Variety (November 1924)

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s< ■ •.*.);-■»!.- r.t: V. ^\'- *«y\V..«£:i ;>'.>i?/■,'-.■*:/.■■'?-v.- ■i.k,- mm HUDSON ALL NEWLY DICORATBO tt and Up SiMi* IS and Up 04*M» Jloi aad Cold vimtur *M T*to»k««« a Bkok Mourn. Itt WEST 44(h tTRKET NEW YORK CITY • I BBTAMT TSn-W HOTEL FULTON am tk* ■•Mt •( Mmi ImIi) 11 and U» Elnffla #14 and Up Oowlla /" 2^^ VARIETY Wl^Biiday. Nvwrnhw 5, 1924 !"w^ d&' . 1 i-!/'- Homus iSHOW PEOPLE '!'■ I'n ..^ L , 'V J ' S0 l^ednard Hicks, Operating Moteli ;r^*!' _AND. CHICAOO LORRAIN SpmeU4 Rai9» to thtt FntttnoH 417-419 S. W>ba«h AveniM Henekeem Fvndid Apartmeiito tf tk Bdler ^ THE DUPLEX ■ V. »t.|i i . 330 WMt 43rd StrMt, N«w York—Lonffacr* 7132 TbrM ui4 toar nomm wttk batk. Mmplat* kitelMM. Me««ni la •vary Mrtlealar. Will aooMnmadaU Um or omt* saalU. tMjM DT WSXKLX. OiaiiiiaatuHiai «• ILClAlUii, sw W«« «' ~ ■J l ;.l i I. I MtVO^CKa IMM tipl «ao. r< acamioBK. rNn. XL! t DC D T'lJ A furnished 1 riE« m-fR 1 11A APARTMENTS WMruvTB fftiK boimaKSBrnio. .clbaih and aisi 323-325 WmI 43^1 StrMt NEW YORK CITY rriTat* Batk. •-« ■■■lai Cnfartas t« Ik* «MaCaM mmm aativaatMM* m tk* p > a f a—t<iw. ■KA« AMD ELaoimW .UOaX mA«t IV Ib tk« HmH of LOS ANGELES Thoatra Ditlriek ; CAMPBECL apartments and HOTEL wn wnjnnm« blto. T«ii>inm Tan oi^k tnt AMiaetlTo aad aawty fanMw« aiada ••< DeaMa AvartinaBt*, Hatel rooms wtth katk. Ia«iTidaal ykoaaa. taavAlor awrvtoa. BaU roMa tor tha aaa of oaaata QMar tka FM^aal aapMrrlaloi^ of Km. B*»lM«a CAMCmU. 4<l»aaa» ■aaaiaaOaaa ■■ ■ illii i |l i»" Et: ACE HOTEL NEW YORK eiTY (pCainaAvajr) ■ APARTMENTS 3Sa HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IRVlNiGTON HAU^^ , JIENRI COURT lU W««t (lat 8tr««t •644 Clicia til W«at 4Sth 8tra«t SSM Longacra H1UK)MA,CPURT l-Z-l-l-room Apaftmiittk.- Bkrtf^aimrtiiicnt .«^i}-|rt«ata pkone, fcitehan, kltohaifatta. , ' ! V'. tlioO UP WEEkLV-^^rOJW UP MONTH|l|y % Tka.iar«»n ataintatller ^f bouaaMMping furnlBkea apaHmcil dhreetly widar Uia auparrtalon ot tha (mo«r.. Uxsatfd in U>« center i ttlatbeatitDaJl^lktrf(^'AH flrtp^M^iiaMAnaa. i' A44Maaiaifwmaiw!MlaiUDnalo' _ XJiAl££3 TMH^NBAUM Pflnctpal offlc«L Hildaiia Cawii SHI Woat 4ith St., Naw Yark . 4P^Ma»r«lt .^ ka atcn avfp4iM«k OJT'ca in fcft bmMlng !*T9 «?S f1M»4* fnjOE a Waak .. M mtaimtaa;,tr«aa liodfr on atrat^ sar . «(i#ly Nr/ffii Mi« E ahiali n SIOD LAKE PARK AVE^ CHICAOO :. . -• Ptei^Drazal 4MS twkm Otottaca Orova Car al Wateah Ava. to STtk at, walk two blodca ^laat Jta laka flrant. eoraar buildlnc- " j , J, P." ,'.ii'^i_i.'L., '14' =!! INCORTCitATlONS (Cokttevaa .trou paga I) N&aaon, Tkofsaa Malaon: au^Mcrib- wa: Jlaaaaa H. ToBr. 8. B. Ch ro f rtn fc WalUoa losrahaiB. (Attoiaayp. Waad. KpUmt * Jrnutoa. M Broad ShrllMn, IM; Ka^Tark: ttiaai- . pletnraii: »10.04t: Joal lUm^- nar, nTb. Oiirodi. AreUa Tbik: (At- tora^, P. A. laeimaii, it Btsad- wayj •aal PradMe»<ona> liia.. Naw Tork; thaatra propriatora, ate.: 41,444: Jamaa IX Barton. Oaorgta Pox, WIB- laai IK Roaaaa (Joaapta A. (XBrlan/ l«4t Broadway.) Matrapola fnlm Studia Carp^ Naw Torm nlni atudio; 1,000 aharea no par iralna: Alazanter Wamar, Gar- aoa Wamar, Artkur Dlanumd. (At- tom4ar. WUUam Klala. IM Wcat 4td 8t) Conay laland Ekaotar Corp., Naw York; amuaament davicaa; $24,000; liOUla Oonlon, Robart Luaaa, Wilfrad Liong. (Attorneys, Crook As Klater, OS Naasau St.) HOtEL AMERICA 4ftli tii. Jaal Eitat af EroaAaay HEW YORK crty - Tka aa:»-«idtai««a TkaatttMl Bolal at ■M«atat» atlodi la Naw Tork Cltr. Oar tackapraf^jj^j. mwfak. Bfaaia raaik, oar ^""" wHk ar>*aia katk, wltkaat Larga ""*a_ W*«k. Maka Yawr Raaarvatian in Advanaa JUDGMENtS Manta tM*i' Oiirfe^a,^ Ina.; CHr of N. T.; 144.44. Mada Prad. Carpal aama; sama. ■atlan PiaL Expa. Ca„ Ine.) aama; Mat Piet Thaatra Ca. Ina.t aama; Maaol Prod. Co., Ine.| aame; aama, Maooa Cafa, lna.{ aama; Maga PI. Amua. Ca.« in*.; aama. Maridian Prod. Co., inc.; aaAia aama. •avanth Ava. Amuaa. Co.; aame: aama. •idn^y Oleott Intarnat. Proda., ine.! same; same. PiUaten Amua. Ca., Ina.; aame; HOTELAUINE YANDIS COURT 241-247 IVtit 434 Strool NEW YORI Naa^ fcfl«itktt4 A94 Macorated Jl. 2. J »«<! 4 room ai>^(«ieata; prk -^||(Hrer.llttM; ,wiUi,|Bd withoat kitchenette. alaSMfia oervire. |lSD««iMi ti|k WMkQr/ •; * ^ UadctM(«rTtii«ikiblliii& SkamJ THE ADELAibi L Mnm MOW CNDm KCW MAMAOBIUCMT M)H'- jKAMSI 7B4.7S6 EIGHTH AVENUE WaM' af l"*^ r»»f E4»w, SSth St ui 8tk At*., lew Ttrk 1 aad I ROOIU: miTATB BATH lAYBB TO rmOfKBgtWt PHONE COLUMBUE 1000 OALQAIT, ALBKBTA, GAV. St Rc^ Hotel THE OME BEET BET «»ECIAL THEATRICAL RATES MODERN—riREPROOP FREE BUS HOTEL FRANKLIN FrMikUB mmI CnUw StroeU, BAttflfORE 'llaiTkiad Tkaatt%] l^ofelSar ^■?;^'i: f PiVERN ACHOPHOUSE EXCEPTIONAL MEMT 156-8 WEST 48TH STREET Eaat of Broadway ■ Waltar Jordan; B. H. McDonough; lin.04. Harry J. Suaakind; East River Nat. Sank; $lt.g35.l0. Kannath D. Harlan; F. C. Har- Ua; t4.B00.46. . Tumble Inn Co., Inc.; J. Lowen- Stela A Bon, Inc.; |1,07<.2S. ACTORS LOSE SALARY (Continued from itage 7), machine, watch othera play, see them probut>Iy win a Mt and then loaa,' It was fsscinattoir to hlnv He wanted to play at Hrat. Than ba thought that the $24 ha had saved on tha tbur would ba a aata Invest- ment for a suit of dothea which he wanted to buy whan ha left hare for Ban Francisco. But the lure of the gambling ma- chine got hiro at laat. First he In- veatad a few odd quarters h^ had. No luck. Then he went into the cigar store and get change for pa- per money. It was not long before all of his $24 paper money had bean turned into silver add in turn put Into the machine. That vary evening In ten min> utes a bystaader wltnsssad par- . I ' !■.' i< I <l ' —i. EL'S ,On« Moment West of Broadway At '4lst $treet tka'Lsadiag UgtkH a* Ularalkr* aatp.lky.ftttBa. ■steHatantM ki Maw TaTk. Maate aad wipeiaa;. «fai 9\»tikwi Fotstoei (Aay 9t7l») $1 formara putting $18 into the ma- china and from that amount thi pay-off waa two SO-cent returnn and two $1 returna, which went baok in due time. 9200 Average Waak'a PralH According ir> house attendants, tt is said, the machine has the happy faculty of bringing In about $200 a week average, with some weeks bringing much higher returns. Though the Pantages house here paya a full week salary, many of the actors who have played the house say that by the time they get away their total earnings mi- nus their machine losses, are equiv- alent to the 25 per cent, cuts that they take in T^oR>a; Vancouver and other stands on tha Pantafos clrcuHt ■•' ... ^ •■ ■-.■■■,,' SOCIETY GIRL WXUP (Continued from page 1) . the weekly "Journal" of Snifiok- over waa not answered. ,. ' . .^ St. I^uis. Nov. S. No local hotel register here con- tains the name of Leonore CahlU. Tha only Lenore Cahill known in St. lA>ul8 is listed in tha directory, and is the one poantloned in tb^ story following. At the ofHce of the Interstata vaudcvllla clrciilt' In tha Palace tbeatra building. New Tork, which operates the southern string of vaudeville houses, It was stated that li^onofe t^ahlll. of Smackoyet,, Arlc, ,bad, b^OP! booked to appear at thp Majestlp tbeatrev X.imle RocU, Ark., for the waek of Nov. 17, unj- der tha beliaf as stated, l,>y her 4nd her (ndther thiit she had < danced with th^ Prlnca of Wales' on the "Bereii^firla;' j [ If It shoiitd be substantiated, iald Oharlaa dj' Freeckaa, tha Inter- 'S4«SX. AT WnOMM tf " NC WYOMCO tY smou RooSnSr^BATn sme TwonooM ftuinc $«t> cxctLLtNT RCwmimAftr T ^s ^ ARUNGIM HOTEL WASiai«A<Qtt, D. c SAHUEi, J. ST^INBERGEBj state's booker, that there had been misrepresentation in procuring tha t>ooking, the contract would ba sub- ject to cancellation. Tha Cahilla of St. Louia St. L«uia, Nov. I. Thb Cahilla of St. Louis, socially prominent, are all bat up over i story in Variety last week to tbO effect that I/eonore Cahill, ot Smackover, Ark., Intended to ahta^ vaudeville at lilttle Rook for one week' on the atrength of bar clai&i Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 3. - Publicity t6r tha appear- ance of Laonore Cahill at tha local Majestic theatre Nov. 17, week, has been refused by all of Little Rock's papara. The papers claim the liOon- ore Cahlil announced to ap- pear and represented as hav- ing danced with the Prince of Wales is not the proper Leon- ore CahiU. she had danced with the Prince of Walea while both were coming over last summei^ on the "Berengaria," when Miss Cahill. of St. Louit wa* returning with her mother after a trip abroad. The Cabills are of the strictly ritsy set here, with Miss CahlU a leader.among the younger element. Local newspaper man have tried to follow up Variety's story through sacarlng an interview with the Ca- hllltf. All have been refused. Vartaty's correspondent secured the following interview through oasually mantlontng the Prl»ca"of TORONTO HOTEL STOODLEIGH ■HUTBB aaA mmJAI. B'l'BKAM Uka Oolag Boma for a Waek BPBCIAI, BATSa TO PROFBSSIOM ' Cafetarta — No Ckanta tor Room p«rrl| WrMa ac Wka U Walea might feel interaated enou to read tha facta. "Doea the Prtnoe read thto Variety T" asked James O. Ca Miss Cabin's father. '^ha Prlnca ot Walea heads i list of foreign aubacrlbera, I lleve," answered Variety'a spondent, qualifying his doubt-1 the "I believe." tRis Information appeared to tereat tha Cahllls, who have be hmirjng about Variety's story all it appeared. Up. to yesterday Cahllls bad received five clipptil from as many of their friends New York., The Cahllls did not appear thuaiaatlc over Variety aa any of a pat>er, nor did they relish story about Leonore from Smad over—nor did any of them Ca oifer to subscribe to Variety, with the chance that the would b« ^Ith them on that. At the Cahill mansion In tha i elusive fashionable section of city, Miaa CahlU said: No Thaatrteal 'Career "I have never entertained thought of a theatrical career, parents would not consent t>i I had. I have never been in^ kansas, much less in Smack and I have no relatives In that] of the country. I have been tlnuously In St. Louis since' mother and I returned from Ku some i^onths ago. Neither hst ever had any association w!tl theatrical production in Kc<^ or elsewhere. "Surely then the person eofUltf^ vaudeville engagemient and