Variety (November 1924)

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►/■v^wry^w-risa-iiipiis'"^'*''*^"^ V A S 2 X T T^ -Tfr- HARRY WEBER PhMcnts ^^iMs: AM M ORRIS r^^^lwlILl K:'' «j';' %■ "p^- • Mr. and Mn. MCMIRIS WnHELMINA . ADRIAN and CHESTER MORRIS INJl NEW COMEDY , fALiL. THE HORRORS OF' HOME" ^lm«** said in Variety:—BOOK IT FOR L1FE~1,AUGHS, REArLAUGHS. Wdliam Morris, thaj 9t*rling actor, exhibits in this thit his acting eaqifcrience has "taught him playwrighting and construction~w^ it perfectly—play it perfectly. . A natural story; natural dialog; natural pharacterizatlons» »nd as a vaudeville act, A NATURAL COMEDY SKIT OF THE FINEST TYPE. Played just as it is by a natural family of players. BOOK it i^ iJFE. , .... ^ ^^5^^^ i prfEEK (NOV. nx R E Hmrs pmace. new york r I I i K ' " i V ' Ti .11 ' 11 "'■ '■' III \..i I -|.iii I II .1 ij i.i • ' 1 i»-. I ' — * VAIQCrv ttUifEAU WASHINGTCm D. C. THE AROONNE T<i*»boA« Columbia 4<80 . By HARPie MCAKIN Am is w«r.4axk. Wndaagipn it ■tUI tba "p«at UtU« oM tcy-ont tawn." Tv6 aev vantarea in'tba torwMMt ataaa ara la the currant waarf,j£a4trieal tera. "Of a ^un- daykf i^oi^iorad hjr WUiam Harria. Jr, cot ttaM«l MoqAar ateht at the, ™--u,__.„ Balavoa, iirtSa jEUJuT oUttertoa.- ^^r*^*^*^ maaMMMiat e< Haiflry. Minar, aaaa tortlkli ftJMaa 0«t at tJiifOKehan" (now -nw m«tfaUt L*^/. SJ^iAC^ not aattsfiai «iEh iwo neatMi^a tMa waiOi. undar^ha haad at nsopdaf" lor tha we«k of the lltii «IM BtimUMk tea OAotW- «k% "QutvrikMlaak'^VirM) SMttay BiaOk* meti^.aad W«|£bBc4Mi^ vwa.^alaa Baytfl, wblla" P»itr«' aanouMwa "Thia'a Itr Boy," atarrlng K*^ MortHLB. A» for tba National, it liw a.trled and: tnia. Attarfoc for tlia.,<nirrent week fa* 'Xbllipop,** which atara Ada-Majr.' ^ut evan this houao baa a aew "brain ebild" for tha wOak o; tha irtli^ wKan David Balaaco l)i-'in«a, KfOaorO Olrto. la ''Baram" itnto xiur -aatdat^- WiUfauM Courtanar la the featured^ playar' in Mlas tJMcli 'aupporv Jaek QirrUin^ nianaliar o' 'fCntaaVwlU. Ibbk ha rsmain hr tha *VrdWfa-Up -Babiaa' pany. Jack ranc In an axtra aild-^ nlfht election ataow Oa themi but aarrad a raproadr backstasa tbi^t aQuared thinca. all around^ .'. •• >v la aooit to have a ipnalcal OQiqed^ produced eatlrdtr -irltirm ca»t4Ba#«ki9 a( KovacwAyt amplo^ea. JTM lafunot f^raaUeat' wQi- tarn o«' fU IKhU to harpoie tiia • ebow.-* ■■■'-' - -■" "-",••' lUi f= !!te JVj i t jf.' it- If f9^ want a saw m^Av^ mJ jt^mtdjt, we vlU wnte it.^ AND mikLEAN 614 Gayet^ Tlieatra BMg., Phoha LaaioMMiana UM, CurrMU' barftadaa: /Tamptllttona of !»»«=" (OajriS) And rKMdUw In addiyM' t<8» Cohtmbla's "Chn Cbfa Chow.r tba othia hp<Uaajtre otarlac: Matrti^taiga^MSfTki- - — - - "a|g^^'t*i» ; Da«(M. maAga ("Secratirj- JOMfc^' rTo»an«a''); raUoa. . ": BlObd." • xatloa Of a ohonu to co-operate Ip tha Baetboven Choral BjnltphOnjr to ba . arodnoad bare aaxt January, Kr. Hubar anbonacAd that ha baa aOcVfod Baary Hadtey ta> direct tba Baltlmoro'lijrmpboay Orchastra coo- eart for Febrnar*;-. , . „» f - • "ji i*^.' '--''■■'--''■. • ' , I/aa MoLaticbUa, aaalstant nian^ a<er of the Hippodrome, arranged a neat tie-up with ^Jooaldepartment atore racentljr. it raaultad to two- day fuH-page advartlaMAanta In tba preas In connection with "MlM Phyalcal Culture." tha.iylcFadden pupil baadllnad at the Hipp. Robert Kyla, apecial exploitation S»an for the rirat National, arra&sOd arltb Dr. Weat, aai^bCesdont ot- a«aiQola, On a prirata MbaWlas of. lUncoln' at the RlvoU prevloua to tba public abowtaff. tik^ biMird of ed|icatioB anA'Ht.pri^pJaw'war^ tba cwaat*. . r..-v-.- .""^ SJtlt FKUCISCO «fc=- P^y^X. lt..aAmV Bill. f^iiMpIaco; Nov. 11. WXtf'fM hia stock com pahy -aipaaad Amday night at the Xloacaa wUu tliair paediiotUMi of "Vhv. Cat Md tha Canary.^ H6at cbrco. : In tbaViaitc .-^'Do^otby ■"■- La'Marr, Oedk^;;Ii«fflnsw«ll.. I^ii}pb ^Curphy; If^uriof JsVankUn, David BALtQUtORE . '■ " •y^-.v^'P:' ' AinHTqHnTH«-<-rba^'a Vj Boy.? W>RDS^"Near BrOMba:* ; ,» ■ 'ACA9EMT—tMrk.-^ ' •. -J- ''i "."' tYclcyM—t&ir oodaira • HIAateaU (Aa^halfli. ''j •• • ^r; \■ 1 feraliata ifitf rteI^ry I^inmdr^, Th? t ^^t^^S^r'^'^S^fe^ I ?^-'^*l?'-^:"^ WHla^ Play w*. OAT^Crr-Clid^na f)^-; (Mutufl); <!«N*nBtil^C30iP-«CaIiaitet.. ^^^^ VAOABMlRV ■•iO^ilafiaif*' ■""■ '•■■■«■ > 'c*~r^ : '■ '■'* *"■'• Frederick IL" Hiil|tt-, municipal munio director, !relttrtted recently teqn a. oenfq^c4; Witb. WaUor Damroech In regard, to the orcaqi- '/..'/ ' ' ' I - ii t' ii lfi' i j- • ■'■» PRESS UNANIMOUS Grealeftt Band Act in Vaiideville aa azoallent. Onet and W(U received by a eroardad. ^ouae. Baslaesa aeems to be'boldlttr ita own. . Mrs, EUta H. 'Waatoia, In «hkrgQ of booking for Aekerman* & H^rls, haa been strlckan with pneumonia. Geptge Ratfillira. of the clrculVs L<tt Angeiea oflnce, /ta -han^aff boOkUlgB 'pending her fe^oi^ry. Will Aobrey,. t^or. haa tttUt sicnad by WIU Klas ^oappMur in. the aakt Stnukdrrayva.'; ;■ - ■. '» > i i «; i T. I '• , ■' h' . '-. ... WILUAMimaiidlllS(Nt(KlM in "THE RHBELIJPP §1J ^iritli HERMAN and ISAMIMY TlMB^^S, n ■ ^.-W^ ,'^v i'V ^s;t: -.^1 M a O H N E L-- <":■'■ ■ yr. *■■■ ^> V ■- ':■ •15.^ .^^^?^*J-''■'y-'i"' ''^^F^* JJCWWAJ^^ Tra«.'p«t" ^fae raataurant. dealgnatad by the fece|Tar. Irwin Jordan Roaa, Inc., tha ad- vertlalnc a^mtoy ^bleta waa ona of the . patltknUdg oredltora witb a tl.TM datfi, Uad a aupptomeatary apUMPit urgtiv that tba bualneas i>e oontinuad for the beat interest of all ooaoWaad. termfng it "one of the nicaat chop auoy piacaa on Broadway;'*''' i' * Tba plaea haa l|l>,M* dopoaited as rant aaourity and'owaa for the October, 1M4, rant, Aow the aub- Ject of a Municipal Court, auit. William Tee and Oaorga Wong are tba ownara of tba Oanena.' Ovarhaad Cut Dawn Nfigotlatip|i8 are reported «a for the traoafer of the Oardana'to tha aa<l8f^tion of creditora. It these are aoaaiiniBMaad |ba racaivar will W'tbdraw; otharwiiM ho iiioiay order t<ie place iMS at auetloa unleaa It ran ahow a l^hMlt^'un&t^ his direc- tion. TSba OTtrhead la aald to have b«en eat dbwn 4t»> ■ w> ably ataoo tb«' receiver took charge. Buaiaeaa waa reported averaging arotmd t400 daily undar ita Aral atanacasMBt Th« kitohan crew la aatd t^ hava been three timaa tba raqulrad aiwtbar for that aoiouot ot twialnofa. .7 the botal corporation haa Itablllt aggregating |tl,000 as agalnat lie,- 000 aaseta.. The ratea Hotel leaae ha* 4* yeara to run. It la urgad that th*' recalverabip will see the enterpriaa through aucGeasfully. Robert H. Oay waa appointed receiver under <S,00# bond by Judge Ooddard. Two Hotela In Traubla BAMBOO '• •* <Continued from page 1) ' Orating and furnishing ^le plaice coat $8S.e00. It seau l.QiOO people Mnd the size of tri» restauraitt ft ]r«parted tDLluive worked agalnirt It. , Operated By Qilneae, the Oar- tina^ haa , Cfiibbarf' jitockholdera U U aaid tl^rou^hout the country. Ita-.waiter^-were stockholders, up to $1^0 .or inore. When Judge Cof- Jey called to assume omclfil charso' .of the-restaurant thO wattera de-! apribed themselvea . aa "partner'a" Vid refused to accept ordera from' h/m. It waa. naoMaary to call In an interpreter to explain to the res- Uurant force-th4. U. 8. Court had Jta^(^ charge j>f the business. "Nieaat Oi^'8uay Placa* A Caucasian Vaataurateur. Wll-' liam Werner, is aatiVely condi^ctlpt - Indlraetiy. tba Chlaaaa' orase on oadway ia tba cauae of the In-; eluntary patitlok la bankruptcy' aied laat weak agalm^.tha padfllac ^otel Corp., which op«n|tea both the Cadillac and Tatea boto]«->a We^t, 42d street and Broadway< Tba leas-- Ing by the hotel manasamaat of, the entire second floor to a Cbineae ayndlcato for the new OblqaUuid iraiiaurant which opened laat wiak, immediately eauafd tba'landlord to serve notice of «ane«aa^lon of the ledse becaUae pi hi|i;,ob)«letIon to tha us* of that' floor $at raataurant pitr- poaes. A dtspaaaeaa-fttit • Is pond- ing In the New York Smb^nna Court a* a result, The three patmolilat -creditors wlti^ claipu totaUat tl.Mt. nnage Major Cinil Laindorf haa the aen* aation of Timea 8<iuare In a foretga made Empire body to hia Marcedee (iar. The Interior of the aedan looka like a daUcataly turpiabad boudoii> Ita body is of grao^l linea and be- oomaa a center of aa admiring kroup wharavor it atopo. Tbf car waa made tor « King o( Barope. and la aald to have cost |1S,06« In Oar-* many. Over bora It'a doubtful, with tba Mareedea obaaaCa. If it eould b* dairtioatad flor |Sf,00«. Brovgbt over bj!'^ ralaftlva of tba oi^cbial ownai'. I^or ^^otadorf aacured it at a bar*. aeer 7A# OcMnffan ^ a f^ttUUttt I Mill tt«id» (A« Ctntr* ot tho] Stag» 5=5^^^*=== Ja|iaii^ Ad D. INp- THIS WEEK {Uav. 10>, B: r. IWAUAJhamlbr :. 'vit,u>^; . ■^^t^'KrWW'Y«|r ^.^^^c!^^J&^=^ ^^^ Dir^ti CHARLES::^^ BIKRBAUER U'- ' * "" •■ . '■ ■■ ' ■ ' ■ ^ '■ - • ■ ■.■ ' .r. . ,,- . ■ ». . ,; . i . _ , . , u .. , ..I,.., i > ..y^ . . - ^ ,„ , ; . , ; , .^ L^^., l , . 1 , 1 , , I , ■ I L ,,1", '.'. ..' \, ARCHIE ^nd GERTIE RALLS '?^#' .•-.:;.^^\., -^A few: hard K^iOCKS^^*^^^^^-^^^^ ■ I THIS^ WEEK itfm. Id). Kdtli's RirM-nde, N«w York ,■ ms NE^tTWEEK^No^.^Ty.k^illiiVBuahwick, Brooklyn' -.^ ■T^ .>.».ji*itS>wi£S>.tJ.-.»v,: K'li>Ja>i»^l.'.£.V>^<L.£*.tf 91'^i^^'l'.aJ/kjw'-.^'iUib.- ^^•^fAZ,-^:iiii..^r