Smith. J. H., Dance Pavllllon, PUtta- burc. N. r. smith; Joaeph C4 Mt Rayal M-. Men- treal, Smith, Le Roy, 4M St Ntcbolaa A«a.. N. T. t Smith, Win, CrnthI Palace N. T. C. Smith, Wtllla. dree Tan. N, T. C Saeli, -Ship Chfa, Venice, Oai. SokoloT. Ksavla. MamUtaa. Washlastoa. Souaa. John PhlUp. Madian. WU. BoutberUad. Lt T.. TUi finary, N. T. C. Meutheni BU (PUI Pi asal l V Jcyaneae Lantern, Toiacslowa. O. Soutea, Charlca C, White CKy Revue, Chleaso. Specht Paul. ISOT B'way, N. T. C- Spectat, Paul (Floyd Fallstiek), Delaware Huase, Delaware Water Oas. Pa. Spaeiala. Mike, Carletaa Tarraba, N. T. C. Hplelman. Milton, Oaaonta. N. T. Spier Howlinc Wolves, Casper. Wy«. Splkee Brothers, UM Central Ava.. Los Aaceles. Spindler Orch., Trouvllls H., Lone Beach. N. T. Spltaloy, BUI, Allan T., cnevelaad. SplUlny, Leopold, McVlcfccrs T., Chl- caco. Bpltalny, Merita. StUlmaa T., Clevelaad Spltaloy, Philip, Baana T., Clevalaad. Bprtnear, Leoe. IM Uvlacatoa at. B-lyn. at Leola Rhythas KIttca CLouta Malato). IMS B. iSlh at. BrooUra. Stafford. Howard, tit Bum Stanler, Will. Oub Lido. Lone Beach, Stafford. Howard, tit Sumner St., Lincoln. N. Y. atarok. Mat. Ut W Iswa. Stark, Ferdloand, Curran T. Sd St., Mnseattaa San Fran- Staofflsar, Wm. O.. MS Dodce St. But- falo. Stsfflaa. Harry, aaaesrtlea. N. T. atepp. Loo. Oreaa MIIL Culvsr City. Cat Stem, Harold. BeUeclalre H.. N. T. C. atera, Jess. Taasolaad. N. T. C Stem, Will, Ocean Ave. H., Lone Branch. N. J. Stemberc, Paul, Stratford H., Chlcaco. Stein. Byd. Club, Wendermere, Chlcaco. Stein, Syd. Derby C. M» M. Clark St, Chteaeo. Stein, Syd. Little Italy C. Cmicaeo. auin. Syd, Star ft Crasoaat C^ab, Chlcaco Bteln. Syd, Woadlaad Park Ian. LoaU- villa. Stein, 8yd. Royal Terrara, Rlehmond. Stein. Sid. Twable Inn. Raclaoj Stelndel. Ferdinand, ISderwater Beach R.. Chlcaco. atevenaon. C!ar1ytaw Boa Ton Ballroom. Btsvcnson, C B„ SW ITth St. >«aU Monica. Cal. Stewart, Seat San Set C. MS B. Ud St, Chlcaco. _ StUlmaa. Harry. Monterey B.. Aabnry Park. H- *. _ . atlUwell. Rar. N«w Euelld Oardeea, Clevelaad. Stolebere, Oeorce, State T., Loa Ancales. Sttalcht Charlie. Renderxoask B'way * Olvereay Parkway, (%lcaco. Stickar. B. Mlaa, Baeklnsham H., 8t ZxHiia. Strtoklaad, Chariss F.. Palala , D'or, N. T. a ail smUsTf. C Tarsao. Oal^ asanas 8yi lyacopatsra. NowelTs B.. Shady- aids, Md. awaaaoa, M. B.. aUvar Lake Aasambly K if. awarta, Jaleai Aroadia B.a. Mllwaakcc. awast AJ. aM 8. MIChlsaa Ave.. Chleaca aymaada. Jaak. Fatt William Henry H., Lake Ocorse. M. T. _ ^ . __ ai rasasa t a» ffVM. Miftfc Oh rt oal W . f*^ ^: 1 ,.• DISK REVIEWS ELIZA (Fox Trot)—Paul Whitoman and Mia Orelwatra. 000 WACKAOOO—eamo—Victor No. i»m. Crack daat^ raeordlass by th« brilliant Whlteman JasslaU. The prollOo Kahn-FlorlU team Is r«- sponaible fov" tha rhythmic "Ellaa." "Doo WacJca Doo," as the title auKKests, foatuMs the "doo wacka doo" of the comet, and la written around a trtunpeter who la famed for his mute work. It la an a la "Hot Lipa" type of Jasx number at^d looka likely to attain the voKut "Hot Llpa" enjoyed at one time. Henry Busse, of Whtteman'c band, stands out, natarally, with bis woW- wow stufr,~. Oasklll-Donaldson-Horther are the authors. Bll^ Murray interpolates a vocal -chorus. < tiA JUAMA (Pox Trot^^'Qtona Rodemioh and Orchestra. JUST A FUNNY LITTLE TUNE— Same—Brunswick No. 2SM. Rhythmic fox trots, both authored by Rodemich and Lart^r Conley. alao The trumpet, trom- Iwne and piano step out Intermit- tently, making for snappy dance offerlnKB. VAL8E CHARME—Ray Perkins. MEMORY LANE->Harry Osborne —Edison No. »1408. Walts numbers, piano soloed by keyboard axperta. L«e S. RoberU' "Valse Charme" is a charminc comr positlon. The popular "Mctpapry Lane" (Larry Spier-Con Conrad) is a fitting companion rendition. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT—The Happiness THAT?' QEORQIA—Earl Richard —Okoh No. 40002. Jones and Hare, alias the Happi- ness Boys on the radio, duet "No One Knows" (Billy Rose-Harry Woods), with Barl Rlckard soloing the "Georgia" number (Geo. A. Lit- tle-Haven Oillesple-Larry Shay). Satisfactory vocal offerings in every respect. istry regulations of the associatioii. altbiougt) the othec two "Sally" Bonw happen to b« from the catalogs of «ublisher-menbera pf the M. P. p. * ■Tha title conOIct Is aUiallar to the "Roae-Marie" case of Shaplro- Berps^sln and Harms, the latter a noa-member. "Biua-Byed Sally" Is by Al Ber- nard and J. Ruisel Robinson, as is the "home song," a Dixie ditty Average song material, averaeelv done. (Fox Trot)—Conae lA v-.k,-* -i-.T-T Rohde. Kaxl. Craecent Oardcoa, Revcra. .Tllile \. Miller, Ray, Arcaulia B. R.r N. T. C. •' Miller. W., Rita Carletaa H.. PhlUdel- >' Bkla. li-^llia. Bill. Dnrant H., Flint it Mills, Peck. Cumberland. Md. ^ ' MIner-Doyle Orch.. Asaoclata Dansaat <*KbewsU. iy. MUchcll. AI, IB Qallatla St, Providence, "^M. 1. ' Mltehall. Bddls. Valley Dale, Columbus. ,, Moorsw DInty, Huatsr Island Inn. Pelhamu ** - iloora, Prkir. MS North Oxford Ave., Loa Ancelea. - Moor*. Tlrcll. Apollo, Indlanapolla. Mulvanlty, Paul. Nashua. N. H. Mulvay. Burt. Rita (eabaret), N. T. C. Munsv, Alfred. Gotham H., N. T. C. Mnrphy. T. Worth. Ckatsau, Baltimore. Murphy's Qrcb., Boar'a Head. Harerhlll, Mass. • ■ Myloa, Bert Naatloal Gardens. Revere Beach. Mass. N Nap. Al, Bhaplro A -Hart'a Brooklyn. Nasaberc. Julee, Soatbera dance tour. ' Nataay, Hasay, Blltmore H.. N. Y. C. . > Nay lor, Oliver, Box SSI, BIrinlnaham. Nelaoa. ..«oaa. Shlaaa, N. T. C. " MM, Art SUS Sprvee St, Bhlladelnbla, Newlla, Norm <Husfe aHare). Wla««f Oardea ReetC^trant. State * Monroe, Chl- caco. V >wmaa. Bddle, 1M4 Bercen St.. D'klyn tt»# Orleans Jass Band, Busanl's, R'ktyn Mew Tork Navy Tard Band (N. Sanaa). Mavy Yard. N T. C. NIchoUs. Nick. Steeple Cbaae Pier. At- Miatla City. . Norwood. Ralph. SprlnCdeld Lake P., Akron. Mas. Lew. PoK Arthur. B'klyn. . NoaaokoS Oroh., SS» Fifth Ave. PltU- kurch. _ ' Sievak. rraak J.. 129 8. B. First Ave., Mtaml. Null. Oeorce, Ocsan View Beach. Va. ' MMSBaaa. Julius^ MT Wlodaor Avs, Bartford. O (ysrlaa. Cabby. Baasor. Ms. 'O'Hara. Allaa. 724 Baal "D" St., Ontario. OU. O'Hara, Husk, Cocoanut Grove, Chlcaco. CBara. Ray. Majestic H.. Chlcaco. . Olllelbsat, 6.. Marlborooch H., Aabury Park. Olsen. Oeorce "Kid Boots." Karl Car- roll T.; "Folllaa." New Amsterdam T.. Beaux Arts CInbb W. T. C. ^ m' (Naaa. Ola, L'Alclon Cafe. PhlladelphU. CNell, Jack Golden Pheasant, Clark A ''•aCadlaoa. Chlcaco. Orlclnal Aoaa (D. A. Johnston). Brock- ■'- OrtglBal CnMCsnt Oroh. (J. F. Wecmaa). Aramrr. MIddletown. N. T. .v^MsIn^ Plaaa QuintsUs (AL Lawson). OfSlMl' Rsicamofflns (TteAry H. Tobias). tdS Wa 4SUI St, N. T. C. OrlalaOasheatrs (Dan Russo. Ted Feo- dto), Bdsewater Beach H., Chlcaao. , OrhUKIa, KlclmUs, Plaaa M., N. T. C. .^Oaboroe. droits, Nicollet H., MInne Rolfe. CalTln. Blltmore H.. Atlanta. Romanclll. Lulgt Klac ' Bdward Rotsl. Toronto. Roman. Joe, Jack a* I^antem. Portland. Me. Romano, Phil. Kenmsre H., Albany. Romeo, R.. Alpa. N. T. C. Roonry'a Orch., 15T W. 4Sth St., N. T. C. Roae, Vincent Riti-Carleton H., N. T. C. Rosen. Paul, Bamboo Inn. Clark A Ban- dolph, Chlcaco. Roaenberc, Melvln. Black Hawk. Chlcaco. Roeenthat. Harry, Club Lido Veok>e, Rcaenttaal. Ted. 14S W. 45th St, N. T. C. Roasy. Sam (Husk O'Hare). Brevsort H., Chlcaco. Royal Novelty Six (Joaeph E. O'Neill). sua N. S2d St. Philadelphia. Royal Society Band (Henry Olmatead). Central Rtatea dance tour. Royal Terrace Orch., Rita, Coney laland, N. T. Rul>ln, Art. Suntanc Inn, Lynn, Maaa Ruby. Narm, Rlveraide B.R., Charles River. Mass. Rumno. O., Arrowhead Inn. N. T. C. Ruascol Jack. Chin Lee. N T. C. Ryan, Pat, Broadway Gardens, N. T. C. Sscks. Carl, Uarseinea B., N. T. C. Salter. Dave. Windsor H., Montreal. Samuel, Louis. Checkerboard, N. T. C. Saniaella. Hlllera. Loa Ancelea. Sandera. Joe. Muhlsbacic H.. Kansas City. Sancamo Band. Dick Llebert. Madrtllon : . WR3hlngton. D. C. Sind». Phil, OSS B'way, B'klyn. Hantrey, Henry. Graoada T., San Fran- ;»".-..U- li Tandtcr, AdolC. Critarlaa T., Lea Aa- ""■nlrry, Loala, Beaoz Arta. K. T. C Taylor, Charlee, North Sad H.. Aabury Teller, m!, Steach View Inn, 804 Wilson, Chlcaco. Teppaa. Joasph J., SW Olsaweod Ava.. 52^!S'''S;„?*5In.2ii"ri? t'c ^^"^ T^Srloich., Art Studte Club. N. T. C. Bocera. Saul, Jannssn s. N. T. C. _ Thavea. A. F.. ^4 Beat Vaa Bursa 8t, Cklcasa. Thnma, Wit, 808 Dwlglit BldC-. «aeksea. Mich. Tiemey Five, Rlttenhouae H., Philadel- phia. Tipaldl. Andy. Jardaa da Daaea. MoatreaL Tlvall Rainbow Orchestra. Tlvoll B.R., Racine, Wta, Thiea. Henry. Oriole Terraea, Detroit Ttaomaa, At n LlacoUi Ave.. Milwaukee. «V[m Toblaa Harry H., Follies Inn, N. T. C. Tobin, Lonta, Sippican H., Marion, Mass. Toklo FIvs (Jos aaag). VIB Bay Ride* Ave., Bnioklyn. TopllR, Celvia,, Brie Cafe. Clark A Brie. Chlcaco. ■rrfiSl. r. ■.. use Fotlsr Ave., Las Aa- cslee Trobbe. Cy. Palace H.. San Francisco. Troy. Dale, San Juan. Orlando. Fla. Truehoft Hairy, Oreea Mill Oardea. Dee Holaas. Tuller. EdJle (dir. Abe Lyman). Redondo Reach R., Loa Ancelea. Tupman. W. 8.. Le Paradia Waablncton. Tureotte. Oeorce. SO Orance St., Manches- ter Turcotte Orch., Hoecc D. H., Portland, Me. Turner's Serenaderik Palais Royal, Worees- tsr. U trim, Dick, Lima, O. United Sutea Navy Baad (Chas. Banter), Washlncton. V Van's Colleclans. Caten Inn, Brooklyn. Varlsn. Art Sebastian C, Venice, Cal. Venetian Mek>dy Boya, MIIHnocket Me. Venetian Syacopatara, Sevanth St. Mia- aaapolto. . VeraaUle Five, Powell's Ian. Albany. N. T. Vernon-Owen Band Roacraont B'klyn. versatile Melody Boya Arlincton H., Waablncton. Vescey, Armand. Rlta-Carllon H., N.T.C. Vaeaeila. Greets Stsei Pier. Atlantic City. Virclnia Bntertalnera Rlalto. Atlanta. Oa. Vlrclnla Serenadera, Wllkee-Barre, Pa. w Wade. Jamea. Clarement C. 1852 In- diana, Chlcaco. Walsh, Walter, 212 E. Tremont Ave.. K. T. C. Ward. Frank. Avalon. Boston. Warden. Dick, Turner Grill. Aabury Park. N. J. Warlnc's Pennsylvsnians. Tyrone, Pa. Wsmer'e Seven Acea. Piedmont Drtvinc Club, Atlanta. Warr's Syncopalors, Palais Royal. South Bend. Warren. Ida. Joel's. N. T. C. Webb, Gr^. B . Champs BIysees H., Paris. Webb. Joe, C^anton Inn. B'klyn. Webater, Claude, 20 Thearle Bldc-, Skd DIeco. Weed, Dan, Abel* Houae. Oacawana Lake, N Y. Weema. Ted. Stanley. Philadelphia. Welderaeyer Orch., WrIchUvlll. Beach. N O Weialey, Joaeph, MT Twelfth Ava., MU- waukee. Welty. Oiann. Roof Garden. Sloui City. Wealey, Joseph. Alhambra Oardeaa Wla- nlpec. Can. Wbldden, Ed. 129 DIkeman BC, B'klyn White. I,e«. Caatan Tea Oartleos. Van Burea A Wabtth. Chlcaco. SOME OTHER DAY SOME OTHER OIRL (Fox Tr^)—Benson Or- ehastra of Chicago. MY ROUrM ARIE—Sam»-Victar The flwt Is a smart rhythmic composition (by Gua Kahn and Isham Jones; Milton Well, pub- lisher), that Is a favorite around Chicago. It. features Some snappy brass and tinkling piano Interludes (by Don Renaon, the Benson direc- tor), with the melody prominent throughout. "My Rose-Marie" (De Sylva- Renderson-Klng) is not the Arthur Hammerstetn musical song hit "Rose-Marie," although a fetching fox trot. The similar titles are ac- counted for by the fact that Harms, Inc., the publisher of the produc- tion music, is not a member of the M. P. P. A. The pubiisber of this "Rose-Marie" is Shapiro-Bernstein. (The production "Rose-Marie" has already been released by Victor; a Paul Whlteman recording.) Both are possessed of melodic lilt that can't miss. QLAD EYES Four BRING BACK TMOSE ROCK-A. aen No. 81409 For a small combination, the sprlghtlineea of the Congo Four's music is surprising. The sax, banjo xylophone and piano intermittently step out for snappy solo snatches, and supports the contention of some husic men that the smaller the re- cording personnel the better the product. "Glad Eyes" (Arthur Coleman- Eugene Herbert) is & snappy fox- tro, as is the "Rock-ft-Bye Baby Days" number (Chrlsty-SIIver-Ber- nie). The latter vamps off with an appropriate "cry-baby" effect, and also featu.res a nice player-piano ef- fect in the Instrumentation. - - « .- -3 HOW COME YOU DO ME LIKE YOU DO (Fox Trot)-The Origi nal Memphis Five % MEANEST BLUES—Same —Victar No. 19480 The Original Memphis Five is the foremost Jaxc aggregatfon of Its type in the field. This quintet records its low down" indigo specialties pro- liflcally for practically every com- pany in the business. It ts the sols survivor of a school of "hot" bands (which formerly had the Original Dixijeland Jalx Band as very promi- nent In that sphere), for the reason the Memphlsites have kept up with the times. Their barbaric rhythms are not all blare and Jasz, but also inter8i>eraed with melodic interludes for contrast. Like the second title, both are mean" blues of the rilling rhythm type. The clarinet, cornet and trom- iMne get some weird- effects out of the compositions. The first is by Austin and Bergere; the second is by Phil Napoleon and Frank Signo- relll, respectively cornetist and pian- ist of the Memplils Five. Withal a "hot" "blueb" classic. SAN (Fox Tret)—Georgia Melodisns. SALLY LOU (Fax)-Broadway Dance Oreh.^Ediaon No. 51412 A rather late date to release "San" (McPhail-Mlchele), but probably ex- plained by the Edison's favoring the simple, melodious numbers. They only release "hot" Jasz compositions when there is a big demand for them. The'Georgia Melodians have made a corking recording of "San." The Broaway Dance Orchestra, a nom-de-disks for an exclusive dance organisation signed for another la- bel, has done well by "ISaliy Lou." Hugo Frey's distinctive melody fox« trot permits for some novelty effects by the Broadway band. "r.f I'JMi Baser. Jan, Rlalto. T., Los Ancelss. Sebembeck, Al, CounUy Club. Mexloo City. Mexico. 8<-hmltt Fred. RIslto T., Denver. Schick, Oscar, Scarsbon Hotel, Lone Branch. N. J. Schobple, Ulmer, Midway Oardena, Chl- caco. Schonberc, Chris. .Vernon Country (Sub. Los Ancelee. Schott. Leo. Cherry'e. N. T. C. Sohwarts, U. J(«n, 020 Loncwood Avsl. Soh'warts, Urbar J., SIS Court St., Fre- mont. Ohio. Schwartibeok. Elmer, Statler H., (Cafe- teria). St. Louis. Seara, O. A., Plana Grill. Aabury Park, N. J. Sears, Hal, Blackhawk H., Davenport Seldeman, Sidney, Shoreman, vvaahincton Selnlck. Walter, Lido Inn, Lone Beach, N. y. Selvin. Benny, Woodmansten Inn, Boston Post Rd , N. T. Seller. Irvine. Cafe Boulevard. N. T. C Seven. OIna. Mlaalon, Loa Anceles. Sheets. E E., Jr., Terrace Oardena Chl- caco. .Shefferi, H. C, Wi:bur's-on-tbe-Taunton, Taunton, Mass. Shllkrrt.. Jack, Pelham Heath Inn, Pel- bam. N. i. Short Albert. Tlvo'.l, Cottace Orovs A Glat, -Onicaco. Shyniau. Abe, Slsson, 1723 E. Sid. .Chl- caco. Bimotia, Seyimeur, Addlsnn H.. Detroit. Skeela, L'o/d. Uissicn T., Lone Beach. Cal. 1 11 > '. BLUE-EYED SALLY—Al Bernard. LET MY HOME BE YOUR HOME —Same—Okeh No. 40203. Another "Sally" number. The "Sally" song cycle thus far has "Sally Lou" and "I Wonder What's Become of Sally" outstanding. The "Blue-Eyeil Sally" is a Henry Waterson entry and excusable in title since Waterson, Itaving re- signed from the M. P. P. A., need not bind himself by the title reg- Whlteman. Paul, 1S8 W. 43th St, N. T. C Whlteman Collectans, Concress H., Chl- caco. White Way Five, Plasa Dancelaad. Free- port L. I. WIedoett, Herb, daace tour. Wilde, Arthur. Monmouth H., Sprlnc Lake, N. J. . «■ -. Wilde, P. R., HIchland P., Oraod Haven. Mich. Williams. Al, Casino, Bradley Beach, Wiiilams. Arthur, PowsU Inn. Watarrllst. Wililams, Bert E., Strand Th.. HarUord. conn. WUilama. David O., SW W. STtb 8t, N. T. C. Williams, Ralph. Ralnbo OardeiU. Clark A Lawrence, Chlcaco. Williams' Loc CaMa, Venice,- Cat Williams. Willie, Atkntic H., Lone Branch. N. J. . •• Wilson, Billy, Du Pont H., Wllmlncton. Wileon, Charlea Caatle Inn, N. T. C. WIteon, Frank. Marcell Country Club. Pasadena. Wilson. Sam. 14S W. 43th St., N. T. C. Wlttateln, Edward, Olympic T. New Haven. Conn. Wolfe, Rocer (Kahn), Blltmore H., N. T. C. Wolverines, Cinderella B.. N. T. C Woodlne. Sam. Neel. Harlem. N. T. C. Worden. Oeraldlne, Martcold. Cal. Wrieht Ted., Newburyport. ttiaa. Wricbt Ted (Harmoalaers). dance tour. New Bncland. Wynne, Billy. Oreenwleb VUlaca Inn. Y Tellman, Duke. Knickerbocker Orlll, N. VouBC, BmlOk Beach View Oardana Chicacs. 2 r.aleb, 80I, Roee Tree Cafe. Philadelphia Zahler, Lee, MO* Franklin Ave., Holly- wood. CaJ. layall. gol. Mt Central Park Watt M r. c g ss M a w . B., Areadla. Philadelphia. .■^'•'u°"<'' **** California Ave.. 8t Lioals, Mo. Blla, Attkor. ler KaaUUoa St., Albaay, MORNING —Keller . Siaters and Lynch (Vocal) WHERE THE DREAMY WABASH FLOWS—Same—Brunswick Na. 2653 This vaudeville combination tranS' plants its distinctive harmonies onta the Brunswick records in a faithful manner with this pop couplet Ar- thur Johnston, credited on the label for the arrangements, has orches« trated both smartly. "Morning" is by Turk and Silver; "Wabash" by Fried and Baer. SWEETEST LITTLE ROS^ IM TENNESSEE—The Brex Sitters (Vocal) NOBODY LOVES YOU LIKE I 00 —Same—Victor No. 10478 The disk label has this recordinf marked as a "duet," although the Brox Sisters are three in numbere. Arthur Johnston, who used to ar- range the Brozes' Brunswick re- cordings, accompanies them as pian- ist on the Vitftor as well. "Tennes- see" (Cal De Voll) Is a simple, me- k>diow8 waltz song of the "mammy" school. "Nobody Loves Tou Like I Do" (Benny Davis-Harry Akst) is a fetching fox-trot song for mass ap- peal. The response Benny , J)avis won with it^ nightly at the Silver Slipper cafe, Atlantic City, the past summer proved that conclusively and foretold this as an exceptionally like- ly possibility for the fall season. The girls handle it distinctively, although it is obviously a solo num- ber, and as such would impress even better. MY BEST GIRL (Fox Trot)—The Lanin Orchestra. _ WHEN I WAS THE DANDY AND YOU WERE THE BELLE— Same—Okeh No. 40200. Sam Lanin'fr Roseiand orchestra deliver In their usual ulti-a styls with this couplet. Lanin has one of the best dance combinations on lbs records, both as to rhythm .-ind '""■' leal qualiy, and demonstrates It here. The tempo is corking, with the brasses, reeds' and strings merging in an .tdmixture of i<vnc«- pation that can't miss. <