Variety (November 1924)

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Wednetttay. NorembM^ It. nu ^ VARIETY 39 Harry CM*t»rt Co XJiTTT tMllT TUt U Wllaoa (Oira to Sll> Jgoratt* Otft Clark • Cro»toy ^(TbT— to MU) I'tBMHItOAM, TA. Oal Fattaa fMBlBUy MMBteU (Two to fll)> ' ' u half .^••t * Vam SloitB 9k« Oroaadoo 0«o Lyooa Jdoal i-fKAMWMD. OOMM. Ontario Two To«B« • Whoolor Jsanlta Hanaoa vftoM^m. -w. • F A IB CaroMB ' a*o Btanloy 8t* Xollr *.t>earborB (ThrM to All) M halt Karl* * RoTcIn Bmltb * Cantor A * II HaTcl Co M Hva)*r Co (Two to in} WASHIKOTOy •. V. Krtth's (Sgada^ opontnf) Brown A Bed4no DooloT * Morton a * M DoDbar Mmo BocaoB Co Bojrd Sontor Torino Palermo'! Dofa WAMnNOrN, TA. Chriari* * Dalar .*Sar5n»f CLOTHES BEN ROCKE 1832 Broadway, at 50th St. N. Y. City •ekeock * Dolly td half Boffm'B * LamlMrt Wavoar ft Knolea Ckaa MeOoed Co Arthar Whltalaw tmUkCVKM B. V. K«lth'« 'Saaaatlonal Togo BbmI QoK a Bobby Mareal * Seal ■tawart * OIIto Vara Lavrova Crawford * Brod'lc jWary BajriieB >rM]laek A La Rna ,j«;> Ttmvt* .^aa lUIIcr .'.-Boader A Anaatr'K ^. Xcoretta CJrl L'iComby A Navlaa '<^yaa Landow Co 'Wally BarBaa Boaaslan A White O'CoQBor A Wllaoo Srerybody Step XfOaa to ail) V TAMPA. njL, TletMr ■f'.m. P»ter«|Mnw ;-1-)r-'^./ H^llt) ^ - ' tat kalt JTaroma A ITawaU Dorta Itoeha . Boward A WklU ^^laBBO A Zinadaner ;" Hmu-ribi a sia v'/ TOUBIO ^^ B. r.' ■oMi'b Batane't A Qlrllo Bylreatar A Van:a Ward A Rarta Pat'aen Clonttar Co JlB BeWllltania > • Lamb'* Ballot l:- 2d half Two BolaroA BondlBl A Boraard Barry J Cealoy Co Bolmaa A Lorero Bddia Notooa SolMfa ninalon . /'VDBOMTO : iftoliaaBO ^ataOool A Rallly ▲tann MaUaoa Co ■taphMu A Boratar ■1 Clara .•.'Vraneoa Wktta ;''BobMa Oordono " SBBMTOir, IT. t. Morrall A Bdna Cteitoa m Anon ViMoy « MoBrtda ^•ary A Moot* IS Loala London Kent A Allen Bert Walton B Brice Orch Id half Willie Broa Parrone A Oliver (Others to nil) WATEBf N, N. T. Avon karle A Roveln Smith A Cantor B Keaaler Co (Three to Oil) Id half aao aunley 8t> Kelly A Deart>orB ' A ■ Carmen (Three to (III) WBKEL-O, W. TA. Victoria Kelly A Knox Dixon A O'Brien Reynold* A White Ben Welch The Nervellea 2d half Kei)t A Allen KInc A Beatty H Downlnc Revna (Two to fill) WIUffOT^. BBL. Aldlao Prank Work Co Jackie A Blllle Carl MeCulloach Benaon Baaaino Co rreemaa A Borton La Paira Oo td half Ward A Doolay Hal Nixon BcNnlty A Bnllen Barfoier Blmma Co Lomaa Tronpo WINRON-flAI.KM AaaHonana (Roanoka apllt) 1st half RUno A LaaaoBt VarnoB. R B Ban A Bro (Two to flll) WOONSOCT, B. I. BUoa Fraaks A OeaaTra Olaaa A Jaaklaa Rlalto roar (Two to flll) Id halt P A B Roaa Boward A Norwood (Two to au) TOHBBBS, H. T. td haU (It-K) Brno Barmaaa —OOBOTHT •bank A.P- FORD aod RKKE1TS in tiM •BEDDING RING" iNart WoA <B«T. U). OtelM*. 0U< 'ISwi'Ch'aa A Boa'att 14 halt Vho BoaalTM «*o Carroll S« Palra C» (Two to tti) SBOT. Jf . T. ■ Davis A Daraall karaTleS Mlly lUllaa (Oaa to «1) td half Varry CelosMB Co ' OothaiB Boaaiara (Three to flll) ' inaoM Bnx. b. a. td halt (1>-1() ,i C Lawla Co aiallaa A Caao B Ooldaa Band (Othon to flll) , lit half (IT-lt) xramar A Beyla Xamao Ranblara (Others to flll) _td half (t«-tt) rraak Sablai Co . (Others to flll) The Ossmaaa Bill Robinaoa (nandla Alba (Two to flll) 1st half (IT-ll) Arthar Whttalaw (Othera to flll) td half (2*-lt) Otto Bros P KIrklaad Os (Othors to ail) TOBB, FA. Torh O. B. LiTlBCStOBS Harrison A DAIa Valantina Vox !• Biles rm B'way (Oaa to flll td half FIteh'a BInstrals T0VN08T0WH, O. ■Inr A Beatty Paallaa (Thrsa to flll) Id halt Jos RaBkta Kelly A Knox Bert Walton Paallae (Oaa to flIM FOU dxcxriT BKIBOBPOBT FaU's Alloa Do Carmo Faltoa A Qalaaatte Baaaatt A Las Prtaeaas Radjah (One to an) td halt Frawlay A Loalae ▼anatlaa' Fi*« ■■' UAmftKtnut OaBltol ' ■bow a Narlna BcLellaa A Sarah Stasia LadoTa Co Torn Kelly Venetlaa FIt* (Oaa to flll) td haU Nacafya JudaoB Cola Faltoa A Qolanetta Bma Da Barry Chas Wilson Co Pattla Boors- BBBIDBN PoU-s Id half Allea De Carmo Bennett A Lee PriBceaa Radjab (Two to flll) ^KW BATBN Palace Monroe A Orant La Meau A Younc rrawley A Loulaa Robey A Oould (Oaa to fill) td half 4 Peasant SInrers Wallace A Cappo MclAUchlta A C'aa Tom Kelly Loaasome Town 80BANT0N, PA. PoU'a (WUkea-Barre apllt) lat half A Schttller Co Belinda A Dade Marclt Hecedua Poodles Hannatord (Oaa to flll) ■FBIMOFIBLD Falaoa ^Its Tw* Dotooa Flatehor Ivy A B The Fair (Oaa to flll) 2d halt La Vler A CoIUbs Roger Williams Jimmy Dunn CO Walsh A Kills J R Johnsoa 0> WATKBBI»T Tho Nacyfya JttdaoB Cole Mme Du Barry Chas Wllsoa Co Pattle Boore Baad Id half Boaroe A Grant Snow A Nartns BcL«llaa A Sarah The Fair (One to flll) WIUIBS-BABBB FaU's (Scrantoa split) 1st half Laora Ormsby Snub Pollard (Three to flll) WOBCB8TBB PoU's La Vler A Colllas Roger Williams Jimmy Duna Co Walsh A Kills J R Johnson Co td half Bellls Two ' Dotson Fletcher Ivy A M Stasia Ledova C^o (One to flll) OBFHEUU CIBCniT Orphoaas Rooney A Bent CBICAOO Palace (Sunday opening) Hackfttt A Delmar TAB Healy Donovan A Leo Synrtrated Toes Joe Howard B Barrlacale Juggleland- Btoto Lako (Sunday opening) Ethel Clayton Jack OatermaB Harry Delt Jean Qraneaa Artistic Treat JAB Morgan B'd Kohler A Roberts CALCAKT, IMB. Orphean tl7-l») (Same bill play* Vancouver 20-22) Leviathan Orch Bob Hall Sulton E Q Terry York A King Creatlona Olaen A Johnaon Barry A Lancafter BILWACKEB Falaco (Sunday opening) Mr A Mrs J Barry Chain A Archer McRae A Clegg IS Schofleld Mabel MeCane Co MINNBAPOUS Beaaepla (Sunday opening) Amason A Nile Margie Coate Elliott A LaTour A Friedland Co Herbert Williams Ibfch'B Band OAKLAND. CAI« Orphi jmm ORAOB DWYERandORMA H. BART McllUGH Wallace A Cappo McLaughlin A B'ns Singer's Midgsts (Two to flll) td halt Vs Bsaa A ToBBg Robey A Oonld Stager'a BIdgata (Tff,l9^) A A F Stedmaa LaBemlola Heller A RUey P Nolaa Co OBDAB BAP., lA. Bajestle Julea Fuerst Davis A McCoy McKay A Ardin* Synoopated Seven (Oaa to flll) , fd half Boore A Bagloy Co DATKNPOBT. lA. Oolaathla td haU TalsphOB* Taagl* Joe Browning (Three to flll) Jales Fasrst BKNTBB Orp h sa a s (Snndsy opeainir) Rasslaa. Players T.ane A Harper Holt A Leonard SylTta Loyal Fred Ardath Heras A WIH* LaFraar* A O DBS Bonnas, ia. O/ph—1 Nsllls Jay Oo Joe BrowBlng OordoB A Ray (Two to flll) td half Bargsat A Barrla roar CamsroiM Ash-Ooedmaa Foar (Two to flll) KANSAS Crt. BO. O r p h s al (SuBdsy opealag) Weber A Fields Mel Klee Leah . LaVole A Lans Teddy Claire Harrr Holmaa - Lytell A Pant Mulrr McNeeee A R Oraes Hayes OhTABA. NBB. Orpbeaaa Hayden Dan'r A H Edith Claspar B Barrlacals Julias Taaasa Marls Jm Mary Naah Roth Bttdd Ash Goodman POBTLAND. OBB. (tarphoaaa Bennv Rabin Walttfr O Kelly Martha Hedmaa McDonald A Oakas Babb Carroll A L PIcktords Haary Bergmaa SACBABTO. OAL. OipllwiM (1T-I») (Saoia bill playa Freaao tt-tt) Claada A Barioa Kay Ranalla A X Water* A Daaoor Anao Bnrray A Alaa ■AH FBAMCISCO (Baaday opealag) Sherwood Orch B Williams Brady A Wella Oalg Campbell ColUaa A Rart Boore A Fred Orphcaas (Sunday opening) Chic Sale ^ JACK L. LIPSHUTZ THEATBICAL COSTUME CO., Inc. n» SeTOiath At*.. Mow Vsslil Bryaat 1M4 BAIUB BBBITOOBLLB OBNB LAMKBB •T. WAKU (Banday opening) Monroe Broa Subarban Lite Gas Edwards' Rav Id halt Foster A Pfggr Davis A McCoy Gas Edwarda' R«r BKATTLB Orphsaaa Robert Warwick Al Tucker Band Toney A Qeorge Dooley A Bales Ford A Cunningh'm Crafu A Sheehan Berh A Saun SIOUX CITY, BO. Orphcam ■ Royal Oaaoolgns* Dlxls Four Basil A Bass Casey A Warrsa (Two to flU) td halt Allen A Taxi Keller Sis A L Weber A Ridnor Billy GlaeoB McKay A Ardino Nellie Jay C^ WINNIFBG Orpheam (Hyde Cook Coyne A French Lestor Gordon A Kaowlton Kikutaa Japs Rogers A Allea LOSW CIRCniT NKW FOBK CITT Stoto Bird Cabaret rurman A Bvaaa Grey A Uyroa Lewis A Dody Ob With Daaoo Hashi A Osal JHodge A Lowell Wania-Seamon Rav GAB Parka D Romalne Co Jennler Broa (Two to flll) 2d half Walah A Tays Shaw Howard Co Cupld'a Close-Upa Marino A Martin (Four to flll) TIctwria Leach LaQulnlan 2 Gaitea Broa Kandy Krooka Raymond A Kaurn Mile Ivy Co (One to flll) HattoBia McDonald Trio Eve Cunningham Jackaon A Mack Marino A Martin 2d halt Harry Bykea Co Cortes A Ryan GAB Parka Barron A Bennett Let'a Dance Orpheam^ Strobel A Mertena Ford A Goodrich Geo Randall Co Lytell A Vokea Nat Nasarro Co 2d half McDonald Three Murray A Irwin' DeVine A Gould WITH 70 ACTS Playinfl THIS (Nov. 10) WEEK for the Keith VandeTille Exchange 21 of Thorn Aro in Qroator Now York and Vioinity, a* follows: VERA MICHELCNA A FfltO NiLLCBRANO —B. S. Mow' Fraaklls. aiURAM A MARaUERITC—a. F. Keitk'i Rivwa: Prseter'a FIRb Afeasa. CRNIE aOkOEN A ORCHESTRA — B. F. KeMk't CaBttel, Usles Hin. RATH BROTHERS—a. F. KeRli't Bsakwlck. Braekba. FOUR DIAMONDS—a. F. Xaitli'i RayaL JACK OONWAV A CO^-Prsatar't tM Btreet WILt J. WAllD—a._rrj(el5v tlat Btraot SELL-HARM'S BAND BOX—B. F. KeKk'i CulM. Usles MM. JUUeTTE DIKA— Treelw'i ttd Street, ssd Preeter'i Mtk ttrsat. LLOYD A BRYCE—PrMter's MORRir sprinstieIfo Nnrarfc. MAN-KIB-frMtar'a Mt Varvaa. sad B. F. Ktitk't Praaseat. WILLIMS A-JORDAN—a. F. KaMk's Janay MATE'S RtUE A WHITT MARIMBA BAND LEE 'MATTIMn' a"%.— I F. KeMk'l B r aasaalat; ^niatar't. Vaskwa. -W. ». EabvEy a CO.—Preaar's. Yaakan. WAUAOE SALVIN—B. F. KaKk't. Jartiy OM/niLSs' A LILLIAN SIRARD — B. F. KiHk'i laruy City. THE OELPNlMtft-lPart. Bfaeklya. BOLUQRR A REYNOLDS — B. S. Mm' DE PErVTe TRIO—a. F. KaHkl JarMY CRy. FOLLIES Praa t afi THIS la proof pooiUvo T H E W THAT ILTON AY INS ALF. T. WILTON and PRfcO B. MACK Tho Vaudovillo Doctora Caa Be Boea Dallr, 1 to t 308 lUaoe Theatre BvildiBg PhoiM BRYANT 20e7-t Chas. C. Crowl S2 spro idatlTr Caviaaagh A C'por Camilla's Birds Joe Feler Orca H Kyle BalaatroM Klrat>all Goman Co Newhoff A Phrlps S Landfleld Schictel's Manikins LOS AMOKLBS BlU 8*. Mme Pasquali Eddie Roaa Rernard A Townee Win ro< Two Qqusls Johaaoa A JM^*» . NaBca O'Nell V A B BtantoB Achilles Les GIsddoBS Tom Smith Deno A Rochelle ST. LOCI8 Orphcaas (Sunday opening) Elsie Jania Bostock School ri«lda A Johnson Birdie Reeve Dave Fergnaen Kirk Collier Three Van Hoven j«aB Middistaa Capld's Close-lTps BarroB A Baaaatt L Bowers <^ td halt ▼a* A Tally Bv* CBaalBgbaa* Clifford Wsrrea A CVBrioa LaPalarica Thrs* Itoeola 8«. Powers Two Barray A Irwta Kandy Krooka Walah A Tayo Mile Ivy Co td half Ltaeh LaQalnlan t Healy Rayaolds A 8 Jackson A Mack Wilson A Hayes L Bowers Co OrcclOT Sr. Harry Sykea Co Brrt Lewla Cortes A Ryaa Kramer A Braea Alton A Allea Golden Gate Co Id half Haahl A Oaal Johnaon A B'latoah Hodge A Lowell Cardoa A Noll Steele A Wlaalow (Oaa to flll) DohuMcy St. Bedford A Wallae* Carl A Ines Cardf. A Noll Wilson A Mayas Review of Revaes (One to flll) td hsif Miller Threo Bojrd « Ktoa Doa Remala* Co WaBla-BoamoB Bev Al Ubby Oa Boaly ReyaolCaAS Tllyoo A Rogirs BmIIIo a Pollr Rav (Oaa to flll) 14 ht'i Power* Dot WhiBl* A Bd Shaw Lytell A Vokas Calls* Bros (Oas to flll) Avoaaa B Jack Birehlsy Beroard Sis Pinto A Boyls Gladys Gresa (^ (Oa* to flll) td half The Hoatoas Rhodes A Watson Arnold A Dean (divert A Shayna Danes de Illnstoa BBOOKLTN Alex OlbbOB ^hree Beraardt Rogers A Donnelly Wm Scabnry (^. (On* to flll) Circa* Show Id half Btr*h*l A Martens J. Olldea Co Rhodes A Watson TItyoa A Rogers (Oa* t* BH)* Sato* 0 BUUr Three Let'a Dane* Raymond A Kauf a Steele A Wtnalow (One to flll) td halt CIroua Show Palae* Wanda A Seals Rhodes A WatsoB Calvert A Shayos Clifford (One to flll) Id half Ruth A t>elavaa Bernard Sla D Flint Co Pinto A Boyle G Green Co ATLANTA Oraad Glbaon A Price Dreon Sla Miller A Bradford Dave Harria Primrose Minatrela BIRMINOBAB BU*a PraatoB A Yaobal Abbott A White Love Acc'g to Hoyle td halt Roglsra A Dorkta Hyan A O'Neill (One to flU) BBBPBU Lo*w Hector Howafd A Ros* Rich A Banta E Earle Co Jack Wilson Co BILWACKKB Miner Alice's Pets Currier A McWins Sabbott A Brooks Ward A Raymond Venetian Masq BONTBKAI. Loew DePeron Three Rhode A Brochalla Deaso Ratter Marriage vs Dlv'oa Baker A Roger* Tarsan MBWABK Stato CLIFFORD and MARION Noxt to Closing Cemody 8onsation on Pantagao Circuit Qeo Morton V Bucker Co BOSTON Orpheam LaDora A Beck man Beaaley Twina Arthar Lloyd Mason A Cole E White Co Jack Dempaay Co BUFFALO Stato E Raymond Co Dobba Clark A D ' Princeas Wahletka Calvin A O'Connor Four Rublal Sla DALLAS Melba Rolatta Two JAR LaPearl T Douglaa Co Maraton A Manley Cheyenne Daya BABILTON, CAN. Capitol Jack Danger T Cornetta Three M Bontgomery Id half Three Alex Brown A Blalns N Jerome Co BOBOKKM, N. ». Lyrto Caroso Bros BuHalo Bear Co Lewis A Darwin West A Burns Wrestling Bear Id halt B Francois Co ^ Lady Taen Mel M Hollla Co JAB Page Kinkaid'a Revu* LONDON. CAN. La*w Three Alex Brown A Blalna N Jerome Co H Dyer Co Ilerdle Kraemer Juat a Pal Gordon A Toang EtchlDga from Life NKW ORLBANti Crescent Ford A Price Ste-.vart A Lash KHeh A Wllma Klaaa A Brilliant Stevera-Lovajoy Co OSBKOSn, WIS. Oraad 3% Arleya Art Stanley F LaReloe Co Lane A Byroa Mile Nina Co PROVIDENCB Graea Dor* H CatxiaB* 0* O'Nell A Plunkett Maxelloa Emma Carus SAN FRANCIBOO Paatate* (Sunday op«»nlng) Bordner A Boysr Barry A Roilo Chas T Aidrlcn Shriner A Flts'ona Plaahea Melody D Rekoma LOS ANOBLKS Paatage* Sternarda Dorothy Lewla M Barrett Co Alexand^ A Pielda Harvard Win'd A B SAN DIBGO Manilla Bros Dov* A Wood Morris A Towns* Yvatte Carmodr Danoan Byal A Barlr LV BBACa. OAU Uoyt Three Bobb* LuclU* Benatead SpeBo*r A WllUams B Mnrray Co Rial Ora Carew SALT LAKB OITT Paatage* Beehee A Haaaaa Maureen Bnglln Dancing Shoes Dunham A (VM-lay Turelly OODBN. VTAB GAR Perry Whaotar A Pottar N y Nlehola ;3 itennody A Mor'aaa '' ' Revu* lyArt VKSTEM Paatagr** Antonio Roaaltto liroder'k Falaoa Co Marion A Jaaoa The Bandit '^ Kitner A Reaaey '' D Caalar'a Band COLORADO 8P08. Paatac** ^ (17-11) (Same bill plky* Pueblo lO-II) '. Kelly A Browa Bernlvlci Bro* Noel A Perclval Kraft A Lament L Maraball Revu* Geo Moore OBABA. NBB. '4 Paataca* J Kinney L*« A B Twin Bed* -.^ crtecoiln] ' « ' ' Balaal Flvo (Two to flll) KANSAS CT. MO. Derby A Tarry Phil LaT*Mn H Johnson A 0» R A B Brill Moray A Corwia B'way Batortalaer* Davis A Pslls Fain A Taaaraoa LAB Dreyar Six Brown Girl* Meyera A Hannefd Bvereat'a Monkey* WESTEBS VAUBEYILLE Boland A Hopkins Cotton Picker* Race A Edge Five Petieys (Ons to flll) SPBINOF'D, MASS. Broadway Ruth A Delavan t^ney Nace Manning A Hall (Two to flll) Id half Redford A Wallace Harry Sykes (Thrsc to flll) TORONTO Tongs St. Frank Shields Gordon A Delmar Brsser A Keller H Davis Co Mills A Smith Night in Spain WASHINQTON Straaa Arleys RIckard A Gray Cllnton-Rooney Or (Two to flll) FAST AGES dSCUIT TOBOMTO Perrsttos Mildred Myra Leonard A Wilson MAP Mlllsr Mack A Corel G Jones Band BAMILTOir. CAM. Baraao A L*« Norman A OlsoA V Norton Co Leona LaMar Kennedy A Martin Seebacks SrOKANB, WASB. Paatagsa Mack A Brantley Harold Keaaody HAH Langtoa Jarvis Revas Lamliertl L Mayer Olrto aSATtLB BBT CB^I BARHER-SmS i CO. Pys*«t<ar "ACTIOK, CABBKA" Skrra oracc CCIT BarisI A Phyllis Adler A Daabar Laeky Roberto C* OBIOAOO Karb* A SIstsr Lord Roberto Dreamy Bpala Wllllama A Toaag Olympla Dcwall BimrBAPOLU L** Kllek* Blpior* A B*tk*r B Clark Co Allaa Shaw Roaolaa Seaatels Klaa A Irwia TAltOOITTBB. M. 0. (Baaday op«Blag) Kara Bobb* A Storh Four R*aa«* Cliff Nasarro MorrlsoB's Baad BBOINA. CAN. McBaaas O'Brlea A Jo'phlns Helen J Eddy Alexander A Elm'e KIntlng's Bnt SASKATOON (ll-t*) (Sams bill pisys Edmonton Id half) Vlaaar A Co Ulla A Clark Seminary Mary Paul Sydell Marcos A Booth Jewell's Manikins CALOABT. CAN. Jogfling Nelsons Armstrong A B'dell Roaa A Bdwstda - • i Ooldlo A Bddto Mnrray A Qsrrish Andereon A Graves Watsoa SI* S Tripp Co BBI.'GB-M. WASB. VaadavUIo (li-lT) (Sams bill plays Everett II-II) Maxlae A Bobby Rome A Boltoa Kenaedy A Kramer Jo* Roberts Cevsy Bis Oh JoBssay tACOMA. WASB. I«rlmer A Hndson Gold A Edwards J A J LaaghilB Artie Bshllagar. aisis A Paalaoi POBTLAHD, «»BB. Wllfr*d DaBola Moatw A Lyaa* Baa^ost B*ag A 1 Oraaa A Bornatt Carl Rosiai Helen Morettt SAN JOSB, CAL. Id half Jiokaoa Troup* CBICAOO Aasericaa Four Gregg Bl* I? A L Burns Berry Wagnsr A B (Three to flll) td halt Fred's Pigs Packs A Robsrts (Four to flll) Bnglewood Fred's Pigs Myron Pearl (te Sargent A Barvtn Four Camarona (Two to flll) 2d half Gardner A Aubrsy W Clark Co (rour to flll) Kedato ' roater A Boggy Van A Varaoo Morning Glorlea Burna A WUaoa B Montroaa Co Donavan A Le* (Two to flll) 2d halt Letts Bros Ooldea Gate R*Tn* Val Harris tThi** to Oil) OALBRBCBO, lU. Or|.h*ai Water Nillsoa Vaxfteld A Oolsoa -rrrtt baaay Orahav BsY Id halt Blake's Mais* rrooial Alma Matsr Mary fOLIBT, tUU Plantation Daya td halt r A O Waltaca (On* to flll) KpUTB TOVB JACK POWELL SEXTETTE •t^ATCB TBB DBCMS" Dliwctloa CBABLBS WILOHK as Swarts A Clifford Minstrel Memorleli (One to mi) Id halt J A J Gibsoa Four Errettoa (Four to flll) J A J Gibson Woods A rranoi* Chuck Haas (Thra* to flll) td halt Myroa Pearl O* Haydaa BaU A ■ (yRoark* A K*Uy (Thr** to flll) Halklas* Beaainctoa A Soatt Lyrie Fo«r Bamp**l A L**aai^ Pamlly F*rA BaaOar A Armatrg Lorotto Or*y C* Baaoat (Two to etl) AOBOBA. OX. >h« M half Wordoa Bro* Grayea Br*w*v Blaattol M * f * r lai (Two to en) BUFiroTov, nx. BADUOM, WU. Orphawa Goldle A Boattr H B Toomer 0« Harry Hlna* Ben Meroff Band (Two to flll) Id half Herbert (niftoa The Parlaiana** (roar t* flll) MiLWAvsaa (^aym* Mla*r A BMwa Bd Jani* <^ td iMit B A L Gillatto Shoa* A Bqair*o 8*T*B Browa Oiria OBAMPAIOK, tUL. Wo Thra* Oirl* L** A Bomala* Dora* A Wilaea Daviooa'* Lo*aa QaBovaa A Lo* Are* Bros DBCATCB, nUU Lee A Romaln* Richard Wally DiTore* Qnestloa Shsan A PhilHp* Gees A Bsrrows Pantheon Singers Jerry Mack Co Armand A Per** (On* to flll) ' MonrBAPrtus nk St. Town A P'Borty* Balloa A Bona J B Gordon Co B*ary Fr*y..C* Harri* A Billy ladlaa Jaas BanA (On* ta flll) vaoBiA. nx. r A O WaK*ro Tom Holer Co Tan A Beheask Wordea Bro* (Oa* to flll) Id halt O'Bonrk* A IC«lly 9 Ard*lt 0* F*rn*ll A n*r«a (Two to flll) - I QIIINCT. tVL. Orphaaa* Blakaa Bale* Fr**lal Alma Bat*r Bary Bora* A Wl**r (Oa* to flll) td halt ^Walter Nllhwa -* HeratlB* Shoa* O* Baxflald A Oolaoa Daaay Orahaaa Bar (Oaa to flll) B A L Olllatt* Rhone A Bqalre* Seven Browa Olria td half MiiT'; Siirr* "">«•■ toy* kITa wSS ^""^ * A'"*'* BLOnf. nifc Swarta A Clifford (Oa* t* ail) Henry Ba«al €• BOCKVOBD. ILL. Iraa* Berry C* (Oa* to ail) Id halt Ash (tosdwia Foor BamoBd A Oraat Hsrbert Cllfl*a B Batchelor Co The Pa*t«l*na«a (One to flll) crhia* to ati) BVAM8VIXB. IBD. a<^**'Sliitr H B Toomer O* Harry Mine* iConUnutd ua pa(« id) . , ' •.. <• . t. . 1 . -i'.-i tOA <^